English 302: Worksheet on Chapter 1 - WKU

English 302: Worksheet on Chapter 1

1. Underline the bound morphemes in the following words:

readjust confusing prearrange decode happiness greater coeducational deactivated

2. Underline the inflectional suffixes in the following words:

walking fallen students harder Heather’s studies craziest crammed jams teachers’

3. Choose the correct inflectional form for the following words:

EXAMPLE: one boy has a room = the boy’s room

One girl has a room = The restroom for men =

One man has a room = The restroom for women =

One student has a room = Two students have a room together =

One lady has two shoes = The restroom for ladies=

4. Underline the auxiliary verbs in the following sentences. Some may not have auxiliary verbs.

This class is starting to get interesting. At first I was thinking of taking another class, but

now I am thinking of staying put. I did go to the office and I had intended to drop the class;

however, suddenly I thought perhaps I needed this class. Although I was having second

thoughts, I finally decided I was just being foolish. I will stay in the class. My mind is

made up.

5. Circle the prepositions in #4.

6. Label the words in each sentence with these abbreviations: N, V, Adj, Adv, Conj, Pro, Aux,

Prep, Det:

Det N Prep Det Adj N V Det N

EXAMPLE: The man in the blue suit is a seismologist.

The student with the auburn hair was at the game yesterday.

The children are visiting the zoo.

Andrea takes cream in her coffee, but she prefers a shot of cognac in it after dinner.

Worksheet #2 for Chapter 1: Label each word with the abbreviations: N, V, Adj, Adv, Conj,

Pro, Aux, Prep, or Det.

1. Mr. Hellstrom sent a generous contribution to his favorite charity.

2. Grandfather has built an addition to his house.

3. The first day of registration for next term is Wednesday.

4. On the second page of our textbook is a short preface.

5. The driver of the speeding car signaled for a left turn, but then she turned right.

6. The clerk perfunctorily rubber-stamped my passport and let me enter the country.

7. Among the piles of faded old papers were several valuable letters.

8. Your experience certainly qualifies you for the job.

9. The application of a warm compress eased the pain.

10. Clifton looked away and nervously wrung his hands.

11. He then handed me a copy of the letter.

12. Mother had planted some new roses with great care, but they died.

13. My roommate is always offended with the slighest criticism.

14. Between you and me, I need a longer vacation.

15. Our new secretary is intelligent, very well organized, and extremely diplomatic.

IDENTIFYING BASIC PARTS OF SPEECH #1 NAME__________________________

Directions: Identify the part of speech of each italicized word by writing the abbreviation above each word: N, V, Pro, Prep, Adj, Adv, Det., Aux. In the blanks identify each sentence pattern,

using Numbers 1-4:

___ 1. His eyes were partly closed against the glare of the desert sun.

___ 2. The haughty clerk glared at the noisy children.

___ 3. Several of my fellow workers argued noisily against the new contract.

___ 4. Several features of the contract seemed to me unfair.

___ 5. At a fast pace we headed for the exit.

___ 6. After the overhaul the engine will run faster.

___ 7. Our linebackers performed with their customary efficiency.

___ 8. Mrs. Brown customarily attends every opening performance of the symphony.

___ 9. This is Bob Benson with the final news roundup.

___10. Without Mr. Benson this program would be dull.

___11. The application of the ice pack dulled the pain somewhat.

___12. The dullness of the lengthy lecture was a real pain.

___13. Jill looked away and nervously wrung her hands.

___14. He then signed a copy of the letter.

___15. I copied the letter before lunch and hid it in my desk.

___16. Our early arrival distressed the hostess.

___17. We caught the first bus and arrived early.

___18. Every day of the vacation has been carefully planned.

___19. Mother had planned everything with great care.

A REVIEW OF BASIC PARTS OF SPEECH #2 Name __________________________

Directions: Identify each basic part of speech by writing one of these abbreviations above each

italicized word: N, V, Adj, Adv, Pro, Aux, Prep, Det, Conj.

1. Everyone admired your performance.

2. The coach benched the fullback for the remainder of the game.

3. Kochi speaks with a slight accent.

4. The dampness caused the floor to warp.

5. After dinner I watered for plants and gave my dog a bath.

6. The lovely child seemed slightly embarrassed.

7. The voluptuous actress admired herself in the mirror.

8. I have found that patience is a virtue.

9. With great anticipation we awaited the arrival of the bride and bridegroom.

10. I advise you to discuss that problem with your advisor.

11. The boss was scolding Carmina when she decided to quit.

12. Someone from the home office will be here tomorrow.

13. I am still afraid to eat okra.

14. Ugly rumors about police brutality have been surfacing in recent months.

15. Among the old trunks in the attic were many photographs of my grandmother.

16. Directly in front of us stood a man wearing nothing but army boots and a diaper.

17. Our three-night stay in London will always be one of my fondest memories.

18. This latest acquisition will give our company an advantage over all other companies.


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