British Library delegate list

[Pages:10]DCDC15 delegate list

Philip Helen Stephanie Aquiles Adi Shabeena Christina Jane Richard Apostolos Sarah Kostas Jenna Adrian Andre Gaynor Yasmeen Jade Lizzy Fran John Maxine Richard Shauna Arantza Rachel Fabiana Samuel Ian Tess Robert Martin Rachel Carolyn Andrew Frances Benjamin Elisabeth Catherine Helen Robert Oliver Kevin Alison Rachel Jane Richard Gary Paula Lisa Clem Geoff Daniel Victoria Caroline

Abbott Adams Alder Alencar--Brayner Alter Anait Anastasopoulou Anderson Anteney Antonacopoulos Arkle Arvanitis Ashton Autton Avorio Bagnall Baig--Clifford Bailey Baker Baker Balean Bamber Bapty Barrett Barrutia--Wood Bartholomew Barticioti Bartle Baxter Baxter Baxter Bazley Beckett Beckford Beeby Bell Bennett Bennett Berry Bleck Bley Bliss Bolton Boyle Bracha Bramwell Bramwell Brannan Brikci Broadest Brohier Browell Brown Brown Brown

Royal Armouries Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford Manchester City Football Club The British Library Ex Libris Group Arts Council England

TNA Icam Archive Systems Ltd University of Salford Bodleian Libraries University of Manchester The University of Manchester Westminster City Archives Alexander Street University of Salford Vivid Projects Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre East Riding Archives The University of Manchester TopFoto -- Photoconsortium Archives+ University of Glasgow Shakespeare's Globe University of Sheffield University of Central Lancashire London School of Economics and Politics Science (LSE) East Riding of Yorkshire Council University Campus Suffolk

Cumbria Archive Service Martin Bazley & Associates University of Manchester Library Gale Cengage Durham University Self--employed Scottish Council on Archives Swansea University Adam Matthew East Lothian Council Museums Service Ex Libris UK Ltd. Arts Council England MCC Arts Council England World ORT Archive Tate Gallery Innovative University of York Arts Council England Rotherham MBC The National Archives King's College London Cambridge Archive Editions Scottish Council on Archives University of Dundee, Culture and Information

Claire Victoria Alexandrina Jenny Judy Lucie Emma Helen Adele Stella Louise Ruth Sarah Annabelle Catriona Maria Fiona Dru Emilie Alia Colin Jonathan Seth Joanne Simon Romy Melanie Jenny Polly Sarah Peter Caroline John Gaynor John Sarah Karen Sarah Ella John Siobhan Jemma Tahlia Phil Helen Dan Rachael Ana Rita Laura Gawain Joanne Debbie Sally Jess Susan Alan Ellen

Brunnen Bryant Buchanan Bunn Burg Burgess Burgham Burton Bush Butler Butler Cammies Campbell Campbell Cannon Carmo Carr Carruthers Carruthers Carter Carter Cates Cayley Chamberlain Chaplin Cheeseman Cheung Childs Christie Chubb Chymera Claisse Clark Clarkson Coburn Colborne Colbron Cole Cole Collins Convery Conway Coombs Cooper Cooper Copley Corver Costa Cowdrey Cox Cox Cox Crawford Crilly Croft Crookham Cross

University of Westminster Worcestershire County Council University of Liverpool University College London Durham University University of Oxford University of Bradford, Special Collections Keele University Library Rambert Archive Leeds University Library Adam Matthew The Open University: Library Services Central Saint Martins Crafts Council Royal Opera House

Alexander Street Press The Lowry The National Galleries of Scotland South West London & St Georges Mental Health Trust Innovative The National Archives Gale, part of Cengage Learning The Atkinson Wellcome Trust Victoria Theatre Collection / Staffordshire University RLUK University of Birmingham Glasgow School of Art Derbyshire County Council British Library Sheffield Hallam University London Borough of Enfield Archives+ Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums University of Nottingham Manuscripts and Special Collections Jisc TIME/IMAGE The Whitaker Museum and Art Gallery CCS University of Aberdeen Barnsley Arts, Museums and Archives LB Hackney Surrey County Council University of Central Lancashire Knowsley Council The National Archives University of Coimbra The National Archives Royal Air Force Museum The British Library British Library University of Oxford UAL Unfinished Histories The National Gallery Lincolnshire Archives

Sue Ellis Alison Marta Steffi Ruth Mary Howard Adrian Jake Cor Katie Allie Simon Belinda Mark Jodie Kate Fiona Jane Hayley Andy Rob Megan Maria Jessica Anna Rachael Laura Bethany Sarah Jo James Maria Mike Shaun Lucy Alexandra Carolyn Haas Yasmin Becky Rosalind Alana Emma Christine Penny Laura Rosario Gil Kirsty Elizabeth Joanne Gordon Julia Neil Paul

Crossley Crowe Cullingford Dabrowka Dance--Groom Darling Davies Davies Davies Davies de Graaf Dent Dillon Dixon Dixon Dorrington Double Doughty Douglas Dowie Du--Buisson Duck Dunbar Dunmall Echarte Edwards Edwards Egan Elliott Elliott Ellison--Masser Elsworth Emery Erskine Evans Evans Evans Eveleigh Ewing Ezzet Faghihi Farmer Farr Farrell Farrer Faunch Feltham Ferguson Fernandez Fewings Fife Figura--Drane Fitton Fletcher Florin Forbes Forster

Wellcome Trust St George's Chapel Archives University of Bradford National Galleries of Scotland Historic England, South East

University College London The National Archives Nottingham City Museums & Galleries Iconic Productions ELO Share Academy Bristol Record Office David Wilson Library, University of Leicester Belinda Dixon Media Ltd University of Nottingham University of Leeds University of Reading University of Leeds Warwickshire County Record Office Stockport MBC Bruynzeel Storage Systems Ltd Heatherwick Studio Middle Temple Archive Acme Studios Gale, part of Cengage Learning International Anthony Burgess Foundation University of Glasgow Imperial College London Shakespeare Birthplace Trust The Public Catalogue Foundation University of Bristol Theatre Collection Penarth Library Nottingham City Museums and Galleries Historic England

Bodleian Library University of Westminster Culture Coventry Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford Cambridge University Library Wigan Archives and Archives+ Gloucestershire Archives Royal College of Physicians BBC University of Exeter British Council Gallery Oldham Goldsmiths University St Mark and St John Parliamentary Archives Norfolk Record Office University of Leeds Salford business school Royal College of Nursing Coventry University PEEL Interactive

Ceri Rachel Jane Lynne Claire Christopher Cat Gillian David Jane Jessica Laura Frits Steve Grazia Giulia David Stephanie Meghan Katey Matt Charlotte Terence David Jessica Alison Lisa Matt Marie Neil Vicky Janet Caroline Gill Katherine Toni Paul Clare Andrea Sabine Melinda Richard Ashleigh Jenny Arlene David Becky Margaret Christy Marion Kate Richard Jenny Nick Elaine Adriaan Stephen Sarah

Forster Foss Fowler Fox Frankland Fryer Fuller Furlong Gaffney Gallagher Gardner Gardner Garritsen Giannoni Giganti Gill Gilluly Goodeve Goodwin Goodwin Goss Gould Govier Green Green Greenhalgh Greenhall Griffiths Grindley Grindrod Gunning Hall Hamilton Hannaford Hardy Harrison Harrison Hart Hartmann Haunton Hawkins Hawkins Haynes Healy Heelas Hemsley Henderson Henshaw Hewitt Higgins Higgins Higham Hiley Hill Hofman Holden Holmes

Museum of Science and Industry The British Library Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance University of Sheffield London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Houses of Parliament Wolverhampton Art Gallery University College London Arts Council University of Kent University of Bristol University of Bristol Theatre Collection Sound & Vision Publishers BV EBSCO National Galleries of Scotland Heritage, Information & Digital Services Manager Lincolnshire Archives The Courtauld Institute of Art Public Catalogue Foundation Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre Royal Air Force Museum National Galleries Scotland Manchester Central Library Wiener Library Central Saint Martins Cheshire Archives & Local Studies The National Archives University of Salford Jisc West Yorkshire Archive Service Durham Cathedral Blackpool Council National Library of Scotland Iconic Productions Wellcome Trust University of Central Lancashire Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Natural History Museum The British Library The National Archives University of Wolverhampton University of Liverpool Wellcome Trust The Library of Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin Hull History Centre Warwickshire County Record Office University of Liverpool Wellcome Trust North West Film Archive, Manchester Met University London School of Economics Durham University Library University of Liverpool University of Kent Mid and East Antrim Pyjamarama HERItag Ltd. Sarah Stephens Photography

Peter Farhana Birgitta Rachel Susan Amy Malcolm Bill Deborah Lorna Isobel Wendy Rhian Francesca Roger Claire Jeff Natalie Hartmut Sarah Andrew Pawel Emma Yvette Chloe Valerie Ellie Huw Perdita Danielle Lalita Foteini Faridha Sarah Alison Adi Aodhan Sophie Maureen David William Robert Damien Trevor Chris Rachel Thalia Claire Maria Ryan Renee Paul Dylan Jane Richard Yuwei Kirsten

Hopkins Hoque Hosea Hosker Howard Howe Howitt Hubbard Hughes Hughes Hunter Hunwick--Brown Isaac Issatt Ivens Izzard James James Janczikowski Jane Janes Jaskulski Jay Jeal Jeffries Johnson Jones Jones Jones Joyce Kaplish Karagianni Karim Kay Kay Keinan--Schoonbaert Kelly Kembrey Kendal Kenyon Kilbride Kiley Kimberley King Kirby Kirkwood Knight Knowles Kutar Kyle LaDue Lamey Lawson Legget Lewis Lin Loach

UWTSD ProQuest Central Saint Martins University of Edinburgh Yorkshire Film Archive UCL Institute of Education Axiell Jisc London Metropolitan Archives School of Advanced Study The National Archives Ripon Museum Trust Leeds Library and Information Service Herbert Art Gallery and Museum Coventry Oldham Local Studies & Archives Rambert Archive The National Archives The Collections Trust CCS Content Conversion Specialists GmbH Falmouth University & University of Exeter Penryn Campus The National Archives Norfolk Record Office The National Archives The University of Manchester Library Brunel University London The National Archives Exeter Cathedral Cambridge University Library Tower Hamlets Local History Library & Archives University of Worcester Research Collections Wellcome Trust

London Metropolitan Archives The Bletchley Park Trust National Railway Museum British Library University of Antwerp -- DiXiT Network Stockport MBC London Metropolitan University Bletchley Park Trust Digital Preservation Coalition Wellcome Trust Culture Coventry Zeutschel UK Ltd Culture Coventry University of Manchester Library Royal College of Surgeons of England University of Edinburgh Salford Business School TownsWeb Archiving Society of Antiquaries of London The National Archives Wigan Archives / Archives+ Auckland Museum Dudley Archives and Local History Service University for the Creative Arts Manchester Metropolitan University

Sam Marta Anne Jennifer John Sheena Rachel Steve Pete Mahendra Sarah Sejul Tamsin Gabriella Paola Donna Mark Gemma Gillian Clancy Jennifer Vicci Clive Bernard Christina Mary Kristopher Rachel Paddy Lisa Jan Mike Patricia Alex Peter Virginia Jessica Caroline Antonia Andrew Tori Moore Alice Alina Alex Tina Michelle Brian Patrick Rachel Julie Chris Owen Gillian Adrian Peta Rita Margaret jenny

Lockyer Lomza Lovejoy Lynch MacColl Macfarlane MacGregor Mackey Maggs Mahey Mahurter Malde Mallett Mann Marchionni Marshall Marshall Martin Mason Mason Mason McCann McGoun McGrath McGregor McKenzie McKie McLean McNulty McQuillan Merchant Mertens Methven Miller Miller Mills Minshull Molloy Moon Moore Moore Moore Morosanu Morrison Morton Morton Moss Mulhearn Mullaney Mumby Munday Murphy Murphy Murphy--Burke Musa Myerscough Naldrett

Iconic Productions Oxford University Archives South Gloucestershire Council Parliamentary Archives University of St Andrews Oldham Council Lancaster University Arkivum Ltd Lancaster University The British Library University of the Arts London Culture24 Cornwall Record Office National Galleries of Scotland Jisc Mercers' Company Sheffield Hallam University St George's Chapel Archives The Bletchley Park Trust Blackpool Library Service West Sussex Record Office Lancashire Archives MMU The John Rylands Library Crafts Council Shropshire Archives Seven Stories, National Centre for Childrens Books LJMU Paddy McNulty Associates Library of the Religious Society of Friends University of Dundee, Culture and Information DARIAH--EU King's College London Wigan Council University of Liverpool Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Cheshire Archives Coventry University British Library University of Sheffield The Lowry British Library Royal Armouries Cogapp The National Archives Royal Shakespeare Company

Rachel Mulhearn Associates Ltd

The National Archives The National Archives London School of Economics Horniman Museum and Gardens Arts Council England Wigan Council Stockport Council The National Archives

Kanokporn Heather James Ariela Steven Sue Keri Daisy Kate Andrew Judy Joanna Nick Jennifer Leigh Irene Alice Margaret Sarah Kay Arike Edwin Tom Elizabeth Lis Juhee Julie Emma Emma Roma James Kerry Lynne Suzanne Andrew Caroline Alison Maureen Colin James Jacqueline Daniella Carrie Carrie Nia Georgina Geoff Paul Andrew James Kevin Robert Steve Simon Sarah Maria Sarah Tim

Nasomtrug Needham Neill Netiv Newman Nichols Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nicoll Nokes Norledge Nourse Novotny O'Brien O'Brien O'Hanlon O'Sullivan O'Sullivan Oakley Oke Orsel Overton Oxborrow--Cowan Parcell Park Parry Parsons Parviainen Patel Patterson Patterson Pattinson Paul Payne Peach Pearn Pennock Penny Perkins Peterson Petrelli Philip Philip Phillips Phipps Pick Pickard Pielorz Plant Poole Poole Popple Prescott Press Price Procter

University of Liverpool Hampshire Archives and Local Studies Mercers' Company Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken University of York, York Minster Library Heritage of the Altrincham Area Lancashire Archives People's History Museum Northumbria University Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments for Scotland The National Archives British Library University of Bristol University of Glasgow Western Australian Museum Scottish Council on Archives Heatherwick Studio

Clyde and Avon Valley Landscape Partnership The National Archives Rambert Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken

Elizabeth Oxborrow--Cowan Associates Ltd Jisc UCL People's History Museum Emma Parsons Consulting National Galleries of Scotland University of Nottingham Media Archive for Central England The University of Glasgow Blackpool Council Cambridge University Library The National Archives Preservation Matters Ltd Darwin Correspondence Project, University of Cambridge British Library Lancashire County Council British Library

Sheffield Hallam University Ripon Museum Trust

Adam Matthew Taylor & Francis London Metropolitan Archives DCDC15 conference photographer The Lowry / Quaytickets Wrexham Archives and Local Studies Uclan UWE Bristol School of media and communication, University of leeds University of Leeds The National Archives of Sweden Durham University Library National Railway Museum

David Joseph Helen Liz Helen Jo Natalie Hannah Lin Jules Lorna Lesley Ramona Anna Gwen Sean Rose Naomi Sarah Helen John Dave Karen Cathal Mike Jennifer Bethan Lara Karen John Lorraine Virginia Pamela Pat Adam Jodie Sarah Ruth Anne Sarah Katharine Amy Claire Deborah Steve Susie Lianne Melanie David Eve Gareth Lisa Ian Fleur Jane Sam Sarah

Prosser Pugh Randle Rees Rees Leahy Reilly Rhodes Rice Rice Rich Richardson Richmond Riedzewski Riggs Riley Jones Rippington Roberto Roberts Roberts Roberts Robinson Robinson Robson Rogers Rogers Ross Ruddock Salinas Sayers Scally Screene Seddon Sepulveda Sewell Shaw Shaw Shaw Sheret Sherman Shooter Short Simpson Skinner Skinner Slack Slattery Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Snook Snowley Soper Speller Sportun Spurrier

RLUK University of York / The National Archives BBC Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums University of Manchester Heritage Lottery Fund Touchstones Rochdale Arts and Heritage Centre Hull History Centre Knowsley MBC Lincolnshire Archives University of Umea, Sweden University of Glasgow V&A Department of Theatre and Performance Bath Abbey The John Rylands Library University of St Andrews National Museums Scotland

Denbighshire Archives University of Surrey SOAS, University of London Things University of Southampton Keele University Lincolnshire Archives Imperial war Museum Jisc Lancaster University (The Creative Exchange) University of Leeds National Library of Scotland Queen Mary University of London New Vic Theatre Archive Whitechapel Gallery West Yorkshire Archive Service Cheshire Archives & Local Studies ISCAN English Heritage Newcastle University Cheshire West & Chester Pennine Horizons De Montfort University Adam Matthew Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre Nottingham Trent University

Collections Trust King's College London Archives Rambert Dance Company University of Huddersfield Royal Holloway/V&A Museum EBSCO Worcesteshire Archive and Archaeology Service The University of Lincoln The National Archives

Manchester Museum Museum Development East Midlands


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