Student Appreciation Worksheet (Parent Version)

|Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name | |

|Parent e-mail | |

Recommendations are usually requested for college applications. In order to write a favorable and positive recommendation for your student, please assist me by completing and returning this form. It is not uncommon for me to take passages directly from your “Brag Sheet,” especially if they are well written, and provide strong insight into your child’s character and future success in college. Specific examples and details will help me in understanding your student. Please do not include anything in this form that you do not wish disclosed. Please type your responses and email this form back to me at your earliest convenience. Thanks in advance!


What do you consider to be your student’s outstanding accomplishments during the past three or four years? Why are these important?

In what areas has your student shown the most development and growth during high school?

What do you consider his/her outstanding personality traits? Be specific.

Please give 3 – 5 adjectives you would use to describe your student and give an example of why you chose the adjective.

Describe a particular challenge or disappointment which your son/daughter has handled effectively.

Are there any circumstances in your student’s life that might have had a negative impact on his/her academic performance? If, so, please explain.

Are there specific colleges that appeal to you for your student at the present time? Did you or other family members attend these schools? What can he/she contribute to these colleges if selected for admission?

Are there any factors related to you son/daughter’s grades or ACT/SAT scores of which you would like colleges to be aware?

Is there any other information about your son/daughter that you think I need to know to promote him/her as a positive college or job applicant?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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