Adjective Clauses

[Pages:11]Adjective Clauses

Explanation and Practice

Compiled and Edited by Marwa El Deeb

What is an Adjective?

? An Adjective describes a noun.

Remember nouns can either be subjects, objects or objects of prepositions.

Which words are adjectives?


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What is an Adjective Clause?

? An Adjective clause is a dependent clause (dependent word + subject and verb) that describes a noun.

? You can imagine that an adjective clause is taking two sentences about the same noun and making them into one sentence.


TheRpoousttec6a6rdissaholownsgarobaeda.utiful vista of the Grecian coaThstilsinroea. d goes from Chicago to California. I boRuoguhtet t6h6eispaosltocnagrdro. ad that goes from Chicago to TheCpaolisftocrnairad. which I bought shows a beautiful vista of the Grecian coastline.

Subject Relative Pronouns

? We use relative pronouns to create dependent clauses.

? The relative pronoun replaces the word in common between the two sentences.

? Sometimes, the relative pronoun will be the subject of the dependent clause.

Examples: Subject Relative Pronouns

Route 66 is a longPerooapdle.: Who or That

This road goTheins gfrsoomr CAnhimcaaglso: WtohCicahliofor rTnhia.t

Route 66 is a longProassdestshivaet :gWoehos sfreom Chicago to California.

Object Relative Pronouns

? Sometimes, the relative pronoun will replace the object in the dependent clause or the object of a preposition.

? To connect this type of clause, the relative pronoun must be moved to the front of the clause ? in front of the subject.

Examples: Object Relative Pronouns

The postcardPsehoopwles:aWbheoamu,tiWfulhvoisotar Tohfatht e Grecian coastline. Things or Animals: Which or That I bought the postcPaorsds.essive: Whose The postcard which I bought shows a beautiful vista of the Grecian coastline.

Things to Remember

? The relative pronoun replaces the noun ? don't use it and the noun in the dependent clause.

? Example:

? The postcard is pretty. I bought the postcard.

Incorrect: The postcard which I bought the postcard is pretty.

Correct: The postcard which I bought is pretty.

? The relative pronoun must be next to the word it describes.

? Example:

? Incorrect: The sharks opened their mouths while they swam by the boat which were full of sharp teeth.

? Correct: The sharks opened their mouths which were full of sharp teeth while they swam by the boat.

Things to Remember

? Formal written English: In formal, academic English in adjective clauses with object relative pronouns, for people, we use whom. In adjective clauses with an object of a preposition, bring the preposition forward and use whom or which.

? Example: Jack London, whom I admire, wrote a lot of short stories. ? Rather than: Jack London, who I admire, wrote a lot of short stories.

? Example: The presidency is the position to which many politicians aspire. ? Rather than: The presidency is the position that many politicians aspire to.

Things to Remember

? You must understand whether or not the dependent clause is essential information or extra information in the understanding of the noun. This impacts the meaning and the punctuation.

? Essential clauses are also called identifying or restrictive. We DO NOT use commas with these clauses.

? Extra clauses are also called non-identifying or non-restrictive. WE MUST use commas with these clauses. We cannot use the relative pronoun that.


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