hochiminh city institute of applied science and technologyforeign language departmentenglish IFOUR CORNERS 2A HANDOUTUNIT 1COMPILED BYL??NG TH? PHONG LANNGUY?N TH? KIM ANHNGUY?N KIM PH??NGUNIT 1: MY INTERESTSWarm up:lamp (n) /l?mp/: ?èn ng?guitar (n) /ɡ??tɑ??$?-?tɑ?r/- electric guitar, acoustic guitar: ?àn ghi-tafish tank (n) /?f?? ?t??k/: b? cácamera (n) /?k?m.r?/: máy ch?p hìnhpicture (n) /?p?k.t??r/: hìnhmagazine (n) /?m?ɡ.??zi?n/: t?p chíI’m interested in fashionart (n) /ɑ?t/: ngh? thu?tfashion (n) /?f??.?n/: th?i tranglanguage (n) /?l??.ɡw?d?/: ng?n ng?literature /?l?t.r?.t??r/?: v?n h?cpolitics (n) /?p?l.?.t?ks/?: chính tr?pop culture (n) /?p?p ?k?l.t??r/?: v?n hóa ??i chúngsports (n) /sp??ts/: th? thaotechnology (n) /tek?n?l.?.d?i/: k? thu?t, c?ng ngh?travel (n) /?tr?v.?l/?: du l?chTV show (n): ch??ng trình truy?n hìnhB. Can you repeat that, please?fun (n) /f?n/: vui v?sure (a) /???r/?= Yes, of course: ch?c ch?n/ t?t nhiênGot it (idm)= I understandDo you play sports?bowl (v) /b??l/?: ném bóng r?ski (v) /ski?/ : tr??t tuy?tswim (v) /sw?m/: b?ibaseball (n) /?be?s.b??l/?: bóng chàytable tennis (n) /?te?.b?l ?ten.?s/?: bóng bàngymnastics (n) /d??m?n?s.t?ks/?: th? d?c, th? d?c d?ng c?karate (n) /k??rɑ?.ti/?: v? karateyoga (n) /?j??.ɡ?/?: m?n yoga Free timetelescope (n) /?tel.?.sk??p/: kính vi?n v?ngmoon (n) /mu?n/: m?t tr?ngplanet (n) /?pl?n.?t/?: hành tinhMars (n) /mɑ?z/?: sao H?aJupiter (n) /?d?u?.p?.t?r/: sao M?cDiscover (v) /d??sk?v.?r/: khám phá, phát hi?njewelry (n) /?d?u·?l·ri,??d?ul·ri/?: trang s?c, n? trangring (n) /r??/?: nh?nbracelet (n) /?bre?.sl?t/: vòng ?eo taynecklace (n) /?nek.l?s/: vòng ?eo c?stuff (n) /st?f/: món ??, th?llama(n) /?lɑ?.m?/?: l?c ?à kh?ng b??ucupcake (n) /?k? bánh n??ng nh?gyotaku (n) /d?ai?u’takju:/: ngh? thu?t in cá c?a Nh?t b?nPART A: GRAMMARPRESENT TENSE Present of BETo Be - AffirmativeSubjectTo BeExamplesIamI?am?from New Zealand.YouareYou?are?Chilean.HeisHe?is?twenty years old.SheisShe?is?a nurse.ItisIt?is?a big dog.WeareWe?are?intelligent.YouareYou?are?students.TheyareThey?are?married.To Be - ContractionsContractions of?To Be?are very frequent when we are speaking.To BeContractionExamplesI amI'mI'm?from New Zealand.You areYou'reYou're?Chilean.He isHe'sHe's?twenty years old.She isShe'sShe's?a nurse.It isIt'sIt's?a big dog.We areWe'reWe're?intelligent.You areYou'reYou're?students.They areThey'reThey're?married.To Be - Negative SentencesThe negative of?To Be?can be made by adding?not?after the verb.SubjectTo BeExamplesIam notI?am not?from Spain.Youare notYou?are not?Australian.Heis notHe?is not?thirty years old.Sheis notShe?is not?a secretary.Itis notIt?is not?a small cat.Weare notWe?are not?stupid.Youare notYou?are not?teachers.Theyare notThey?are not?single.To Be - Negative ContractionsThere are two ways of forming contractions of?To Be?in negative sentences. One is with a contraction of the?subject?and the?verb?(e.g. I am = I'm) OR a contraction of the?verb?and?not?(e.g. are not = aren't)I'm not?from Spain.-----------------*You're not?Australian.ORYou aren't?Australian.He's not?thirty years old.ORHe isn't?thirty years old.She's not?a secretary.ORShe isn't?a secretary.It's not?a small cat.ORIt isn't?a small cat.We're not?stupid.ORWe aren't?stupid.You're not?teachers.ORYou aren't?teachers.They're not?single.ORThey aren't?single.* Notice that the only possible contraction for?I am not?is?I'm not.To Be - QuestionsTo create questions with?To Be, you put the?Verb?before the?Subject.AffirmativeYouarehappy.?SubjectVerb??QuestionAreyouhappy??VerbSubject?AffirmativeQuestionI am intelligent.Am I?intelligent?You are a student.Are you?a student?He is a pilot.Is he?a pilot?She is from Spain.Is she?from Spain?It is a big house.Is it?a big house?We are ready.Are we?ready?You are doctors.Are you?doctors?They are rich.Are they?rich?To Be - Short AnswersIn spoken English, we usually give short answers in response to questions.Are you a student? - Yes, I am (a student). The last part (a student) is not necessary. We use shorts answers to avoid repetition, when the meaning is clear.QuestionShort Answers**Short AnswersAm I intelligent?Yes, you are.No, you aren't.Are you a student?Yes, I am.No, I am not.Is he a pilot?Yes, he is.No, he isn't.Is she from Spain?Yes, she is.No, she isn't.Is it a big house?Yes, it is.No, it isn't.Are we ready?Yes, we are.No, we aren't.Are you doctors?Yes, we are.No, we aren't.Are they rich?Yes, they are.No, they aren't.** With?To Be, We don't use contractions in?affirmative?short answers unless there is additional information after it (in which case they are no longer considered short answers).Summary ChartPART B:Things you can say about mobile phones and cell phonesGood things about mobile / cellular / cell phonesThey are the most popular type of gadget in the world todayThe way we communicate has been revolutionized by cellular phonesWe can stay in contact with everyone no matter where we areThey allow users to communicate by text messages, making calls,and sending emailsMobile phones provide easy access to the Internet and users can also take photos and listen to music all on one gadgetBad things about mobile / cellular phonesMobile phones may cause some problems in certain public areasWhen they ring in public places like cinemas and schools they create a disturbanceSome people seem not to be aware that other people can hear the conversationMobile or cellular phones can interfere with the operation of other electronic equipmentExcessive use of mobile phones can cause brain damage due to radiofrequency (RF) waves they emitUsing a mobile or cellular phone can be a dangerous distraction when trying to certain other activitiesTalking or texting on a mobile or cell phone while driving is very dangerousMobile phones are easy targets for thieves in many placesPART CGRAMMAR:THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE IS USED:To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes:I smoke?(habit);?I work in London?(unchanging situation);?London is a large city?(general truth)To give instructions or directions:You walk?for two hundred meters, then?you turn?left.To express fixed arrangements, present or future:Your exam?starts?at 09.00To express future time, after some conjunctions:?after, when, before, as soon as, until:He'll give it to you when?you come?next Saturday.Examples:For habitsHe drinks tea at breakfast.She only eats fish.They watch television regularly.For repeated actions or eventsWe catch the bus every morning.It rains every afternoon in the hot season.They drive to Monaco every summer.For general truthsWater freezes at zero degrees.The Earth revolves around the Sun.Her mother is Peruvian.For instructions or directionsOpen the packet and pour the contents into hot water.You take the No.6 bus to Watery and then the No.10 to Bedford.For fixed arrangementsHis mother arrives tomorrow.Our holiday starts on the 26th MarchWith future constructionsShe'll see you before she leaves.We'll give it to her when she arrives.FORMING THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE: TO THINKAffirmativeInterrogativeNegativeI thinkDo I think?I do not thinkYou thinkDo you think?You do not thinkHe thinksDoes he think?He does not thinkShe thinksDoes she think?She does not thinkIt thinksDoes it think?It does not thinkWe thinkDo we think?We do not think.They thinkDo they think?They do not think.NOTES ON THE SIMPLE PRESENT, THIRD PERSON SINGULARIn the third person singular the verb?always ends in -s:he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.Negative and question forms use DOES (= the third person of the auxiliary 'DO') + the infinitive of the verb.He wants?ice cream.?Does?he want strawberry? He?does?not want vanilla.Verbs ending in?-y?: the third person changes the?-y?to?-ies:fly --> flies, cry --> criesException: if there is a vowel before the -y:play --> plays, pray --> praysAdd?-es?to verbs ending in:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch:he passes,?she catches,?he fixes,?it pushesExamples:He goes?to school every morning.She understands?English.It mixes?the sand and the water.He tries?very hard.She enjoys?playing the IC: SPORT??? There are many kinds of sports but I like football most. Everyday, at 4.30 pm, I usually ride to Tuyen Son sport town to play football with my friends. Normally one team pre-deposits. And then we have a match in which each team tries very hard to win because the losing team has to pay 200.000 VND for rental fee, everybody doesn’t want to loose the money. It is very fun to play with a simple purpose like that. If we play in the day time, the fee will be cheaper.PART DTRAVELLINGSUGGESTED VOCABULARIES + IDEAS + EXPRESSIONSTraveltransportabroadoverseasCoachferryjourneyFavoriteFirst classLong- distanceExpenseItineraryTravellerarrangement [?tr?v(?)l ][?tr?nsp??t ][??br??d ][???v?(r)si?z][k??t? ][?feri ][?d???(r)ni ][?fe?v(?)r?t[?k?spens[a??t?n?r?ri][?tr?v(?)l?(r)][??re?nd?m?nt](n.)(n.)(adv.)(adj.)(n.)(n.)(n.)(adj)(n.)(adj.)(n.)(n.)(n.)((n.)::::::::::::::::to go on a journey or visit different places, especially places that are far away from where you live or work = du l?chthe process of moving people or things from one place to another, usually in a vehicle = v?n t?iin or to a foreign country =? n??c ngoàihappening or existing in a country across the sea from your country = ? h?i ngo?ia long comfortable vehicle for carrying a large number of passengers, especially on long journeys = xe ?òa boat that makes short regular journeys between two or more places = phàan occasion when you travel from one place to another, especially when there is a long distance between the places = chuy?n ?i dàiliked = ?a chu?ngthe best and most expensive seats on a plane or train, or the best and most expensive accommodation=h?ng nh?tcovering large distances = ???ng dàian amount of money that you spend in order to buy or do something = chi phía plan of a journey that you are going to make = l? trìnhsomeone who is travelling or who often travels = ng??i ?i du l?cha way of organizing things so that problems are solved or avoidedUseful vocabulary connected with: TRAVELabroad (adv): n??c ngoàiin a foreign countryHe left his country at the age of 30 when he got a job abroad.trip (n): chuy?n ?ia journey, usually short, in which you go to a particular place and come back home againTom is on a business trip in France, he won’t be back until Saturday.service (n): d?ch v?the act of providing customers with goods or taking their orders for a particular amount of moneyI visit this hotel quite often, because it has a very professional service. travel agency (n): ??i l? du l?cha company that arranges travels for peopleI seldom visit travel agencies. It is cheaper for me to arrange holidays on my own.favourite (a): ?a chu?ngbest likedMy favourite colour is green.means of transport (n): ph??ng ti?n giao th?nga way of travelling (by car, ship, plane, train, bus, ferry, bike, etc.)Plane is the fastest but still the most expensive means of transport.ferry (n): phàa large boat or ship that takes passengers and their vehicles across an area of water, e.g. to an islandThey are going to build a bridge to the island, but now you can get there by ferry only.seasick (a): say sóngfeeling sick because of the movement of the shipIf it is not necessary to travel by ship, I simply don’t. I always feel seasick immediately after the ship sets off.driver’s license (n):b?ng lái xeofficial permission to drive a car that you get after passing a driving test; also a document that showing that you have passed this testHe had to pay an extremely high fine for driving without his driver’s license.hitchhike (v): ?i nh?to travel by someone else’s vehicles for freeIt’s rather dangerous to hitchhike. You never know whom you will meet.SAMPLE 1:As for me, I prefer to travel by plane. And now I would like to tell you about my first travelling by plane. It was in 1998 when I travelled to Italy. I travelled without parents, but with guide and other children. I don't remember exactly how much time it took to fly from Minsk to Venice, but I think it must be about 2 or 3 hours. During the flight I communicated with my neighbours, I admired the view from my window and slept a bit. When we are were landing in Venice I looked out of my window and saw the entire city. It isn't true, that there is no one road in Venice, but only water channels. I can say that only the third part of the city is covered with water. Then the plane landed. And in the end I'll say that traveling is a nice hobby and a great thing if you want to know more about the world and certainly if you are studying a foreign language.SAMPLE 2: ?? I like travelling and I have had many interesting holidays. In the summer, I usually go on vacation with my family. We have visited many famous places such as: Hanoi, Danang, Nhatrang… but we like the vacation to Dalat best because it was very wonderful.??? At 10 o’clock my family arrived in Dalat. My father had booked a big room before, so we went to check in and rested. After resting for a while, we went to “Thung lung tinh yeu”. “Thung lung tinh yeu” has many beautiful flowers: tulips, roses, violets… As you may know, many people have considered Dalat a wonderful, romantic and attractive city.??? After that we went back to our hotel. My family had dinner together in our hotel at 7.30. My mother liked the foods because they were delicious.??? That vacation was too short but we felt it wonderful. It is my greatest time in life.hochiminh city institute of applied science and technologyforeign language departmentenglish IFOUR CORNERS 2A HANDOUTUNIT 2COMPILED BY Huy?n Huy?n T?n N? Qu?nh Mai:Grammar & Speaking lessons A&B Ng? Th? Bích Liên: Grammar & Speaking Lessons C&D Nguy?n Hoàng: Vocabulary BOOK 2A: (compiled by Nguyen Hoang)Unit 2New words and expressions:PART A: He’s talkative and friendly.Confident /?k?n.f?.d?nt/ /?kɑ?n-/ adjective : tin t??ng, ch?c ch?nConfidence (N) They don't sound confident about the future of the industry. I'm confident of his skills as a manager. [ + that ] Are you confident that enough people will attend the event?Talkative /?t??.k?.t?v/ /?tɑ?.k?.?v/ adjective : thi?ch no?i, hay no?i She's a lively, talkative person. Creative /kri?e?.t?v/ /-t???v/ adjective : sáng t?oTo Create – Creation (N) – Creativity (N)Generous /?d?en. ? r.?s/ /-?-/ adjective : r?ng r?i, hào phóng, th?nh so?n [ + to infinitive ] It was most generous of you to lend me the money. She's been very generous with her time. Serious /?s??.ri.?s/ /?s?r.i-/ adjective : nghiêm trang, nghiêm ngh? nghiêm tr?ng,… There were no reports of serious injuries. Drugs have become a serious problem in a lot of schools. This is a very serious offence.Pal /p?l/ noun [ C ] informal : b?nTo pal up with/to someone : k?t b?n v?i ai ?óLiterature /?l?t.?r.?.t?? r / /?l?t??.?.?.t??/ noun : v?n h?cPolitics /?p?l.?.t?ks/ /?pɑ?.l?-/ noun : chính tr? h?cPolitician (N) /?p?l.??t??. ? n/ /?pɑ?.l?-/ : chính tr? giaAccountant (N) /??ka?n.t ? nt/ /-t?? ? nt/ : k? toánPersonality (N) /?p??s? n??l?ti/ : nh?n cách, tính cách She has a very warm personality. He is well qualified for the job, but he does lack personality (= he is a boring person )Partner (N) /?pɑ?rt.n?/ : ??i tác, c?ng s? He gave up his job as a police officer after his partner was killed. The two companies are partners in a contract to build a new powerstation.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART B: I don’t think so.Roommate (N) /?r? , /?ru?m-/ : b?n cùng phòng Jean was my roommate during our first year at university. Passport (N) / ?pɑ?s.p??t/ /?p?s.p??rt/ : h? chi?u Many refugees have arrived at the border without passports. He was a German, travelling on a Swiss passport. Neighbor (N) /?ne?.b? r / /-b?/ : ng??i hàng xóm Some of the neighbours have complained about the noise from our party. Have you met Pat, my next-door neighbour? Teenager (N) /?ti?n?e?.d?? r / /-d??/ : thanh thi?u niên (13-19 tu?i) The magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults.PART C: What do they look like?Apperance (N) /??p??.r?n ts/ : v? b? ngoài, s? xu?t hi?n It was his first appearance on television/television appearance as president. She will be making a public appearance, signing copies of her latestnovel. To Appear (V)Overweight /???.v??we?t/ (adjective) : béo phì, quá tr?ng l??ng He used to be very overweight. I'm only a few kilos overweight, but I just can't seem to lose them. Shoulder-length /????l.d??le??θ/ (adjective) : dài ngang vaiWavy /?we?.vi/ (adjective) : g?n song Sarah's got lovely wavy blond hair. Mustache (N) /m??stɑ??/ /?m?s.t??/ : r?u mép(Moustache)Beard (N) /b??d/ : r?u c?m He's growing a beard. He shaved off his beard but kept his moustache. PART D: People’s profiles Profile (N) /?pr??.fa?l/ /?pro?-/ : ti?u s? s? l??c, nét m?t nhìn nghiêng Volunteer (N) /?v?l.?n?t??r / : ng??i tình nguy?n ng??i xung phong Volunteer (adjective – Verb) The Health clinic is relying on volunteers to run the office and answer the phones. He volunteered for the army (= He became a member although he was not forced to by law).Community (N) /k??mju?.n?.ti/ : c?ng ??ng He's well-known in the local community. There's a large black/white/Jewish community living in this area. Salesclerk (N) /?se?lz.klɑ?k/ /-kl??k/ : nh?n viên bán hàngPiranha (N) /p??rɑ?.n?/ /p??rɑ?.nj?/ : cá piranha (loài cá nh?, th??ng t?n c?ng ??ng v?t s?ng )Suggested questions:How often do you go to school?Do you like to go to school/work by Honda, by bicycle or by bus?Why do you like to travel by honda?In rainy reason, which means of transportation do you choose?Are there any bus stops near your house?Which is cheaper, travelling by bus or travelling by motorbike?How much is the bus fair?Do you often get stuck in a traffic jam?Why are there often traffic jams in our city?Do you think people should travel by bus to reduce traffic congestions in our city?Further questions for visiting placesDo you like travelling?Do you like travelling by plane, by car, by train or by motorbike? Why?Do you like to travel with your friends or with your family? If you have a week off, where do you like to travel to? Why?Have you ever been to DALAT?When you travel with your friends in summer, which do you prefer travelling to _mountain, sea or countryside?What do you like most about that place?Have you ever travelled alone?Which place do you like best in Vietnam?Do you think you will get back there some day?UNIT 2: DESCRIPTIONS (LESSONS A + B)A. GRAMMAR: WHAT … LIKE? ; BE + ADJECTIVE (+NOUN)Use what … like? to ask about personality.Use adjective to answer the question. (Dùng what … like? ?? h?i v? tính cách c?a ai ?ó, dùng tính t? ?? tr? l?i) Form in questions with adjectives: What + is/are + S + like?Ex: What is she like? She’s talkative and friendly. What are they like? They’re creative.What are you like? I’m funny.What is she like? She’s generous.Adjectives appear in a sentence in two ways:Subject + be + adjectiveEx: She is friendly.Subject + is + a/an + adjective + singular nounEx: She is a friendly person.He is an intelligent student.* Subject + are + adjective + plural nounEx: They are friendly students.We are humorous students.Adjectives explain how people look or act.Adjectives usually follow the verb be or come before a noun.More than one adjective can be used in a sentence.Ex: I’m hard-working and creative.B. FUNCTION: 1. Saying you think something is trueI think so.I believe so.I guess so.Saying you think something isn’t trueI don’t think so.I don’t believe so.I’m not really sure.SPEAKING: 1. Pair work: Describe a person to your partnerA: My mother’s name is ….B: What’s she like?A: Well, she’s very friendly. She’s … years old, and she’s a doctor.She takes care of her patients every day. B: How about your father?A: My father’s name is ….B: What’s he like?A: Well, he’s creative. He’s … years old, and he’s an engineer. He designs many modern buildings.2. Give a short talk: Describe your best friendMy best friend is Lan. We have known each other since we were 10 years old. However we became best friends when we were at grade 8. At that time I was very bad at English and she helped me to improve my English. If I were to describe how she looks, I would say that she is very pretty. She has long black hair and a straight nose. She is quite slim. She has a very nice personality and a wonderful sense of humor. She is also friendly and creative. I always count on her to be honest and to give me the best advice.What I like about Lan is that she has same hobbies with me. We both enjoy singing karaoke, reading comic books and going shopping. In addition, since I am better in Math and Chemistry, and she is better in English and languages, we can help each other when we get confused about a difficult assignment. We are so lucky that we get along so well. I hope that our friendship can last long.??- know each other: bi?t nhau- grade (n) /ɡre?d/: l?p- be good at: gi?i … Ex: I’m good at English.- be bad at: d? ….- straight (adj) /stre?t/: th?ngex: a straight nose : m?t cái m?i th?ng- personality (n) /?p??s??n?l?ti/: tính cách, cá tính- slim (adj) /sl?m/ : (of a person) thin, in a way that is attractive: m?nh mai, thon- sense of humour /sens ?v hju?m?(r)/: óc hài h??c- creative (adj) /kri?e?t?v/: sáng t?o- count on/upon somebody/something : hy v?ng ? ai/ cái gì, tr?ng mong ? ai/cái gì- honest (adj) /??n?st/:ch?n th?t, th?t thàOPP: dishonest: kh?ng trung th?c, kh?ng ch?n th?thobby (n) /?h?bi/: s? thích comic book /?k?m?k b?k/: truy?n tranhConfused (adj) /k?n?fju?zd/ : b?i r?i, lúng túng, l?n l?n get confused/ be confusedassignment (n) /??sa?nm?nt/: nhi?m v?, bài t?p dành cho sinh viênget along well: s?ng hòa thu?nLESSONS C + DC. GRAMMAR: WHAT ….LOOK LIKE?We use?look like?to describe physical appearanceEx: What?does?Peter?look like? - He is tall. He has dark hair.Ex: What?do they look like? –They are short and overweight. They have brown eyes.To be + adjective;To have + ( adjective ) +noun NOUNSADJECTIVESEyesBlack, green, brown, blueHairBlonde, black, red, curly, straight, short, long,BodyTall, weak, short, strong, fat, thin, slimCharacterIntelligent, talkative, silly, generous, quiet, friendly, stupidOrder of adjective Opinion adjectives:Some adjectives give a?general opinion. We can use these adjectives to describe almost any noun:?GoodbadlovelyStrangeBeautifulNicebrilliantexcellentAwfulImportantWonderfulnastySome adjectives give a?specific opinion. We only use these adjectives to describe particular kinds of noun:Food: tasty; deliciousFurniture, buildings: comfortable; uncomfortablePeople, animals: clever; intelligent; friendlyWe usually put a?general?opinion?in front of a specific?opinion:Nice?tasty?soup.A?nasty?uncomfortable?armchairA?lovely?intelligent?animalUsually we put an adjective that gives an?opinion in front?of an adjective that is?descriptive:a nice red dress; a silly old man; those horrible yellow curtainsWe often have?two?adjectives in front of a noun:a handsome young man; a big black car; that horrible big dogSometimes we have?three?adjectives, but this is?unusual:a?nice?handsome?young?man;a?big?black?American?car;that?horrible?big?fierce?dogIt is?very unusual?to have?more than three?adjectives.Adjectives usually come in this order:12345678Generalopinion SpecificopinionSize?ShapeAge?ColourNationalityMaterialSPEAKING- My sister1. My sister’s name is Laura. She is a nice young woman. She has long black hair and big blue eyes. She is very funny and intelligent. She is a hairdresser.Grandfather2. My Grandfather is an old man. He is a retired officer.? He has white hair and is very particular about his eating and living habits. He goes to temple daily. He is the first to get up and last to go to bed. He is very loving and affectionate. He has a big heart. He loves us very much. He takes care of my needs. All of us respect him very much. He is always ready to make sacrifices for the whole family. He gives us advises whenever. We are in some trouble. He helps me in my studies. May he live long. Vocabulary: A retired officer (n) /r??ta??d ?f?s?(r)/: m??t si? quan vê? h?uHabit (n): /?h?b?t/:tho?i quenTemple (n) /?templ/:??n, tha?nh ????ngAffectionate (adj.) /??fek??n?t/ showing caring feelings and love for somebody: tri?u mê?n, có tình Respect (v) /r??spekt/:ki?nh tro?ng; t?n tro?ngSacrifices (n) /?s?kr?fa?s/?the fact of giving up something important to you in order do something that seems more important: s?? hy sinhMy Cousin My cousin, Vera, is 20 years old. She is single. She has smiling brown eyes. She has long, curly, black hair. She is quite short and a little fat. She doesn’t like to wear any kind of lipstick. She likes to wear pants. She doesn’t like to wear dresses. Her favorite color is black. She works in Portland at UPS. She is a manager at UPS. She loves her job very much. She thinks her job is good. She likes to go to parties. She also likes to read novels and listen to music. Vera and I traveled to Washington D.C. last summer. We enjoyed Washington D.C. so much, especially the beaches and the aquariums. Vera plans to get married someday. She hopes to have just two children. She also wants to travel to many other places in the world.?Vocabulary:Lipstick (n) /?l?pst?k/ a substance made into a small stick, used for colouring the lips: son b?i m?iFavorite (adj) ?fe?v?r?t/ liked more than others of the same kind: ????c yêu thi?ch nh??t.Novel (n) /?n?vl/: a story long enough to fill a complete book, in which the characters and events are usually imaginary: ti?u thuy?tAquarium (n) /??kwe?ri?m/: a building where people can go to see fish and other water creatures: th?y cungTo get married : l?p gia ?ìnhD. PEOPLE’S PROFILES-TALK ABOUT YOURSELF. ‘I am a punctual and motivated individual who is able to work independently in a busy environment and always willing to learn new skills. I am friendly, helpful and polite, have a good sense of humour. I also build up good working relationships with all colleagues. I am flexible, reliable and possess excellent time keeping skills.’Vocabulary: Punctual (adj.) /?p??kt?u?l/ doing something at the arranged or correct time; not late: ?u?ng gi??Motivated (adj.) /?m??t?ve?t?d/ nhiê?t ti?nhIndependently (adv.) /??nd??pend?ntli/:???c l??pPolite (adj.) /p??la?t/ having or showing good manners and respect for the feelings of others: l?ch s?Sense of humour : có khi?u hài h??c.Flexible (adj.) /?fleks?bl/ able to change to suit new conditions or situations: linh ???ng; linh hoa?tReliable (adj.) /r??la??bl that can be trusted to do something well; that you can rely on: ?áng tin v?yhochiminh city institute of applied science and technologyforeign language departmentenglish IFOUR CORNERS 2A HANDOUTUNIT 3COMPILED BYNGUY?N B?CH XU?NPH?M TH? L?C SINHNGUY?N TH?Y MINH TRANGUnit 3 : RAIN OR SHINEIt’s extremely coldtemperature /?tempr?t??(r)/ (n) a measurement?of how?hot?or how?cold?a?place?or?object?is : nhi?t ??Thermometer /θ?(r)?m?m?t?(r)/ (n) a?piece?of?equipment?that?measures?temperature : nhi?t k? Cloudy /?kla?di/(adj) ? full of?clouds: tr?i nhi?u m?ySnowy/?sn??i/ (adj) ?covered?in?snow :tr?i tuy?tWindy /?w?ndi/ (adj) ?with a?lot?of?wind: tr?i gióCool ?/ku?l/ (adj) ? rather?cold, often in a?pleasant?way : mát m?Favorite /?fe?v(?)r?t/ (adj) ?your favourite?person?or thing of a?particular?kind?is the one that you?like?the?best : yêu thíchSeason (n)/?si?z(?)n/ ?one of the four?periods?into which the?year?is?divided according?to the?weather : mùaIntensity: /?n?tens?ti/ ?? m?nh,? c??ng ??Fairly /?fe?(r)li/ (adv) to some?degree, but not?completely?or?extremely: kháQuite a bit (adv): fairly?but not very: khá, h?iPretty /?pr?ti/ (adv) ? fairly, very: khá, kha khá, r?tReally /?r??li/ (adv) very, or very much : r?t, r?t nhi?u, th?c s?Extremely /?k?stri?mli/ (adv) ?used?for?emphasizing?an?adjective?or?adverb : c?c k?Somewhat /?s?mw?t/ (adv) to some?degree?but not to a?large?degree: h?i, g?i là, m?t chútB. In my opinion Baseball /?be?s?b??l/(n) a?game?played?by two?teams?of nine?players?who get?points?by?hitting?a?)ball?with a?bat?and then?running?around four?bases: bóng chày?Festival/?fest?v(?)l/(n) a?series?of?performances?of?films,?plays,?music, or?dancing?that is?usually?organized?in the same?place?at the same time each?year: l? h?iWindsurfing /?w?n(d)?s??(r)f??/ (n) a?sport?in which you move across?water?standing?on a?flat?board?with a?sail?that you can move : l??t sóngButterfly ?/?b?t?(r)?fla?/ (n)?a?flying?insect?with?large?colourful?wings : con b??m b??mCarnival ?/?kɑ?(r)n?v(?)l/(n) a?lively?festival?in which?people?walk?through the?streets?playing?music,?dancing, and often?wearing?unusual?colourful clothes : ?l? h?i hóa trang?C. I’d like to play chess.1. Chess (n) ?/t?es/ a?game?played?by two people?on a?square?board, in which each?player?has 16 pieces?that can be?moved?on the?board?in different?ways: c?Play chess : ch?i c? 2. Board game (n) /b??dge?m /any game played on a board, often using?dice?and small pieces that are moved around -> play a board game3. Cookies (US) /?k?k.i/= biscuit (UK) /?b?s.k?t/ a?small,?flat,?sweet food?made from?flour?and sugar: bánh quy4. bake /be?k/(v) to cook inside a cooker, without using added liquid or fat: b? lò, n??ng b?ng lò5. jigsaw puzzle /?d??ɡ?s? ?p?z·?l/ (n) a?game?consisting of a lot of differently?shaped?pieces?of cardboard?or?wood?that you?try to?fit?together in?order?to show the?complete?picture?that the pieces?make when they are all used: trò ch?i l?p hìnhDo a jigsaw puzzle6. Crossword /?krɑ?s.w??d/? UK = crossword puzzle /?kr?s?w?rd?p?z·?l/ a?game?in which you write words that are the?answers?toquestions?in a?pattern?of?blackand?white?squares: trò ch?i ? ch?do a crossword7. nap /n?p/ (n) a short sleep, especially during the day : gi??c ngu? ng??n (nh??t la? vê? ban nga?y); gi??c ngu? nga?y; gi??c ch??p m??tto?take/have a nap8. popcorn /?p?p?k??(r)n/(n) a type of food made from grains of?maize?(corn?) that are heated until they burst, forming light whitish balls that are then covered with salt or sugar: b?p rang b?9. not……at all: in any way; to any degree : kh?ng.....chút nào c?10. go on a picnic: (?i ch?i và ?n ngoài tr?i ) ?i d? ngo?iD.WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO?1. article /'ɑ:tikl/ (n) piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine : bài báoan interesting article on vacation 2. tourist /'tu?rist/ (n) person who visits a place for pleasure , while they are on holiday : khách du l?chMillions of tourists visit Rome every year. 3. brochure /'brou?ju?/ (n) small magazine that contains pictures and information about sth or advertising sth: ?n ph?m?qu?ng cáo?a travel brochure4. textbook /'tekstbuk/ (n) book that teaches a particular subject and that is used in schools and colleges: sách giáo khoaa school / medical textbook5. weather report (n) weather forecast : statement of what the weather will be like, on TV or radio or in a newspaper : d? báo th?i ti?t ocean /'ou?n/ (n) a very large area of sea : ??i d??ng There are 4 oceans in the world : The Pacific Ocean, The Atlantic Ocean, The Indian Ocean and The Arctic Ocean7. different /'difr?nt/ (a) not the same : khác, khác bi?t, khác nhau difference /'difr?ns/ (n) We're reading a different book this week8. the Arctic /'ɑ:ktik/ (n) the most northern part of the world, which is very cold : B?c c?cPolar bears live in the Arctic. 9. coast /koust/ (n) land next to or close to the sea: b? bi?na town on the south coast of England10. get /get/ (v) become or start to be : tr? nên, tr? thànhYour coffee's getting cold. 11. kayak /'kai?k/ (v) travel on water in a kayak : xu?ng caiac (xu?ng g? nh? b?c da chó bi?n c?a ng??i Eskimo)12. the Rocky Mountains : the largest mountain range in North America .13. lake /leik/ (n) large area of water surrounded by land : h?We often go boating on Lake District14. Manitoba : a province of Central Canada15. Victoria /vik't?:ri?/ (n) the capital city of?British Columbia, in Canada16. stampede /st?m'pi:d/ (n) ? sudden movement of large group of animals, in an uncontrolled way , in one direction : s? ch?y tán lo?n (ng?a, súc v?t)? event /celebration that includes a rodeo, contests, dancing, exhibits , etc :phong trào t? phát17.hiking /haiki? / (n) activity of going for long walks in the country -side : ?i b? ???ng dàiWe're going hiking in the mountains next weekend. 18. museum /mju:'zi?m/ (n) building where objects of history, science or art are kept : ?vi?n b?o tànga museum of modern art 20. drop /dr?p/ (v) fall ; go down ; become lower : s?t, gi?m, h?In winter, the temperature drops a lot. 21. northern lights (n) natural display, usually seen at night near the North Pole22. part /pɑ:t/ (n) area /region of a country : n?i, vùngthe northern part of the country23. golf /g?lf/ (v) play golf : ch?i g?nSpeaking: A place I’d like to visitI’d like to go to ?à N?ng City in the spring because the weather is warm, the beaches are sunny and I can eat some special dishes there. Especially, there are many traditional festivals at that time. I really like The Hàn River Bridge Festival.I’d like to visit some tourist spots such as: Ng? Hành S?n, Linh ?ng Pagoda, Non N??c Stone Carving Village, The Hàn River Bridge, Bà Nà Tourist Spot, S?n Trà Peninsula, etc.,…I’d also like to see some traditional festivals as follows: C?u Ng? Festival, Boat Racing Traditional Festival. I think I love art, so I’d like to go to Ch?m Sculpture-?à N?ng Museum. Before going home, I enjoy eating some special dishes there. ................

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