-an makanan > makan follow the nouns they describe:

“food” “eat” Rumah saya adalah rumah besar.

Rumah saya adalah rumah yang besar.

peN- penjual > jual (Rumah) yang besar itu adalah rumah saya.

“seller” “sell” can be the predicate, with NO “ada” or “adalah” :

Rumah saya besar.

ke- -an* kecepatan > cepat “My house is big.”

“speed” “fast” can be compared as “the same,” “more,” or “most”:

Rumah saya sebesar rumah Anda. per- -an pertanyaan > tanya “My house is as big as your house.”

“question” “ask” Rumah orang kaya itu lebih besar daripada rumah saya.

“That rich person’s house is bigger than my house.”

peN- -an pembangunan > bangun Rumah Donald Trump yang paling besar/ terbesar.**

“development” “stand, awake” “Donald Trump's house is the one that’s the biggest


Some verbs can be used with no prefixes or suffixes: pergi, tidur, pulang, duduk, dengar, mandi

Generally these are INTRANSITIVE verbs – they don’t involve an AGENT doing something to an OBJECT.

Other intransitive verbs use ber-: berjalan, bertanya, bekerja, belajar, berbelanja, berbicara

Again, something is happening, but it’s not happening to an object because of an agent doing something to it.

Often, ber- can be added to nouns, meaning to “have” the noun: bernama, beragama, bermata biru

INTRANSITIVE verbs, and also adjectives, can often add -kan or -i to make them TRANSITIVE ( = verbs that use meN- and di-); -kan***= CAUSE the root to happen to the object; -i =do the root AT/ON the object:

Bu Henry mendekatkan kursi ke meja. = Mrs. Henry puts the chair close to the table.

Bu Henry mendekati kursi. = Mrs. Henry approaches the chair.

TRANSITIVE verbs, where an AGENT does something to an OBJECT, use meN- if the sentence is agent-focus (“active”):

Bu Sri membeli pisang.

agent object

and use di- (at least for 3rd person) if the sentence is object-focus (“passive”):

Pisang dibeli (oleh) Bu Sri.

object “by” agent

***TRANSITIVE verbs can also add -kan, meaning "do for the benefit of" the object:

Bruce menutup pintu untuk Bu Henry = Bruce menutupkan Bu Henry pintu = Bruce closes the door for Bu H.

**The prefix ter- can be used with verbs to talk about a state that results from something having happened to an object:

Kantor pos terbuka pada Hari Sabtu sampai jam duabelas.

“The post office is open on Saturday until twelve o’clock.”

*ke- -an can also be used to show states or conditions:

Kita kehabisan kopi. = We have run out of coffee.

Saya kehausan. = I’m suffering from thirst.


mem- (p,m)bfv

men- (t,n)djc

meng- (k,ng)gh


meny-(s, ny)

me- rlwy


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