Template Daily Lesson Plan Template

Date: Subject: English Time: 9:30-10:10Weekly Theme: Exploring Africa.Strand: reading, writing, oral language.Strand Unit: receptiveness to language, competence and confidence, developing cognitive abilities through language.Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to listen to each other, listen to the teacher and use oral language effectively. 2. That most children will be enabled to express and communicate reactions to the piece of reading read by the teacher. Most children will be enabled to write a diary entry based on the character in the story. ( 5th and 6th) ( 4th class will complete a worksheet based on the piece) 3. That some children will be enabled to experience empathy for the character in the story. Some children will be enabled to help others with the editing of their writing.Assessment: Pupil Portfolio:The children will add this piece of writing to their portfolio, and they will write a note explaining what the diary entry is about. The teacher will write a note on the diary entry too.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:Where does this girl live?What does her day consist of?Can you tell me three facts about her day?Higher Order Questions:How is her life different to yours?What are the differences between her school day and yours?Would you like to swop places?What problems are faced by the people of Malawi?What is the staple food of Malawi?What is the life expectancy in Malawi?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Life expectancy, insufficient, staple food, landlocked, malnutrition, cholera.Oral Language:The children will develop oral language skills as they engage in a group activity of completing mind maps based on writing a diary entry.Literacy:The children will develop literacy skills as they write the first draft of their diary entry.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will begin the lesson by playing the warm up game ‘Adjective Race’, where the children name an adjective each, in alphabetical order.The children will work in pairs to complete a mind map based on ideas they might use for their diary entry. We will brainstorm vocabulary we will use in the diary entries.Development:The teacher will read an extract from a story about a child’s life in Malawi. The teacher will show the children samples of diary entries. The teacher will ask what style of language is used in diary writing.The teacher will ask the children to imagine that they are a girl or boy from the story. E.g. Imagine you are waking up on a Monday morning in Africa. How will you feel? Imagine you are writing about the day you had in your diary. What do you think you might include? What incidents might have happened throughout the day. Did you go to school/ work?The children will then begin writing the first draft of the diary entry in their copy books.# Child T and M in 4th class will not be able for this task. They will complete a differentiated task of writing five sentences about the story.Child O in 4th class will be able to write the diary entry with 5th and 6th class.Conclusion:The children will have a quiz based on Malawi. The quiz will be designed by the teacher and based on information from the story. There will be separate questions for 4th class. Whichever group gets the most questions correct will win a raffle ticket each.Resources:Teacher designed quizExtract from a story about a child in AfricaExamples of diary entries.Flashcards of vocabulary associated with diary entries.African box- props based on the theme of Africa- e.g. old coin, scarf, photographs.Integration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13-Music- listening and responding to African tribal music. 15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13- English- letter writing to an aid organization.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Aibreán ’12 & Meán Fómhair ’12 Teimpléad do Phlean Ceachta Laethúil: Gaeilge Dáta: 14-10-13?bhar: GaeilgeAm: 1:00-1:40Rang:4th, 5th, 6th Fad an Cheachta: __40 nóiméadTéama: _______Bia________ Fo-théama: _______Béarbaiciú______Snáitheanna: ?isteacht, Labhairt, LéitheoireachtSnáithaonaid: Ag cothú spéise, Ag tuiscint teanga, Ag úsáid teangaCuspóirí Foghlama Difreáilte:1. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas na bpáistí go léir: an scéal a léamh as Bun go Barr 5&6.2. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas fhórmhór na bpáistí: ceisteanna a fhreagairt ag bunaithe ar na scéalta.3. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas cuid de na bpáistí: abaltá ag caint faoin an bpostaer.Feidhmeanna Teanga agus Eiseamláirí:Ranga 4&5: Conas atá tú?Ní thuigimBa mhaithNí feidir liomIs maith liom/ ní maith liomAr mhaith leat?Tá sé sin go breáRang a sé:An bhfuil? B’fhearr liomAreirInniúInnéFoclóir:Béarbaiciú, breithlá speisialta, in éineacht, chaith,chuidigh, ocras an domhain, ionadh an domhain, cócaireacht, féasta, Measúnú:An tascanna múinteoir- ceisteanna agus lion na bearnaí- ag bunaithe ar an scéal.Réamhrá ar ábhar an cheachta:Is ceacht nua é sin. Inniú, déanfaidh muid an Cluiche Kim. Leifidh muid an scéal lena cheile ar an gclárbán.Leifidh gach páiste abairtí amhain. Déanfaidh na páiste an comhrá beirte ag bunaithe ar an scéal. ?saidfidh mé luaschártai le haghaidh na focail nua a múineadh.Déanfaidh na páisti trí ceisteanna ag an scéal.Forbairt – Na Trí Thréimhse CeachtaAn tréimhse réamhchumarsáide: ( gach rang le cheile)Deanfaidh muid an comhrá ginearálta ar dtús.Cén sort lá atá ann?Cén lá atá ann?Inis dom faoin an aimsir?Cád a dhearna tú ar an deireadh seachtaine?Ar dhéarna tú aon obair bhaile?An fhaca tú an X Factor?Luaschártai: ( gach rang le cheile)?saidfidh mé na luaschártaí ag baint leis an scéal an Bearbaiciú.Postaer:Féach ar an bpostaer: ( gach rang le cheile)Cá bhfuil na páistí? (ag an margadh bia) Cén saghas lae atá ann, dar leat?Cé mhéad stalla atá sa mhargadh? (deich gcinn)Ainmnigh na stallaí atá ag an margadh.Cé atá ag féachaint ar an stalla glasraí?Céard atá á dhéanamh ag Gordó?Céard atá ina lámh ag Neasa?Cad iad na torthaí atá ar díol ag an margadh? Cad atá ar díol ag an stalla idirnáisiúnta?Cén dath atá ar an leoraí?(2) An tréimhse cumarsáide: Comhrá beirte- dáidí agus an páiste. ( rang a sé)Beidh gach rang ag obair lena cheile agus an múinteoir ar an scéal Bearbaiciú as Bun go Barr. . Tar eis sin, freagfaidh rang a sé na ceisteanna. Beidh mé ag obair leis rang 4&5. Déanfaidh muid an scéal as Bun go Barr , ‘Am Dinnéir’. Beidh muid ag caint faoina pictiúirí ar dtús. Leighfidh mé na habairtí agus beidh na paistí ag athrá gach abairt. Cuirfidh mé ceist do na paistí.Freagfaidh muid na ceisteanna le cheile.(3) An tréimhse iarchumarsáide: Beidh na paistí ag léamh an dán .Cuirfidh mé ceist do na phaistí faoin an scéal.?sáidfidh mé na luaschártai uair amháin eile.Conclúid:Beidh muid ag imirt an cluiche ‘Chuaigh mé go stí an siopa agus cheannaigh mé’.?iseanna:Bun go barr ar an clár bánLuaschártaíPostaerComhtháthú:Cuntas an Mheasúnaithe: Plean Gnímh:Date: 14-10-13Subject: EnglishTime: 9:30-10:10Class: 4th, 5th, 6th. Duration of Lesson: 40 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring Africa.Strand: reading, writing, oral language.Strand Unit: receptiveness to language, competence and confidence, developing cognitive abilities through language.Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to listen to each other, listen to the teacher and use oral language effectively. 2. That most children will be enabled to express and communicate reactions to the piece of reading read by the teacher. Most children will be enabled to write a diary entry based on the character in the story. ( 5th and 6th) ( 4th class will complete a worksheet based on the piece) 3. That some children will be enabled to experience empathy for the character in the story. Some children will be enabled to help others with the editing of their writing.Assessment: Pupil Portfolio:The children will add this piece of writing to their portfolio, and they will write a note explaining what the diary entry is about. The teacher will write a note on the diary entry too.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:Where does this girl live?What does her day consist of?Can you tell me three facts about her day?Higher Order Questions:How is her life different to yours?What are the differences between her school day and yours?Would you like to swop places?What problems are faced by the people of Malawi?What is the staple food of Malawi?What is the life expectancy in Malawi?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Life expectancy, insufficient, staple food, landlocked, malnutrition, cholera.Oral Language:The children will develop oral language skills as they engage in a group activity of completing mind maps based on writing a diary entry.Literacy:The children will develop literacy skills as they write the first draft of their diary entry.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will begin the lesson by playing the warm up game ‘Adjective Race’, where the children name an adjective each, in alphabetical order.The children will work in pairs to complete a mind map based on ideas they might use for their diary entry. We will brainstorm vocabulary we will use in the diary entries.Development:The teacher will read an extract from a story about a child’s life in Malawi. The teacher will show the children samples of diary entries. The teacher will ask what style of language is used in diary writing.The teacher will ask the children to imagine that they are a girl or boy from the story. E.g. Imagine you are waking up on a Monday morning in Africa. How will you feel? Imagine you are writing about the day you had in your diary. What do you think you might include? What incidents might have happened throughout the day. Did you go to school/ work?The children will then begin writing the first draft of the diary entry in their copy books.# Child T and M in 4th class will not be able for this task. They will complete a differentiated task of writing five sentences about the story.Child O in 4th class will be able to write the diary entry with 5th and 6th class.Conclusion:The children will have a quiz based on Malawi. The quiz will be designed by the teacher and based on information from the story. There will be separate questions for 4th class. Whichever group gets the most questions correct will win a raffle ticket each.Resources:Teacher designed quizExtract from a story about a child in AfricaExamples of diary entries.Flashcards of vocabulary associated with diary entries.African box- props based on the theme of Africa- e.g. old coin, scarf, photographs.Integration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13-Music- listening and responding to African tribal music. 15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13- English- letter writing to an aid organization.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 14-10-13Subject: GeographyTime: 10:15-11:00Class: 4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 45 minutes Number of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: AfricaStrand: Human EnvironmentsStrand Unit: People and Other Lands- An Environment in a Non-European Country.Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to watch and listen to a power-point presentation of facts about Malawi. All children will be enabled to retain at least one fact from the power-point presentation.2. That most children will be enabled to examine the main facts about Malawi e.g. flag, life expectancy, population. Most children will complete a fact-file using a fact sheet given. ( 4th and 5th) 3. That some children will be enabled to retain the knowledge given in order to complete a fact-file about Malawi. ( 6th) Assessment: Teacher Designed Task:The children will complete a teacher designed task. The task will be a fact file based on Malawi. The fact sheet will contain 10 facts the children will fill out. The teacher will record her findings via a checklist. 4th and 5th will have a fact sheet to assist them. 6th class will have the expectation of completing it from memory. If they are struggling I will give them a copy of the fact sheet. Teacher Questioning :Lower Order questions:Where is Malawi?Is Africa a continent?What percentage of Malawian people live in rural Malawi?What is the name for a Malawian rural village?Higher Order Questions:Can you tell me one fact about Africa?What do you think of when you hear the word Africa?What are the main exports from Malawi?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Malawi, Mudzi, exports, landlocked, rural, malnutrition, insufficient, landscape. Oral Language:The children will develop oral language skills as they work in groups to think of words they know associated with Africa. This will check the children’s prior knowledge of the continent. Literacy:The children will develop literacy skills as they write a fact file about Malawi. (5 facts for 4th class, 7 facts for 5th (5 facts for child S and child S) and 10 facts for 6th class.)Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:We will play a warm up game. Each child must name a country in alphabetical order. The teacher will draw a KWL chart on the whiteboard. The teacher will fill in the ‘what we know’, ‘what we want to find out’ sections. I will introduce the children to the theme this week- Africa.I will ask them to work in groups to brainstorm and write down words they associate with Africa.Development:The teacher will show the children a power-point presentation containing facts about Malawi. The children will read the facts aloud from the presentation. The teacher will hand out a photo of Malawi to each group. The teacher will show the children a video clip of Malawi.The children will in groups, discuss what they have learned about Malawi. They will pick a presenter to come to the front of the class to present the information they have gathered. The teacher will hand out flash cards to guide their learning, e.g. population, homes, etc.The children will then return to their seats and they will fill in the fact file template about Malawi.Conclusion:The children will read out and compare their fact files. Did everyone have the same facts? If not, which fact is correct?The children will then swop their fact sheets correct each other’s work. We will complete the rest of the KWL chart.The teacher will hold up statements about Malawi and the children must say whether they are true or false.Resources:Power-point presentationVideo clipImages of MalawiFact file templatesKWL chartIntegration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13-Music- listening and responding to African tribal music. 15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13- English- letter writing to an aid organization.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Dáta: 15-10-13?bhar: GaeilgeAm: 1:10-1:40Rang:4th, 5th, 6th Fad an Cheachta: __30 nóiméadTéama: _______Bia________ Fo-théama: _______Béarbaiciú______Snáitheanna: ?isteacht, Labhairt, LéitheoireachtSnáithaonaid: Ag cothú spéise, Ag tuiscint teanga, Ag úsáid teangaCuspóirí Foghlama Difreáilte:1. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas na bpáistí go léir: an scéal a léamh as Bun go Barr 5&6.2. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas fhórmhór na bpáistí: ceisteanna a fhreagairt ag bunaithe ar na scéalta.3. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas cuid de na bpáistí: abaltá ag caint faoin an bpostaer.Feidhmeanna Teanga agus Eiseamláirí:Ranga 4&5: Conas atá tú?Ní thuigimBa mhaithNí feidir liomIs maith liom/ ní maith liomAr mhaith leat?Tá sé sin go breáRang a sé:An bhfuil? B’fhearr liomAreirInniúInnéFoclóir:Béarbaiciú, breithlá speisialta, in éineacht, chaith,chuidigh, ocras an domhain, ionadh an domhain, cócaireacht, féasta, Measúnú:An tascanna múinteoir- ceisteanna agus lion na bearnaí- ag bunaithe ar an scéal.Réamhrá ar ábhar an cheachta:Is ceacht nua é sin. Inné, rinne muid an léitheoireact. Ni d’fhreagair na phaistí na ceisteanna. Inniú, Leifidh muid an scéal lena cheile ar an gclárbán arís.Leifidh gach páiste abairtí amhain. Déanfaidh na páiste an comhrá beirte ag bunaithe ar an scéal. ?saidfidh mé luaschártai le haghaidh na focail nua a múineadh arís.Déanfaidh na páisti trí ceisteanna ag an scéal mar níor chriochnaigh siad na ceisteanna inné. Forbairt – Na Trí Thréimhse CeachtaAn tréimhse réamhchumarsáide: ( gach rang le cheile)Deanfaidh muid an comhrá ginearálta ar dtús.Cén sort lá atá ann?Cén lá atá ann?Inis dom faoin an aimsir?Ar dhéarna tú aon obair bhaile?Luaschártai: ( gach rang le cheile)?saidfidh mé na luaschártaí ag baint leis an scéal an Bearbaiciú.Postaer:Féach ar an bpostaer: ( gach rang le cheile)Cá bhfuil na páistí? (ag an margadh bia) Cén saghas lae atá ann, dar leat?Cé mhéad stalla atá sa mhargadh? (deich gcinn)Ainmnigh na stallaí atá ag an margadh.Cé atá ag féachaint ar an stalla glasraí?Céard atá á dhéanamh ag Gordó?Céard atá ina lámh ag Neasa?Cad iad na torthaí atá ar díol ag an margadh? Cad atá ar díol ag an stalla idirnáisiúnta?Cén dath atá ar an leoraí?(2) An tréimhse cumarsáide: Comhrá beirte- dáidí agus an páiste. ( rang a sé)Beidh gach rang ag obair lena cheile agus an múinteoir ar an scéal Bearbaiciú as Bun go Barr. Tar eis sin, freagfaidh rang a sé na ceisteanna. Beidh mé ag obair leis rang 4&5. Déanfaidh muid an scéal as Sin ?, ‘An Tobar’. Beidh muid ag caint faoina pictiúirí ar dtús. Leighfidh mé na habairtí agus beidh na paistí ag athrá gach abairt. Cuirfidh mé ceist do na paistí.Freagfaidh muid na ceisteanna le cheile.(3) An tréimhse iarchumarsáide: Cuirfidh mé ceist do na phaistí faoin an scéal.?sáidfidh mé na luaschártai uair amháin eile.Conclúid:Beidh muid ag imirt an cluiche ‘Chuaigh mé go stí an siopa agus cheannaigh mé’.?iseanna:Bun go barr ar an clár bánLuaschártaíPostaerSin ? htháthú:Cuntas an Mheasúnaithe: Plean Gnímh:Date: 14-10-13Subject: MusicTime: 12:00-12:30Class:4th, 5th, 6th. Duration of Lesson: 30 minutes Number of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring Africa.Strand: Listening and Responding Strand Unit: Listening and Responding to Music Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to listen to and respond to a piece of African tribal music.2. That most children will be enabled to discuss how they felt when they heard the music.3. That some children will be enabled to discuss the concepts of music present in the music.Assessment: Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:What do you think of first when you listen to this piece of music?Can you make a drawing about this using your favourite colours?Why do you think it makes you think about that?Is there something you immediately like/dislike about it?Why do you think this is?Higher Order Questions:Does the piece of music remind you of anything?that is in the place where you live/your localitythat is in your home?about your family or friends?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary: African music, various African instruments, respond, instrumental, instruments, retell, composer, pulse, beat, duration, tempo, dynamics.Oral Language:The children will engage in oral language as they discuss the types of instruments they could hear in the song, and as they discuss the pulse, beat, duration, tempo and dynamics of the song.Literacy:The children will write five sentences about what this song makes them think of. Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will introduce the lesson by using a ‘sound box’ .The teacher will have a variety of objects in a box which each make a noise. The children will have their eyes closed. They must guess what the sound is. The teacher will have the musical concepts written out on a3 cards with an explanation underneath. She will go through each concept with the children. This will ensure that the children know exactly what they are looking for in the piece of music. Development:The teacher will play a piece of African music for the children. They will listen to it once.The teacher will ask them what they think of when they hear the music. She will ask them is there anything they disliked about the song on their first listen. She will ask if it reminds them of anything- at home, school, friends, in the locality? The teacher will ask whether they can link this music to anything, tv, games, holidays etc.The teacher will then play the song again. She will ask the children what they think the music is about. Is it an instrumental piece? Write or draw the instruments you hear.The teacher will ask what is happening in the piece of music- does it tell a story?Can you draw the story of what is happening in the music?The teacher will then ask ‘what title or name would you give this piece of music and why’?The teacher will ask the children to write five sentences expressing what the piece of music made them think of.The teacher will play the music a third time. This time she will ask the children to identify pulse, beat, dynamics, duration and tempo in the song.Conclusion:The children will discuss the piece of music at the end of the lesson. Each child will contribute and read out their five sentences about the music. The children will express their opinions about the music, whether they liked it or not and why.We will find out what part of Africa the music is from and when it was produced. We will do this together on the IWB.Resources:African tribal musicIWBSound boxIntegration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Africa14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi 15-10-13 – English- letter writing-to an aid organization15-10-13- History- African myths and legends.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 15-10-13Subject: EnglishTime: 9:40-10:15Class: 4th, 5th, 6th. Duration of Lesson: 35 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring Africa.Strand: reading, writing, oral language.Strand Unit: receptiveness to language, competence and confidence, developing cognitive abilities through language.Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to listen to the rest of the story, ‘Maya’s Story’.2. That most children will be enabled to express and communicate reactions to a piece of reading read by the teacher. Most children will be enabled to write a diary entry based on the character in the story. ( 5th and 6th) ( 4th class will complete a worksheet based on the piece) 3. That some children will be enabled to experience empathy for the character in the story. Some children will be enabled to help others with the editing of their writing.Assessment: Pupil Portfolio:The children will add this piece of writing to their portfolio, and they will write a note explaining what the diary entry is about. The teacher will write a note on the diary entry too.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:Where does this girl live?What does her day consist of?Can you tell me three facts about her day?Higher Order Questions:How is her life different to yours?What are the differences between her school day and yours?Would you like to swop places?What problems are faced by the people of Malawi?What is the staple food of Malawi?What is the life expectancy in Malawi?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Life expectancy, insufficient, staple food, landlocked, malnutrition, cholera.Oral Language:The children will develop oral language skills as they engage in a group activity of completing mind maps based on writing a diary entry.Literacy:The children will develop literacy skills as they write the first draft of their diary entry.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will begin the lesson by playing the warm up game ‘Adjective Race’, where the children name an adjective each, in alphabetical order.The children will work in pairs to complete a mind map based on ideas they might use for their diary entry. We will brainstorm vocabulary we will use in the diary entries.Development:The teacher will read continue reading an extract from a story about a child’s life in Malawi. The teacher will show the children samples of diary entries. The teacher will ask what style of language is used in diary writing.The teacher will ask the children to imagine that they are a girl or boy from the story. E.g. Imagine you are waking up on a Monday morning in Africa. How will you feel? Imagine you are writing about the day you had in your diary. What do you think you might include? What incidents might have happened throughout the day. Did you go to school/ work?The children will then begin writing the first draft of the diary entry in their copy books.# Child T and M in 4th class will not be able for this task. They will complete a differentiated task of writing five sentences about the story.Child O in 4th class will be able to write the diary entry with 5th and 6th class.Conclusion:The children will have a quiz based on Malawi. The quiz will be designed by the teacher and based on information from the story. There will be separate questions for 4th class. Whichever group gets the most questions correct will win a raffle ticket each.Resources:Teacher designed quizExtract from a story about a child in AfricaExamples of diary entries.Flashcards of vocabulary associated with diary entries.African box- props based on the theme of Africa- e.g. old coin, scarf, photographs.Integration:14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13-Music- listening and responding to African tribal music. 15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13- English- letter writing to an aid organization.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 15-10-13Subject: S.P.H.ETime: 11:15-12:00Class: 4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 45 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring Africa. Strand: Myself and the wider world. Strand Unit: Developing Citizenship. Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to brainstorm the differences and similarities between our lives and the lives of people in Malawi.2. That most children will be enabled to discuss the differences between our homes and the homes in Africa.3. That some children will be enabled to… identify the unequal distribution of the world’s resources. Assessment: Teacher Designed task: The children will be asked to complete a worksheet based on the differences between a developed and a developing country.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questionsWhere does Maya come from?Do they have electricity?What do they do in their spare time?Higher Order QuestionsCan you name three differences between a Malawian kitchen and an Irish kitchen?Why is important to support aid organizations?Can you think of any other differences in your lives and Maya’s?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Unequal , distribution, community, locality, resources, welfare.Oral Language:Brainstorming Session: The children will develop oral language as they brainstorm in groups the differences between a kitchen in Ireland and a kitchen in Malawi.Literacy:The children will develop literacy as they complete the TDT worksheet.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will commence the lesson by producing a picture of a Malawian home on the white board to the children. The teacher will ask the children questions such as can you think of theyour own kitchens at home? Can you tell me any differences between the two? This will elicit any prior knowledge they may have. The teacher will record their answers on the white board.Development:The teacher will then play an interactive whiteboard activity, which shows the differences between a Malawian home and an Irish home. She will inform the students that will complete a worksheet based on this. She will then tell them the story of Africa’s Problems on the interactive whiteboard.The children will use the activity ‘the poverton’ to see the differences between life in Ireland and life in Africa.The children will then examine solutions to these problems. The children will work in groups to identify the problems African children face, and to provide possible solutions to these problems. Conclusion:The teacher will recap on the lesson. The children elect a spokesperson from their group to read out their problems and solutions. The children will then complete their worksheets. Resources:IWB –interactive activity- ‘Find a Cow’Teacher designed taskPrompt flash cardsIntegration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13- exploring African tribal music- listening and responding15-10-13- diary writing- Maya’s diary15-10-13- History- African myths and legends Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 15-10-13Subject: HistoryTime: 10:15-10:55Class:4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 40 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring AfricaStrand: StoryStrand Unit: Stories about people’s lives from the past.Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to learn about the story of ‘Kaang’ and the start of the world. 2. That most children will be enabled to understand the importance of myths and legends to the people of Africa. 3. That some children will be enabled to understand what these stories can tell us about religion, beliefs, history and environment of these people.Assessment: Teacher Questioning.The teacher will use both higher and lower order questions throughout the lesson to challenge the children and to assess their knowledge throughout the lesson. The teacher will record her findings in a questioning notebook.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questionsWhat is a myth/ legend?Can you give any examples of Irish myths and legends?What do you know about Africa and its people already?Can you tell me about an African myth?What is the message behind this myth?Does the story help you to imagine the landscape of Africa?What does the story tell us about the religion and beliefs of the bushmen of Africa?Do you think any parts of the story were exaggerated?Higher Order Questions:Can you give any examples of Irish myths and legends?What do you know about Africa and its people already?Why are stories about the natural world so important in African tales?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Villagers, ancestors, myths, legends, fables, tricksters, traditions.Oral Language:The children will develop oral language as they discuss the two myths and the message behind them. Literacy:The children will be developing literacy skills as they complete a comic strip based on the story.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations fables,Introduction:The teacher will explain that we will be learning about African myths in today’s lesson. The class will create a KWL chart showing what they know and would like to learn about myths. They will fill out the first two sections as a whole class. The teacher will introduce the lesson to the children by showing the children a video clip of Anansi and Turtle.Development:The teacher will ask the children have they ever heard of the words ‘myths’ or ‘legends’. The teacher will ask the children to give examples of Irish myths. The teacher will explain that we will be learning about African myths. She will explain how important they are to the tribes of Africa. The teacher will develop the lesson by reading the African myth of ‘Anansi and Turtle’ and ‘Tales of the Bushmen’The teacher will explain the role of the African story teller. The children will then work on a ‘think, pair, share’ activity. The children will work in pairs. Each pair must summarize in three sentences what the message behind this story was. The children will then complete a comic strip based on the story of Anansi and Turtle. 6th class will work independently on this whilst I will help 4th class, and child S and S in 5th class. The children will write the story in their own words through using the comic strip.Conclusion:Each child will show their comic strip to the class and they will read out the captions.The teacher will conclude the lesson by playing a short game of ‘Who Am I’. e.g. ‘I play an important role in African society, I help people understand myths and legends’. Who am I?I will ask the children to research the story ‘How the Leopard Got His Spots’ for homework. Resources:Video clip of Anansi and Turtle.Story of ‘Anansi and Turtle’ and ‘Tales of the Bushmen’.A4 paperKWL chartIntegration:14-10-13- English- diary writing- child in Africa.14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi.15-10-13-English- 2nd draft of diary entry.14-10-13-Music-listening and responding to African tribal music.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 16-10-13Subject: DramaTime: 10:05-10:30Class: 4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 25 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring AfricaStrand: Drama to Strand Unit:Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to take part in the drama warm up games and in the improvisation game. 2. That most children will be enabled to make connections between their learning about Malawi and the improvisational circle. 3. That some children will be enabled to improvise and place themselves in the role of the girl from the story. Assessment: Teacher observation:The teacher will observe the children as they perform the improvisational circle.The teacher will assess the level to which the children take part and make connections between the story of the child in Africa and the improvisational drama. The teacher will record her findings in her observation notebook.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:Can you remind me of the rules of the drama contract?Can you tell me three things you remember about the story we read?Higher Order Questions:Do you think you would be able to improvise and act out the story in an improvisational circle?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Improvisation, improvisational circle, props, Malawi, life expectancy, empathy.Oral Language:The children will develop oral language skills as they partake in the drama. Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pacair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will introduce the lesson by playing a drama warm up game called ‘Greetings your Majesty’. The teacher will then tell the children that this lesson will be based on Maya’s Story. We will have a quick run through the story. ( who , why, where, what, when, how) Development:The teacher will begin the lesson by opening a magic box to see what is inside. The teacher will take out a multi-colored scarf, an old notebook, an old box, and an old coin. Each group will be given a prop. Each group must then say what they think the prop is about. For example, the scarf. Where did it come from? Who wore it? Did she lose it? How did it end up here? Did she sell it? The children will engage in an improvisational circle. Each group will have a prompt card. The prompt card will consist of a sentence explaining a problem Maya has. (the girl from the story) . Each group will have a scenario and each group must work out the best solution to the problem. Each group will then perform their solution in an improvisational piece of drama for the rest of the class. Every group will have a chance to perform.One child from each group will then be elected to play the role of Maya in the ‘hot seat’ and the other children will ask questions about her life. Conclusion:To conclude, we will discuss the group improvisations. We will discuss the problem posed in each scenario. The teacher will ask each group whether they would have solved the problem differently. The teacher will ask the children how they would feel in such situations.The children will then play a short game of ‘Don’t wake the Dead’.Resources:Props-ScarfOld boxOld coinA faded photograph4 problem based scenarios.Integration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13-Music- listening and responding to African tribal music. 15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13- English- letter writing to an aid organization.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Dáta: 16-10-13?bhar: GaeilgeAm: 1:10-1:40Rang:4th, 5th, 6th Fad an Cheachta: __30 nóiméadTéama: _______Bia________ Fo-théama: _______Béarbaiciú__/ Am Dinnéar____Snáitheanna: ?isteacht, Labhairt, LéitheoireachtSnáithaonaid: Ag cothú spéise, Ag tuiscint teanga, Ag úsáid teangaCuspóirí Foghlama Difreáilte:1. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas na bpáistí go léir: an scéal a léamh as Bun go Barr 5&6.2. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas fhórmhór na bpáistí: an comhrá beirte a dhéanamh3. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas cuid de na bpáistí: abaltá ag caint faoin an bpostaer.Feidhmeanna Teanga agus Eiseamláirí:Ranga 4&5: An itheann tú?Itheann mé/tú/sé/síAn ólann tú? ?lann mé..Rang a sé:An bhfuil? AreirInniú B’fhearr liomInnéFoclóir:Béarbaiciú, breithlá speisialta, in éineacht, chaith,chuidigh, ocras an domhain, ionadh an domhain, cócaireacht, féasta, Measúnú:An tascanna múinteoir- ceisteanna agus lion na bearnaí- ag bunaithe ar an scéal.Réamhrá ar ábhar an cheachta:Lean muid ar aghaidh leis an sliocht as Bun go Barr. Ni d’fhreagair na phaistí na ceisteanna. Inniú, Leifidh muid an scéal lena cheile ar an gclárbán arís.Leifidh gach páiste abairtí amhain. Déanfaidh na páiste an comhrá beirte ag bunaithe ar an scéal. ?saidfidh mé luaschártai le haghaidh na focail nua a múineadh arís.Criochnoidh na páistí an slíocht agus déanann siad an comhrá beirte.Forbairt – Na Trí Thréimhse CeachtaAn tréimhse réamhchumarsáide: ( gach rang le cheile)Deanfaidh muid an comhrá ginearálta ar dtús.Cén sort lá atá ann?Cén lá atá ann?Inis dom faoin an aimsir?Ar dhéarna tú aon obair bhaile?Luaschártai: ( gach rang le cheile)?saidfidh mé na luaschártaí ag baint leis an scéal an Bearbaiciú.Postaer:Féach ar an bpostaer: ( gach rang le cheile)Cá bhfuil na páistí? (ag an margadh bia) Cén saghas lae atá ann, dar leat?Cé mhéad stalla atá sa mhargadh? (deich gcinn)Ainmnigh na stallaí atá ag an margadh.Cé atá ag féachaint ar an stalla glasraí?Céard atá á dhéanamh ag Gordó?Céard atá ina lámh ag Neasa?Cad iad na torthaí atá ar díol ag an margadh? Cad atá ar díol ag an stalla idirnáisiúnta?Cén dath atá ar an leoraí?(2) An tréimhse cumarsáide: Comhrá beirte- dáidí agus an páiste. ( rang a sé)Beidh gach rang ag obair lena cheile agus an múinteoir ar an scéal Bearbaiciú as Bun go Barr. Tar eis sin, freagfaidh rang a sé na ceisteanna. Beidh mé ag obair leis rang 4&5. Déanfaidh muid an scéal as Bun go Barr, ‘Am Dinnéar’. Beidh muid ag caint faoina pictiúirí ar dtús. Leighfidh mé na habairtí agus beidh na paistí ag athrá gach abairt. Cuirfidh mé ceist do na paistí.Freagfaidh muid na ceisteanna le cheile.(3) An tréimhse iarchumarsáide: Cuirfidh mé ceist do na phaistí faoin an scéal.?sáidfidh mé na luaschártai uair amháin eile.Conclúid:Beidh muid ag imirt an cluiche ‘Chuaigh mé go stí an siopa agus cheannaigh mé’.?iseanna:Bun go barr 4, 5, 6 ar an clár bánLuaschártaíPostaerComhtháthú:Cuntas an Mheasúnaithe: Plean Gnímh:Date: 15-10-13Subject: HistoryTime: 10:15-10:55Class:4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 40 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring AfricaStrand: StoryStrand Unit: Stories about people’s lives from the past.Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to learn about the story of ‘Kaang’ and the start of the world. 2. That most children will be enabled to understand the importance of myths and legends to the people of Africa. 3. That some children will be enabled to understand what these stories can tell us about religion, beliefs, history and environment of these people.Assessment: Teacher Questioning.The teacher will use both higher and lower order questions throughout the lesson to challenge the children and to assess their knowledge throughout the lesson. The teacher will record her findings in a questioning notebook.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questionsWhat is a myth/ legend?Can you give any examples of Irish myths and legends?What do you know about Africa and its people already?Can you tell me about an African myth?What is the message behind this myth?Does the story help you to imagine the landscape of Africa?What does the story tell us about the religion and beliefs of the bushmen of Africa?Do you think any parts of the story were exaggerated?Higher Order Questions:Can you give any examples of Irish myths and legends?What do you know about Africa and its people already?Why are stories about the natural world so important in African tales?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Villagers, ancestors, myths, legends, fables, tricksters, traditions.Oral Language:The children will develop oral language as they discuss the two myths and the message behind them. Literacy:The children will be developing literacy skills as they complete a comic strip based on the story.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations fables,Introduction:The teacher will explain that we will be learning about African myths in today’s lesson. The class will create a KWL chart showing what they know and would like to learn about myths. They will fill out the first two sections as a whole class. The teacher will introduce the lesson to the children by showing the children a video clip of Anansi and Turtle.Development:The teacher will ask the children have they ever heard of the words ‘myths’ or ‘legends’. The teacher will ask the children to give examples of Irish myths. The teacher will explain that we will be learning about African myths. She will explain how important they are to the tribes of Africa. The teacher will develop the lesson by reading the African myth of ‘Anansi and Turtle’ and ‘Tales of the Bushmen’The teacher will explain the role of the African story teller. The children will then work on a ‘think, pair, share’ activity. The children will work in pairs. Each pair must summarize in three sentences what the message behind this story was. The children will then complete a comic strip based on the story of Anansi and Turtle. 6th class will work independently on this whilst I will help 4th class, and child S and S in 5th class. The children will write the story in their own words through using the comic strip.Conclusion:Each child will show their comic strip to the class and they will read out the captions.The teacher will conclude the lesson by playing a short game of ‘Who Am I’. e.g. ‘I play an important role in African society, I help people understand myths and legends’. Who am I?I will ask the children to research the story ‘How the Leopard Got His Spots’ for homework. Resources:Video clip of Anansi and Turtle.Story of ‘Anansi and Turtle’ and ‘Tales of the Bushmen’.A4 paperKWL chartIntegration:14-10-13- English- diary writing- child in Africa.14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi.15-10-13-English- 2nd draft of diary entry.14-10-13-Music-listening and responding to African tribal music.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 17-10-13Subject: DramaTime: 1:40-2:00Class: 4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 25 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring AfricaStrand: Drama to Strand Unit:Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to take part in the drama warm up games and in the improvisation game. 2. That most children will be enabled to make connections between their learning about Malawi and the improvisational circle. 3. That some children will be enabled to improvise and place themselves in the role of the girl from the story. Assessment: Teacher observation:The teacher will observe the children as they perform the improvisational circle.The teacher will assess the level to which the children take part and make connections between the story of the child in Africa and the improvisational drama. The teacher will record her findings in her observation notebook.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:Can you remind me of the rules of the drama contract?Can you tell me three things you remember about the story we read?Higher Order Questions:Do you think you would be able to improvise and act out the story in an improvisational circle?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Improvisation, improvisational circle, props, Malawi, life expectancy, empathy.Oral Language:The children will develop oral language skills as they partake in the drama. Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pacair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will introduce the lesson by playing a drama warm up game called ‘Greetings your Majesty’. The teacher will then tell the children that this lesson will be based on Maya’s Story. We will have a quick run through the story. ( who , why, where, what, when, how) The teacher will use 3 props from the prop box as a stimulus for the children. Development:The teacher will begin the lesson by opening a magic box to see what is inside. The teacher will take out a multi-colored scarf, an old notebook, an old box, and an old coin. Each group will be given a prop. Each group must then say what they think the prop is about. For example, the scarf. Where did it come from? Who wore it? Did she lose it? How did it end up here? Did she sell it? The children will engage in an improvisational circle. Each group will have a prompt card. The prompt card will consist of a sentence explaining a problem Maya has. (the girl from the story) . Each group will have a scenario and each group must work out the best solution to the problem. Each group will then perform their solution in an improvisational piece of drama for the rest of the class. Every group will have a chance to perform.One child from each group will then be elected to play the role of Maya in the ‘hot seat’ and the other children will ask questions about her life. Conclusion:.The children will then play a short game of ‘Don’t wake the Dead’.Social Conclusion: The children will tidy up the props used by returning them to the prop box.Cognitive conclusion: We will discuss the group improvisations. We will discuss the problem posed in each scenario. The teacher will ask each group whether they would have solved the problem differently. The teacher will ask the children how they would feel in such situations.Resources:Props-ScarfOld boxOld coinA faded photograph4 problem based scenarios.Integration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13-Music- listening and responding to African tribal music. 15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13- English- letter writing to an aid organization.16-10-13- English- article writing based on war in Malawi16-10-13- fact files about African animals.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Dáta: 17-10-13?bhar: GaeilgeAm: 1:10-1:40Rang:4th, 5th, 6th Fad an Cheachta: __30 nóiméadTéama: _______Bia________ Fo-théama: _______Béarbaiciú__/ Am Dinnéar____Snáitheanna: ?isteacht, Labhairt, LéitheoireachtSnáithaonaid: Ag cothú spéise, Ag tuiscint teanga, Ag úsáid teangaCuspóirí Foghlama Difreáilte:1. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas na bpáistí go léir: cur síos a dhéanamh ar a bia is fearr leo. 2. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas fhórmhór na bpáistí: an cur síos a dhéanamh ar postaer. 3. Ba chóir go gcuirfí ar chumas cuid de na bpáistí: an scéal gearr a scríobh ag bunaithe ar bia, ( 7 abairtí- rang a sé)Feidhmeanna Teanga agus Eiseamláirí:Ranga 4&5: An itheann tú?Itheann mé/tú/sé/síAr aghaidh linnAn ólann tú? ?lann mé..In aon chor Is breá liomsaGo tobannRang a sé:An bhfuil? AreirInniú B’fhearr liomInnéBa mhaith liom a bheith I mo..Is breá liom a bheith ag..Foclóir:Béarbaiciú, breithlá speisialta, in éineacht, chaith,chuidigh, ocras an domhain, ionadh an domhain, cócaireacht, féasta, ag an , margadh, idirnáisiúnta, Measúnú:An tascanna múinteoir- ceisteanna agus lion na bearnaí- ag bunaithe ar an scéal agus an scéal gear a scríobh ag bunaithe ar an téama bia/Bialann. Réamhrá ar ábhar an cheachta:Inné, rinne na páiste an drama béag. Rinne gach páisté an drama agus d’úsáid siad na foclóir nua. Leigh muidan slíocht as Bun go Barr . Rinne na páiste an comhrá beirte ag bunaithe ar an scéal. D’úsáis mé luaschártai le haghaidh na focail nua a múineadh arís.Criochnoidh na páistí an slíocht agus déanann siad an comhrá beirte.Forbairt – Na Trí Thréimhse CeachtaAn tréimhse réamhchumarsáide: ( gach rang le cheile)Deanfaidh muid an comhrá ginearálta ar dtús.Cén sort lá atá ann?Cén lá atá ann?Inis dom faoin an aimsir?An mhaith lea tag dul go dtí an margadh?Cén sort bia a ceannaigh tú?Luaschártai: ( gach rang le cheile)?saidfidh mé na luaschártaí ag baint leis an scéal an Bearbaiciú agus ‘Ag An Margadh’Postaer:Féach ar an bpostaer: ( gach rang le cheile)Cá bhfuil na páistí? (ag an margadh bia) Cén saghas lae atá ann, dar leat?Cé mhéad stalla atá sa mhargadh? (deich gcinn)Ainmnigh na stallaí atá ag an margadh.Cé atá ag féachaint ar an stalla glasraí?Céard atá á dhéanamh ag Gordó?Céard atá ina lámh ag Neasa?Cad iad na torthaí atá ar díol ag an margadh? Cad atá ar díol ag an stalla idirnáisiúnta?Cén dath atá ar an leoraí?(2) An tréimhse cumarsáide: Comhrá beirte- dáidí agus an páiste. ( rang a sé)Beidh muid ag caint faoin na píctiuír sa scéal ar dtús.Beidh gach rang ag obair lena cheile agus an múinteoir ar an scéal Bearbaiciú as Bun go Barr. Tar eis sin, freagfaidh rang a sé na ceisteanna. Beidh mé ag obair leis rang 4&5. Déanfaidh muid an scéal as Bun go Barr, ‘Am Dinnéar’. Beidh muid ag caint faoina pictiúirí ar dtús. Leighfidh mé na habairtí agus beidh na paistí ag athrá gach abairt. Cuirfidh mé ceist do na paistí.Freagfaidh muid na ceisteanna le cheile.Beidh rang 4&5 ag déanamh an drama béag ag bunaithe ar an scéal nuair atá rang a sé ag obair ar na ceisteanna.(3) An tréimhse iarchumarsáide: Cuirfidh mé ceist do na phaistí faoin an scéal.?sáidfidh mé na luaschártai uair amháin eile.Beidh muid ag sugradh an cluiche ‘Deir An Múinteoir’Conclúid:Beidh muid ag imirt an cluiche ‘Chuaigh mé go stí an siopa agus cheannaigh mé’.?iseanna:Bun go barr 4, 5, 6 ar an clár bánLuaschártaíPostaerComhtháthú:Cuntas an Mheasúnaithe: Plean Gnímh:Date: 16-10-13Subject: ReligionTime: 1:40-2:00Class: 4th, 5th & 6th Duration of Lesson: 20 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring AfricaStrand: N/AStrand Unit: N/ADifferentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to… discuss the importance of sharing.2. That most children will be enabled to… recognise that Jesus and God care for us and discuss this with their partner.3. That some children will be enabled to… retell the story through the eyes of the little boyAssessment: Teacher observation: I will observe the class, and record anything of note into my notebook to assess the level of engagement, and if my objectives are met.Teacher Questioning Lower Order Questions:Why do you think it is important to share?Can you think of the times when you share or were kind to someone?How do you think you would react if you were in the same situation?How do you think Jesus would have felt if no one had offered the food?Higher Order Questions:How would you feel if you were the little boy who gave up his lunch?How do you think Jesus felt?What do you think the little boy was feeling when he saw Jesus using his gift to perform the miracle?What does the story tell us?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary: God, People, Sharing, love.I will discuss all the above with the class. Oral Language: the children will discuss the story in their groups. Literacy: the children will develop literacy as they write a short summary of the story after we have read and discussed it. Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:I will ask the children to imagine that they have come to school with no lunch.We will discuss what we do when someone forgets their lunch and what we do.We will discuss being kind to others and how important it is to be kind and care for one another.Development:I will then tell the children that I am going to read them out a story and that I would like them to listen carefully.I will read the story of “Feeding the Five Thousand” to the class (see resources).In groups I will ask the children to think about the story and discuss who they think are the most important people who are in the story.I will ensure that the children understand that it is through the act of giving / sharing that we show God’s love and its importance.Conclusion:I will conclude this lesson by giving the children a colouring worksheet on the feeding of 5000 which they will finish for homework.We will say a prayer to end the lesson.Resources:Story “Feeding the 5000”Integration:Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 16-10-13Subject: GeographyTime: 11:15-12:00Class:4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 45 minutes Number of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring AfricaStrand: Human EnvironmentsStrand Unit: People and other lands Differentiated Learning Objectives: That all children will be enabled to explore the Tonga tribe in Malawi.2. That most children will be enabled to compare and contrast the lifestyle of the Tonga people with Irish people.3. That some children will be enabled to develop an awareness of the cultural background of the Tonga tribe.Assessment: Teacher designed task:The children will complete a teacher designed task of creating a ‘spider wheel’ of facts about the Tonga tribe. Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:What sort of clothes do the people in the Masai tribe wear?What does the word Masai mean?What are people from this tribe called?Higher Order Questions:What is their language known as?What do they believe happens to them after death?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Masai, tribes, tribal, rituals, religion.Oral Language:The children will develop oral language as they discuss the tribe in groups. They need to think of ten words associated with the tribe and call them out to the rest of the class. Literacy:The children will complete a spider wheel of facts about the Masai Tribe.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:We will play the game of ‘Alphabetical Countries’ before we begin the lesson. I will then recap with the children what we learnt about Malawi in the last geography lesson. The children will complete a KWL chart together as a class. I will write the information on the whiteboard for them.I will tell the children that we will be learning about the Masai tribe. I will ask them what they want to learn about this tribe.Development:I will show the children a short video about the Masai tribe.I will show the children a power-point presentation about the Masai tribe.I will then ask the children whether they find out any of the facts they wanted to learn from the KWL chart.I will go around the classroom and ask each child for a fact about the Masai tribe.The children will then complete a spider wheel in pairs. Each group will read out the information on their spider sheet. Time allowing, each group will be given an A3 piece of paper. Each group will be given a heading, e.g. diet, dress code, homes, jobs. Each group will be given one section to write about. They will write the information and decorate the sheet of paper using African colours and symbols.Conclusion:Each pair will read out the information from their spider sheet. We will return to the KWL chart to fill in the section of what we learnt. Did we learn everything we wanted to learn? Is there anything you wanted to learn about that you didn’t?What was the most interesting fact about this tribe?Resources:A4 sheetsA3 sheetsImages of Masai tribe (laminated a4)Video-clip of Masai tribePower-point information presentation about Masai tribe.Integration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13- Music – exploring African tribal music15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13-English – diary writing.16-10-13-English- writing a formal letter to an aid organization.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 17-10-13Subject: EnglishTime: 9:30-10-10Class:4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 40 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring AfricaStrand: writing, reading, oral language.Strand Unit: receptiveness to language, confidence and competence in using language.Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to listen to and answer questions about the story of the conflict in Malawi.2. That most children will be enabled to write an article about the conflict for a newspaper based on the information in the story.3. That some children will be enabled to use discussion in groups to generate and develop an alternative ending to the story.Class Differentiation:6th class will write two pages, including newspaper vocabulary.5th class will write a page and draw a picture. ( child S will write half a page) 4th class will write 5 lines and draw a picture.( child O will write half a page)Assessment: Teacher designed task:The children will complete the task of writing a newspaper article based on the conflict in Malawi in their copy books. The teacher will correct these articles and record her findings on a checklist. Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:What is the conflict about?Who is involved in the conflict?How is the conflict affecting the people in the village?Higher Order Questions:Do you think this conflict will ever end?What would you do to stop this conflict if you were in charge?What are the aid organizations doing to help the children?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Strife, war, conflict, unrest, disruptions, families, Malawi, Djoho, rebel soldiers, child soldiers.Oral Language:The children will develop oral language as they work in groups to discuss the alternative endings to this article.Literacy:The children will develop literacy skills as they write the article about the conflict in Africa in their copy books. Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will use the stimulus of various images of conflict in Malawi to capture the children’s interest.The teacher will read a verse of a poem about conflict in Africa to the children.The children will then play the quick fact game where they time themselves and try to think of as many facts about Malawi as possible.The teacher will tell the children that we will be learning about war and conflict in Malawi today.Development:The teacher will begin a discussion with the children. The teacher will brainstorm ideas with the children, e.g. what do they know about conflict and war in Africa? What does this conflict lead to? Have you ever heard anything about it before? The children will discuss the topic for three minutes.The teacher will then move on to show the children a video clip about how conflict and war has ravaged the country of Malawi.The teacher will prompt a discussion about the video clip.The teacher will then read a story about the conflict in Malawi to the children. The teacher will prompt a discussion about the story. Each child will be given a different point of view to write from. E.g. a soldier, a by-passer, a child, a child soldier, a mother, a policeman. Each child must write a newspaper article from the point of view of one of these people.Each class will write a different amount. I will have far higher expectations for 6th class regarding spelling, grammar etc. Conclusion:Social conclusion:The children will tidy their desks. The children will put their copy books away.Cognitive conclusion:The children will discuss what they included in their articles. How would the soldier’s point of view differ to that of a child or mother? How do you think each of these people felt?Resources:Video clip about conflict in MalawiPresentationLaminated photosInteractive whiteboard.Integration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13-Music- listening and responding to African tribal music. 15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13- English- letter writing to an aid organization.16-10-13- fact files about African animals.16-10-13- Drama- hot seating/ improvisation of a scene from the book ‘Maya’s Story’Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 17-10-13Subject: ScienceTime: 10:15-11:00Class: 4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 45 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: The FarmDifferentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to explore and talk about their favourite farm animal.2. That most children will be enabled to write 5 facts in a report about the animal.3. That some children will be enabled to write more detailed and elaborate reports about the animal, e.g. habitat, diet etc.Assessment: Teacher Designed Task:The children will complete a report on a type of farm animal. The teacher will record her findings from this task on a checklist.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:What type of animals live in Africa?What are their habitats like?What do they eat?Higher Order Questions:Would these animals survive in Antarctica? Why not?Would these animals survive in Ireland?Have you ever seen any of these animals before?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary: animals, wildlife, safari, jungle, habitat, classification,Oral Language: The children will use oral language as they read their reports aloud for the rest of the class.Literacy: The children will develop literacy as they write their animal reports.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will show the children photos of an elephant, a lion, a cheetah a gorilla, and a zebra. The teacher will explain to the children that they will each pick an animal to research and they will write a report about it. The teacher will show the children a video clip of African animals.Development:The teacher and children will complete a KWL chart. They will write down everything they know about the animals, what they want to find out and what they learnt. The teacher will write up facts on the board about each animal. The children will have a laptop between two. Each pair will pick an animal to research. The children will be given a report writing template. The teacher will model how to write a report. The children will then begin writing their report. Conclusion:Social conclusion: the children will tidy their desks during the tidy tables competition. Cognitive conclusion: The children will each take a turn reporting on the animal they picked. They will say why they chose it and they will read out their report. Resources:Pictures of African animals.Report writing templateVideo clip of African animalsPoster of African animalsPower point presentationIntegration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13- Music – exploring African tribal music15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13-English – diary writing.16-10-13- English – article about conflict in Africa16-10-13- Geography - Masai TribeRecord of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 18-10-13Subject: Visual ArtTime: 1:40-2:20Class: 4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 40 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring AfricaStrand: Paint and ColourStrand Unit: PaintingDifferentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to cut out and paint a tribal necklace.2. That most children will be enabled to discuss the colours associated with the Masai Tribe and implement them into their tribal necklaces.3. That some children will be enabled to make an African tribal mask if they finish their necklaces early.Assessment: Teacher Observation:The teacher will observe the children as they create their pieces of art. The teacher will observe and assess their knowledge of the art concepts of shape, space, form, colour and texture.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:What colours do you associate with Africa?What do you remember about the jewelry of the Masai tribe?Can you remember anything distinctive about their necklaces?Higher Order QuestionsHow will you decorate your necklace and mask?Which colours will you use and why?Which colours will you mix to get orange etc?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary: design, form, texture, shape, colours, culture, tradition.Oral Language: each child will use oral language during the group work stage of the lesson where the children will brainstorm and share ideas.Literacy: the children will develop literacy as they write a short description of their necklace/ mask, explaining why they used certain colours, styles and so on.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will use a stimulus of photos of African Masai necklaces on the IWB projector. The teacher will ask the children what they remember about the Masai people’s jewelry and why they wear it. What colours does the tribe use?The teacher will also show the children photos of African masks which they will create if they finish their necklaces early.The teacher will delegate tasks to the children, e.g. one child will hand out paper plates, scissors, paint, paint brushes. Development:The children will brainstorm ideas in pairs. All children must have a rough idea of what style, design and colour they will use before they begin. When the children have brainstormed and are sure about their ideas, they will begin making the necklaces. They will do this by cutting the out the outer rim of a paper plate. They will then paint each ridge of the plate a different colour. The children must use a pattern. If the children finish this task early they may begin making an African mask using paper plates and paint.Conclusion:Social conclusion:The teacher will allocate jobs to certain children. E.g. collect scissors.Each child must tidy their own place and place any unwanted paper in the recycling bin. When all the places are tidy, we will begin the cognitive conclusion.Cognitive Conclusion:Each child will have a turn to describe the necklace/ mask they made. The children will explain why they used certain colours and patterns. The other children will ask questions based on the piece of art. Resources:paper platespaintpaint brushesimages of Masai necklaces and masks on the IWBscissorsIntegration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13-Music- listening and responding to African tribal music. 15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13- English- letter writing to an aid organization.16-10-13- English- article writing based on war in Malawi17-10-13- fact files about African animals.17-10-13- Drama- improvisation based on Maya’s life.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 18-10-13Subject: ScienceTime: 11:15-12:00Class: 4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 45 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring AfricaStrand: Living ThingsStrand Unit: Plant and Animal LifeDifferentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to continue writing their animal reports.2. That most children will be enabled to add 5 extra headings to their report which were not given by the teacher.3. That some children will be enabled to find an extra interesting fact about the animal. Some children will create a power-point presentation of their report and present it to the class.Assessment: Teacher Questioning:The teacher will question the children about the animal they researched after their presentations.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:What does nocturnal mean?What does habitat mean?What does endangered species mean?Higher Order QuestionsWhere could you find more information about this animal?What was the most interesting aspect of this project?Why did you choose this particular animal?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Adaption, environment, food chain, camouflage, habitat, interdependence, species.Oral Language:The children will be using and developing oral language when they present their report to the rest of the class.Literacy:The children will develop literacy skills through the process of writing the animal report.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills Through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will show the children images of the various animals being used in the reports on the IWB. The teacher will ask each child for one fact about the animal they have chosen. The teacher will tell the children that we will be finishing the reports today and presenting them to the class. Development:The teacher will hand out reference books to the children. The children who are past this stage will be given a laptop to begin typing up their work. Each child must fulfill all the report headings on the whiteboard. 6th class will work independently on their reports as the teacher works with 4th and 5th class. The teacher will have flashcards of e vocabulary in the report. The teacher will ask each child what the words mean to ensure they retained the words from yesterday. The teacher will then guide them through the report writing process. (4th class) 5th class will also work independently on their reports once the teacher is satisfied with their knowledge of the vocabulary. The teacher will give examples of what to write under each heading to 4th class. They will then continue writing their report. The teacher will circulate the room. The teacher will correct the rough drafts before the children begin typing their reports.Conclusion:Social conclusion: The children will tidy away the books and belongings. The children will return the laptops to the library. Cognitive conclusion: the teacher will pick a child from each class to present their report to the class. We will have a class discussion after each report, e.g. did you learn anything new about that animal? What was the most interesting part of the report?Resources:Various books about animalsLaptopsIWBReport writing headingsFlash cards with new vocabularyIntegration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13- Music – exploring African tribal music15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13-English – diary writing.16-10-13- Geography - Masai TribeRecord of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Date: 18-10-13Subject: English Time: Class:4th, 5th, 6th Duration of Lesson: 40 minutesNumber of Pupils: 15Weekly Theme: Exploring AfricaStrand: reading, writing, oral language.Strand Unit: developing confidence and competence in writing, receptiveness to language.Differentiated Learning Objectives: 1. That all children will be enabled to finish the articles they began yesterday about witnessing conflict in Africa from different points of view. 2. That most children will be enabled to write a description of the scene from the extract.3. That some children will be enabled to write a description of the scene from the extract using a bank of adjectives and adverbs.Assessment: Teacher Designed Task:The children will complete a teacher designed task of writing a description of the scene from the extract. 4th and 5th class will write a description of half a page.Child M in 5th class will do the same task as 6th class.6th class will complete a page of descriptive writing about the extract, using a bank of adjectives and adverbs. The teacher will record findings on a checklist.Teacher Questioning Lower Order questions:Where did this fight take place?What caused the conflict?How many people were involved?How many people were injured?Higher Order QuestionsCan you think of interesting adjectives and adverbs to describe the scene? ( 6th class)What word did you think of when you first heard this story?Can you give me three words to describe how the children felt when this was taking place?Language / Literacy Development:Vocabulary:Conflict, war torn, war, soldiers, fear, causes, solutions, perspective.Oral Language:The children will develop oral language as they work in pairs to think of adjectives to describe the scene. Literacy:The children will develop literacy as they write a descriptive piece of writing based on the extract.Teaching Methodologies: (Underline where relevant) Talk and Discussion: listening, questioning, brainstorming, think, pair, share.Collaborative/Co-operative Learning: group work. Active Learning: hands on experience. Skills through Content: observing, predicting, investigating and experimenting, estimating and measuring, analyzing, synthesizing, describing, categorizing, recording and communicating. Using Local Environment: use of pupil environment and lived experience.Problem Solving: apply logic and rationality to given situations Introduction:The teacher will introduce the game ‘Adjective Race’. Each child will say an adjective in alphabetical order. The aim is to get from letter A to letter Z using adjectives.The teacher will then remind the children of the extract read in yesterday’s story. The teacher will provoke a discussion based on this extract to test what the children can remember. The teacher will then tell the children that they will be describing what happened in the extract in the copies today, using descriptive vocabulary, adjectives and adverbs.Development:The children will be given ten minutes to complete their articles from yesterday. The teacher will then read the extract again for the children. The teacher will use a questions and answers session. The teacher will then split the classes into groups. Each group must think of ten adjectives to describe the extract.The children will then begin the piece of descriptive writing. 6th class will work independently. The teacher will have adjectives and adverb samples written on the board as a means of scaffolding the weaker children. The teacher will then work on adjectives with 4th and 5th. The teacher will explain what an adverb is. The teacher will ask each child for a sample of an adverb and an adjective. The teacher will give the children a short teacher designed task based on adjectives. Once the children have completed this they will begin their piece of descriptive writing. The teacher will have vocabulary on flashcards to help 4th and 5th class.Conclusion:Social conclusion: The children will tidy their tables and put away pencils etc. Cognitive conclusion: The children will take turns to stand at the front of the room to read out their piece of writing. The teacher will record all the adjectives on the whiteboard to see how many we used all together. The teacher will recap on the meanings of adverbs and adjectives through questioning.Resources:Extract from a piece of writing about conflict in Africa.Laminated photographsIWBIntegration:14-10-13- English- diary entry from a child in Malawi14-10-13- Geography- exploring Malawi14-10-13-Music- listening and responding to African tribal music. 15-10-13- History- African myths and legends15-10-13- English- letter writing to an aid organization.16-10-13- English- article writing based on war in Malawi17-10-13- fact files about African animals.17-10-13- Drama- improvisation based on Maya’s life.Record of Assessment: (To be written after lesson is taught – Report on observations & show how information gathered is interpreted and used to inform future planning and teaching)Action Plan:Resources:Anansi and Turtle: A Play.Mrs. Anansi: The table is set, Anansi… while you eat I’m going to visit my mother.Anansi: The sweet potatoes smell quite delicious, I can’t wait to taste them!Mrs. Anansi: Now sit down and eat them.? I’ll be back in about an hour.? An you better finish everything!Anansi: Don’t worry, I will!(Mrs. Anansi leaves.? Anansi is about to eat a piece of potato when there’s a knock at the door)Anansi: Who could it be at this hour?? I really don’t want to open the door, because if I do, then I will have to share my meal… and this is my food!(There’s another knock at the door)Anansi: I’m coming!? I’m coming!(Anansi opens the door)Anansi: Turtle what do you want!… I mean, how are you?Turtle: Oh, Anansi, I’m so tired.? I have been traveling all day, and it’s really hot out there.Anansi: Come in….would you like a glass of water?Turtle: Yes, that would be great!Anansi: Wait here.Turtle: What’s that smell?Anansi: I don’t smell anything.Turtle: It smells like… let me guess…sweet potatoes!Anansi: Oh, that… would you like to join me for dinner?Turtle: Sure!(both sit at the table)Turtle: Oh, my…look at all this food!? The rice looks delicious… and the meat… and the salad!? And my favorite… sweet potatoes!(Turtle reaches for a bowl of sweet potatoes)Anansi: Wait!? Your hands are dirty, you must wash them before you eat.Turtle: You’re right Anansi… I traveled all day and I didn’t have a chance to clean up.? Where’s your bathroom?Anansi: Go straight down the hall and then turn to the right.Turtle: I’ll be right back.(Turtle stands up and goes to the bathroom.? While she leaves Anansi begins to eat.)Anansi: I better hurry before she comes back!(Anansi fills his mouth with food.? He eats, and eats, and eats.? Turtle comes back from washing her hands and sits).Turtle: Oh, there is almost no food.Anansi: Sorry, you are very slow, and the food was getting cold so I began to eat.? But you are here now, join me, Turtle.(Turtle reaches for what’s left of the sweet potatoes)Anansi: Wait!? Your still have dirty hands!(Turtle looks at her hands and sees that they are dirty from crawling on them to get back to the table)Turtle: Oh, sorry, Anansi.? I’ll wash my hands once again.(Turtle goes to wash her hands.? Anansi eats what’s left of the food. ?Turtle comes back and sits)Turtle: There’s nothing left.? Anansi… you ate all the food!Anansi: I couldn’t wait for you, the food was getting very cold.Turtle: Oh, well… it’s getting late.Anansi: I’m sorry that you have to go.Turtle: Thank you anyway.Anansi: Oh, and next time you come to visit me, wear your shoes.Turtle: Oh, I almost forgot, would you like to have dinner with me some time?Anansi: Sure!? When?Turtle: How about tomorrow?Anansi: Tomorrow is fine with me.Turtle: Excellent!Anansi: See you tomorrow.(Turtle leaves.? While on her way to the river she thinks).Turtle: Anansi tricked me!? He ate all the food while I was washing my hands!? Hmmm… I have a plan…? Oh, Anansi I will teach you a lesson!(The turtle is in the bottom of the river.? The table is set for two.? Anansi is standing near the riverbank.? Turtle sees him).Anansi: I’m here, Turtle!Turtle: Anansi!? I am glad you came to share the meal with me.? Come on down here!Turtle: Are you having trouble getting down here?Anansi: Just a little.Turtle: Try diving!Anansi: I already did, but I keep popping back up to the surface.Turtle: Try running jump!Anansi: It doesn’t work either, I keep floating to the top of the water.Turtle: Hurry, dinner is getting cold!Anansi: I can’t sink to the bottom!Turtle: Well think of something… think, think, think!Anansi: I have an idea!(Anansi grabs stones and rocks and puts them inside his jacket pockets.? He jumps into the water and sinks down to the bottom and was able to take his place at the table.)Anansi: You are a great cook, Turtle!? You have many tasty foods…? I can’t wait to start my meal.(Anansi reaches to take a bowl of food)Turtle: Wait Anansi!? It’s not polite to eat with your jacket on!? Look at me…. I am not wearing a jacket.Anansi: But Turtle…Turtle: Please, take off your jacket!( Anansi takes off his jacket, and as soon as it was off of his shoulders, he went zooming like an arrow back up to the surface and popped out onto the riverbank.? Anansi stucks his head down into the water and sees Turtle eating all the food).Anansi: Good-bye my friend… it’s impossible for me to join you, but I appreciate your invitation.? Enjoy your meal!Moral of the story: What goes around comes around.Education Many children in Africa are desperate to go to school and learn how to read and write. But most can't - normally because they don't have enough money. You often have to pay school fees, and parents don't have the cash. Also, many children are needed to help out at home. Walking to schoolEven children who do go to school have to walk for hours to get there. In Zambia, Grace Simokali, nine, and her younger sister Misozi walk for an hour and a half to get to their school. They have to leave home early to avoid the heat and arrive three hours before their lessons start. No money = no school In Kenya primary education is now free, but parents still have to pay for uniforms, pencils, exercise books and rubbers. So eight-year-old Eulalia, only gets to go to school if her mum has enough money. Malawi Fact Sheet:Where?Malawi is a country in Africa. It is a landlocked country.Over one fifth of Malawi is taken up by Lake Malawi, which covers 29600 km.Population: One of the most densely populated countries in AfricaThe population on 2011 was 13, 381, 000Capital City: Lilongwe. Seasons:There are two seasons in Malawi- wet season from November until April and the dry season from April to October.Rural Areas:Over 84% of Malawian people live in rural areas.A rural village is called a Mudzi.A mudzi is a small settlement with a limited supply of fertile land and water, usually occupied by a family and extended family.Traditionally, families lived in huts with mud walls and grass roofs but now brick buildings with iron roofs are becoming more common.MalawiBlantyre is Malawi's largest city. In 1956, with which city did it combine to form one city?Some Facts About Malawi Limbe. Blantyre-Limbe is the chief town and commercial and industrial centre of Malawi, with a population of nearly 600,000. The two cities retain separate identities, however, with Blantyre an administrative centre and Limbe more industrial. Blantyre is named after the home town of famous Scottish explorer David Livingstone.This river is the principal river of Malawi. It drains Lake Malawi and runs 402km south before flowing into the Zambezi. What is the name of this river?Some Facts About Malawi Shire. The Shire river flows through the Shire Highlands of south Malawi. It drops 400m from Lake Malawi to the border with Mozambique, Malawi's lowest point. The river passes over many falls and rapids on its short path. The Shire river is part of the Great Rift Valley.This island in Lake Malawi is the largest of two islands in a Malawian enclave situated in Mozambican waters. What is the name of this island?Some Facts About Malawi Likoma. Likoma is a smallish island with a population of about 9,000, located toward the eastern side of Lake Malawi. Its most notable feature is its cathedral, which was built in 1903. The island was colonised by Anglican missionaries in the 1880's. Chizumulu island is the smaller of the two islands in the enclave. Chisi and Tongwe are islands in Lake Chilwa, Malawi's second largest lake, which have recently suffered from outbreaks of cholera.When did Malawi become a republic?Some Facts About Malawi 6 July 1966. Malawi gained independence on 6 July 1964. Two years later, it became a republic. 23 October 1953 was the date when Nyasaland joined Rhodesia to become the Federation and 31 December 1963 is the date when the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland dissolved.In 1891, the area now known as Malawi was created a British protectorate. What was its name at the time?Some Facts About Malawi Nyasaland . Malawi was called Nyasaland until 1953, when it joined with Northern and Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) to become the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. In 1963, the Federation was dissolved and Nyasaland became Malawi. Malawi became fully independent in 1964.In 1975, Lilongwe became the capital of Malawi. What was the capital prior to this?Some Facts About Malawi Zomba. Zomba was capital of British Nyasaland from 1891-1964, and the capital of Malawi until 1975. Although Zomba is no longer the capital, the University of Malawi and the National Archives are still located here.Amidst controversy and protest, who was elected president of Malawi in May, 2004?Some Facts About Malawi Bingu wa Mutharika. Bingu wa Mutharika of the United Democratic Front (UDF) won the election, succeeding Bakili Muluzi, also of the UDP. John Tembo of the Malawi Congress Party came second, followed by Gwanda Chakuamba of the Mgwirizano Coalition. Malawi became a multi-party democracy in 1994, after 30 years under the dictator Hastings Banda.Malawi has two official languages. One is English. What is the other?Some Facts About Malawi Chichewa. Chichewa is a native Bantu language. Most Malawians speak both Chichewa and English, except for some tribal Bantu languages spoken in the more rural north.Lake Malawi saw naval action in the First World War. True or False?Lake Malawi t. In Malawi they claim that this was the first naval engagement of WW1, but I couldn't corroborate that. From Wikipedia: "In 1914, the lake saw a brief naval engagement when a British ship, on hearing that WWI had begun, sank a German ship in Deutsch Ost-Afrika territorial waters." Deutsch Ost-Afrika (German East Africa) was the then name of what is now known as Tanzania.Which fish is the staple diet of many lakeside residents? This fish is the most important agricultural output of Lake Malawi.Lake Malawi Chambo. The other three are cichlid species. Cichlid are tropical freshwater fish which are often harvested for live sale as aquarium fish. Local fishermen catch chambo by using a net strung between a boat and a dugout canoe. The fish are attracted by one or more gas lanterns on the back of a third canoe which paddles into the middle of the net drawing the fish behind it. Before gas lanterns were available, a fire was lit on the canoe. From the shore it seems as if the stars have come to swim on the surface of the lake.The former name for Lake Malawi was derived from the Yao word for lake. What is this name?Lake Malawi Lake Nyasa. This was the name given to the lake by David Livingstone, the first European to see the lake. The other three are all artificial lakes created behind dams of the same name in Mozambique (Cahora Bassa), Zimbabwe/Zambia (Kariba) and Zambia (Itezhi-Tezhi).Lake Malawi is drained by which river?Lake Malawi Shire. The Shire flows for 402 kilometres through southern Malawi and Mozambique where it empties into the Zambezi. The Ruhuhu is the lake's longest headstream and flows into the north of the lake. The Lukuga drains Lake Tanganyika on its way to the Congo River.Lake Malawi borders which three African countries?Lake Malawi Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique. Lake Malawi forms the eastern border of the long thin country of Malawi. The eastern portion of the lake borders Mozambique and Tanzania lays claim to a small stretch at the northern end of the lake.What was the name of the Malawian president who died on April 6, 2012?Mysterious Malawi Bingu wa Mitharika. Bingu wa Mutharika, born Brightson Webster Ryson Thom, passed away of a heart attack in Lilongwe, Malawi. He held the presidency from 24 May 2004 - 6 April 2012. What are Malawi's chief exports?Mysterious Malawi Tobacco and tea. Tobacco and tea are the chief exports of Malawi. Malawi also has the highest production of burley leaf tobacco, a low grade, high nicotine tobacco. The sad thing is Malawi depends on child labour to work on the tobacco farms which leads to acute nicotine poisoning also known as green tobacco sickness.What is the traditional dress worn by women in Malawi called?Mysterious Malawi Chitenje. The chitenje is a rectangular piece of fabric which comes in a variety of patterns, colours and designs. It is tied in much the same way as you would tie a sarong. It is sometimes used to cover up slightly shabbier clothing and can also be used as a baby sling or as a pot holder. A multipurpose piece of clothing I would say.Whose statue in Lilongwe commemorates the man/woman who ruled Nyasaland and Malawi from 1961 to 1994?Mysterious Malawi Hastings Banda. Hastings Kamuzu Banda was the first president of Malawi. His statue is in front of the National Memorial Park in the capital city of Lilongwe.Which ocean does Malawi lie on?Mysterious Malawi It is landlocked. Malawi is landlocked and is bordered by Tanzania to the northeast, Mozambique on the east, south and west, and Zambia to the northwest.Malawi is home to the third largest lake in Africa, what is the name of the lake?Mysterious Malawi Lake Malawi. Not only is Lake Malawi the third largest lake in Africa, it is also the eighth largest lake in the world, and the second deepest lake in Africa. It is home to many species of fish, as well as hippos, crocodiles and fish eagles. Lake Malawi is also known as Lake Nyasa stemming from the days when Malawi was known as Nyasaland before it gained its independence from Britain in 1964.By what name is Malawi also known as?Mysterious Malawi The Warm Heart of Africa. Malawi is rightly known as "The Warm Heart of Africa". The locals you meet are friendly, courteous and hospitable. Of course, as with most African countries you do get the criminal element, but all in all Malawi is fairly safe. Do take care that you don't walk around on your own at night.Approximately one hour's travel by bus from Blantyre is the city of Zomba. It's not a tourist destination, but we have been told that we can see some endangered birds if we are lucky. Which birds are we going to try and see?Mysterious Malawi White-winged apalis. There are fewer than 100 breeding pairs of the white-winged apalis left in the wild. On the outskirts of Zomba, amidst the Jacaranda trees, you can see a pair of these beautiful birds. Zombia is in southern Malawi and was the country's first capital. Can you name the beautiful old stone building in Blantyre built in 1891?Mysterious Malawi St Michael and All Angels Church. St Michael and All Angels Church was designed by the Rev. David Scott who had no architectural background whatsoever. It was built by local labour who had very little experience in construction. Considering this, it is an absolutely magnificent building. Mandala is another name for which southern Malawian City?Mysterious Malawi Blantyre. Blantyre, also known as Mandala, is the second largest city in Malawi and is its centre of commerce and finance. Karonga is in the north of Malawi, and Lilongwe to the east. Mangochi is also in the south but north of Blantyre. How do you think you would cope living in Africa? What would you miss the most? What would you enjoy best? How do you feel about the way some kids have to live their lives? Have there been any big surprises for you?Section 1: Looking forward to this week – Specific areas for developmentOutline the targets for your own development this week.How will these areas be developedIndicate where and how you will be addressing these targets during this week.This week I aim to:Address my time management issues.Spend more time on oral languageIntroduce more active learning to my maths lessons.I will stick rigidly to my timetable. I will carry any unfinished work into the lesson the following day. I will spend more time on oral language by asking the children for their news in the morning, and by introducing oral language games to each lesson.This week I will be teaching Shape and Space, so I plan to bring the children on a 2d and 3d shape hunt, inside the classroom and outside on the school grounds. Section 2: Looking back at your practice: Area of PracticeSuccesses form me this WeekAreas for me to developAction PlanPlanning and Preparation this weekI feel my lessons were well executed this week due to my planning ahead of time. I had Friday off for the referendum so this really helped me plan in advance. My lessons were very well resourced this week.My planning may need to be adjusted as I am beginning to realize that I may plan for too much in my lessons. My integrated flow diagram needs to be more detailed.I will make my lessons slightly shorter with less content. I will also allow the children less time to complete tasks during the lessons. I will move the lessons along at a quicker pace.Lesson Objectivesthis weekMy lesson objectives for the most part this week were a success. My objectives for my English lessons on newspaper/ recount writing were far too ambitious. I hope this was a once off problem as the children didn’t have experience in writing newspaper articles.Introductions, Developments & ConclusionsMy introductions were successful in drawing the children in to the lesson this week. My concluding activities are always rushed due to time constraints. I will make my introductions shorter and my conclusions longer and more detailed.Methodologies Used this WeekI used a wide variety of methodologies this week in all lessons.I had previously avoided using the methodologies of problem solving and use of the local environment as I found it difficult to fit problem solving into lessons, and I wasn’t entirely sure of the way to use ‘use of the local environment’.I will aim to use all methodologies throughout the week in all lessons.Classroom Management SkillsI managed the class on the whole quite well this week. the group points system is working well for me.IChild M in 4th class has been difficult to manage this week due to the arrival of a sub teacher with whom he clashes terribly.I will encourage child M to behave through using praise, praise and more praise as he responds well to it, most of the time.Behaviour Management this weekBehaviour management on the whole was a success for me this week. I am lucky as the children are a generally well behaved bunch.As aforementioned, child M was difficult this week. If this continues into next week, I will offer the reward of gardening at lunch time in return for positive classroom behavior. (Another areas identified by you)The science lesson of producing butter went very well. The children really enjoyed it.I should have allowed for more time for a social conclusion at the end of the lesson as it was a very messy activity.I will allow ten minutes after science/ art anymore for a social conclusion.Section 3: My thinking this week - This section should be written after you have completed this week List your key achievements this week:The children were happy. They enjoyed the lessons and were relaxed and hard working all week.I had well resourced lessons which helped the children as they enjoyed the lessons more.We produced a class newspaper which we will sell in the local shop.Reflection on a specific event or issue: Using the space below, select one event that occurred this week or one issue that caused you to think about your practice this week. Reflect on this specific event or issue. I really enjoyed this week, firstly because I got to teach English every day and secondly because my theme was media and communications. I really enjoyed the theme this week, although it was difficult to integrate it with the three core subjects. We produced a newspaper this week as part of our media theme. I don’t know who enjoyed it more, me or the children! It was difficult at times as the children wanted to do it all day every day, but we managed in the end, although we missed our deadline for Friday due to technical difficulties. It is now published however and will be on the shelves on Monday at three o’ clock. I really love writing and I think my passion for the subject really came through this week. The children became caught up in the whirlwind of excitement. They even offered to give up their beloved PE in exchange for more newspaper time!Upon reflection, I realised this week just how very important it is to be enthusiastic about every subject you teach, for if the teacher is enthusiastic enough, so too will the children. Even children who hate writing in any shape or form, became involved in the classroom newspaper.Each child had a job as a reporter/ journalist in the paper ( The Claddaghduff Journal) and all children had their own part of the newspaper to complete, e.g. horoscopes, the weather, sport, farming, kids corner ( for the junior room), poetry and so on. The children were very proud of their newspaper and I was too. It was a great project to work on. Ideally, I would love to do one each week for the next two weeks, but this would be difficult, unless the children wrote the articles at home. I have also learnt this week that their simply are not enough hours in the school day sometimes! ................

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