Challenge: Describe our school in 100 words or less.

Challenge: Describe our school in 100 words or less. Entries to date (note: xyz montessori is used generically rather than noting specific schools):

A. Every child contains a seed of perfection that fully blooms in an environment created for the purpose. The Montessori classroom is indeed such a world. Geared to the size, pace, and interests of children, it offers each child great, important, and profoundly satisfying work. Every classroom is meticulously prepared with experiences that challenge and fulfill each child as they move from one level of complexity to another. Montessori teachers are profound observers and recorders, trained to recognize each period of growth, need, and readiness. The result is an independent and balanced human being whose love of learning knows no bounds.

B. Imagine your child in a classroom, collaborating with teachers and other students of different ages, using special hands-on materials to customize each learning experience. That is our Montessori classroom. Our Montessori teachers are trained to help your child discover new interests, lay academic foundations for success, and open a wide view of our universe. Think of all the times your teachers could have sparked your imagination, extended your interest, and helped you achieve your learning goals. Give your child the education you wish you could have had. Call us today to schedule an observation in one of our Montessori classrooms.

C. Why let someone who sits behind a desk, or produces textbooks or measures development via a filled-in oval, decide what your child should learn? Why not trust the one person who can show you what they need the most? YOUR CHILD. Watch them. Listen to them. Learn from them. Maria Montessori did, so do we. XYZ Montessori. Following the Child since 1987.

D. At the intersection of the child and hope came Montessori, bringing the world a method for educating, motivating, developing, and activating the potential each individual can realize for a life and a lifetime. Each child represents a seed that contains what is needed for the whole of an adult to form. The Montessori environment represents a superior medium within which this seed can grow. A child, in a sense, is the gateway through which the future possibility of the adult emerges wherever on the planet they may be. Montessori affords each individual their best shot at becoming their best self.

E. The educational philosophy and methods of Dr. Montessori are designed for the realization of each child's maximum potential. In a Montessori classroom children experience the joy of learning at an early age. Intellectual, creative, physical and social growth flourish in an environment where children learn at their own pace and according to their own capacities. Children of varying ages work together in the same classroom, stimulating both academic and social growth. While the academic achievements of Montessori children are remarkable, the main value of the educational method lies in the self-discipline, initiative, independence, and love of learning that children achieve.

F. At our school, we offer an environment prepared for each child that includes a mixed-age community, activities that are experience- oriented, three-hour blocks of time that allow children to work at their own pace, and a freedom to choose activities according to one's own interests and abilities. Montessori students and Montessori alumni are known for their joy of learning for learning's sake, depth of concentration, independence, community consciousness, creativity, organized thinking, comfort with their individuality, and seeing the whole in the face of the parts. It is delightful to see children reaching their soulful potential. Come visit and see for yourself.

G. Montessori education is based on the characteristics and needs of young people at each stage of their development. Our students' natural curiosity and desire to master the world is encouraged through carefully prepared learning environments, internationally recognized Montessori materials, and the individual attention and guidance of specially trained, nurturing teachers. Students who share a common developmental stage learn in a mixed age class. The full potential of each individual is supported with collaborative and independent activities that develop confidence, concentration, initiative and persistence. Learning, working and playing together, Montessori students become responsible members of their community society and the world.

H. Traditional school children learn how the school system works: memorize facts, regurgitate them on tests, obtain good grades, move to the next level. Montessori children, however, learn the process of learning. They learn how to find the answers to their questions via the scientific method or general research. They discover the important questions to ask as no subject is taught in isolation instead relationships are drawn between seemingly unrelated subjects; thus, the child forms a forward-thinking systems perspective of the world. Most importantly, Montessori children never stop asking questions. Montessori builds innovators not drones - for our ever- changing economy.

I. Imagine toasting your child's 21st birthday with such satisfaction at the person they have become. Imagine the pride you feel as a parent and they feel as a person ready to strike out into adult life, well prepared. Such people are not accidents. Such people are created by their experiences. Here at XYZ Montessori School we provide the

experiences necessary for your child to learn by doing (because that's how learning happens) all that a healthy and productive life will require. Supported by current research in developmental psychology and neuroscience the Montessori approach is a clear winner. Join us today.

J. Do you want your child to be an independent thinker, able to solve new challenges, with a life-long passion for learning? At SBMS, we foster children's natural curiosity of the world around them. Through practical hands-on activities children gain a deep, comprehensive understanding of language, math, history, geography, all sciences, the arts, and more. Our children's learning experience allows them to excel in their further academic careers and become the creative, entrepreneurial leaders of tomorrow. Contact us for more information, or a campus tour. AMI-Accredited, XYZ is an independent non-profit school for ages 18 months through 8th grade.

K. As a scientist, Maria Montessori discovered something surprising: When children are active participants, when their choices are respected and guided, and when responsibility is expected and nurtured, a new child emerges. This child's characteristics are concentration, self-discipline, love of learning and a respect for others and the world. This child is our best hope for the future. Share the hope. Experience the surprise. Visit a Montessori school today.


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