Lesson Plan - Weebly

Name: Cortissa Beach Lesson Plan __________________________________

Cooperating teacher’s signature / date

Date: 3/5/13 (Before lesson is presented to class/students)

|Subject:___Reading________ |Topic/Title:_Beautiful Blooms__ |

|B. Grade level/age:___2nd Grade______ |Time Frame:__9:00-10:00__ |

| |Materials: |

|A. Common Core State Standard: |Quirky, Jerky, Extra Perky; More about Adjectives by: |

|ELA, Literature K-5, Grade 2, #6- Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being |Brian P. Cleary |

|read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe. [2.1 cognitive, |Prepared construction paper cutouts |

|social, emotional, and physical development] [2.2 standard goals for this grade level] |Flower petals printed on white cardstock |

| |Scissors |

|B. Grade Level Expectation(s)/ Course Level Expectation(s): |Glue |

|Communication Arts, Writing, 2E, Grade 2: In written text (d) correctly use |Crayons, markers, colored pencils |

|describing words (adjectives) and substitute pronouns for nouns. [2.1 cognitive, social, emotional, and |Evaluation of student knowledge |

|physical development] [2.2 standard goals for this grade level] |Student self-evaluation |

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|C. Student Learning Objective(s): | |

|Students will apply prior knowledge of adjectives along with information acquired from the text, Quirky, |Sources: (include web sites) |

|Jerky, Extra Perky to correctly use adjectives to describe their personalities. Each student will produce |Quirky, Jerky, Extra Perky; More about Adjectives by: |

|a creative piece of art depicting personal adjectives in a neat manner, following all directions. [2.2 |Brian P. Cleary |

|student goals for this grade level] [2.5 prior experiences] |The Mailbox: April/May issue, 2011 |

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|D. Rationale for Best Practices Theories of Learning: |Depth of Knowledge (DOK): check |

|My lesson is being taught in a method that will scaffold student productivity by progressing from teacher |1. recall ___X___ |

|modeling activities to independent practice. Lev Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development theory will guide| |

|my lesson plan to allow for appropriate grade level instruction. Constructivism will be the focal |2. skill/concept ___X___ |

|philosophy involved in the interactive instruction, supported by Jacob S. Kounin’s theory. Organization |3. strategic thinking ______ |

|and effective planning will be crucial to the lesson’s success. Lesson movement, effective transitions, |4. extended thinking ____X____ |

|and overlapping will keep student attention and encourage active involvement. [2.3 theories of learning] | |


|Opening: (assess prior knowledge, entice, hook, state purpose) |

|1. “Today I am wearing a fuzzy sweater, colorful socks, striped pants, and I feel silly! Can anyone describe what we are going to learn more about today?” |

|(Allow students to respond) [2.1 cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development] |

|2. “Adjectives are words that describe a person, place, or thing.” [2.6 content language] |

|3. Write the word “Adjective” on the board |

|Procedures/Activities/Processes: (Please number components sequentially.) |

|I do- Model demonstrate content/skills: |

|1. “Please make sure that your area is clean and orderly before we begin. I am going to read, Quirky, Jerky, Extra Perky, More about Adjectives, written |

|by Brian P. Cleary and illustrated by Brian Gable.” [2.4 Aids emergent and beginning readers] |

|2. “Listen for exciting and interesting adjectives as I read.” (Read text aloud) [2.6 content language] |

|3. As the book is read, stop to allow students to activate schemas, make and share connections, and discuss adjectives and unfamiliar terms. [2.5 prior |

|experiences, strengths, and needs] |

|We do- Shared interactive practice: |

|1. “Who can tell us what season is just around the corner?” “Spring!” “Spring is a beautiful time of year when fragrant and pretty flowers bloom. Today we are |

|going to create beautiful blooms to describe our fantastic personalities!” [2.6 language, culture, and knowledge of the community] |

|2. We are going to begin by creating a classroom bloom together. If you can think of a descriptive word to tell more about our class, please raise your hand.” |

|[2.3 theories of learning] |

|3. Call on students. Record responses on the Promethean Board in the template. Mrs. Frazier’s 2nd Grade Classroom will be the center of the flower, student |

|response adjectives will be recorded on the petals surrounding the center. |

|You do- Independent practice/ application: |

|1. “Each of you have been provided with a flower of your own.” |

|2. “Using descriptive words to tell more about your own personality, you will each create your personal student bloom.” [2.1 cognitive, social, emotional, and |

|physical development] |

|3. “The center of your flower will contain your name.” |

|4. “There are five petals. You will write one adjective to describe you on each petal.” [2.1 cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development] |

|5. “After you have written your name and adjectives, you may decorate your flower and petals.” |

|6. “If you flower is completed, you may raise your hand. I will be traveling around the room. Once I have reviewed your petals, you may cut each one out, and |

|glue them to your center, creating your student bloom.” [2.4 scaffolding and individual instruction] |

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|Evaluation: (Include one of each.) |

|1. Evaluation of student learner by teacher: Each student will be graded on correct usage of adjectives, following directions, and neatness. |

|2. Self-evaluation by student: Each student will complete a prepared self-evaluation upon completion of the activity. |

|D. Closing: (review, transition) |

|1. “Today we reviewed adjectives, which are?” Students: “Words that describe a person, place, or thing.” |

|2. “If you are wearing a blue shirt and would like to share your student bloom with the class, please raise your hand.” |

|3. Allow students to share, announcing adjectives as sharing prompts each time. |

|4. “You may quickly and quietly clear your desks, and open your library books for quiet reading time.” |

|E. Differentiated Instruction: (Use PARTICULAR acronym.) |

|INSTRUCTION: Use individual and explicit instruction for students who may require additional scaffolding. |

|CURRICULUM: Provide easier reading materials, grade level books, such as The Way I Feel by: Janan Cain. |

|ASSISTANCE: Use peer tutoring to scaffold student learning (pair early finisher with a student who may be struggling). |

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|F. Lesson Reflection: (Complete on a separate page. See scoring guide for details) |

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