Faculty Salary Committee

Minutes of the Faculty Salary Committee

Friday April 4, 2008 – 2:30 P.M.

Administrative Center – Board Room


1. Faculty Vote on Salary Agreements

In response to a complaint from a faculty member that all faculty were not allowed to vote on the current salary agreement, the committee discussed whether future salary agreements should be submitted to all faculty for approval or whether Senate approval was sufficient. It was pointed out that faculty were asked to vote in 1997 on the salary agreement and that 102 voted with 98% voting to approve the agreement. It as also noted that asking all faculty to vote on a contract was not required by the PRPs. One member suggested an alternative would be to circulate the proposed contract to all faculty before the Senate votes to solicit input regarding concerns, errors and omissions. This issue should go to the Senate.

2. Cost of Academic Regalia for Graduation Ceremonies

Steven Lewis called attention to the fact that faculty can be reimbursed for mileage between campuses and classroom-related expenses but cannot be reimbursed for the cost of rental, purchase or maintenance of academic regalia worn during required attendance at graduation ceremonies although the IRS considers all these to be business expenses. Lewis indicated he would not wear official regalia to the Penn Valley graduation in protest of the District policy although he has been offered free regalia. He said he would not wear regalia, free or not, unless the policy was changed for everyone. He pointed out that the cost of the regalia (currently $33 for rental of master’s regalia) is a particular burden to new faculty. The committee voted not to pursue the issue with the chancellor at this time.

3. Professional Development Committee Draft Report

The salary committee discussed the draft document prepared by a district professional development committee chaired by MaryAnn Blitt. The committee discussed the document thoroughly. Question was raised regarding the requirement that faculty submit annual Individual Development Plans (“IDPs”) to their Division Chairs to be eligible for professional development funding, even if their request for funds was directly related to their duties performed at MCC. The Salary Committee voted to establish a Task Force to investigate professional development procedures at the different campuses. Burke Maxted, Janet Wyatt, Kimball Marsh, Ben Wolfe, and Steven Lewis volunteered to serve on the task force. Steven volunteered to serve as coordinator.

4. Pay increases for 2008-09 Academic Year

Because the increase in the cost of health insurance premiums will max out next year at 13.2% the committee discussed how remaining funds might be spent on salaries. Several options were presented. The committee examined the calculations by Reinhard Weglarz at different pay rates for the adjunct faculty pay. The committee looked at the option of raising adjunct-overload pay to $790 per credit hour if unspent funds in the academic budget were available. The unbudgeted salary cost to district would be $46,000.The chair is to pursue the issue with the Chancellor but that time was an issue as the Board of Trustees was set to approve next year’s contracts on April 17. He said he would report back to the committee via email and ask for an email vote before the Trustees’ meeting.


The adjunct faculty pay per work unit in 2008-09 will be $780. It is currently $775. The chair failed to persuade the salary committee and the administration that the adjunct faculty pay should be raised to $790 per work unit.

5. Other Items

The new division chair agreement was examined on behalf of a chair. The issue in question had to do with a chair’s wishes to teach a course in summer.

Current Members of the Salary Committee (* indicates attendance at the meeting)

Hossein Bahmaie*

Gretchen Blythe*

Maureen Kennedy*

Steven Lewis*

Kimball Marsh*

Todd Martin*

Burke Maxted*

Gary May*

Don Miller*

Greg Mitchell

Michelle Potts*

Elliot Schimmel*

Jim Shimel*

Cebra Sims*

Bob Smith

Nancy Spangler*

Cheryl Winter

Ben Wolfe*

Janet Wyatt*

Stephanie Zerkel


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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