|THEME: Travel and Recreation |

|Module: Water Safety Issues |

|Skills |Listening |Speaking |Reading |Writing |

| |CLB 8 |CLB 8 |CLB 8 |CLB 8 |

|Context Information Focus |Awareness of water safety issues and |Relate prior knowledge of water safety |Role of organizations, such as Red Cross or |Right of residents to express opinions |

| |hazards |Be aware of the importance of water |the Lifesaving Society to educate the public |and needs to government or publicly |

| |Awareness of problems and their solutions |safety, especially as presented by |on water safety, including the publication of|funded agencies, etc |

| |Time and place of the situation/s |organizations such as the Lifesaving |information for adults and children |Frame of reference: why a letter such as |

| |Audience etiquette: focus on |Society, Red Cross, etc |Emphasis by organizations to reach newcomers |this might be submitted |

| |presentation, turn off cell phones, avoid |Be aware of what lifeguards do/don’t do |because of the disproportionate number of |Cross-cultural awareness: letter is |

| |chatting with neighbours, avoid |Know the importance of clear |immigrant adults and children that drown in |personal but objective |

| |distractions (reading pamphlet, etc) |communication, e.g., when leaving the |Manitoba each year |Understand objectivity in expression of |

| | |children, don’t assume another will take |Info about intergenerational and |emotional issues |

| | |responsibility without clear verbal |multicultural activities offered at various |Expressing personal opinion within a |

| | |directions: |swimming venues and how to find out about |formal context |

| | |Don’t go into the water without me/without|them |Politeness conventions: letter should be|

| | |your life jacket | |typed |

| | |Don’t stand too close to the edge of the | | |

| | |pool. Can you stay | | |

| | |with the children while I get the…? | | |

|CLB Competency/ies |I. Social interaction |I. Social interaction |I. Social interaction Texts |II. Reproducing information |

| |Identify stated and unspecified details |Confirm own comprehension |Identify factual and inferred meanings in |Write an outline or summary of a longer |

| |about the mood, attitude, situation and |Encourage others to participate |moderately complex notes …containing general |text |

| |formality in discourse. | |opinions and assessments of situations… |III. Business/service texts |

| |III. Suasion |III. Suasion |II. Instructions |Convey business messages as … letters of |

| |Identify stated and unspecified meanings |Indicate problems and solutions in a |Follow an extended set of multistep |request…to indicate a problem, to request|

| |in extended warnings, suggestions and |familiar area |instructions for established process |a change, or to request information |

| |recommendations |Propose/recommend that certain changes be |III. Business/service texts |IV. Presenting information and ideas |

| |IV. Information |made in a familiar area |Locate and integrate 3 or 4 pieces of |Write three or four paragraphs to |

| |Identify main idea, organization and | |information contained in moderately complex |…express or analyze opinions on a |

| |specific details in extended oral |IV. Information |formatted texts |familiar abstract topic; or to provide a |

| |presentations |Participate in a …/discussion/… on an |IV. Informational texts |detailed description and explanation of a|

| | |abstract familiar topic or issue |Express in alternative forms verbal ideas and|phenomenon or a process |

| | |Express and analyze opinions and feelings |graphics contained in charts and graphs | |

| | |Express doubts and concerns’ oppose or |Access and locate several pieces of | |

| | |support a stand or a proposed solution |information in online reference sources | |

|Genre |Presentation |Critique |Guides, brochures |Complaint letter |

|Text structure/Features |Identify the components of a presentation | |Determine purpose of and organization of text|Recognize complaint letter as an example |

| |(intro, etc.) | |Identify tone, formality and style |of a business rather than social text and|

| |Phrases and sentences that mark topic | |differences between text written for a |appropriate format |

| |intro, topic development, topic shift and | |familiar audience in a casual context and | |

| |conclusion | |text written for a public, socially distanced| |

| |Identify main idea when it is not | |audience | |

| |explicitly stated | |Understand importance of headers and key | |

| |Identify facts, opinions and attitudes | |words in information texts | |

| |related to expressions of abstract ideas | |Skim Table of Contents for overview of | |

| | | |information | |

|Language Focus |Understand and use content words related |Questions and non-verbal strategies to |Understand and develop vocabulary related to |Understand format, function, formality |

| |to presentation content or critique |extend conversation: |the theme |and tone requirements of a business |

| |Vocabulary building: |What do you think, X? |Find relevant information by scanning charts |(complaint) letter |

| |Nouns: |Your turn, X |and tables horizontally and vertically |Avoid abbreviations, slang |

| |explanation, distraction, buddy, head |nod, gesture to indicate turn |Understand use of boldface and italics in |Understand how to convey a sense of |

| |count, supervision, injury, rescuer, | |text |audience. |

| |emergency, procedure, first aid, CPR |Backchannel to show interest |Acronyms |Note importance of sequence of |

| |(cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) |Uh-huh/Oh yes/Really? | |information |

| |Bodies of water: ditches, sloughs, | | |Use vocabulary related to the |

| |dugouts, creeks, rain barrels, septic |Use fillers | |issue/context: |

| |fields, wells |Well/Ummm/kind of | |Verbs: |

| |Verbs: | | |I saw/noticed/witnessed/ observed |

| |accompany, remind, seem, explain, follow, |Discourse markers | |Past tense: continuous My son was |

| |drown |Well – to mark the onset of a contrast | |swimming… |

| |Adjectives: |You know, I mean – to personalize and | |Past tense: perfect |

| |injured, drowned, safe |soften; also to check comprehension and | |I had noticed that… The sign|

| |Collocations and lexical chunks: |maintain the listener’s attention | |had not been repaired… |

| |within arms’ reach |Hedges and vague language – used to soften| |Nouns: |

| |drowning victim |language (opinions) | |signage |

| |extremely |Kind of/sort of | |situation |

| |urgent/important |Gambits to express opinions on the topic: | |attention |

| |Let me show you |It seems to me that… | |assistance |

| |wear a PDF |I’d say that… | |Adjectives: |

| |swim with a buddy |Politeness conventions for interjecting | |dangerous, steep, deep |

| | |opinions | |necessary/required |

| |Modals |I’d like to add that…/Could I just add | |Collocations: |

| |you should always… |that…? | |unsafe situation/dangerous situation |

| |you have to |Critiquing: positive and negative opinions| |Formulaic expressions: I want to |

| | |and observations | |bring to your attention |

| |Complements with that, for/to and gerunds |What I liked was… I’m not sure| |I look forward to your response |

| |It is important that + NP… |I agree with what he said. | |Thank you for your consideration of my |

| |make sure that + NP |I was impressed with his ability to… | |concern/request |

| |It is important for you + infinitive…… |In my opinion, it was very helpful | |Modals to give advice: |

| |Passive voice in formal instructions: |because… As far as I’m | |The city should … Children|

| |You are allowed + infinitive phrase… |concerned, it was boring/irrelevant… | |should not be allowed… |

| |Your are forbidden from + gerund |I liked the way s/he… I was | |Modals to soften language: |

| | |disappointed in/that… | |It would be a good idea if… I think you |

| |Gerunds following prepositions: |I enjoyed how…./I think the topic | |should… |

| |keep your child from drowning by… |was…/Speaking for myself… | |Hypothetical conditionals: If the city|

| |be responsible for watching… |That’s a good point/question | |would post lifeguards at all wading |

| |making sure they wear a life jacket |Conditional: | |pools, these accidents would not happen. |

| | |If there were pictures/we could have asked| | |

| | |questions/passed the…around, it would have| |Linking/transitional devices Therefore |

| | |been better/more useful/helpful/easier to | |So |

| | |understand | |Complex sentences, positive and negative |

| | |Pronunciation, stress and Intonation: | | |

| | |Appropriate stress and intonation to | | |

| | |express opinions | | |

| | |Pitch for intensifying adverbs and | | |

| | |adjectives Dropping intonation: | | |

| | |indicate conclusions to thought groups | | |

| | |Conclude the discussion This was a | | |

| | |good discussion. Thanks for your input | | |

| | |Idioms: to | | |

| | |make a point on the | | |

| | |other hand We’re getting | | |

| | |off topic | | |

|Language and Learning Strategies |Listen for rephrasing, repetition, |Repeat and rephrase |Use headers and photos to locate information |Understand difference between objective |

| |expansion |Use non-linguistic forms of communication |Recognize headers by colour or contrasting |and subjective, fact and emotion, |

| |Listen for emphasis: vocal pitch, stress |to indicate agreement or disagreement with|font |informed opinion and personal experience |

| |Recognize non-linguistic means of |the speaker: look |Observe spelling of unfamiliar words and list|Outlining/Planning |

| |communication shrug, point, gestures |at speaker, nod, smile, raise eyebrows, |them |Rough copies and drafts |

| |Relate visuals to the narration |shake head, blank look |Reading strategies |Self-edit for grammar and spelling |

| |Listen to segments of the DVD with backs |Clarify and confirm by restating |Skim to determine gist of text | |

| |turned to the screen (no visual clues) |So PDFs should always be worn by children;|Scan to find specific information | |

| |Take notes during presentation using |is that what you meant? |Predict what information is likely to follow | |

| |shorthand and listening for content |Circumlocution: life |next | |

| |words/gist |vest/jacket instead of personal flotation |Reread for clarification Use context to guess| |

| |Ask for clarification from the speaker |device/PDF |the meaning of new words | |

| |DVD: ask for replay of a section that |Comprehension checks | | |

| |needs clarification |Do you understand what I’m saying? | | |

| | |D’you know what I’m saying? | | |

|Essential Skill Focus |Oral communication, Working with others, Critical thinking, Reading, Thinking skills, Document Use,Continuous learning, Writing, Thinking skills – Critical thinking, Computer|

|ES-focused instructional activities|use |

| |Computer Use -- Critical thinking – Do an online search for articles on water safety. Compare the content with that of the DVD presentation, and evaluate the information. |

| |Mark sources and authors |

|Teaching Resources & Materials |DVD on water safety (Lifesaving Society) |DVD on water safety |Class set of Leisure Guide (or use online |Examples of good and poor letters of |

| |DVD player |DVD player |version) |concern/complaint for analysis |

| |Lifesaving Society website: |Resources from water safety organizations |Highlighter pens |Photos, drawings |

| | (downloads |Speaker | | |

| |available with acknowledgement of source) | | | |

| |956-2124 | | | |

| |Guest speakers | | | |

|Outcome Assessment Task |Introduction of the speaker prior to |Watch a DVD presentation on water safety |Each learner determines the best method of |Look for potential hazards, using photos |

| |presentation: |In small groups, brainstorm for ways to |registering as laid out on the Registration |or drawings of public swimming areas. |

| |Identify warnings, suggested solutions and|promote water safety. Appoint a |page of the current Leisure Guide. Discuss |Write a letter to a municipal government |

| |recommendations while listening to |‘secretary’ to write down the main ideas |reasons for choice in a small group setting |office addressing the learner’s concerns,|

| |segments of the DVD presentation. Answer |discussed. Appoint a speaker to represent| |with suggestions for making the situation|

| |written questions according to task format|your group. Present your findings in a | |safer for users |

| |(true/false, multiple choice, etc.) to |brief talk to the class | | |

| |determine comprehension | | | |


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