“The Necklace”

“The Necklace”


Vocabulary Practice

Look at the groups of synonyms below. Determine which vocabulary word above relates to the appropriate group of synonyms below.

Adulation Disconsolate Pauper

Prospects Vexation

1. __________ dejected, miserable, low

2. __________ irritation, displeasure, anger

3. __________ opportunities, possibilities, chances

4. __________ praise, worship, adoration

5. __________ beggar, debtor, have-not

Inferring Meaning

Look at the bold printed phrase in the quotes below. By analyzing the phrase in the context of the sentence, infer what each phrase means. Write your answer in a complete sentence.

6. “But my dear, I thought you would be thrilled to death. You never get a chance to go out.”

Does it mean:

extremely irritated moderately happy immense excitement slight nervousness

7. “As the day of the party approached Mme. Loisel seemed sad, moody, and ill at ease.”

Does it mean:

sick to her stomach somewhat nervous overly happy extremely doubtful

8. “Her husband said to her one evening, ‘What’s the matter? You’ve been all out of sorts for three days.’”

Does it mean:

acting unusual misplacing items unable to talk oddly happy

9. “Before the mirror, she let the wraps fall from her shoulders to see herself once again in all her glory.”

Does it mean:

in her excitement in her arrogance in her disappointment in her fine clothes

10. “He went to the station, the newspaper, the cab companies, everywhere the slightest hope drove him.”

Does it mean:

urged him where he could get a ride where friends suggested


Adjectives modify a noun or pronoun. An adjective tells what kind, which one, how many, how much. Write the sentences below. Underline the adjective in each sentence. Copy which phrase tells what question is answered by the adjective.

11. The diamond necklace glittered in the light.

Which one What kind

12. The friend was willing to loan the necklace for one evening.

How many How much

13. On the third day, the necklace that had been borrowed was returned.

What kind Which one

Consider what you can infer about a character’s personality based on their actions. For each action described on the chart below, choose the appropriate emotion that motivated the character’s action.

Write your answer in a complete sentence.


Mme. Loisel weeping when she receives 14. depression, selfishness, loneliness,

the invitation to the reception. (line 60) appreciation

Monsieur Loisel advises his wife not to 15. embarrassment, dishonesty, inconsiderate,

tell her friend about the lost necklace fear

(line 166-167)

Mme. Forestier’s behavior toward Mathilde 16. irritation, greed, pity, humorous

at the end of the story when they meet in

the park. (line132-134)

17. After reading the questions below and determining the correct choice, write

your answer in a complete sentence.

Mme. Loisel parallels a fairy tale character. Which well known fairy tale character does she

most parallel?

Cinderella Pinocchio Red Riding Hood Snow White

Find two details from the list below that describe both Mme. Loisel and the fairy tale character.

lost an item told lies visited family enjoyed chores

wore a coat wanted a better life ran away was beautiful

felt like a puppet tricked by others went to a ball

Understanding Theme

18. Mme. Loisel borrowed the necklace to look like the upper-class people she envied. Had she not lost

the necklace, or even felt the need to borrow it in the first place, the Loisel’s life would have been

much better.

Write a possible theme for this short story based on the statement above.

Greek and Latin Root Practice

The root “dict” means speak. The root “grat” means thanks.

Based the information given above, write a complete sentence using your own words explaining the meaning of the underlined word in the statements below.

19. Madame Loisel was an ingrate for being so unappreciative of the invitation they received to the ball.

20. Mme. Loisel’s husband told her to write to his dictation as they composed a letter to Mme. Forestier.

21. Mathilde’s friend did not show much gratitude when Mathilde returned the necklace late.

22. Mme. Loisel was a gracious guest the Ministerial Mansion.


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