BLM X Assessment Rubric—Fourth Subtask (Report on the ...

BLM 34 Assessment Rubric — Final Task, Part 2 (Presenting a television advertisement)

|knowledge/skills |level 1 |level 2 |level 3 |level 4 |

|reading |

|Communication |• includes few details to support |• includes some detailed information to|• includes detailed information to |• includes detailed information with |

|Express personal preferences regarding |opinions |support opinions |support opinions |creative additions to support opinions |

|television advertisement models in |• begins to use basic and thematic |• sometimes uses basic and thematic |• usually uses basic and thematic |• always or almost always uses basic |

|Student Book and Workbook |vocabulary |vocabulary appropriately |vocabulary appropriately |and thematic vocabulary appropriately |

| |• with constant teacher support |• with frequent teacher support |• with occasional teacher support |• with little or no teacher support |

|Comprehension |• identifies few of the main elements |• identifies some of the main elements |• identifies most of the main elements |• identifies all or almost all of the |

|Read and identify main elements and |and details |and details |and details |main elements and details |

|details of television advertisement | | | | |

|models | | | | |

|writing |

|Communication |• writes few simple and very few |• writes some simple and few compound |• frequently writes many accurate |• always or almost always writes many |

|Write a script for a television |compound sentences |sentences |simple and some compound sentences |accurate simple and compound sentences |

|advertisement that includes |• includes information for few required|• includes information for some |• includes information from all |• includes detailed information from |

|• name of store, sale items, and |categories |required categories |categories |all categories with creative additions |

|departments |• with constant teacher support |• uses a model and makes minor changes |• creates new forms and makes some |• makes significant changes to a model |

|• prices and discounts | |to it |changes to a model |• with little or no teacher support |

|• messages to attract shoppers | |• with frequent teacher support |• with occasional teacher support | |

|Organization of Ideas |• copies from a model |• uses a model and makes minor changes |• creates new forms and makes some |• creates new forms and makes |

|Organize required elements of | |to it |changes to a model |significant changes to a model |

|television advertisement by using | | | | |

|models | | | | |

|Application of Language Knowledge |• uses possessive adjectives and the |• uses possessive adjectives and the |• uses possessive adjectives and the |• always or almost always uses |

|Use possessive adjectives and the |imperative with constant teacher |imperative with frequent teacher |imperative with frequent accuracy |possessive adjectives and the |

|imperative; spell correctly |support |support |• incorporates basic and thematic |imperative consistently and accurately |

| |• begins to incorporate basic and |• begins to incorporate basic and |vocabulary with frequent precision |• incorporates basic and thematic |

| |thematic vocabulary with constant |thematic vocabulary with some precision| |vocabulary with precision |

| |teacher support | | | |

|oral communication |

|Communication |• uses few of the presentation |• uses some of the presentation |• uses most of the presentation |• uses all or almost all of the |

|Present television advertisement using |strategies |strategies |strategies |presentation strategies |

|presentation strategies |• with constant teacher support |• with frequent teacher support |• with occasional teacher support |• with little or no teacher support |

|Comprehension |• begins to provide minimal, very |• begins to provide some simple |• provides simple, accurate feedback |• provides detailed, unique feedback |

|Predict content, answer questions, and |simple feedback |feedback |• with occasional teacher support |• with little or no teacher support |

|give feedback on classmates’ ads |• with constant teacher support |• with frequent teacher support | | |

|Organization of Ideas |• copies from a model |• uses a model and makes minor changes |• creates new forms and makes some |• creates new forms and makes |

|Link ideas among departments | |to it |changes to a model |significant changes to a model |

|Application of Language Knowledge |• uses a few possessive adjectives and |• uses some possessive adjectives and |• uses many possessive adjectives and |• always or almost always uses |

|Use possessive adjectives and the |the imperative |the imperative |the imperative with frequent accuracy |possessive adjectives and the |

|imperative |• begins to incorporate basic and |• begins to incorporate basic and |• incorporates basic and thematic |imperative consistently and accurately |

| |thematic vocabulary with constant |thematic vocabulary with some precision|vocabulary with frequent precision |• incorporates basic and thematic |

| |teacher support | | |vocabulary with precision |


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