Specifics on Observation for Michelle Seymour Follow the observation checklist below: CLASSROOM ORGANIZATION YesEfficient classroom routines YesHandles routine tasks YesHandles paperwork and checking assignments NAHandles attendance (I arrived after attendance was conducted)YesMaterials organized and prepared in advance YesSpace organized efficiently NAOthers / CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT YesEstablished and posted routines YesEstablished and posted rules YesOrchestrates transitions and movement from class to class or activity to activity YesBalances variety and challenge in student activities Yes Uses student assessment to guide appropriate instruction Yes Monitors and is aware of all activities in the classroom Yes Multitasks Yes Moves around room to interact and encourage attention YesHandles paperwork and checking assignments NAHandles attendance (I arrived after attendance was conducted)YesMaterials organized and prepared in advance YesSpace organized efficiently YesReinforces expectations for positive behavior YesUses language to promote and encourage participation and attention YesModels 3. CLASSROOM CULTURE What adjective would you use to describe the “feeling” in the classroom? BUZZINGWhat evidence did you see to indicate that students seemed to feel a sense of belonging? There was a small group of four students. Three of the students had a one-on-one aide. I noticed that the teacher and the aides spoke to the students in a pleasant manner (even when a student became physically/verbally abusive with a teacher’s aide). Do the students and teacher communicate a sense of mutual respect in their interactions? Mostly yes but there was a student who became verbally and physical abusive.Are students “pulled-out” for special services or do special teachers” push-in” to the classroom? No4. DIVERSITY 1. Commonalities How are the common needs of safety, self-esteem and belonging met? Record What you see in the classroom that indicates these needs are being met. Safety Self-Esteem Belonging Each student had access to one-on-one aides. Only one student didn’t have an aide, so the teacher would work with this student if he got off task. Positive reinforcement, speaking in gentle voice, encouraging students, providing verbal praiseEncouraged to participate in group activity, made learning fun and engaging for all students2. Differences 2a. Tally the number of students in the class: 4 total number of students Boys Girls African American Asian Asian Indian Caucasian Latino Middle EasternSpecial NeedsEnglish as Second Language III I 0 0 0 I III 0 IIII II 2b. Are students mixed together in the classroom seating arrangement by: I did notice all the boys sitting together and the one girl in the class off to the sideX gender _____race _____ethnicity ___ special learning needs ___EL learners2c. Record ways diversity is acknowledged in the classroom: _____posters _____multicultural stories X cooperative activities _____slogans or sayings _____celebrations or holidays noted Other:_________________________________________________ 5. TEACHER CARING, RESPECT & FAIRNESS Yes Shows concern for students emotional and physical wellbeing Yes Shows interest in student’s lives outside of school Yes Creates a warm and caring environment Yes Exhibits active listening Yes Treats each child as individual Yes Models respect Yes Treats student equitably Yes Creates situations for all students to succeed Yes Prevents situations where students lose respect Yes Encourages self-regulation of behavior 6. STUDENT INTERACTIONS Yes Maintains friendly yet professional role Yes Values what students say and believe Yes Shows interest in student’s live in and outside of school Yes Encourages student to give their personal best Yes Interacts in fun and friendly manner Yes Emotes appropriately with students Yes Shows interest in student’s lives outside of school Yes Creates a warm and caring environment Yes Exhibits active listening 7. ENTHUSIASM AND MOTIVATION Yes Evidence of extrinsic motivators Yes Students are intrinsically motivated Yes Students show enthusiasm for learning Yes Teacher shows enthusiasm for teaching and learning 8. TEACHER AND STUDENT COMMUNICATION / CONTACT Record the number of times an action occurred during at least 20 minutes of the observation. Oral VISUAL TACTILE Action # of times Action # of times Action # of times Teacher explaining 4Teacher writing on board/whiteboard 0Students using equipment iPad 1Asking questions 8Teacher using overhead / doc cam, whiteboard 1Students manipulating and ordering materials 2Students reciting 3Students reading text – alone or small groups 0Students building or constructing 0Audio / CD 1Students writing 2Students drawing, gluing, cutting 0Student discussion 0Students watching video 2Students using life-like or scale models 0Part II. Interview Questions for The Teachers:What guiding principles did you use to establish your classroom management plan? On the first day of school, Mrs. Seymour establishes classroom expectations with her students. She also allows them to be part of the process which ideally allows them to feel as if they were able to create the class rules. Mrs. Seymour shows her students respect and she doesn’t talk when they are talking, and she expects the same respect in return. She uses the model presented from Harry Wong – The Classroom Management Book. It has given her a great foundation and resource when she has answers. What are the key components of your classroom management plan? (Please focus on rules, rewards, consequences, positive reinforcement etc.) Mrs. Seymour’s first plan is to establish the classroom rules on the first day. She likes to build trust and a relationship with the students. She believes that students are more likely to follow the plan if the students are assured that the teacher is vested in them. Mrs. Seymour believes in positive reinforcement in the form of positive words of encouragement and acknowledging positive actions rather than highlighting the negative actions.What are the most common behavioral issues (disruptions/non-compliant behaviors) you encounter? How do you deal with these common issues? In Mrs. Seymour’s experience with Special Education students K-12, she has found that non-compliant behaviors are her most common behavioral issues. Mrs. Seymour tries to stick to her rules that she mentioned to the students on the first day of school. Mrs. Seymour says, “along with the support of management, the rules are easier to enforce” if she doesn’t have management backing then she has to comply the rules within her classroom. How do you deal with disruptive, aggressive, or inappropriate behaviors, especially from populations that may need extra support? Mrs. Seymour stays calm and tries to listen to the student. Mrs. Seymour believes that the actions are a product of another issue, so she tries to find out what is going on with the student prior to making a judgement call. It is her belief that if she’s successful in building the relationships with the child and their families, disruptive, aggressive, or inappropriate behaviors are lessened. How do you accommodate for English Learners and cultural/linguistic diversity? Include intervention strategies appropriate for English Learners? Mrs. Seymour has found various interactive learning tools to use online. In addition, she has appointed a buddy/peer that can help with the instructional process.How do you collaborate with your (gen ed or special ed) partner? Mrs. Seymour continuously communicates with the students General Education teachers in order to meet the students IEP and ability level.What could be done to improve collaboration? Mrs. Seymour feels that the team needs to keep a strong bond of communication.What advice on classroom and behavior management would you give to a new teacher? Mrs. Seymour’s advice for new teachers is to stay calm and positive.What advice on stress management would you give to new teachers so they can thrive and stay in the field instead of burning out in five years? Mrs. Seymour’s advice on stress management is to simply stay calm and positive. Your extra question relevant to your subject matter or grade level or whatever you choose. My extra questions were:How long have you been teaching? What grades/subjects have you taught? What has been your favorite grade and why? This year will be Mrs. Seymour’s 8th year teaching, she began with 4th/5th graders (which happens to be the same grades I’ll be starting with this year as well) focusing on ELA/Reading. Mrs. Seymour then progressed to middle school, 6th – 8th grade. In her third-year teaching, she fell in love with supporting Special Education and began her first master’s into that specialty. After that she went on to work with High School which she loves even though they have attitudes she likes that she can have a mature conversation with them and that makes giving directions simpler. She believes that they will either comply or they won’t. In this age group there is no haggling or bargaining. How do you build relationships with your students? Mrs. Seymour builds relationships with her students by talking to her students. She makes sure to ask them questions about themselves and she allows them to ask questions about her just as long as they are appropriate. She also tries to keep open communication with parents via phone calls, email, or her classroom webpage. Is there anything you wish you’d known as a first-year teacher? She wishes she’d know to relax, stay calm, and in control. Also, that it’s ok if you don’t know the answer as you can always research things together and help build up the relationship with the student(s). In your opinion, what’s the best part of teaching? What’s the hardest? The best part for Mrs. Seymour is hands down when the “light bulb” goes off for that one student!! The worst part is when they never get it and she has to promote them anyway. How do you stay organized? Mrs. Seymour believes that planning is key to stay organized. She also tries to put things back where she got them. What’s a time where you wish you’d done something differently? Mrs. Seymour couldn’t really think of one. Even her difficult days were learning lessons for the next moment.Why do you teach? Mrs. Seymour loves to mentor and be a positive example in the student’s life. In addition, she lives for that “light bulb” moment! ................

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