Adjunct Scientists at the Sciencenter


Policy on Adjunct Scientists


The Sciencenter allows scientists to work within its existing structure as casual (temporary) staff (“Adjunct Scientists”) and to apply for grants and perform grant-funded work.

For such sponsored projects, the following conditions and considerations apply:

Principal Investigators: All Adjunct Scientists must secure the commitment of a regular Sciencenter staff member at the Director level or above to serve as Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI). This Co-PI must be willing and capable of assuming all project responsibilities, should the Adjunct Scientist leave the project. Adjunct Scientists must meet the same qualifications as Sciencenter staff members serving as PIs.

Project topics: All projects must be in keeping with the mission of the Sciencenter and must have the approval of the executive director and executive committee of the board. In general, projects topics should fall within the general scope of the Sciencenter’s experience to allow for proper oversight and management. Projects that extend the museum’s expertise, take it into related new areas, and expand its audience are encouraged.

Space and other resources: The Sciencenter must have adequate space and other support capacity to accommodate projects by Adjunct Scientists.

Ownership: Normally, the Sciencenter owns any products and intellectual property produced by a grant-funded project, just as if one of its permanent staff were sole PI. Arrangements other than these must be spelled out in a written agreement between the Sciencenter and Adjunct Scientist at the proposal stage, with adequate review by staff, the executive committee, and, if appropriate, an attorney.

Salaries: Adjunct Scientists must conform to existing Sciencenter salary scales. The Executive Director will negotiate salary issues with Adjunct Scientists.

Organizational structure: Adjunct Scientists will appear on the organizational chart for the length of the project as a staff member reporting to the departmental (or executive) director serving as Co-PI and will be paid as a temporary staff member with pro-rated benefits. Following the completion of the project, the Adjunct Scientist normally does not continue as a staff member, unless the grant is renewed or another project has funding for the Adjunct Scientist.

Resolution of disagreements: In matters of disagreement between Co-PIs, the executive director will facilitate a resolution of issues. If the executive director is the Co-PI and a disagreement occurs, the executive director will discuss the issue with the executive and human resources committees of the board and make a determination only after all interested individuals and groups have been heard.

Budgets: Projects will be managed as other Sciencenter projects, with the PIs and Grants Project Manager monitoring overall expenses. The budget must be approved according to normal grant-budget procedures, including review by the business manager and executive director. The budget must include normal items such as salaries, fringe benefits, indirect costs, and adequate provision for supplies and materials.

Management: The Adjunct Scientist will be responsible for all management responsibilities normally expected of a project Co-PI. Adjunct Scientists are eligible for security clearance and key access to the Sciencenter.

Project staff: If the project requires additional staff, the Sciencenter may elect to use existing staff, hire new staff, or hire additional contract staff.

Human and animal subjects: All federally funded projects must conform to federal standards for human and animal subject research. For projects where Cornell University scientists are working on projects involving University funding, projects must also conform to the University’s standards for human and animal subject research.

Competition for funds: If a new project proposed by an Adjunct Scientists is in direct competition for funds with an existing or proposed Sciencenter project, the executive director will determine if the new project should be pursued, deferred, or abandoned.

Expenses: All project expenditures will be made in accordance with existing procedures and require approvals as described by the Sciencenter’s financial policies manual.

Indirect costs: All indirect costs associated with a project co-directed by an Adjunct Scientist will go to the Sciencenter. In 2001 the Sciencenter had an NSF-approved indirect cost recovery rate of 55%. The Sciencenter is willing to negotiate a different rate to meet the restrictions of different granting organizations.

Use of the Sciencenter name and logo: Prior to using the Sciencenter logo and name on reports and presentations, the Adjunct Scientist must receive approval from the Executive Director for each specific document or product. When appropriate, the Adjunct Scientist should identify his/her relationship with the Sciencenter in reports and presentations.

Submission of grant proposals: The Executive Director must approve a final draft of the grant proposal prior to submission.

Adjunct Scientist conduct: Because Adjunct Scientists represent the Sciencenter, their conduct reflects upon the organization. Therefore Adjunct Scientists should be aware of this and conduct themselves accordingly.

Project wrap-up: After the project is completed, the Co-PIs have joint responsibility to complete any paperwork required to close the project. If the project results in a tangible product, such as an exhibit on the museum floor, this product normally will become property of the Sciencenter and fall under the museum’s maintenance program.

Premature termination: If an Adjunct Scientist should leave before the project has been completed, the staff member serving as Co-PI will assume the duties of overall project direction. If that person has also left, the executive director will meet with other staff to assess if the project should be continued, dropped, or exported with a departing Co-PI.

Below are criteria for engaging in projects with Adjunct Scientists, with a list of benefits and risks.


• Is the scientist respected in the community and have a good track record for follow through?

• Does the project fall within our mission?

• Does the project compete for funding with existing programs?

• Can the scientist do most of the grant writing?

• Does the scientist share our organizational culture?

• Does the Sciencenter have space?

• Does the Sciencenter staff have time to work with the scientist?

• Does the project fit in with national and state science education standards?


• Exposure and advancing our reputation in the community and nationally

• Opportunities for new exhibits and programs for our visitors

• Supplying of new ideas and sense of continued organizational movement

• Providing overhead to support Sciencenter operations

• Providing new project work for existing staff whose projects may be ending

• New links to Cornell University, Ithaca College, TC3, or other educational organizations


• Need for additional management, especially if quality does not meet our standards

• Personnel management issues, if scientist does not work well with other staff, or if other staff sense a double standard

Adopted ___________________________

Board of Trustees



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