Twelfth Night Character Analysis Essay

And Then There Were None Character Analysis Essay

Assignment: Your assignment is to write a character analysis of a major character from Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None. Once you have chosen a character to analyze, choose three adjectives that describe that character. These adjectives, or characteristics, will be the basis of your five-paragraph essay.


• Choose a character you’d like to write about from the list below:

|-Justice Wargrave |-Emily Brent |-Mrs. Rogers |

|-Vera Claythorne |-Dr. Armstrong |-Tony Marston |

|-Philip Lombard |-Mr. Rogers |-General Macarthur |

|-Inspector Blore | | |

• An adjective is a descriptive word. Pick 3 adjectives that can be used to describe the character you chose. Some examples of adjectives that would work well:

fickle melodramatic foolish wise aggressive

articulate obsessed wastes money scheming vengeful

conceited arrogant delusional self-absorbed reckless

gullible persistent cowardly brave devoted

manipulative mean-spirited clueless love-struck drunk

observant dishonest adaptable hypocritical bossy

Pick words that you understand and which you feel you can explain in relation to your character. If you need to use a descriptive phrase, you can, but please talk to me about it if you have trouble picking your adjectives.

• Your thesis statement should be the last sentence of your first paragraph, and should be illustrated throughout your body paragraphs. Your thesis statement should state the defining quality of your character and the three adjectives that describe him. Each adjective you choose should back up your overall statement about the character.

Sample thesis statement: Sebastian, as Viola’s twin, is the male version of Viola, and throughout the play he is shown to be feminine, adaptable, and brave.

• You must use at least one quotation from the play in each of the three body paragraphs to support your ideas; you will lose points if you do not use at least one quotation directly from the play in each body paragraph. Be sure you cite where I can find the quote in the play (Act #, scene #, and line #)

• Length – The paper should be at least two full pages typed or three handwritten pages (front and back, skipping lines. Each paragraph should have at least 5 sentences.

• Deductions will be made for the following errors:

o 1st and 2nd person pronouns (do not use “I/we” or “you”)

o Incorrectly used grammar, spelling, and punctuation

o Paper must be in 12-point font and double-spaced; hand in rough draft

o 10 points will be deducted from the paper for each day it is late

Detailed Outline:

Paragraph #1: Introduction

Introduce your character with general comments about who he is and what his role is in the novel and on the island. Mention the major conflict in which he is involved. Be sure you have identified the author and title of the book and the character you will be analyzing. Your thesis statement should be the last sentence of this paragraph.

Paragraph #2-4: Body paragraphs

Your topic sentence for each of these paragraphs must include one adjective you chose to describe your character. Follow this topic sentence with 2 examples from the play and at least 1 direct quotation, correctly cited, which should demonstrate how this adjective describes the character. Conclude with a summarizing sentence to wrap-up your ideas.

Paragraph #5

Conclusion – restate your thesis statement & add some final thoughts about your character and/or the novel…what point did Agatha Christie make through this character in the novel? Why was this character an important part of And Then There Were None?


Using block quote format: If you are going to quote a portion of the play that is three lines long or longer, you must use block quote format. This requires you to skip a line, indent a double margin on both sides of the quote, and then skip another line after the quote. The quote itself should be single spaced, even though the rest of your paper will be double spaced. After all quotes, you must cite the source of the quote (Act, Scene, lines).

Example of block quote format:

Sebastian, as the male version of Viola, admits that he is a feminine man. He is sensitive and in touch with his feelings. As a result, he is very emotional and cries easily. When saying goodbye to his dear friend Antonio, he says:

My bosom is full of kindness, and I am yet so near the manners

of my mother that, upon the least occasion more, mine eyes will

tell tales of me. (Act II, Scene 1, lines 38-41)

Sebastian says that he is like his mother, in the sense that thinking about something sad, like the death of his sister, will cause him to weep.

Character Analysis Graphic Organizer (must be handed in with your essay)


My character is:

In the play, his/her role is:

His/her primary conflict is:

Thesis statement = defining quality:

3 adjectives: 1.______________________________

2. .______________________________

3. .______________________________

First body paragraph--Adjective: .______________________________

1st piece of evidence:

2nd piece of evidence:

Quote (Christie pg.__________)

Transition idea:

Second body paragraph--Adjective: .______________________________

1st piece of evidence

2nd piece of evidence:

Quote (Christie pg.___________)

Transition idea:

Third body paragraph--Adjective: .______________________________

1st piece of evidence:

2nd piece of evidence:

Quote (from Christie pg.__________)

Transition idea:


Restate (but do not just word for word repeat!) your thesis:

What important role did the character play in And Then There Were None?

What point might Agatha Christie have been trying to make via this character?


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