Kapitel 1 - Columbia University

Kapitel 1

GRAMMAR: examples of umlauts page 3

Kapitel 2

GRAMMAR: explanation of nominative interrogative slightly expanded to include WAS and expanded discussion of how context and grammatical endings work together to help identify subject/object difference; examples of ambiguous subject-object pp. 14-15 (thanks to Simone Vaidean for suggestion)

GRAMMAR: example/explanation of present tense + future time = implied future on page 17

DELETION of metric conversions p. 18-19

Kapitel 3

GRAMMAR: clarification of Masculine nouns on page 28 and eliminated incorrect Autor from list of n-nouns on page 29 (thanks to Robert K. Bloomer of SUNY Stonybrook for suggestion)

EX slightly revised exercise sentences 5-7 (on Brecht's theater) on page 32

Kapitel 4

GRAMMAR replaced the misleading possessive "adjective" with possessive pronoun (page 35)

GRAMMAR revised explanation / examples for ES GIBT on pp 38-39

EX: deleted sentences 16 and 17, new total number of sentences = 18

Kapitel 6

GRAMMAR deleted text on the doctor with the Mercedes on page 64 and added short explanation of the meaning and positioning of preps meaning "according to" (gemäß, laut, nach, zufolge)

STATEGIES: tips on using dictionary on page 65

EX: replaced Americanisms with German in sentences 5 and 6 on page 66

Kapitel 7

TABLES made clearer

GRAMMAR: revised explanation of Adjectives used as nouns on page 73 and of neuter adjectival nouns on page 74

EX: replaced #8-9 with more culturally context-rich exercise sentences

Kapitel 8

GRAMMAR: deleted decontextualized practice phrases 81-82

Kapitel 12

EX revised sentences 16-17 with updated data (on page 129)

Kapitel 14

GRAMMAR: Suffix-er replaced "Finder" w/ "Denker"

EX revised/replaced sentences 5, 7-10, 19 with more culturally context-rich exercise sentences on page 144 and 145

Kapitel 15

GRAMMAR revised presentation of idiomatic meanings of reflexive verbs on 149

EX replaced #11 and added #15 to better exemplify added vocabulary and increase contextual framework of exercise sentences (page 153)

Review Reading 3; "Paracelsus"

Kapitel 16

EX sentences 5, 8-11, and 17 rewritten, collapsed together, and/or deleted because of Americanisms and to increase cultural context; final number of sentences is 17.

Kapitel 18

GRAMMAR: revised presentation of differences between DA as a subordinating conjunction vs. adverbial use. page 179

Kapitel 20

EX sentence #17 edited to reflect standard German usage, thanks to Kai Artur Dies (page 199)

Kapitel 22

GRAMMAR: slight changes to list of idiomatic prepositional phrases (217)

Kapitel 24

updated examples

EX replaced sentences 13, 15 and 16 with new contextually and culturally richer exercise sentences (Thema Dresden) 233.doc

Kapitel 26

GRAMMAR: addition of definition of "furthermore" for the darüber…hinaus on page 249

EX sentence # 4 add example of darüber…hinaus as "furthermore"

GRUNDWORTSCHATZ added "betrachten", "Wahl" on page 251

READING somewhat reduced glossing

Kapitel 27

GRAMMAR: revision of presentation of strong verbs on 257

GRAMMAR: new explanation and samples for recognizing difference between simple past and subjunctive forms of weak verbs on page 256

GRAMMAR: new addition of examples of es gäbe, es hätte gegeben on 256-257

EX: added example of ES GÄBE to sentence 5, revised sentences 9, 10, 18

Kapitel 28

EX; two new sentences, #16 and 17 on page 268

Kapitel 29

EX: rewritten sentence #4 adds cultural information, revised Sentence 17

Kapitel 30

GRAMMAR: Completely revised presentation of ES GIBT on page 279

GRAMMAR: ADDED presentation of idiomatic ES + weather expressions (279)

GRAMMAR: Somewhat revised presentations of other ES idioms

EX: rewritten sentence #3, 5, 18


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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