1)Where would you like to go on your dream vacation

IE – Fall 2019–

“My Dream Vacation” - Prewriting Discussion

1 Part A – Small Group Discussion

Working in small groups, answer the following questions. Be sure to ask each other any follow-up questions you might have. These are just a few of the many possible brainstorming questions you might ask / answer.

Where would you like to go on your dream vacation?

What kind of places, monuments, attractions, activities, or people is it famous for?

What is it like? (Describe – Use a thesaurus for some helpful adjectives – )

What are some of the activities you would like to do there?

When would you like to go?

When is the best time/best time of year to go?

Who would you like to go with? Why?

Where would you like to stay? What kind of accommodation would you like?

Have you ever thought about traveling alone?

Why would you like to go there?

Do you know anyone who has been there?

How long would you like to stay?

How long have you wanted to go there?

What is the best way to get there?

How much do you think it will cost? OR Is it expensive? OR How much will you spend? OR How much money will you need?]

How will you pay for the trip?

Would your parents have any problems with you traveling alone or with your gf/bf?

What do you think is the biggest problem/obstacle you with have?

What kinds of “ritualistic” / ceremonial trips do people take

Where would you like to go the least?

Part B –Discussion Notes

“My Dream Vacation – A Sample Outline”

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My Dream Vacation

Where would you like to go on your dream vacation? (TOPIC SENTENCE) What kind of places, monuments, attractions, activities, or people is it famous for? What is it like? (DESCRIBE / ADJECTIVES) What are some of the activities you would like to do there? When would you like to go? When is the best time to go?Who would you like to go with? Why? Why would you like to go there?Do you know anyone who has been there How long would you like to stay?How long have you wanted to go there?What is the best way to get there? How much money will you need?How will you pay for your trip? How will it be?/What will it be like?(CONCLUDING SENTENCE)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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