Theme 1: Finding a Way - Mrs. Williamson's Fifth Grade

|Focus Skills |

|Essential Question: What changes in the environment affect living things? |

|Reading |Spelling | Robust Vocabulary |

|Unit 5 Week 3 | | |

|Global Warming |Prefixes | |

|Literature Anthology |prewash |atmosphere- |

|p. 384-399 |disable | |

|Genre: Informational/Expository Text; Reading/Writing Workshop |discolor |decays – |

|page 344 |mistaken | |

| |preheats |gradual – |

|Forests on Fire- |mistrust | |

|Reading/Writing Workshop |incorrect |impact – |

|p. 338-341 |disconnect | |

|Genre: Informational/Expository Text |preview |noticeably – |

| |prejudge | |

|When Volcanoes Erupt |misjudge |receding – |

|p. 400-403 |discomfort | |

|Genre: Informational/Expository Text |dismount |stability – |

| |misunderstand | |

|Comprehension |disobey |variations- |

| |dishonest | |

|Skill: Compare and Contrast |injustice | |

|Reading/Writing Workshop page 343 |disapprove | |

| |inexpensive | |

|Strategy: Ask and Answer Questions-Reading/Writing Workshop page|indefinite | |

|342 | | |

| |Challenge Words | |

|Fluency |presence | |

| |stationary | |

|Focus on Rate |current | |

| |prehistoric | |

|Writing |misbehave | |

| | | |

|Form: Ideas | | |

|sho | | |

|Hel | | |

|Adjectives modify a noun or pronoun, tell what kind, tell how | | |

|many or how much, and tell which one. | | |

|Home – School Connection & Contract Agreement |

|We have read this week’s Wonders Contract & School-Home Connection together and agree to complete it. |

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|Parent Signature Student Signature Teacher Signature |

|*____________________ *____________________ *___________________ |

|Assignments |

|Reading |Spelling |Fluency |

|Unit 5 Week 3 |Practice Book | |

|Global Warming |Spelling contract |Cold read __________WPM |

|p. 384-399 |Spelling Worksheet |Practice __________WPM |

|Listen to the story | |Final Read __________WPM |

|Read story in class |Grammar |*Goal for next week ______WPM |

|Read story at home |Worksheet | |

|Respond to Reading p. 399 | | |

| |Writing |AR Score |

|Forests on Fire | |Date Book Score |

|p. 338-341 | |_____ __________ _____% |

|Read in class |Assessments |_____ __________ _____% |

| |3/20/14 Spelling test |_____ __________ _____% |

|Comprehension |3/21/14 Reading Test |_____ __________ _____% |

| | |Goal ______ |

|Your Turn Practice Book |Spelling Contract due on March 20! | |

|Your Turn Practice Book | | |

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|Robust Vocabulary | | |

| | | |

|Practice Book | | |

|Definitions of Vocabulary words | | |

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|Word Study – Vocabulary |

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|Reading – leveled readers, AR |

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|Writing – Ideas |

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|Technology - Computer center |

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|Homework |

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|____________Group |

|Group Members: |

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Group ________

Group Members









= Tested Skill


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