Rubric for Policy Analysis - Alyssa Hayes

WORKSHEET – KARGER AND STOESZ POLICY ANALYSIS ELEMENTS AND CRITERIAFor Analysis of an Existing Federal Law Impacting EldersUsing select an existing federal legislative policy (public law) that directly impacts people over the age of 65. Using the Karger and Stoesz policy analysis model (model is explained in chapter 2 of the text), provide supportive evidence for each of the criteria in the four elements of policy analysis for your selected legislative policy (public law). Cite at least four references on a separate page after the completed worksheet. References must be from credible sources and may include the text and the law itself, if correctly cited as in-text citations in the worksheet. The worksheet's references list must follow APA guidelines. Here is a link to information about APA style: . TYPE YOUR INFORMATION DIRECTLY INTO THIS WORKSHEET.NAME OF THE PUBLIC LAW:Older Americans Act (OAA) Reauthorization Act of 2016NUMBER OF THE PUBLIC LAW:114-144YEAR THAT THE BILL WAS SIGNED INTO LAW BY THE PRESIDENT:4/19/2016KARGER AND STOESZ ANALYSIS CRITERIAINFORMATION FROM THE LAW OR OTHER ANALYTICAL RESEARCHTHAT SUPPORTS EACH ANALYSIS CRITERION(This evidence may be written as bullet points)(IN-TEXT CITATIONS) AUTHOR'S LAST NAME AND YEAR OF PUBLICATION FOR EACH STATEMENT OF SUPPORTIVE EVIDENCEELEMENT #1: Description of historical background of the policyProblems that led to the original creation of the policy-Policymakers were concerned about the lack of community social services for older persons.-Federal and state funds spent on hospital and nursing home care for elders were lowered, as a result to the services offered by the OAA.Administration on Aging (2016) Importance of the problems historically-In 2015, the older population made up about 8.5% of the total population-The elderly population will grow nearly 80% in the next 25 years.-By 2025, the elderly population in the United States will have doubled, while the number of children will increase by just 3%.-The United States is among many developed countries with low-fertility rates, and fewer workers entering the labor force.- “Population aging, while due primarily to lower fertility, also reflects a human success story of increased longevity.”U.S. Census Bureau (2016)Green, G. (2016)Original management of the problems -The original OAA “established authority for grants to States for community planning and social services, research and development projects, and personnel training in the field of aging.”Administration on Aging (2016)Historical background of policy including original date of the establishment of the policy (passage of law) -The original OAA was passed July 14, 1965.-The OAA Reauthorization of 2016 is to “amend the original OAA of 1965, with respect to the Administration on Aging, to require the Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs to collect and analyze best practices related to responding to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation in long-term care facilities, and publish a report on them.”Administration on Aging (2016) (2016)Legislative history 1/20/2015 - Introduced in Senate2/03/2015 - Senate Committee.7/16/2015 - Passed Senate3/21/2016 - Passed House4/13/2016 - Presented to President4/19/2016 - Signed by President and became Public Law No: 114- (2016)ELEMENT #2: Description of the problem(s) that necessitated the policyThe parameters of the problem - The elderly population will grow nearly 80% in the next 25 years.- “As longevity increases and the population ages, the need for housing, economic security, health care (including mental and behavioral health), transportation, advocacy, and additional support services becomes even more relevant.”- “In a few short years, more than 77 million people will be over the age of 60, and more than 34 million people – mostly family and friends – will be supporting a loved one who is over the age of 60.”Green, G. (2016)NASW (2017)Administration on Aging (2016)Nature, scope and magnitude of the problem - “More than 12 million people currently use long-term services and supports, a figure anticipated to more than double by 2050.”- “In 2013, one-third of Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 to 74 reported to having at least one functional limitation. The proportion of beneficiaries with functional limitations increased to one-half for adults 75 to 84, and to nearly three-quarters for people aged 85 and older, with women in all age groups reporting functional limitations more than men.”NASW (2017)Populations affected by policy - Numbers? Who? How?-The OAA is amended to reauthorize community service senior opportunities programs.- “The OAA affects everyone – older adults, people who support them, and all of us who hope to one day grow old.” (2016)Administration on Aging (2016)Causes of the problem -The elderly population will grow nearly 80% in the next 25 years.- “Population aging, while due primarily to lower fertility, also reflects a human success story of increased longevity.”Green, G. (2016)U.S. Census Bureau (2016)ELEMENT #3: Description of the policyHow the policy is expected to work -The reauthorization clarifies the Assistant Secretary’s responsibilities to provide technical assistance to, and coordinate sharing of best practices with, states, area agencies on aging, and services providers regarding coordination with health care entities, to improve care coordination for individuals with multiple chronic illnesses.-The reauthorization also clarifies the Assistant Secretary’s responsibilities for the development of plans, program implementation, and preparation and dissemination of educational materials on the health and economic needs of older individuals.- “This bill amends the original OAA of 1965, with respect to the Administration on Aging, to require the Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs to collect and analyze best practices related to responding to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation in long-term care facilities, and publish a report on them.”-This bill also authorizes Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman programs to serve all LTC facility residents, regardless of their age. The state LTC Ombudsman is also responsible for the fiscal management of the Office of the State LTC Ombudsman.-The Assistant Secretary shall develop guidance to states on serving Holocaust survivors through OAA programs.-Behavioral health shall be included in programs for mental health.- “The Community Service Senior Opportunities Act (CSSOA) is revised, to require grantees carrying out Older American community service employment program demonstration projects to consult with the local workforce development board.”Administration on Aging (2016) (2016)Resources or opportunities the policy will provide (power, cash, economic opportunity, in-kind services, status redistribution, goods and services, etc.)-The Administration on Aging (AoA) is the principal agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services designated to carry out the provisions of the OAA.-The AoA provides home and community-based services to older persons through the OAA, such as: -Transportation -Adult day care -Health promotion programs, which now include “oral health” -Caregiver supports -Nutrition services-The Administration will also make grants to states available for supportive services that include chronic condition self-care management and falls prevention services.-The Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services manages the operation, administration, and assessment of the elder abuse prevention, legal assistance development, and pension counseling programs funded through the OAA.-The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program assists residents and their families by providing a voice for those who are unable to speak for themselves.-The National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) provides support and assistance to older adults caring for adult children with disabilities, as well as older adults raising children under the age of 18.Administration on Aging (2016)Who is covered by the policy and how (universal versus selective entitlement, means testing, etc.)- “The act empowers the federal government to distribute funds to the states for supportive services for individuals over the age of 60.”Administration on Aging (2016)How the policy is implemented, including coordination - “There is established in the Office of the Secretary an Administration on Aging (AoA) which shall be headed by an Assistant Secretary of for Aging.”-The Act empowers the federal government to distribute funds to the states for supportive services for individuals over the age of 60.-The reauthorization clarifies the Assistant Secretary’s responsibilities to provide technical assistance to, and coordinate sharing of best practices with, states, area agencies on aging, and services providers regarding coordination with health care entities, to improve care coordination for individuals with multiple chronic illnesses.-The reauthorization also clarifies the Assistant Secretary’s responsibilities for the development of plans, program implementation, and preparation and dissemination of educational materials on the health and economic needs of older individuals.Administration on Aging (2016)Expected short and long term goals and outcomes of the policy-The Act is to “promote the well-being of older individuals by providing services and programs designed to help them live independently in their homes and communities.”- “To meet the diverse needs of the growing numbers of older persons in the United States.”- “To maintain the dignity and welfare of older individuals.”Administration on Aging (2016)The administrative auspices under which the policy is lodged, including the roles of the private sector and of local, state and federal governments in its development-The Act empowers the federal government to distribute funds to the states for supportive services for individuals over the age of 60.-To carry out the provisions of the OAA, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services designated the AoA.Administration on Aging (2016)The funding mechanism for the policy, including short and long term funding commitments-The OAA empowers the federal government to distribute funds to the states for supportive services for individuals over the age of 60.- “No state shall be allotted less than: 99% of the allotment for the previous year for each of FY2017-FY2019, or 100% of the FY2019 allotment for FY2020 and each subsequent fiscal year.”- “In general, for purposes of carrying out this Act, there are authorized to be appropriated for administration, salaries, and expenses of the Administration $40,063,000 for each of the fiscal years 2017, 2018, and 2019.”Administration on Aging (2016)The agencies or organizations with overall responsibility -To carry out the provisions of the OAA, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services designated the AoA.-The Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services manages the operation, administration, and assessment of the elder abuse prevention, legal assistance development, and pension counseling programs funded through the OAA.-The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program assists residents and their families by providing a voice for those who are unable to speak for themselves.Administration on Aging (2016)Formal or informal criteria to be used to determine effectiveness of the policy-The AoA focuses on “the measurement of program results by implementing and strengthening OAA program information reporting from the states, development of new and well-tested performance outcomes measures, national surveys of OAA participants which assesses OAA services, a series of past, current, and planned program evaluations and related studies, and compilations of relevant aging population statistics.”- “The State Program Reports are the primary information system for states to report on the Older Americans Act programs of supportive services, nutrition, caregiver support, etc. which they provide."- “Information on the efforts of Long-Term Care Ombudsmen as reported by each State Long-Term Care Ombudsman program, including data on staffing, facilities and beds, and types of complaints from residents.”Administration on Aging (2016)Expected duration of policy - Sunset laws -The bill reauthorizes the Administration through FY2019. (2016)Knowledge base or scientific grounding on which the policy rests -The reauthorization is supported by the knowledge base from the original OAA.-Services provided to older adults and that have been determined effective, have also provided knowledge base for which the policy rests on. Services include those offered by the AoA, the Long-Term Care Ombudsmen Program, and The Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services. (2016)Administration on Aging (2016)ELEMENT #4: Policy analysisIndications that goals of the policy (law) are legal.- “Health and Human Services (HHS), through Office of Civil Rights (OCR), promotes and ensures that people have equal access to and opportunity to participate in and receive services from all HHS programs without facing unlawful discrimination, and that the privacy of their health information is protected while ensuring access to care.”-The OAA promotes that older Americans have equal access to services, specifically services that address the well-being of older Americans.Administration on Aging(2016)Indications that goals of the policy (law) are just and democratic- “In keeping with the traditional American concept of the inherent dignity of the individual in our democratic society, the older people of our Nation are entitled to, and it is the joint and several duty and responsibility of the governments of the United States, of the several States and their political subdivisions, and of Indian tribes to assist our older people to secure equal opportunity to the full and free enjoyment.”- “Non-citizens, regardless of their alien status, should not be banned from services authorized by the OAA and administered by the AoA based solely on their alien status.”- “Services provided to older persons under the Social Services Block Grant are not "Federal public benefits" as interpreted in the HHS Notice and exempt from verification requirements.”- “Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may be Limited English Proficient and may be eligible to receive language assistance with respect to the particular service, benefit, or encounter.”*These examples show that regardless of a person’s status or spoken language, they cannot be exempt from receiving the services offered by the OAA.Administration on Aging (2016)Indications that the policy (law) will contribute to greater social equality- “Over the past five decades, the OAA has evolved to enhance the well-being of older adults and communities.”- “For more than 50 years, the Older Americans Act has helped people live the lives they want, with the people they choose, throughout their lives.”NASW (2017)Administration on Aging (2016)Indications that the policy (law) will positively affect the redistribution of income, resources, rights, entitlements, rewards, opportunities and status of people-The bill includes provisions that aim to protect vulnerable elders by strengthening the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program and elder abuse screening and prevention efforts.-It also promotes the delivery of evidence-based programs, such as falls prevention and chronic disease self-management programs.Administration on Aging (2016)Indications that the policy (law) will contribute to a better quality of life for the target population-The bill requires “the Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs to collect and analyze best practices related to responding to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation in long-term care facilities, and publish a report on them.”- “The Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) shall provide information and referrals regarding home and community-based services for individuals who are at risk for residing in, or who reside in, institutional settings, so that the individuals have their choice to remain in or to return to the community." (2016)Indications that the goals of the policy (law) will adversely affect the quality of life of the target group-As longevity increases and the population ages, the need for housing, economic security, health care (including mental and behavioral health), transportation, advocacy, and additional support services becomes even more relevant.NASW (2017)Indications that the policy (law) will contribute to positive social relations between the target population and the overall society-The OAA funds programs and services that enable older adults to enjoy healthy, productive, and independent lives in their homes and communities.NASW (2017)Indications that the goals of the policy (law) are consistent with the values of professional social work (self-determination, client rights, self-realization, etc.) - “The aging, both the U.S. population as a whole and of the Baby Boom generation in particular, present social and political implications for both the social work profession and the nation. Proactive policies and approaches are essential to ensure that older adults thrive and remain engaged with their families, communities, and the broader society”NASW (2017)Indications that the policy (law) is politically feasible-This policy appears to be politically feasible, as it is a policy that is not likely to be feared. Those who would support this policy would not only include older adults, but those who help care for them, as well as those of us who wish to grow old someday.Karger & Stoesz (2014)Indications that the policy (law) is economically feasible-Federal and state funds spent on hospital and nursing home care for elders were lowered, as a result to the services offered by the OAA.Administration on Aging (2016)Indications that the policy (law) is administratively feasible-The policy has been proven both effective and efficient, which help determine administrative feasibility.- “For over 35 years, the AoA has provided home and community-based services to millions of older persons through the programs funded under the OAA.”*The AoA’s commitment proves that it possesses the personnel, resources, skills, and expertise needed to continue to effectively implement this policy.Karger & Stoesz (2014)Administration on Aging (2016)Indications that the policy (law) is effective - “For over 35 years, the AoA has provided home and community-based services to millions of older persons through the programs funded under the OAA.”Administration on Aging (2016)Indications that the policy (law) is efficient - “Over the past five decades, the OAA has evolved to enhance the well-being of older adults and communities.”NASW (2017)Indications of alternative policies competing with this policy There does not appear to be any alternative policies competing with this policy.n/aREFERENCES(Type your APA references list directly into this page. Remember to use the required hanging indentation and other required formatting. See for futher guidance.)114th?Congress. (2016). Older Americans act reauthorization act of 2016 [Data file]. Retrieved from on Aging (AoA). (2016). Administration on Aging. Retrieved from , J. H. & Stoesz, D. (2014). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach. (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.National Association of Social Workers (NASW). (2017). Advocacy: Older Americans act. Retrieved from States Census Bureau. (2015) International population reports [Data file]. Retrieved from . ................

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