Writing & Grammar 10, 3rd ed. Lesson Plan Overview

Writing and Grammar 10, 3rd EditionLesson Plan OverviewDay(s)TopicPagesSupport MaterialsBible IntegrationChapter 1: Personal Letter/Parts of Speech, , 51Literary ModelNouns and Pronouns1–5Chapter 1 PretestBulletin Board 1Scriptural Application: Language as a reflection of God’s character2Pronouns6–9Practice the Skill 1.1Practice the Skill 1.2Use the Skill 1.3Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 93)Scriptural Application: Ahithophel and Hushai (2 Sam. 15)3Verbs9–13Practice the Skill 1.4Use the Skill 1.5ESL Help 1A4Personal Letter25–27Writing Worksheet 1Writing Rubric 1Scriptural Application: Similes (Prov. 25:25)Thinking Biblically: Personal letters in the New Testament5Adjectives13–15ESL Help 1BESL Help 1CESL Help 1DScriptural Application: The deceitful man (Prov. 26)6Adverbs15–18ESL Help 1EESL Help 1FESL Help 1GESL Help 1HPractice the Skill 1.6Review the Skill 1.7Teaching Help 17Prepositions and Conjunctions19–21ESL Help 1IESL Help 1JCoordinating conjunctions in Scripture8Interjections21–24Practice the Skill 1.8Review the Skill 1.9Review the Skill 1.109Letter for LetterReview28–29, 435–36Chapter 1 ReviewDavid and Uriah (2 Sam. 11:1–12:25; Ps. 139:7,11)10Chapter 1 TestChapter 2: Personal Report/Sentences11Literary ModelPlanning325–29Thinking Biblically: Writing as an opportunity to communicate truth12Planning330–33Practice the Skill 13.1Practice the Skill 13.213Literary ModelSubjects and Predicates31–37Chapter 2 PretestBulletin Board 2Teaching Help 2AESL Help 2AESL Help 2BPractice the Skill 2.1Review the Skill 2.2Use the Skill 2.3Thinking Biblically: Writing with a biblical worldviewScriptural Application: Understood subjects in Scripture (1 Thess. 5:16–22)14Sentence Types37–39Practice the Skill 2.4Review the Skill 2.5Use the Skill 2.615Sentence Patterns40–43Practice the Skill 2.7Practice the Skill 2.8Review the Skill 2.9Ministry: Roger Williams and the Narragansett16Sentence PatternsReview43–46Teaching Help 2BPractice the Skill 2.10Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 94)Review the Skill 2.11Use the Skill 2.12Cumulative Review 2.13Ministry: David BrainerdMinistry: Jonathan Edwards Jr.17Critical ThinkingReview51–53, 437–38Chapter 2 ReviewTruth and Validity (Col. 2:8; Acts 17:11)18Chapter 2 Test19–20Personal Report47–50Writing Worksheet 2AWriting Worksheet 2BWriting Rubric 2Thinking Biblically: Writing from a biblical perspectiveScriptural Application: Passing along truth (Deut. 6:7)Internet sources and credibilitySuggested topics: Bible truths in life21Drafting333–38Use the Skill 13.3Review the Skill 13.4Practice the Skill 13.5Review the Skill 13.6Hard work and responsibility are godly virtues22Personal Report47–50Writing Worksheet 2AWriting Worksheet 2BWriting Rubric 2Chapter 3: Response to Literature/Phrases23Drafting338–42Practice the Skill 13.7Review the Skill 13.8Bulletin Board 13Trusting God with our fearsFamily devotions24Literary ModelPrepositional Phrases55–59Chapter 3 PretestBulletin Board 3Practice the Skill 3.1Review the Skill 3.2Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 95)God’s purposes in trialsThe story of JobDefeating Jericho (Josh. 6)25Prepositional and Appositive Phrases59–63Practice the Skill 3.3Review the Skill 3.4Practice the Skill 3.5Review the Skill 3.6Gideon and the Midianites (Judg. 6–7)Paul, Barnabas, Mark, and Silas (Acts 15)The Philippian jailor (Acts 16: 11–40)The Christian and trials (Rom. 8:28; James 1; 1 Cor. 10:13; Phil. 4:6)26Participial Phrases63–6527Participial Phrases65–69Teaching Help 3Practice the Skill 3.7Review the Skill 3.8Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 97)Use the Skill 3.9Freedom to Worship: The Pilgrims28Participial Phrases69–71Practice the Skill 3.10Review the Skill 3.11Ministry: Rescue missions29Gerund Phrases72–74Practice the Skill 3.12Review the Skill 3.1330Infinitive Phrases74–77Practice the Skill 3.14Review the Skill 3.15Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 96)31Infinitive PhrasesReview77–80Practice the Skill 3.16Review the Skill 3.17Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 98)Cumulative Review 3.18Ministry: Hudson Taylor32Letter for LetterReview84–85, 439–42Chapter 3 ReviewNaaman (2 Kings 5:1–14)A personal response to God’s work in your life33Chapter 3 Test34Response to Literature81–84Writing Worksheet 3Writing Rubric 3God’s strength and power (2 Sam. 22:33; Ps. 56:3; 4:8; 139)Thinking Biblically: Responding to literature that has a nonbiblical worldviewComforting others in trialsSuggested topics: Responding to Psalm 13935Revising342–46Teaching Help 13Use the Skill 13.9Review the Skill 13.10Families in the Bible36Response to Literature81–84Writing Worksheet 3Writing Rubric 3Chapter 4: Cause-and-Effect Essay/Clauses37Literary ModelIndependent and Depen-dent Clauses87–90Chapter 4 PretestBulletin Board 4Practice the Skill 4.1Review the Skill 4.238Adjective Clauses91–95Practice the Skill 4.3Review the Skill 4.4Teaching Help 4A39Adverb Clauses95–98Practice the Skill 4.5Review the Skill 4.6Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 99)40Noun Clauses99–103Practice the Skill 4.7Review the Skill 4.8Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 100)Use the Skill 4.9Exodus 8–9; Deuteronomy 2841Using Independent and Depen-dent Clauses103–5Practice the Skill 4.10Use the Skill 4.11ESL Helps 4A. 4B42–44Cause-and-Effect Essay111–14Writing Worksheet 4Writing Rubric 4Scriptural Application: Isaiah 32:17; Proverbs 15:1; 17:22Biblical separationPossible Topics: The effect of Luther’s ninety-five theses45Major Sentence ErrorsReview106–10Teaching Help 4BPractice the Skill 4.12Review the Skill 4.13Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 101)Cumulative Review 4.14Thinking Biblically: God as the origin of all good thingsMinistry: Harry Allen Ironside46Critical ThinkingReview115, 443–45Chapter 4 Review47Chapter 4 Test48Cause-and-Effect Essay111–14Writing Worksheet 4Writing Rubric 4Chapter 5: Poetry and Metaphor/Agreement49Publishing347–48Practice the Skill 13.11Review the Skill 13.1250Literary ModelSubject-Verb Agreement117–21Chapter 5 PretestBulletin Board 5Practice the Skill 5.1Review the Skill 5.2Biblical poetry: Ecclesiastes 12The theme of EcclesiastesThe priest Melchizedek (Gen. 14; Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:6)The Bible’s year of Jubilee51Subject Identification121–24Practice the Skill 5.3Review the Skill 5.4Daniel interprets a dream (Dan. 2)Old Testament types52Problem Nouns and Pronouns125–28Practice the Skill 5.5Review the Skill 5.6Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 102)Use the Skill 5.753–55Poetry and Metaphor141–46Writing Worksheet 5Writing Rubric 5Ecclesiastes 12: Serve God todayScriptural Application: The complexities of the human body (Ps. 139:14; Eccles. 12)Thinking Biblically: God’s perspective on poetryThe Holy Spirit as Comforter56Problem Nouns and Pronouns129–31ESL Help 5AESL Help 5BPractice the Skill 5.8Review the Skill 5.9Studying the PsalmsStudying the ProverbsScriptural Application: Discussing favorite psalms or biblical proverbs57Problem Nouns and Pronouns131–34Teaching Help 5Practice the Skill 5.10Review the Skill 5.11The Pharisees of the New TestamentThe Sadducees of the New Testament58Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement135–37Practice the Skill 5.12Review the Skill 5.13The Gospel of LukeRetelling Bible stories (Acts 3, 5, 7, 9)The Book of Acts59Pronoun-Antecedent AgreementReview137–40Practice the Skill 5.14Review the Skill 5.15Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 103)Cumulative Review 5.16The peace of Christ (John 14:27)The virtue of humility (James 4:6; Prov. 22:4)Scriptural Application: Researching biblical humility (Prov. 15:33; 18:12; 22:4; Col. 2:18, 23; 1 Pet. 5:5)Angels in the Bible60Letter for LetterReview147, 447–48Chapter 5 ReviewThe story of EstherTrusting God’s plan (Jer. 18:1–6)61Chapter 5 Test62–63Poetry and Metaphor141–46Writing Worksheet 5Writing Rubric 5Chapter 6: Eyewitness Report/Verb Use64Literary ModelAuxiliaries and Principal Parts149–53Chapter 6 PretestBulletin BoardESL Help 6APractice the Skill 6.1Review the Skill 6.2Teaching Help 6ATeaching Help 6BConcept Reinforcement (CD p. 104)65Tense154–57Practice the Skill 6.3Review the Skill 6.4ESL Help 6BESL Help 6C66Tense157–59Practice the Skill 6.5Review the Skill 6.6Use the Skill 6.7Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 105)67Eyewitness Report167–69Writing Worksheet 6Writing Rubric 6Scriptural Application: Isaiah 60:12Thinking Biblically: Personal testimony and the Scripture (2 Pet. 1:16–21)68Voice160–63ESL Help 6DESL Help 6EPractice the Skill 6.8Review the Skill 6.9Constructing the tabernacleBuilding God’s temple in JerusalemThinking Biblically: The subjunctive and the KJV69MoodReview163–66Practice the Skill 6.10Use the Skill 6.11Concept Reinforcement (CD pp. 106–7)Cumulative Review 6.1270–71Eyewitness Report167–69Writing Worksheet 6Writing Rubric 6Scriptural Application: Isaiah 60:12Thinking Biblically: Personal testimony and the Scripture (2 Pet. 1:16–21)72Critical ThinkingReview170–71, 449–50Chapter 6 Review73Chapter 6 Test74–75Eyewitness Report167–69Writing Worksheet 6Writing Rubric 676–80Editorial349–51Writing Worksheet 13Writing Rubric 13Scriptural Application: Hating evil (Ps. 101:3)81–90Midterm Review and Midterm ExaminationChapter 7: Oral Anecdote/Pronoun Reference91Sentence Em-phasis and Variety356–59Teaching Help 14APractice the Skill 14.1Use the Skill 14.2Psalm 19:14Ministry: George MullerMinistry: William Borden92Sentence Em-phasis and Variety359–62Practice the Skill 14.3Use the Skill 14.4Ministry: William Borden93Sentence Emphasis and Variety363–67Practice the Skill 14.5Review the Skill 14.6Practice the Skill 14.7Bulletin Board 14Writing Worksheet 11Teaching Help 14BMinistry: William BordenShort-term missionariesHelping missionaries94Literary ModelAmbiguous and Remote Reference173–78Chapter 7 PretestBulletin Board 7Teaching Help 7APractice the Skill 7.1Review the Skill 7.295Reference to Implied Nouns or Modifying Nouns178–81Practice the Skill 7.3Review the Skill 7.4Concept Reinforcement (CD pp. 108–9)Christians and journalism96–97Oral Anecdote187–91Writing Worksheet 7AWriting Worksheet 7BWriting Worksheet 7CWriting Rubric 7Scriptural Application: Psalm 20:7Thinking Biblically: Formal vs. conversational style in the New Testament epistles98Indefinite Reference or Reference to Broad IdeasReview182–86Teaching Help 7BPractice the Skill 7.5Review the Skill 7.6Concept Reinforcement (CD pp. 110–11)Cumulative Review 7.7Scriptural Application: Christian communication (Eph. 4:29; Prov. 11:9)Broadcasting the gospel99Letter for LetterReview192–93, 451–52Chapter 7 ReviewHezekiah’s prayer for deliverance (Isa. 37)100Chapter 7 Test101Oral Anecdote187–91Writing Worksheet 7AWriting Worksheet 7BWriting Worksheet 7CWriting Rubric 7Chapter 8: Webpage Design/Pronoun Use102Sentence Energy368–71Practice the Skill 14.8Review the Skill 14.9New ways of carrying out the Great CommissionTraining for mission work103Literary ModelPronoun Case195–98Chapter 8 PretestBulletin Board 8Practice the Skill 8.1Review the Skill 8.2Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 112)Old Testament Hebrew104Pronoun Case198–201Teaching Help 8Practice the Skill 8.3Review the Skill 8.4Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 113)Scriptural Application: The inspiration of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16)105Pronoun Case201–3Practice the Skill 8.5Review the Skill 8.6106Courtesy OrderCorrect Use of Reflexive and IntensiveReview203–6Practice the Skill 8.7Review the Skill 8.8Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 114)Cumulative Review 8.9107Critical ThinkingReview212–13, 453–54Chapter 8 Review108Chapter 8 Test109–14Webpage Design207–12Writing Worksheet 8Writing Rubric 8“Christians and the Internet”Scriptural Application: Handling the Internet (Prov. 4:26; Ps. 94:16; Col. 3:1–2)Thinking Biblically: The Internet as a tool for spreading the gospelChapter 9: Short Story/Adjective and Adverb Use115Sentence Expansion and Reduc-tion372–74Practice the Skill 14.10Missionaries translating the Bible116Sentence Expansion and Reduc-tion374–77Practice the Skill 14.11Review the Skill 14.12Mission Hymns: “Jesus Shall Reign”Mission Hymns: “From Greenland’s Icy Mountains”Finding the biblical passages alluded to in several favorite hymns117–19Short Story231–36Writing Worksheet 9Writing Rubric 9Scriptural Application: True wisdom (James 3:17)Short fiction in the BibleTheme and the ChristianThinking Biblically: Is fiction useful to the Christian? (Phil. 4:8; 2 Sam. 12:1–4))Possible topics: The dangers of jealousy or anger or the deceitfulness of riches (Matt. 13:22)120Literary ModelShowing Com-parison with Modifiers215–20Chapter 9 PretestBulletin Board 9Practice the Skill 9.1Review the Skill 9.2121Showing Com-parison with Modifiers220–22ESL Help 9Practice the Skill 9.3Practice the Skill 9.4Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 115)Scriptural Application: Comparisons in Scripture (1 Cor. 1:25)122Problems with Modifiers222–25Practice the Skill 9.5Review the Skill 9.6Concept Reinforcement (CD pp. 116–17)123Placement of ModifiersReview226–30Teaching Help 9Practice the Skill 9.7Review the Skill 9.8Concept Reinforcement (CD pp. 118–19)Cumulative Review 9.9124Letter for LetterReview236–37, 455–56Chapter 9 ReviewA plot to kill Paul (Acts 22:24–23:35)125Chapter 9 Test126–27Short Story231–36Writing Worksheet 9Writing Rubric 9Short fiction in the BibleTheme and the ChristianThinking Biblically: Is fiction useful to the Christian? (Phil. 4:8; 2 Sam. 12:1–4))Possible topics: The dangers of jealousy or anger or the deceitfulness of riches (Matt. 13:22)Chapter 10: Research Essay/Capitalization5128Parallelism378–81Practice the Skill 14.13Approaches to missions129–30Research Essay257–62Teaching Help 10A Teaching Help 10BTeaching Help 10CWriting Worksheet 10Writing Rubric 10Scriptural Application: Changes in language (John 1:1; Ps. 119:89)Thinking Biblically: Is research important for the Christian? (Luke 1:1–4)Scriptural Application: Plagiarism and the Christian (Prov. 6:16–17)131Literary ModelPeople and Places239–43Chapter 10 PretestBulletin Board 10Practice the Skill 10.1Review the Skill 10.2132–33Research Essay257–62Teaching Help 10A Teaching Help 10BTeaching Help 10CWriting Worksheet 10Writing Rubric 10Scriptural Application: Changes in language (John 1:1; Ps. 119:89)Thinking Biblically: Is research important for the Christian? (Luke 1:1–4)Scriptural Application: Plagiarism and the Christian (Prov. 6:16–17)134Constructions, Organizations, and Busi-nesses243–44Practice the Skill 10.3Review the Skill 10.4Scriptural Application: Capitalizing nouns and pronouns referring to God (Ps. 96:5)135Religious, Cultural, and Historical Terms245–48Practice the Skill 10.5Review the Skill 10.6Concept Reinforcement (CD pp. 120–21)136Titles and First Words249–53Practice the Skill 10.7Review the Skill 10.8137Proper Adjec-tives and Other WordsReview253–56Practice the Skill 10.9Review the Skill 10.10Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 122)Cumulative Review 10.11Psalm 55:1138–39Research Essay257–62Teaching Help 10A Teaching Help 10BTeaching Help 10CWriting Worksheet 10Writing Rubric 10140Critical ThinkingReview262–63, 457–58Chapter 10 ReviewParables as inductive argumentsAppealing to the authority of Scripture141Chapter 10 Test142–43Research Essay257–62Teaching Help 10A Teaching Help 10BTeaching Help 10CWriting Worksheet 10Writing Rubric 10Scriptural Application: Plagiarism and the Christian (Prov. 6:16–17)Chapter 11: Coordination and Subordination/Punctuation5144Literary ModelSentences, Initials, and Abbreviations265–69Chapter 11 PretestBulletin Board 11Teaching Help 11AESL Help 11AESL Help 11DPractice the Skill 11.1Review the Skill 11.2Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 123)Thinking Biblically: Augustine’s ConfessionsThe sufficiency of ScriptureThe benefit of biographiesMinistry: William CareyMinistry: Mission boards today145Comma Rules270–73ESL Help 11BESL Help 11CPractice the Skill 11.3Review the Skill 11.4Constantine and ChristianityThe persecuted church, past and presentFoxe’s Acts and Monuments146Comma Rules273–75Use the Skill 11.5Review the Skill 11.6Ministry: Martin LutherChrist’s coming at “the fullness of time”147Comma Rules276–79Teaching Help 11BPractice the Skill 11.7Review the Skill 11.8The SeptuagintErasmus’s Greek New Testament148–49Coordination and Sub-ordination291–94Writing Worksheet 11Writing Rubric 11Scriptural Application: Augustine and God’s Word (Heb. 4:12)Thinking Biblically: Augustine’s confession that God was better than any pleasure of the worldChristian jargon150Comma Rules280–82Practice the Skill 11.9Review the Skill 11.10Scriptural Application: Paul’s dedicationThe Gospel of Christ151Coordination and Sub-ordination291–94Writing Worksheet 11Writing Rubric 11God’s evident work in our lives152Incorrect Commas282–85Practice the Skill 11.11Review the Skill 11.12Ministry: Jeremy TaylorHoly Living and Dying153Semicolons and ColonsReview286–90Concept Reinforcement (CD pp. 124–25)Teaching Help 11CPractice the Skill 11.13Review the Skill 11.14Concept Reinforcement (CD pp. 126–27)Cumulative Review 11.15The power of the Word of God (Ps. 12:6–7; Heb. 4:12; Eph. 6:17)Scriptural Application: The Christian walk (Eph. 6:6; John 2:6; Heb. 13:17; Tit. 3:1)Ministry: Susannah Spurgeon154Letter for LetterReview295, 459–60Chapter 11 ReviewLearning to forgive: Philemon and Onesimus (Eph. 4:15)155Chapter 11 Test156Coordination and Sub-ordination291–94Writing Worksheet 11Writing Rubric 11Chapter 12: Persuasive Speech/More Punctuation5157Sentence Logic and Biased Language382–86Chapter 12 PretestBulletin Board 12Practice the Skill 14.14Use the Skill 14.15Practice the Skill 14.16Use the Skill 14.17Urban missionsAvoiding offense in language choices (Eccles. 10:12)Katherine Hankey’s “I Love to Tell the Story”158–59Journal Writing387–89Writing Worksheet 14Writing Rubric 14Scriptural Application: Psalm 73:26Thinking Biblically: Journals (Ps. 119)Ministry: Ann JudsonScriptural Application: Giving account for our words (Matt. 10:26; 12:36)160Literary ModelQuotation Marks and Ellipses297–303ESL Help 12Practice the Skill 12.1Review the Skill 12.2Evaluating worldviewThe principle of stewardship and politics161–62Persuasive Speech317–21Writing Worksheet 12Writing Rubric 12Scriptural Application: Psalm 33:12Thinking Biblically: Peter’s sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:14–40)Scriptural Application: Honest persuasion (Eph. 4:15, James 3:17)163Underlining for Italics303–5Practice the Skill 12.3Review the Skill 12.4Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 128)164Apostrophes and Hyphens306–10Practice the Skill 12.5Review the Skill 12.6165Dashes and Parentheses311–13Practice the Skill 12.7Concept Reinforcement (CD p. 129)Leadership in Old Testament Israel166Review313–16Review the Skill 12.8Teaching Help 12Concept Reinforcement (CD pp. 130–31)Cumulative Review 12.9The tribe of LeviScriptural Application: Christ is our high priest (Heb. 4:14–15; 7:26–28).Athaliah and Joash (2 Kings 11)167Critical ThinkingReview322–23, 461–62Chapter 12 Review168Chapter 12 Test169Persuasive Speech317–21Writing Worksheet 12Writing Rubric 12170Journal Writing387–89Writing Worksheet 14Writing Rubric 14171–80Final Review and Final Examination ................

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