Spanish Adjectives Big List A-Z

1. abierto 2. abrumado 3. aburrido 4. acelerado 5. activo 6. afectuoso 7. afilado 8. agradable 9. agradecido 10. agresivo 11. agrio 12. alegre 13. alto 14. amable 15. ambicioso 16. ambidextro 17. amistoso 18. ancho 19. ansioso 20. antip?tico 21. arrepentido 22. arrogante 23. art?stico 24. ?spero 25. asustado 26. atractivo 27. audaz 28. avergonzado 29. bajo 30. barato 31. bello 32. blando 33. bonito 34. bueno 35. caliente 36. cansado 37. cari?oso 38. caro

Spanish Adjectives Big List A-Z

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closed overwhelmed bored hyper active affectionate sharp pleasant grateful or thankful aggressive sour happy or glad tall or high nice or kind ambitious ambidextrous friendly broad anxious or eager mean or unpleasant remorseful or sorry arrogant artistic rough afraid or scared attractive bold ashamed or embarrassed low or short in height cheap or inexpensive beautiful soft pretty good hot tired or weary affectionate or loving expensive

39. celoso 40. cerrado 41. claro 42. c?mico 43. contento 44. cort?s 45. corto 46. costoso 47. creativo 48. cr?tico 49. cuadrado 50. culpable 51. culto 52. d?bil 53. decepcionado 54. delgado 55. delicado 56. deprimido 57. desagradable 58. descontento 59. descort?s 60. descuidado 61. desgarbado 62. deshonesto 63. desorganizado 64. diestro 65. dif?cil 66. diligente 67. disgustado 68. dispuesto 69. dulce 70. duro 71. ego?sta 72. elegante 73. elocuente 74. emocionado 75. empinado 76. en?rgico

jealous closed light in color funny happy or pleased polite short in length expensive creative critical square guilty or accused cultured weak disappointed slender delicate depressed unpleasant dissatisfied or unhappy impolite or rude sloppy inelegant dishonest disorganized right-handed difficult diligent disgusted or displeased willing sweet hard in texture selfish elegant or graceful eloquent excited or thrilled steep energetic

77. enfadado 78. enfermo 79. enfurecido 80. enojado 81. est?pido 82. exc?ntrico 83. exigente 84. f?cil 85. fascinante 86. feliz 87. femenino 88. feo 89. fiel 90. flaco 91. fr?o 92. frustrado 93. fuerte 94. furioso 95. generoso 96. gordo 97. grande 98. hermoso 99. honesto 100. humilde 101. imaginativo 102. impaciente 103. impulsivo 104. incapacitado 105. independiente 106. indiferente 107. inocente 108. inquieto 109. insociable 110. inteligente 111. ir?nico 112. irritable 113. joven 114. largo

angry or annoyed sick or ill furious or enraged angry stupid eccentric fussy easy fascinating happy feminine ugly faithful thin cold frustrated strong or loud furious generous fat big beautiful or lovely honest humble imaginative impatient impulsive handicapped independent indifferent innocent anxious or restless unsociable intelligent ironic irritable young long

115. lento 116. ligero 117. limpio 118. lindo 119. lleno 120. loco 121. macho 122. mal?volo 123. malhumorado 124. malo 125. manso 126. maravilloso 127. masculino 128. medio 129. melindroso 130. mezquino 131. moreno 132. nervioso 133. nuevo 134. optimista 135. orgulloso 136. oscuro 137. oval 138. ovalado 139. paciente 140. pelirrojo 141. peludo 142. peque?o 143. perdido 144. perezoso 145. perfecto 146. pesado 147. pesimista 149. plano 148. pobre 150. posesivo 151. preocupado 152. presuntuoso

slow light in weight clean lovely full crazy male (animal) malicious grouchy or cranky bad tame marvelous or wonderful male average picky stingy brunette or dark nervous or fidgety new optimistic proud dark oval oval patient red-haired hairy small lost lazy perfect heavy pessimistic flat poor possessive worried or concerned snobbish

153. r?pido 154. raro 155. rebelde 156. rechoncho 157. rectangular 158. recto 159. redondo 160. refrescante 161. rico 162. rizado 163. rom?ntico 164. romo 165. roto 166. rubio 167. ruidoso 168. sabio 169. saludable 170. sano 171. sarc?stico 172. satisfecho 173. seco 174. sensible 175. serio 176. silencioso 177. simp?tico 178. sincero 179. sociable 180. sorprendido 182. suave 181. sucio 183. supersticioso 184. taca?o 185. tenso 186. terco 187. t?mido 188. tonto 189. trabajador 190. tranquilo

fast strange or odd rebellious plump rectangular honest round refreshing rich curly romantic dull broken blonde noisy wise healthy healthy sarcastic satisfied dry sensitive serious quiet nice and kind sincere sociable surprised soft or smooth or gentle or mild dirty superstitious mean or stingy tense or stressed stubborn shy foolish or stupid hardworking calm or peaceful

191. travieso

192. triangular

193. triste

194. vac?o

195. valiente

196. vanidoso

197. var?n

198. velloso

199. vers?til

200. viejo



202. zurdo

mischievous triangular sad or gloomy empty courageous vain male fluffy versatile old lively left-handed


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