List of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

[Pages:11]List of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives


Angry enojado Bad malo Beautiful hermoso Big grande Bitter amargo Black negro Bloody sangriento Blue azul Bold audaz Brave valiente Brief breve Bright brillante Broad ancho, amplio Busy ocupado Calm tranquilo Cheap barato Classy elegante

Comparative Adjectives

angrier worse more beautiful bigger bitterer more bitter blacker bloodier bluer bolder braver briefer brighter broader busier calmer cheaper classier

Superlative Adjectives

angriest worst most beautiful biggest bitterest most bitter blackest bloodiest bluest boldest bravest briefest brightest broadest busiest calmest cheapest classiest

Teacher: John Francis Source: Englishentry

List of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Clean limpio Clear claro Clever listo, inteligente Close cerca Cloudy nublado Clumsy torpe Coarse Grueso Cold fr?o Cool fresco Crazy loco Creamy cremoso

Crispy crujiente Cruel cruel Curly rizado Curvy curvil?nea Cute mono Damp h?medo Dark oscuro

Teacher: John Francis Source: Englishentry

cleaner clearer cleverer more clever closer cloudier clumsier coarser colder cooler crazier creamier

crispier crueler curlier curvier cuter damper darker

cleanest clearest cleverest most clever closest cloudiest clumsiest coarsest coldest coolest craziest creamiest

crispiest cruelest curliest curviest cutest dampest darkest

List of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Deadly mortal Deep profundo Dense denso Difficult dif?cil Dirty sucio Dry seco Dull aburrido Dumb est?pido Dusty polvoriento Early temprano, pronto Easy f?cil Expensive caro Faint debil, tenue, vago, ligero Fair claro, justo Fancy lujoso Far lejos, distante Fast r?pido Fat gordo

deadlier deeper denser more difficult dirtier drier duller dumber dustier earlier easier more expensive fainter fairer fancier further farther faster fatter

deadliest deepest densest most difficult dirtiest driest dullest dumbest dustiest earliest easiest most expensive faintest fairest fanciest furthest farthest fastest fattest

Teacher: John Francis Source: Englishentry

List of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Few pocos Fierce feroz Filthy inmundo Fine fino Firm firme Fit apto

Flat plano, llano Fresh fresco,nuevo,original Friendly agradable,amable,amistoso Full lleno Funny gracioso Gentle tierno, amable Gloomy oscuro, triste Good bueno Grand grandioso Grave grave Greasy grasiento Great grande, genial

Teacher: John Francis Source: Englishentry

fewer fiercer filthier finer firmer fitter

flatter fresher friendlier fuller funnier gentler gloomier better grander graver greasier greater

fewest fiercest filthiest finest firmest fittest

flattest freshest friendliest fullest funniest gentlest gloomiest best grandest gravest greasiest greatest

List of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Greedy codicioso Guilty culpable Hairy peludo Handy pr?ctico, comodo Happy feliz,contento Hard duro, dif?cil Harsh ?spero, duro Healthy sano,saludable Heavy pesado, grueso, fuerte, duro High alto, elevado Hip moderno Hot caliente Humble humilde Hungry hambriento Icy helado Interesting interesante Itchy quepica, irritado Juicy jugoso, zumoso, suculento

greedier guiltier hairier handier happier harder harsher healthier heavier higher hipper hotter humbler hungrier icier more interesting itchier juicier

greediest guiltiest hairiest handiest happiest hardest harshest healthiest heaviest highest hippest hottest humblest hungriest iciest most interesting itchiest juiciest

Teacher: John Francis Source: Englishentry

List of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Kind amable, ben?volo, cari?oso Large grande Late tarde, retrasado, reciente Lazy perezoso, vago Light ligero, claro Likely probable Little peque?o, poco Lively animado, vivo Lonely solitario Long largo Loud fuerte, alto Lovely precioso, bello, lindo Low bajo Mad enfadado, enojado, loco Mean malo, mezquino, taca?o Messy sucio, desordenado, desastroso Mild afable, suave, leve Modern moderno

kinder larger later lazier lighter likelier littler livelier lonelier longer louder lovelier lower madder meaner messier milder more modern

kindest largest latest laziest lightest likeliest littlest liveliest loneliest longest loudest loveliest lowest maddest meanest messiest mildest most modern

Teacher: John Francis Source: Englishentry

List of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Moist h?medo Narrow estrecho,escaso Nasty asqueroso,desagradable Naughty malo,travieso Near cercano,pr?ximo Neat ordenado,aseado,pulcro Needy necesitado New nuevo,fresco,reciente,moderno Nice simpatico,agradable,bueno Noisy ruidoso,clamoroso Odd raro,extra?o Oily grasiento,aceitoso Old viejo,anciano,antiguo Plain claro,sencillo Polite educado,cort?s Poor pobre Popular popular Pretty bonito,lindo,hermoso

moister narrower nastier naughtier nearer neater needier newer nicer noisier odder oilier older elder plainer politer more polite poorer more popular prettier

moistest narrowest nastiest naughtiest nearest neatest neediest newest nicest noisiest oddest oiliest oldest eldest plainest politest most polite poorest most popular prettiest

Teacher: John Francis Source: Englishentry

List of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Proud orgulloso,soberbio,digno Pure puro Quick r?pido Quiet tranquilo,silencioso Rare raro Raw crudo,agrietado Rich rico,abundante Ripe maduro,curado Risky arriesgado,peligroso Roomy espacioso Rough ?spero,tosco,bruto,ronco Rude maleducado,grosero,tosco Rusty oxidado Sad triste,lamentable,penoso Safe seguro Salty salado Sane cuerdo,sensato Scary espantoso,asustadizo

prouder purer quicker quieter rarer rawer richer riper riskier roomier rougher ruder rustier sadder safer saltier saner scarier

proudest purest quickest quietest rarest rawest richest ripest riskiest roomiest roughest rudest rustiest saddest safest saltiest sanest scariest

Teacher: John Francis Source: Englishentry


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