2009-2010 Concept for Today 2nd ed

2011-2012 Academic year Concept for Today 3rd ed

Vocabulary List

|Unit 1 Ch1 The Paradox of Happiness |

|Active word |Passive word |

|distinct |predisposition |

|flip |recipe (for) |

|coexist |fraternal |

|identical |trait |

|offspring |considerably |

|vary |well-being |

|subjective | |

|component | |

|competence | |

|paradox | |

|genetic | |

|genetics | |

|appear | |

|appearance | |

|avoid | |

|avoidance | |

|exist | |

|existence | |

|resemble | |

|resemblance | |

|assist | |

|assistance | |

|perform | |

|performance | |

|indicate | |

|indication | |

|participate | |

|participant | |

|participation | |

|define | |

|definition | |

|recognize | |

|recognition | |

|imply | |

|implication | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|To back up |(And) vice versa |

|On the other hand |To offer clue on |

|To settle on |To run in the family |

|To play…role in… |To date |

|In terms of |A range of |

|To define…as… |That’s that |

|When it comes to… |To predispose…to… |

|To be responsive to | |

|To participate in | |

|Unit 1 Ch 2 Junior Status: Sharing Dad’s Name a Mixed Bag.(100學年新版) |

|Active word |Passive word |

|annoying, annoyance |hubby |

|certainty |endorsement |

|approval |namesake |

|behavioral |breed |

|junior |omnastics |

|community |Hispanic |

|trend |suffix |

|individual , individualism |slam |

|inconvenience |therapist |

|discover |ultimately |

|identity |forge |

|recall |is underscored |

|invest |glamorous, |

|behavioral | |

|obligation | |

|characteristic | |

|trait | |

|relate | |

|female, feminine , feminized | |

|version | |

|unique, uniqueness | |

|being accused by | |

|substitute | |

|desperately | |

|confuse (v.) ,confusion (n.) | |

|discuss (v.), discussion (n,) | |

|populate (v.), population (n.) | |

|register (v.) , registration (n.) | |

|specialize (v.), specialization (n.) | |

|pressure (n., v.) | |

|bond (n., v.) | |

|value (n., v.) | |

|name (n., v.) | |

|worry (n., v.) | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|live a good life | |

|name after | |

|belong to | |

|not to mention | |

|in general | |

|at least | |

|carry on | |

|used to | |

|worry about | |

|apart from | |

|point out | |

|be aware of | |

|be a good example to | |

|on purpose | |

|Unit 1 Ch 3 The Birth-order Myth |

|Active word |Passive word |

|myth |overrepresent(ed) |

|discredit |disproportionate |

|predictor |self-filling |

|sibling |prophecy |

|supportive (of) |dilute |

|verbal |spacing (between) |

|disadvantage (to) |demographer |

|favor(v) |demography |

|caution (v./n.) | |

|ignore | |

|assume | |

|assume | |

|assumption | |

|radical | |

|radically | |

|folk (adj.) | |

|rival | |

|rivalry | |

|deserve | |

|deserving | |

|encourage | |

|encouragement | |

|achieve | |

|achievement | |

|improve | |

|improvement | |

|state | |

|statement | |

|treat | |

|treatment | |

|competent | |

|competence | |

|intelligent | |

|intelligence | |

|permanent | |

|permanence | |

|significant | |

|significance | |

|different | |

|difference | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|in particular |to wash out |

|to compare…to… |to put…in context |

|on average |to take…out of the context of |

|as for |given that… |

|to jump to conclusions |to put to rest |

|Unit 2 Ch 4 Laughter is the Best Medicine for Your Heart(100學年新版) |

|Active word |Passive word |

|indicate |cardiologists |

|prevent |Preventive Cardiology |

|definitely |impairment |

|appear |endothelium |

|associate |barrier |

|medicine |vessel |

|mental |inflammatory |

|stress |cholesterol |

|associate |build-up |

|reactions |coronary |

|ultimately |artery |

|researcher |coronary |

|participants |artery |

|suffer |bypass |

|surgery. |humorously |

|questionnaire |saturated |

|multiple-choice | |

|implications | |

|hearty | |

|incorporate | |

|recommendation | |

|able(adj.) ability(n.) | |

|active(adj.). Activity(n.) | |

|hostile(adj.) hostility(n.) | |

|possible (adj.) possibility (n.) | |

|responsible (adj.) responsibility (n.) | |

|excellent (adj.) excellence (n.) | |

|negligent (adj.) negligence (n.) | |

|dependent (adj.) Dependence (n.) | |

|important (adj.) importance(adj.) . | |

|significant (adj.) Significance (n.) | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|keep away | |

|along with | |

|protect against | |

|according to | |

|be likely to | |

|in a variety of | |

|compared to | |

|when it comes to | |

|lead to | |

|find out | |

|humorous | |

|find ways to | |

|take oneself( less) seriously | |

|Unit 2 Ch 5 Acupuncture: The New Old Medicine |

|Active word |Passive word |

|prick (v.) |electrode |

|drive (v.) |incense |

|diagnosis |fraction |

|diagnose |Caucasian |

|energetically |twitch (v.) |

|energetic |excruciating |

|practice (v.) |spasm |

|preventive |pinched |

|prevention |hustle (v.) |

|discomfort |neurologist |

|track (n.) |neurology |

|greet | |

|conventional | |

|addiction | |

|addicted (to) | |

|addict (n.) | |

|sensation | |

|stall (n.) | |

|fantasize (about) | |

|fantasy | |

|circulate | |

|circulation | |

|confusing | |

|confuse | |

|symptom | |

|ailment | |

|ail | |

|explain | |

|explanation | |

|recommend | |

|recommendation | |

|stimulate | |

|stimulation | |

|conclude | |

|conclusion | |

|decide | |

|decision | |

|extreme | |

|extremely | |

|strange | |

|strangely | |

|involuntary | |

|involuntarily | |

|adequate | |

|adequately | |

|usual | |

|usually | |

| | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|one way or another |slip into |

|have trouble with |be marked with |

|connect to/with |be oblivious to/of |

|a variety of |seek out |

|in vain | |

|be bothered with | |

|in all | |

|Unit 2 Ch 6 Highs and Lows in Self-esteem |

|Active word |Passive word |

|self-esteem |battering |

|esteem (v) |omnipotence |

|inflated |plummet (v.) |

|inflation |fare (v.) |

|cycle |edge (toward) |

|launch |heady |

|self-regard |fraught (with) |

|hormonal |warfare |

|hormone |spearhead (v.) |

|constant (adj.) |upswing |

|intrigued |vulnerable |

|mass |lifespan |

|superficial |buoyant |

|emerge (from) |intrinsic |

|chaos |descent (n.) |

|enigmatic (to) |crumble (v.) |

|enigma |sullen |

|liken | |

|self-approval | |

|self-approving | |

|approval | |

|approve | |

|adolescence | |

|adolescent | |

|similarity | |

|mixture | |

|feedback | |

|turmoil | |

|withdrawn | |

|predispose | |

|predisposition | |

|peril | |

|perilous | |

|sound (adj.) | |

|novel (adj.) | |

|novelty | |

|overall | |

|senior (n.) | |

|well-being | |

|continuity | |

|tremendous | |

|contribute | |

|contribution | |

|participate | |

|participation | |

|accumulate | |

|accumulation | |

|realize | |

|realization | |

|suggest | |

|suggestion | |

|drop | |

|gain | |

|plunge | |

|survey | |

|range | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|have an impact on |in the throes of |

|speak for |bottom out |

|even if |only to +V |

|coincide with |be predisposed to |

|in charge |bag on oneself |

|to go through |on a … scale |

|show off | |

|contribute to | |

|in jeopardy | |

|Unit 3 Ch7 The Federal System of Government |

|Active word |Passive word |

|initial (adj.) |article |

|assembly |bill |

|restricted |confederation |

|disobey |preside |

|regulate |foreword |

|discontent |undesirable |

|convention |constitutional |

|pioneer (n.) |vigilance |

|individuality |vigilant |

|endanger |colony |

|liberty |colonial |

|inadequate |judiciary |

|option |judicial |

|veto (v./n.) |legislature |

|dominate |legislative |

|domination |senate |

|overall |senator |

|republic | |

|framework | |

|dilemma | |

|representative (n.) | |

|represent | |

|replace | |

|establish | |

|establishment | |

|agree | |

|agreement | |

|replace | |

|replacement | |

|pay | |

|payment | |

|enforce | |

|enforcement | |

|reluctant | |

|reluctance | |

|vigilant | |

|vigilance | |

|resistant | |

|resistance | |

|distant | |

|distance | |

| | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|to agree to/with/upon |the heart and soul of |

|to consist of |to guard against |

|to watch over |in relation to |

|to prevent…from… |to have one’s say about/in |

|as to | |

|to go into effect | |

|to draw upon | |

|regardless of | |

|Unit 3 Ch 8 Teachers Are Key for Students (100學年新版) |

|Active word |Passive word |

|chore |cognitive |

|plain |likelihood |

|conditions |trivially |

|process |hammering |

|challenge |residue |

|maximize |frog |

|rush |dissection |

|satisfaction |anatomy |

|progress |gross |

|simultaneously |pose |

|preparation |auditory |

|engage |kinesthetic |

|pretending |manipulate |

|memory |malleable |

|misplace |genes |

|obviously |adoptive |

|consequences |boost |

|ensure |intellectual |

|constantly |documentary |

|solvable |enriching |

|invite | |

|interpret | |

|visual | |

|evidence | |

|intelligence | |

|inherited | |

|impact | |

|identical | |

|indicate | |

|dominate | |

|underestimate | |

|effect | |

|supportive | |

|emphasize | |

|informative | |

|enormous | |

|trick | |

|opportunity | |

|curious (adj.) curiously (adv.) | |

|mental (adj.) mentally (adv.) | |

|appropriate (adj.) appropriate (adv.) | |

|sensitive (adj.) sensitively (adv.) | |

|vigorous (adj.) vigorously (adv.) | |

|avoid (v.) avoidable (adj.) | |

|advise (v.) advisable (adj.) | |

|predict (v.) predictable (adj.) | |

|vary (v.) variable (adj.) | |

|solve(v.) solvable (adj.) | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|set out to | |

|chat about | |

|after all | |

|get a snap of | |

|so that | |

|in terms of | |

|engage in | |

|develop the habit of | |

|looking for | |

|Unit 3 Ch 9 The Pursuit of Excellence |

|Active word |Passive word |

|abiding |Clientele |

|perceive |egalitarian |

|appropriate (to) |collegian/collegiate |

|potential (n./adj.) |counterpart |

|compassionate |hallmark |

|impulse |subsequently |

|infinite |surrounding (adj./n.) |

|upgrade (v.) |communal |

|luxury | |

|afford(v.) | |

|comparable | |

|proceed | |

|pursue | |

|pursuit | |

|dwindle | |

|dwindling | |

|drain | |

|draining | |

|elite (adj./n.) | |

|elitism | |

|privilege | |

|privileged | |

|rigor | |

|rigorous | |

|conception | |

|concept | |

|individual | |

|individuality | |

|creative | |

|creativity | |

|diverse | |

|diversity | |

|national | |

|nationality | |

|flexible | |

|flexibility | |

|independent | |

|independence | |

|different | |

|difference | |

|dominant | |

|dominance | |

|excellent | |

|excellence | |

|important | |

|importance | |

| | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|to stand to + V |to soak up |

|to reach out to |be answerable to |

|to take…for granted |to come down to |

|all but | |

|to put emphasis on | |

|be composed of | |

|for all | |

|Unit 4 Ch 10 Antarctica: Whose Continent is it Anyway? |

|Active word |Passive word |

|extend |frigid |

|remote |tract |

|prize (v.) |lure |

|jeopardize |frontier |

|jeopardy |contend |

|deprive |attribute (n.) |

|deprivation |ultimately |

|ban (v./n.) |treaty |

|estimate (v./n.) |annex (v.) |

|equatorial |irresistible |

|equator |treasure (v.) |

|geophysical |protocol |

|geophysics |inhospitable |

|thirst (for) |breakaway (adj.) |

|thirsty |ozone |

|bind (v.) |pose (v.) |

|conflicting |commercial (adj.) |

|conflict (v./n.) | |

|ruin (n./v.) | |

|vital (to) | |

|isolation | |

|isolate | |

|glacial | |

|glacier | |

|questionable | |

|pollute | |

|pollution | |

|preserve | |

|preservation | |

|food chain | |

|sovereignty | |

|sovereign | |

|ecological | |

|ecology | |

|spectacular | |

|employ | |

|employment | |

|establish | |

|establishment | |

|govern | |

|government | |

|manage | |

|management | |

|equip | |

|equipment | |

|reflect | |

|reflection | |

|reduce | |

|reduction | |

|deplete | |

|depletion | |

|exploit | |

|exploitation | |

|negotiate | |

|negotiation | |

| | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|set aside |lock… away… |

|so far |to come to a head |

|far from |wind down |

|except for |teem with |

|fall in love with | |

|dismiss …as.. | |

|take effect | |

|restrict from | |

|Unit 4 Ch11 A Messenger from the Past |

|Active word |Passive word |

|messenger |find (n.) |

|celebrity |kindling |

|tattoo (v./n.) |artifact |

|backpack |autopsy |

|ancestral |chromosome |

|ancestor |rightly |

|sensational |remnant |

|sensation |expedition |

|anthropologist |quiver |

|anthropology |trench |

|insulate |waterlogged |

|insulation |literally |

|gear (n.) |all-purpose |

|possession |flint |

|possess |the elements |

|evolutionary |thaw |

|evolution |specimen |

|tissue | |

|resign | |

|archeological | |

|archeology | |

|perspective | |

|stable | |

|stability | |

|fragile | |

|insulate | |

|insulation | |

|demonstrate | |

|demonstration | |

|explore | |

|exploration | |

|preserve | |

|preservation | |

|destroy | |

|destruction | |

|alert | |

|repair | |

|return | |

|release | |

|damage | |

| | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|for the time being |release one’s hold on |

|emerge from |turn up |

| |in the course of |

| |voice a concern |

| |puzzle out |

| |add … to |

| |far and away |

| |make a statement about |

|Unit 4 Ch 12 Is Time Travel Possible? |

|Active word |Passive word |

|matter (n.) |metronome |

|stretch |galaxy |

|obsession |condemned |

|obsessed |baffled |

|measureable |accelerate |

|measure |relativity |

|rotation |humanity |

|rotate |sundial |

|object (n.) |infinitesimal |

|calculation |elapse (v.) |

|calculate |innumerable |

|fraction |voyager |

|commit |particle |

|assassination |hourglass |

|assassinate |warp |

|atomic |trek |

|atom |bewildered |

|curve (v.) |twist (n.) |

|core | |

|reversal | |

|reverse (v./adj.) | |

|speculate | |

|speculation | |

|ongoing | |

|consequence | |

|capture | |

|preferably | |

|projection | |

|project (v.) | |

|gravitational | |

|gravity | |

|skeptic | |

|skeptical | |

|alternative | |

|abstraction | |

|abstract | |

|experiment | |

|experimental | |

|cause | |

|causal | |

|survive | |

|survival | |

|arrive | |

|arrival | |

|avoid | |

|avoidance | |

|resist | |

|resistance | |

|accept | |

|acceptance | |

|insist | |

|insistence | |

|exist | |

|existence | |

| | |

|Active phrases |Passive phrases |

|for …purpose |on the move |

|keep an open mind about |on a quest |

|so…that… |wander through |

|back and forth | |

|have access to | |

|under way | |

|add up to | |

|apart from | |


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