English Booster for Beginners

English Boost er for Beginners



handsom e

( w om en only) ( m en only)

pretty ( girls only)

good looking ( m en/ w om en/ boys)

ugly ( men and

w omen)

attractive ( m en, w om en, boys or girls)

Rem em ber

Adj ect ives

An adj ective is a word t hat m odifies a noun to tell you m ore about it. Adj ect ives never change. They are nev er plural. For exam ple: This is a nice cak e. Adj ect ives go be fore t heir nouns. They're nice people.

Now learn som e adjectives that describe w hat people or places are like:

Adj ect ives for people and places - appearances

be a u t ifu l



Adj ect ives for personalit y ( people) or characterist ics ( places and things)


nice OK

all right


terrible aw ful

Questions for people, places and things

For people

Qu e st ion

Answ er

Oh, he's a handsom e m an. He's t all wit h Appearance What does David look like?

fair hair.

What is he like? Pe r son a lit y

( What 's he like?)

He's a lovely m an.

For places

Qu e st ion

Ap p e a r a n ce

What is Tuscany like? ( What 's Tuscany like?)

What is Tuscany like? Cha r a ct e r ist ics

( What 's Tuscany like?)

Answ er Oh, it 's a very pret t y place. I t 's a lovely place.

For things

Qu e st ion

Answ er

Ap p e a r a n ce

What is t he new Jaguar car like?

Oh, it 's a beaut iful car. ( What 's t he new Jaguar car like?)

What is t he new Jaguar car

Cha r a ct e r ist ics

I t 's a very com fort able car.


( What 's t he new Jaguar car like?)

Op p osit e s

big / large "I t's a large

anim al."

cle a n "She's a clean

little girl."

friendly "They're friendly people." e x p e n siv e "I t's an e x p e n siv e

ca r . "

good "He's a good


tall "He's a tall

m an."

sm all "I t's a sm all

anim al."

dirty "She's a dirty

little girl."

unfriendly "They're unfriendly people."

ch e a p "I t's a cheap

ca r . "

bad "He's a bad boy."

sh o r t "He's a short

m an."

long "She has long


sh o r t "She has short


com fort able "I t's a

com fort able ch a ir . "

happy "I t's a happy

f a ce . "

new "I t's a new

ca r . "

uncom fort able "They're

uncom fort able ch a ir s. "

sa d "I t's a sad face."

old "I t's an old car."

Rem em ber!

Rem em ber t he rules: when t o use a or a n, t his is changed by t he adj ect ive.

You use a when t he noun you are referring t o or t he adj ect ive t hat describes it begins with a consonant. You use a n w hen t he noun you are referring t o or t he adj ect ive t hat describes it begins with a vowel. For exam ple: I t 's a car. I t 's a new car. I t 's an old car.

Naturally Speaking

Follow the dialogue. Mr Nato m eets Mr Breuer again at a party.

Mr Nato:

Hello, Mr Bor. I t 's nice t o see your again.

Mr Bor:

Mr Nat o, what a nice surprise! How are you?

Mr Nato:

I 'm fine t hanks, and how is Mrs Bor?

Mr Bor:

She's OK t hank you. She's get t ing a new t eacher next week, a Miss Gay . What 's she like?

Mr Nato:

Don't worry she's very nice. She's really friendly.

Mr Bor:

Oh t hat 's good t o know. You com e fr om Tok yo, don't y ou Mr Nat o?

Mr Nato:

Yes, t hat 's right .

Mr Bor:

What's it like?

Mr Nato:

I t 's com m only t hought as a cit y but it ` s a prefect ure . I t 's a really nice place t o live in and t he people t heir are very friendly. What's your place like?

Mr Bor:

Aichi is t he fourt h biggest cit y in Japan, fam ous for it s cast le. I t 's beaut iful in part s but quit e ugly in ot hers. There have been a lot of changes r ecent ly.

Mr Nato:

Yes, I can im agine.


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