COM, CON, COL, COR – Together, With

COM, CON, COL, COR – Together, With

Companion takes on new meaning when we learn its roots. A companion [COM = with + PAN = bread] was originally a person one shared one’s bread with. We don’t think of that original meaning today, and yet when we want to be hospitable, we invite our companions to share our food.

COM, meaning together or with, is sometimes difficult to spot because it so often changes its last letter to be like the first letter of the root following it. Thus, COMloquial becomes COLloquial, COMnect become CONnect, and COMrelate becomes CORrelate. Sometimes the m is dropped completely, and COMeducation becomes Coeducation. Changing the last letter in these ways makes pronunciation easier.

Coherent (ko hir’ unt) [CO together + HER = to stick] – Adjective – this literally means sticking together; having an orderly relation of parts. The teacher’s lectures were always coherent and interesting.

Collaborate (kuh la’ uh rat) – Verb – to work together. When Vanilla Ice commanded “Stop! Collaborate! And listen!” he wanted us to work together and listen to his rap of wisdom.

Collusion (kuh lo’ zhun) [COL = together + LUD = to play] – Noun – A secret agreement between two or more persons for a deceitful purpose. The parents suspected collusion between their two children whose rooms were suspiciously full of candy wrappers.

Commensurate (kuh men’ suh rit) [COM = together + MENS = to measure] – Adjective – equal in measure or size; proportionate. The students’ grades should be commensurate to their work.

Commiserate (kuh miz’ uh rat)[COM = with + MISERARI = to pity] – Verb – to sympathize. My friend commiserated with me over the death of my pet.

Commotion (kuh mo’ shun) [COM = together + MOT = to move] – Noun – people moving together; social disorder. The commotion disrupted the class.

Complicate (kahm’ pluh kat) [COM = together + PLIC = to fold] – Verb – it literally means to fold; to make intricate or involved. Talking about politics will only complicate our discussion on religion.

Composition (kahm puh zish’ un)[COM = together + POS = to put] – Noun – a putting together of parts to form a whole. I was finally satisfied with the composition of the photo, so I pushed the shutter button.

Compunction (kum pungk’ shun) – Noun – an uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt; a small regret. He felt some compunction about pestering his mother so much for money.

Condone (kun don’) – Verb – to forgive or overlook in a neglectful manner. The public cannot condone the dishonest dealings of the state senator.

Congenital (kun jen’ uh tul) [CON = together + GEN = birth] – Adjective – existing at birth. The child has a congenital heart defect.

Consensus (kun sen’ sus) [CON + together + SENS = to feel] – Noun – a general agreement. No consensus has been reached about how to punish the perpetrators that kidnapped poor Stumpy.

Consummate ( kun sum’ it) – Adjective – complete or perfect in every respect. She was a consummate artist.


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