Shar Lady True Adventures of Eugenie Clark

Shark Lady: True Adventures of Eugenie Clark

By Ann McGovern

Tier 2 Words:

mysterious - like a puzzle; strange

A mysterious book or movie could be

suspenseful and have a strange ending.

fascinating - something that grabs or captures your

attention , exciting

A fascinating book would grab

your attention and you would not want to stop

reading it.

dissect - to cut up

If you take a science class in high school you

you may be asked to dissect a plant or animal.

admire - to look up to someone or something with great


You may admire Michael Jordon and think he

is an example of a determined athlete.

graceful – moving with ease or smoothness

Graceful ballet dancers would move with

ease as they danced across the stage.

Day 1 First Activity

Introduce words and discuss definitions with students.

First Activity- Repeat words together

Boys and girls, lets repeat our new words together. First, lets say them very softly. (Students and teachers repeat words softly together)

Word Networks

(I will do this assignment orally with the students on the overhead. I will write their responses while they brainstorm ideas. I provided examples of what student responses may be).

*What people, things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word mysterious?


*What people, things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word fascinating?

What people, things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word dissect?


What people, things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word admire?

What people, things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word graceful?

Day 2 Second Activity

Word Associations

Today we are going to review our vocabulary words by through the word associations’ game. First lets repeat our words together louder and with expression.

(Explain word associations)

Answer key is included in the responses and examples of what students responses may be.

Teacher: I will give you an example of one our vocabulary words and you say the word that best descides the example.

Teacher: Which word goes with a strange old house that no one has lived in for awhile?

Students: mysterious

Teacher: Why?

Students: An old house could be a place where you might not want to go by yourself because it could be scary.

Teacher: Which word goes with how a football player would kick a field goal?

Students: graceful

Teacher: Why?

Students: A kicker must smoothly and carefully kick the ball in order for the team to score the points.

Teacher: Which word goes with how someone may feel about Michael Jordon?

Students: admire

Teacher: Why?

Students: He is a great athlete and he always tries hard.

Teacher: Which word goes with a science experiment where a scientist may use a frog to look at?

Student: dissect

Teacher: Why?

Students: We could learn about the inside of a frog by cutting it up.

Teacher: What word goes with a book that keeps your attention?

Students: fascinating

Teacher: Why?

Students: If it is a good book you can’t wait to read more of it.

Day 3 Third Activity

Have you ever?

Today we are going review our words through the game Have You Ever. Before we begin lets repeat our words together and clap the syllables as we say the words.

(Examples of possible student answers are included)

(Explain game) I will ask you to describe a time you used our vocabulary words or ask you why you may use them.

*Describe a time you felt graceful?

Students responses: taking a ballet class, walking across the stage during the Avery County Fair beauty pageant

*Why might you want to dissect a frog?

Students responses: to learn about the inside, to see how a frog uses its muscles to move

*Describe a time you were fascinated.

Students responses: When I opened my birthday presents, when I came in the living room on Christmas morning

*Have you ever read a mysterious book? What was the title and why was it mysterious?

Students responses: Magic Tree House Mummies in the Morning because I wanted to see how Annie and Jack solved the mystery through their clues.

*Whom do you admire? Why do you admire them?

Students responses: My parents because they help me. My best friend because they listening to me.

First Speed Round

True or False

Children, lets see how fast you can answer these true or false questions about our vocabulary words. I am going to read the true or false questions out loud to you and you circle true or false. Remember I will only read the question one time and we will move on.

Answer Key (Student copy is on the next page)

1. If you are reading a mysterious book you will not want to put the book down. (True)

2. A graceful eagle floating through the sky would be fascinating. (True)

3. You would admire a basketball player who would not pass the ball to his teammates. (False)

4. You should dissect your new jeans before you wear them. (false)

First Speed Round

Circle True or False as I read the questions.

1. If you are reading a mysterious book you will not want to put the book down.

True False

2. A graceful eagle floating through the sky would be fascinating.

True False

3. You would admire a basketball player who would not pass the ball to his teammates.

True False

4. You should dissect your new jeans before you wear them.

True False

Day 4 Fourth Activity

Examples and Nonexamples

Boys and Girls, today we will I give you two examples and your job is to tell me which example best describes the vocabulary word.

*Which would be mysterious?

A book with a surprise ending or a funny book with a predictable ending ( answer: a book with a surprise ending)

Why? (you wouldn’t know the ending until you finished the book)

*Who would you admire?

Someone who shares their things or someone who refuses to share (answer: someone who shares their things)

Why? (my friend shared her paper with me one day because I didn’t have any and it made me think she really cared for me)

*Which is graceful?

A girl walking across the stage during a beauty pageant or a football player tackling an opponent.

(answer: a girl walking across the stage during a beauty pageant)

Why? (she would have to walk smoothly so she wouldn’t fall and embarrass herself)

*Which is fascinating?

A video about sharks or waiting on your mom in the grocery store. (answer: a video about sharks)

Why? (sharks are exciting animals)

*Which would you dissect?

An animal during science class or your new shoes.

(answer: an animal during science class)

Why? (mom would be very upset if I dissected my new shoes)

Second Speed Round

Boys and girls, we are going to review our words with a speed round by circling the letter of the correct item to complete the following sentences.

(Teacher Copy / Student copy is on the next page)

1. Something is mysterious if it is _____________.

a. entertaining

b. puzzling

c. informational

answer: b

2. When you move gracefully you are moving__________

a. smoothly

b. fast

c. slowly

answer: a

3. When you dissect something you are __________

d. repairing it

e. cutting it up

f. putting it together

answer: b

4.When you admire someone you ____________

a. miss them

b. go visit them

c. look up to them

answer: c

5. A fascinating magazine on motorcycles would _______

a. keep your attention through pictures and words

b. cause you to get sleepy

c. bore you

answer: a

Second Speed Round

Circle the correct answer as I read the question.

1. Something is mysterious if it is ________________.

a. entertaining

b. puzzling

c. informational

2. When you move gracefully you are moving _______.

a. smoothly

b. fast

c. slowly

3. When you dissect something you are ____________.

a. repairing it

b. cutting it up

c. putting it together

4. When you admire someone you_____________.

a. miss them

b. go visit them

c. look up to them

5. A fascinating magazine on motorcycles would ____.

a. keep your attention through pictures and words

b. cause you to get sleepy

c. bore you

Day 5 Fifth Activity

Making Choices

Class, before we take our assessment on this week’s vocabulary let’s review our words with one more game.

If any of the things I say might be examples of mysterious places say “mysterious.” If not, don’t say anything.

1. an abandoned old house (students say mysterious)

2. a baseball game (students say nothing)

If any of the things I say might be examples of something fascinating say, “wow.” If not, don’t say anything.

1. a video about the coral reef (students say fascinating)

2. a movie you have seen before (students say nothing)

If any of the things I say might be examples of something you can dissect say, “cut it up.” If not, don’t say anything.

1. your new shirt (students say nothing)

2. your old basketball to see inside it

(students say cut it up)

If any of the things I say might be examples people you would admire say, “admire.” If not, don’t say anything.

1. your parents (students say admire)

2. someone who takes things that do not belong to them ( students say nothing)

If any of the things I say might be examples of places you would see graceful movements say, “ smooth.”

1. an aquarium (students say smooth)

2. a football game (students say smooth)

Final Assessment on vocabulary words from Shark Lady

Multiple Choice

Circle the best response.

1. If you were reading a mysterious book you would not

expect it be:

a. exciting

b. boring

c. puzzling

2. If you were watching someone who is graceful you

would expect her or him to move:

a. roughly

b. quickly

c. smoothly

3. If you admire someone you would not expect her or

him to:

a. to obey rules

b. to bully others

c. to help others

4. If you dissect something you would expect:

a. to pack it up

b. to repair it

c. to cut it up

5. If you described the movie you watched as

fascinating your classmates would expect it to:

a. be very interesting

b. bore them

c. give them nightmares

A graceful fish would move:

d. with ease

e. carefully

f. quickly

6. If you wanted someone to admire you would need


a. be a bully to your classmates

b. help your classmates when they have problems

c. do your classmates homework for them

7. If you meet a mysterious person, you would expect

her or him to be:

a. funny

b. loud

c. secretive

8. If your mom told you not to dissect your food she would expect you to:

a. stop cutting it up

b. stop eating it

c. stop touching it

9. If you meet a fascinating person you would not

expect them to be:

a. interesting

b. boring

c. funny

Answer Key to Muliple Choice Test on Shark Lady

1. b

2. c

3. b

4. c

5. a

6. a

7. b

8. c

9. a

10. b








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