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Edition of February 1, 2018 BUSINESS PROGRAMMEOF THE 15th KRASNOYARSK ECONOMIC FORUMApril 12, 2018 10:00-16:35Conference Hall 10Russian Export Centre Workshops EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME OF THE EXPORT SCHOOLThe main purpose of the workshops included into the educational programme of Russian Export Centre is to draw attention of the target audience (small and medium-sized businesses, development institutions, regional export support infrastructure, public officers) to the problem of export, to introduce the current issues studied at REC Export School, present the methods and main principles of solving the issues. It is necessary to remark that Export School works with business-training format and combines theoretical knowledge and practical tasks for the attendees to develop their new skills in real time mode.Basic programme of REC Export School encompasses the entire life cycle of an export project, from search and analysis of foreign markets to export lot preparation and shipping.The offered workshops deal with the most vibrant and disputable topics for exporters, selected with the feedback received from REC Export School alumni.Among the lecturers, there are federal experts and leading coaches of REC Export School, certified and experienced in teaching the topics they present.18:30-20:00Conference Hall1Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationRound tableHR POLICY IN INDUSTRYTraining personnel for “unmanned manufacture”.Spreading the best practices of highly qualified personnel training in various entities of the Russian Federation (with the help of SIA). Developing staffing support mechanisms for high-tech industry branches based on international standards (with the help of the Union).Development of the State Industrial Information System as an HR forecasting tool.Problems of interaction between enterprises/employers and higher education institutions.Moderated by:Dmitry Peskov, Director of Young Professionals Branch of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects, ANCOInvited:Nataliya Beketova, HR Director, UC RUSALMaxim Kadnikov, Winner in Electronics Competence, EuroSkills 2016 Vladimir Kolmakov, Acting Rector of the FSAEI HPE Siberian Federal UniversityDarya Kryachkova, Director of HR Policy Department, PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelEugeny Kuyvashev, Governor of Sverdlovsk OblastAlexei Besprozvannykh, Assistant Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationVadim Polyakov, Winner in Refrigeration and Conditioning Competence, EuroSkills 2016Alexei Ponomarenko, Director of the International Programmes Centre, Rosatom Corporate Academy, ANCOYuri Slyusar, President of OAK PJSCMikhail Strikhanov, Rector of the National Research Nuclear University “MIFI”Robert Urazov, General Director of Young Professionals Union (WorldSkills, Russia)Yulia Khanzhina, Head of the Department of Staffing Support for Industrial Growth, Agency of Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects, ANCO18:30-20:00Conference Hall 2Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaPanel discussionREGIONAL CHAMPIONS. NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE COMPANIESSince June 2016, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has been running a priority project titled “National Champions”. The priority project has been joined by 62 private high-tech companies.For the development of the Project, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has supported some regions’ initiative for a support project for private high-tech companies, known as “Regional Champion”. According to the priority project experience, personal information and consultation support, assistance in contacting the authorities and development institutions along with other mechanisms of support are really sought for by private innovative companies, helping them develop better and access new markets actively and successfully. Similar support programmes are run by the majority of developed companies, in the priority project of the Ministry of Economic Support has accumulated the world’s best practices.The round table will be dedicated to the discussion of current work results and the opportunity of bilateral development of the said projects; involve regional development institutions into the work, find ways of cooperation between regional and national champions, of providing assistance to forming consortiums.Results of the National Champions priority project of the year 2017.Discussion of the Regional Champions projects.Exchange of experience in the field of creation and development of regional tools for supporting innovative businesses.Creation of high-tech companies’ consortiums.Moderated by:Dan Medovnikov, Director, Innovation Management Institute, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”.Invited:Andrei Antonov, Deputy Governor of Tomsk Oblast for EconomyKirill Bulatov, General Director, WEB Innovations, LLC Vladimir Knyaginin, Vice President, Centre for Strategic Research FundOlga Molchanova, Acting Deputy Chairman of the Government of Novosibirsk Oblast – Minister of Economic Development of Novosibirsk OblastBoris Moshkovich, Head of Moscow Export Centre, ANCOAlexander Povalko, General Director, Chairman of the Board, RBK JSCSergei Vereschagin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region – Minister of Economic Development and Investment Policy of Krasnoyarsk RegionArtem Shadrin, Director of the Strategic Development and Innovations Department of the Ministry of Economic development of the Russian FederationYana Shevchenko, General Director, Agency for Investment Development of Irkutsk Oblast, ANCO Member Companies of the priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia “National Champions”, representatives of the Project Office of National Technological Initiative, Industry Development Fund, Federal Corporation for Development of Small and Medium Sized Businesses18:30-20:00Conference Hall 3Expert Council for Digital Economy and Blockchain Technologies at the State Duma of the Russian FederationG.V. Plekhanov Russian University of EconomicsRound tableDIGITAL ECONOMY AND “DIGITAL” MONEYRussia has set an ambitious goal: to perform a digital transformation of the national economy. Restructuration of whole industry branches is possible due to blockchain, a new technology that makes a great influence on the global financial system. We are standing at the threshold of a new economic reality. Will the Digital Economy Programme become a roadmap for creating leading companies of Russian digital economy? Blockchain technology: what makes it unique? Opportunities and projects. Mining: global and Russian trends. Making up an energy map of Russia to reveal free energy resources and capacities for creating mining centres (farms) of “digital money” (crypto currency), opening new opportunities for the digital transformation of the investment sphere (ICO), financial system and Russian economy? Problems of crypto currency turnover on the world and Russian markets, modern crypto exchanges and system of payment in crypto currency. Can “digital money” become the basis for digital economy in Russia?Moderated by:Nadezhda Surova, Director of the Institute of Administration and Socio-Economic Design, FSBEI HE G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of EconomicsInvited:Sergei Bezdelov, General Director,INTER RAO Service, LLCVladimir Gamza, Chairman of the Committee for Financial Markets and Credit Organizations, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationDaniil Zakomolkin, General Director, BitBazaVictor Zubarev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian FederationIliya Dimitrov, Executive Director, Association of Electronic Trading Platforms, ANCOArtem Koltsov, Chairman of the Expert Council for Digital Economy and Blockchain Technologies at the State Duma of the Russian Federation Artur Kudelya, Professor, FSBEI HE Plekhanov Russian University of EconomicsAndrei Plotnikov, General Director, CUSTODIANAnatoly Radchenko, Managing Partner, United TradersAndrei Skokov, Director of the Industrial Assets Department, PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelNurlan Tlegenov, Head of the Digital Marketing Department, Legion Company18:30-20:00Conference Hall 4Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationRound tableDEVELOPING NAVIGATION IN KRASNOYARSK REGION, EVALUATING SHIPOWNERS’ NEED FOR THE PRODUCT OF SHIPBUILDING ENTERPRISESKrasnoyarsk Region is the location of such shipbuilding enterprises, as: G.T. Pobezhimov Siberian Shipbuilding Plant, Krasnoyarsk Shipbuilding Plant, Krasnoyarsk Ship Repair Plant, Branch of the Yenisei River Shipping Company, Ermolayevskaya Fleet Care and Maintenance Base, Krasnoyarsk Dock Yard, SibirRechTrans etc. The total production volume of the said enterprises comprises 0.5% of the entire industry, with the staff comprising 0.9% of the entire industry. It is worth noticing, however, that the regions of Siberia, where rivers serve as the only traffic arteries, have a dozen of river shipping companies and navigation enterprises, while the average age of the ships exceeds 8 years, and fleet renovation is one of the key problems of today’s shipbuilding industry. Moderated by:Igor Karyshev, Head of Long-Range Research and Planning Department, Krylovsky State Scientific Centre, FSUEInvited:Eugeny Zagorodniy, Vice President, Civil Shipbuilding, OSK JSCBoris Kabakov, Director of Shipbuilding Industry and Maritime Facilities Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Vladimir Nikitin, General Director, Krylovsky State Scientific Centre, FSUEVictor Olersky, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, Head of the Federal Marine and River Transport AgencyOleg Safonov, Head of the Federal Tourism AgencyAndrei Yakovlev, General Director of Yenisei River Shipping Company, JSCMinistry of Transport of Russia, Government of Krasnoyarsk Region and organizations of Krasnoyarsk Region18:30-20:00Conference Hall 5Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationRound table UPCOMING DEVELOPMENT TRENDS. BUSINESS MODELS OF THE YEAR 2018“New normality” is not only the time for a big change; it is also the time of upcoming opportunities. The important thing is to recognize and not to miss these opportunities. It is not the strongest who survives; it is the most adjustable one, so it is necessary to use the changing situation for the benefit of businesses and, consequently, to accelerate the economic growth of the country. The list of possible growth drivers is not limited to digitalization, implementation of new technologies, entering new markets and adjustment to the changing consumer needs. There are lots of other ways to increase the efficiency and proficiency to be taken into account at the transition point from resource-based economy to the smart and innovative one.What investments will bring the best returns in 2018-2025? What business strategies, projects and people will be sought for in the nearest decade? Where can we find breakthrough ideas and new growth areas for businesses? How not to bite more than we can chew and not to become a victim of aggressive growth?Moderated by: Pavel Gagarin, Chairman of the Board, Gradient Alpha Audit and Consulting CompanySergei Katyrin, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationInvited:Nikolai Buynov, Executive Director, Chairman of the Board of Irkutsk Oil Company, LLC Oleg Deripaska, President, Member of the Board of Directors, UC RUSALSergei Kolesnikov, President of TechnonikolAndrei Melnichenko, Principal Shareholder, SUEK, Siberian Generating CompanyLeonid Mokhov, General Director, NordStar Airlines JSC Larisa Prokopyeva, General Director, Evalar CJSCAnton Titov, General Director, Obuv Rossii Group of CompaniesAlexander Uss, Acting Governor of Krasnoyarsk Region Savva Shipov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian FederationDenis Shtengelov, Founder of KDV Group LLC Business community of Siberian Federal District and Krasnoyarsk Region18:30-20:00Conference Hall 6Ministry of Education and Science of RussiaNational Research University “Higher School of Economics”Siberian Federal UniversityPanel discussionUNIVERSITY AS THE PROJECT OFFICE OF THE REGIONIn the past several years we have been observing a steady transition from the programme to project approach in solving regional development tasks. The practice of creating regional project offices, or coordination bodies responsible for planning, implementation and monitoring of project activities for achieving the regional development objectives, is expanding. Transition to a new administration paradigm implies involvement of the expert and academic communities into development and implementation of strategic projects for regional development. Federal initiatives, and, namely, the priority project titled “Higher Education Institutions as Centres for Innovation” are aimed at supporting regional project offices based at universities. Universities are the facilities expected to become the expert centre for administrative decision-making and solving the tasks of innovative, technological, or social development of the region.What are the opportunities in involving universities into the programmes aimed at the development of regional innovative systems (creation of centres for youth innovative creativity, innovative development centres etc.)?How can we reduce the risks and overcome the barriers, preventing efficient communication between the regional authorities and federal universities?What are the best practices for changing basic processes at universities for the creation and development of a regional project office?Industry HR. How do higher education institutions satisfy the demands of the 21st century industry?Moderated by:Eduard Galazhinsky, Rector, National Research Tomsk State UniversityInvited:Irina Arzhanova, Executive Director, National Training Foundation Ivan Bortnik, Counsellor of the General Director, Innovation Promotion FundBesarion Meskhi, Rector, Don State Technical UniversitySergei Morozov, Governor of Ulyanovsk OblastAndrei Nikitin, Governor of Novgorod OblastValentin Pugach, Rector, Vyatka State UniversityAlexander Rudik, Member of the General Council Presidium, All-Russia Business Association “Delovaya Rossiya”Isak Frumin, Academic Advisor, Institute of Education, National Research University “Higher School of Economics” Member Universities of the Core University Programme and “Higher Education Institutions as Centres for Innovation” programme18:30-20:00Conference Hall 7Civic Chamber of the Russian FederationRound tableDEVELOPING GROWTH AREAS IN THE ASIAN PART OF RUSSIAIn the recent years, the spatial development design of Siberia and the Far East attract special attention. They are the concentration area of the natural wealth of the country, corridors for communication and economic connection to the APR. Human capital assets are limited, the demographic recession tendencies have not been eliminated, there is a clear “western drift” in the migration flows and a shortage of large social activity and development centres. How can we find inner resources for the development of Asian territories of Russia? How can we find inner development resources for the Asian part of Russia? How can we stimulate creation of advanced development areas? How can a territory be made attractive for life and work? How can a positive image of a territory be created? How can diversification of single-industry territories be stimulated, retaining agricultural activity? How can revitalization of rural territories, peripheral towns be ensured, how to stimulate the development of coastal areas? How can territories be developed with the efforts of local communities, civil activists and by means of cultural upgrade?Moderated by:Andrei Maximov, Chairman of the Commission on Territorial Development and Local Self-Government, Civic Chamber of the Russian FederationInvited:Sergei Gabestro, Chairman of the Public Council, Ministry for Development of the Russian Far EastAlexei Elin, Director of the Territorial Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationRustam Zakiev, Director of the Communication and Social Projects Department of UC RUSALVladimir Nalivayko, General Director, Bystrinskaya Mining Company, LLCAlexander Puzanov, General Director, Urban Economics Institution FoundationNatalya Trunova, Head of the Spatial Development Division of the Centre for Strategic ResearchVladislav Shulaev, Head of the Branding and Territories Development Committee, Russian Public Relations AssociationAlexander Scheryakov, General Producer of the World Street Cinema FestivalAndrei Yatskin, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation at the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation18:30-20:00Conference Hall 8Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian FederationMinistry of Economic Development of RussiaEgorov, Puginsky, Afanasyev and Partners Law BureauRound tableLEGAL ENVIRONMENT FOR BUSINESS AND NATUREProtection and rehabilitation of the environment are the tasks that require deliberate attention, immediate and efficient decisions both in the applied and legal aspects. The “user pays principle” is obviously fair, and socially responsible and forward-thinking industrial companies are ready to invest into environmental campaigns. Today’s legislation foresees several forms of compensation for the negative influence on the environment, including charges for negative impact on the environment, compensation of damage, implementation and improvement of new technologies, and environmental actions.It is clear, however, that modernization of production, construction and re-construction of pollution control facilities gives a greater positive effect than various payments, and the task of the state is to stimulate these and similar measures. The companies running environmental campaigns are entitled to a charge discount, but the offsetting mechanism is not yet clearly defined, and de facto the offset is done through the court. At the round table, representatives of businesses, state authorities and environmental organizations will discuss the ways to improve the legislation in order to increase the efficiency of environmental actions in the Russian Federation.What is a convenient and fair offsetting mechanism? How can the negative impact charge discount be calculated? What other steps should the state and the businesses take to solve the common task on the protection of the environment?Moderated by:Mikhail Bobenko, Director of the Green Economy Programme, World Wildlife FundInvited:Victoria Bostan, Senior Regional Law, Coca Cola HBC Eurasia, LLC Igor Zuntov, President, Interregional Social Organization “National Environmental Order”Andrei Kalinin, Director of Management, Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Resources for Krasnoyarsk RegionAlexander Miloserdov, lawyer, Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasyev and Partners Law BureauIldar Neverov, Chairman of the Committee for Ecology, All-Russia Business Association “Delovaya Rossiya” Ivan Rebrik, Director for Environment, UC RUSALMinistry of Economic Development of Russia, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, Working group of the Expert Council for Environment, Government of the Russian Federation 18:30-20:00Conference Hall 9Strategy Partners GroupRound tableLABOUR PRODUCTIVITY PROGRAMMES: IMPLEMENTATION EXPERIENCE, OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES Increasing labour productivity is an essential condition for economic growth in Russia. In the year 2017, the federal priority programme for increasing labour productivity and occupation of the population was resolved to be implemented until 2025. Moreover, in the recent years, a number of large companies have been running labour productivity and operational efficiency programmes.Productivity records as the result of implementing the enhanced results achievement technologies.What is the system of work and communication between the members of such programmes? What challenges and risks do they face? What effects can be achieved, what are the terms, and how can the results be evaluated? The reality of achieving the global productivity levels.Moderated by:Pavel Lubuzh, Partner, Head of the Operational Efficiency practice, Strategy Partners GroupInvited:Vladimir Artemyev, Director for Production Operations, SUEK, JSCUlf Backmeyer, Chief Financial Officer, Unipro PJSC Nataliya Beketova, HR Director, UC RUSALSergei Dubovitsky, Vice President for Strategic Planning, PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel Mikhail Dyagilev, General Director, KrasTsevtMet OJSCDmitry Zylev, General Director, Arkhangelsk Cellulose and Paper Combinate, OJSCAlexei Krivoruchko, General Director, JSC Concern KalashnikovVictor Kruglov, Head of the Board of Directors, Sayankhimplast JSCMarina Sedykh, General Director, INK-Capital, JSCYulia Urozhaeva, Advisor of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation 18:30-20:00Conference Hall 11Government of Krasnoyarsk RegionRound tableCOMFORTABLE LIVING ENVIRONMENT IN THE ARCTICHuman in the Arctic is incredible symbiosis of man and nature as a survival factor; cyclicism determining the pace of life; cognition instinct as a new value in the comfort of living; a put-together community, intolerant to lies; winter as a resource of comfortable environment development; connection to the “continent” as the cultural code of Arctic settlements.The Arctic without people or people without the Arctic? Let us discuss the concept of interaction between industrial companies and nature for the sake of creating comfort for people in the Arctic.What are the approaches to determining the eco-socio-techno-economic concept of the anthropocentric approach to the development of Arctic and living there?Do we need a governmental programme based on the principle of “hard labour – sweet life”? How is it possible to determine unified living standards in the Arctic for both industrial and governmental enterprises? How can systematic mechanisms of integrating industries into the Arctic bio- and geosystems be developed?Moderated by:Alexander Vodyanik, Assistant Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, expert of “Comfortable Environment” programme, Project Office of Arctic Development “PORA”Invited:Mikhail Gladyshev, Director, Environmental Fund of FSEAI HPE Siberian Federal UniversityOlga Gritsan, Head of Analytic Department, “Centre” Strategic Development AgencyIlya Zalivukhin, Head of Yauza ProjectNadezhda Zamyatina, Assistant Professor, Geography Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityVladimir Koptev-Dvornikov, Co-Chairman, Environmental Chamber of RussiaNatalya Rybalchenko, Head of “Point. Development Point” LaboratoryApril 13, 20189:00-10:30Conference Hall 1Russian State Social UniversityRound tableROLE OF IT IN SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONSThe main tasks of the regional policy for increasing social system sustainability cannot be solved without modern information technologies, that ensure flexible and immediate response to various exposures. The diversity and acuteness of the social problems faced by the regions make the social sphere technologization issues especially important.What best practices of IT use in the regions are applied to various spheres of the social sphere? What is the IT potential in improving the quality and accessibility of state services for citizens? What is the future of education and medicine in the context of IT development? Do modern IT change the form of inquiry for social guarantees and public services? Moderated by:Natalya Pochinok, Rector, Russian State Social UniversityInvited:Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian FederationOlga Golodets, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation German Gref, President, Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank Russia, PJSCAnton Drozdov, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian FederationGerman Klimenko, Chairman of the Executive Board, Institute of the Internet Development, ANCORustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of TatarstanNikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation9:00-10:30Conference Hall 2Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaEY Round tableBUSINESS POTENTIAL OF REGIONAL INTEGRATIONDespite the wave of de-globalization and populism in the rest of the world, integration processes are still going on in Eurasia. The advantages of free trade with the CIS partners and largest Asian neighbours may be obvious at the level of the state, but how may it influence businesses, private sector labour productivity, development, and export potential?The EAEU development vector: what new countries are the wanted members of this economic union?How may new trading relations with the Asian neighbours influence the cross-border regions and local businesses?What are the conditions for regional integration that may serve as a catalyst for private investments and labour productivity growth?The elimination of external barriers will increase competition on the local market: how will it influence the plans of businesses and decisions made by the regulatory authorities?What should the authorities do to improve the business climate of Siberian macroregion?How can the natural wealth of Siberia be rationally and efficiently used? Why is it important not to run after ?new trends?, but to follow the principles of rationality?Moderated by:Alexander Ivlev, EY Managing Partner for RussiaInvited:Anatoly Braverman, First Deputy of the General Director of Russian Direct Investment FundOleg Belozerov, General Director – Chairman of the Board, JSC Russian RailwaysAlexei Vasilchenko, Managing Director for Aviation, Basic Element CompanyPavel Grachev, General Director of Polus PJSCKirill Dmitriev, General Director, Russian Direct Investment Fund Sergei Zhvachkin, Governor of Tomsk OblastAlexander Zyryanov, General Director, Agency of Agency for Investment Development of Novosibirsk RegionSergei Menyaylo, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to Siberian Federal DistrictVladimir Obyedkov, General Director, PJSC Siberia AirlinesAndrei Belyaninov, Chairman of the Eurasian Development Bank Management Board Alexei Repik, President, All-Russia Business Association “Delovaya Rossiya” Nikolai Skorokhodov, General Director, LLC Holiday CompanyVladislav Solovyev, General Director, UC RUSAL Vyacheslav Solomin, General Director, OJSC EuroSibEnergoVictor Tomenko, Acting First Deputy Governor – Chairman of the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region Andrei Travnikov, Acting Governor of Novosibirsk OblastAndrei Fedorov, General Director, JSC SUEK-KrasnoyarskPetr Fradkov, General Director, JSC Russian Export CentreFrank Schauff, General Director, European Business AssociationIgor Shekhterman, CEO of X5 Retail GroupIgor Shuvalov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian FederationValery Schapov, President, LLC Mars9:00-10:30Conference Hall 3Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaChamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Open discussionDIGITALIZATION AND SMALL BUSINESSES: ROBOTS “SWEAT”, MAN “ENJOYS”?In the age of digitalization and robotization of technological processes, the question of release of labour and unemployment among able-bodied population becomes extremely acute. Even now, the able-bodied population growth is ahead of the creation of new jobs. According to the International Labour Organization, the number of unemployed in the world has reached 201 million people, and in the year 2018 this number is expected to grow by 3 million.At the same time, real earnings of the population are decreasing. The Analytical Centre of the RF Government claims that the share of the “working poor” constitutes 16.8% of all people involved in economy (12.1 million people). The global tendency shows that this category will grow by 5 million people in the year 2018.The discontentment with the salary and work conditions and redundancy of employees forms the tendency of transition from employment to self-employment. On the other hand, under certain conditions these processes may stimulate the development of small businesses, and, consequently, benefit to prehensive solutions in the sphere of employment: what measures should we take not to become the victims of progress?Employment arrangements and business-activities: experience of such growth economies as India, China, Japan.The self-employed: potential entrepreneurs or growing “grey economy”? How can self-employment be made beneficial for the state?Occupational guidance for adults: can the “chronically unemployed” be turned economically active? Can the implementation of KPI system increase the efficiency of employment centres? Business education as a tool for occupational guidance.Moderated by:Sergei Katyrin, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationInvited:Alexander Auzan, Dean of Economy Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityIvan Bortnik, Advisor of the General Director, Innovation Promotion FundAlena Vladimirskaya, Founder, Anti-Slavery job search serviceElena Dybova, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationAlbert Efimov, Head of the Department for Development and Promotion of Technological Contests and Initiatives, Skolkovo FoundationOlga Kulaeva, Director, the ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Vladimir Sveshnikov, General Director, Stafory Yulia Khanzhina, Head of the Department of Staffing Support for Industrial Growth, Agency of Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects, ANCOMinistry of Labour of Russia, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Government of Krasnoyarsk Region, Analytical Centre of the Government of the Russian Federation9:00-10:30Conference Hall 4Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian FederationPanel discussionKEY TRENDS OF INVESTMENT POLICY IN THE AGRICULTURAL SPHERE: ENSURING SUSTAINABLE GROWTH OF AGRIBUSINESS INDUSTRY(agenda to be determined)9:00-10:30Conference Hall 5Siberian Generating CompanyConferenceCURRENT TASKS OF RUSSIAN HEATING REFORM FOR 2025In the 2017, a new model of heating energy market was officially introduced. That was the start of Russian heating reform.The purpose of the reform is to create stimulate private investment into the industry, in order to increase heat supply efficiency and raise service quality. The new heating energy market model foresees the transition from state-regulated heating tariffs and “expenditures +” method to liberalization of the hearing energy prices for consumers on the basis of long-term contract parameters. For the benefit of the final consumer, heating energy price is limited with the maximum value calculated on the basis of the cost of an alternative energy source construction with the use of the best cutting-edge technologies.Year 2018 is the year of implementation of the model. It is planned to be gradual, starting from some cities, spreading to the rest of the regions.How ready are the regions for the new model, how do they evaluate the prospects of implementing the new legislation in their municipalities? What projects, resources and competences can Russian energy holdings offer for the modernization of heat supply today and in the future? What measures should be taken for the most efficient and productive implementation of the reform for the benefit of consumers?Moderated by:Alexander Novak, Minister of Energy of the Russian FederationInvited:Oleg Zhirkov, Director of the Energy Department, PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelPavel Zavalny, Chairman of the State Duma Committee of Energy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Alexander Karlin, Governor of Altai RegionVitaly Korolev, Deputy Head of Electricity Regulation Department, Federal Antimonopoly Service, Russian Federation Mikhail Kuznetsov, General Director, LLC Siberian Generating Company Denis Pasler, Chairman of the Board, Acting General Director of PJSC T PlusAndrei Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian FederationAlexander Chuvaev, Executive Vice President, Head of Russia Division, Fortum 9:00-10:30Conference Hall 6Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaCentre of Infrastructure EconomyRound tablePRIORITIES OF RUSSIAN TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATIONPlanning of the spatial organization of Russian territory is one of the priority tasks of the governmental policy, solved through the Russian Federation Spatial Development Strategy, the underlying document for the development of strategic and territorial planning documents. At the round table is expected to be attended by representatives of the federal and regional authorities, infrastructural companies and experts; the discussion shall be dedicated to the analysis of peculiarities and problems of the current spatial division of the Russian Federation, setting regional development priorities, state support measures for the optimal economic space organization for the purpose of well-balanced development of the whole territory of the country.Moderated by:Pavel Chistyakov, Vice President, Centre of Infrastructure EconomyInvited:Sergei Vasilyev, Academic Advisor, International Centre for Social and Economic Research “Leontief Centre” Alexei Elin, Director, Strategic and Territorial Planning Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationDmitry Zemlyansky, Leading Expert, Centre of Infrastructure Economy Natalya Zubarevich, Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Georgy Idrisov, Chairman of the Council for the Study of Production Forces, Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationAlexander Puzanov, General Director, Institute for Urban Economics foundationVyacheslav Seliverstov, Head of the Strategic Analysis and Planning Centre of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Natalya Trunova, Head of Spatial Development Division, Centre of Strategic Research FoundationAlexander Tsybulsky, Acting Governor of Nenets Autonomous OkrugKirill Yankov, Chairman of Russian Union of Passengers9:00-10:30Conference Hall 7Vnesheconombank State CorporationRound table SIBERIA DEVELOPMENT SCENARIOS: PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND POPULATION IN SIBERIAN MACROREGION Among all Russian regions, Siberia has the highest potential, which enables it to keep up with the global tendencies and, therefore, to form new opportunities for sustainable development of the country. Among such prerequisites, there are: increasing role of natural resources and clean natural environment against the background of drinking water shortages and worsening environmental situation in the world; combining compact agglomerations with network-based distributed population, growing value of human capital. The development of Siberia and Russia as a whole is influenced by various geopolitical tendencies, such as growing international tension and shift of the global economic activity centre to Asian countries. What forecasted scenario of development should be accepted in this situation, the conservative one, implying the maintenance of current economic growth rate, the optimistic one, suggesting advanced growth of investment into Siberian economy and governmental support for priority projects, or the breakthrough, which means implementation and active governmental support for a new economic development model in Siberian microregion, along with involvement of wealthy population from the European part of Russia and foreign citizens, active implementation of innovative solutions and digital technologies in all spheres of life, and active construction of accommodation and urban development? Moderated by: Andrei Klepach, Deputy Chairman, Vnesheconombank State CorporationInvited:Elena Bezdenezhnykh, Vice President of PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelSergei Ganzya, Head of Cluster Analysis and Spatial Development Directorate, Macroeconomic Policy and Cluster Analysis Department, Vnesheconombank State CorporationMikhail Dmitriev, President of New Economic GrowthAndrei Zhukov, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Siberian Accord Interregional Association Yulia Zvorykina, Director, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Vnesheconombank Research and Expertise InstituteViktor Ivanter, Director, RAS Institute of National and Economic Forecasting Sergei Menyaylo, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to Siberian Federal DistrictNadezhda Mikheeva, Chief Research Fellow of Regional Economy Forecasting Laboratory, RAS Institute of National and Economic ForecastingMikhail Prokhorov, President, ONEXIM GroupVictor Razbegin, Deputy General Director, Managing Partner, LLC Intel-ConsultingVladimir Rashevsky, Chairman of the Board, General Director, JSC SUEKAlexander Savchenko, Director, Centre for Situational Monitoring and Regional Studies, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian FederationAlexander Sergeev, Director of the East Project, En+GroupSergei Chestnoy, Advisor of the General Director, UK RUSAL, Member of the Climate Partnership of RussiaPetr Schedrovitsky, Member of the Board, Centre for Strategic Research FundSergei Yurpalov, Expert, Regional Development Consultant9:00-10:30Conference Hall 8Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian FederationWorld Wildlife FundRound tableBUSINESS AND SOCIETY PROTECTING INTERESTS OF NATUREWhat makes businesses contribute into environmental protection, is that fashion, responsibility for the caused damage, or care of future generations? This is a discussion of the motives and quality of financing; are the funds really spent on what is needed, or on what the donor (business) finds appropriate? The discussion should be attended not only by businesses, but also by representatives of special protected natural areas, experts and local community. The expected result is the method of building an efficient dialogue between businesses and affected parties to ensure maximum environmental efficiency of the invested funds. Moderated by:Eugeny Schwartz, Director of WWF Russia Environmental PoliciesInvited:Tatiana Avramenko, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility Division, JSC CB City BankSergei Donskoy, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian FederationLarisa Zelkova, Senior Vice President, Head of HR, Social Policy and Public Relations, PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelSvetlana Ivchenko, Director of Social Policy Department, PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelAndrei Kolodkin, Director of the Department for State Policy and Environmental Regulation of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian FederationAlexander Kolotov, Coordinator, International Environmental Coalition Rivers Without FrontiersRoman Laletin, Member of the Board, Environmental Fund of FSEAI HSE Siberian Federal UniversityIvan Rebrik, Director for Environment, UC RUSALNatalya Trofimova, Director of the Altai-Sayan Division of the World Wildlife FundAlexander Tynkovan, Executive Director, PJSC M.VideoVyacheslav Scherbakov, Director of Stolby Nature Reserve9:00-10:30Conference Hall 9Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationMinistry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian FederationRound tableSaving Resources and Recycling Wastes: Priorities of "Green" Economy in the Russian FederationThe strategy of developing the industry of treatment, utilization and neutralization of industrial and household waste for the period until 2030.Ecotechnoparks as a base for deep waste recycling industry and secondary resources production.Transition to the best available technology principle and development of waste recycling industry.Ensuring interregional partnership in waste handling.Territorial waste handling schemes and regional programmes.Expanded responsibility of the manufacturer.Environmental charges and waste recycling targets.Import substitution of high-tech recycling equipment for industrial and household wastes.Improvement of the legal framework for waste handling in the aspect of secondary resource production.Tools of governmental support for technology development.Moderated by:Ruslan Gubaydullin, Executive Director, Association of Wastes Handling OperatorsInvited:Pavel Besshapov, General Director, JSC Wastes ManagementAnatoly Gavrilenko, General Director, Leader Management CompanyMaxim Gromov, Acting Deputy Chairman of the Government of Ivanovo OblastAlbina Dudareva, Chairman of the Commission for Ecology and Environment Protection, the Civic Chamber of the Russian FederationVictor Evtukhov, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationRashid Ismailov, Head of the Working group for Environment, Expert Council of the Government of the Russian FederationMurad Kerimov, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian FederationDenis Kondratyev, Member of the Board, Self-Regulating Social Organization, League of Waste Paper Processing CompaniesAlexei Makrushin, General Director, Association Housing, Utilities and Urban EnvironmentLyubov Melanevskaya, Executive Director, RusPEK Non-Commercial AssociationIldar Neverov, General Director, ECOTECHNOPARK LLCAlexei Popovichev, Executive Director, RusBrandIvan Rebrik, Director for Environment, UC RUSALArtem Sedov, General Director, The Big Three, LLC (“Bolshaya Troyka”)Alexander Khloponin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation9:00-10:30Conference Hall 10European Business AssociationRound tableEurasian Platform as Localization Place for European BusinessesThe majority of European Companies are located in the Western part of the Russian Federation.What industry sectors may be the priority and the matter of mutual interest for both Siberian region and European companies?Which cooperation forms are the most acceptable and attractive for European businesses in Siberia and the Far East?How can the technological potential of European business be applied to the solution of complex scientific and technological tasks of the region?How can innovation support tools and mechanisms application practices be expanded?Moderated by:Mikhail Akim, Chairman of the Working group for Modernization and Innovations, European Business Association, Vice President, ABB RussiaInvited:Leonid Agafonov, Deputy General Director, Technological Development AgencySergei Vereschagin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region – Minister of Economic Development and Investment Policy of Krasnoyarsk RegionKarel Gerretsen Theodorus Maria, General Director, HENCON SiberiaPhilippe Pegorier, President, Alstom RussiaLeonid Petukhov, General Director, Far East Agency for Attraction of Investments and Export Support, ANCOMaxim Shirokov, General Director, PJSC Unipro9:00-10:30Conference Hall 11Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of the Russian FederationMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Russian Academy of SciencesRound tableINPLEMENTING THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY PLANTransition to the new paradigm of scientific and technological development, caused by accelerated application of the cutting-edge production technologies and new materials, can never happen without qualified scientists and engineers. Comprehensive knowledge-driven projects need both fundamental and applied science, as well as new level of scientific and engineering education; all these elements are interconnected and interdependent. Projects in need for development and modification with regard to “big challenges” strongly depend on the development and preservation of scientific and engineering potential of the human resources.The speed of research is growing every decade; the role of interdisciplinary research gains more importance. Scientific collaborations of dozens or even hundreds of participants do not look unusual any more. Even in theoretic science, researches are carried out by groups of authors. A bright example of such collaboration is the programme of scientific and technological development of agriculture, already implemented in several areas: potato farming, poultry breeding, and sugarbeet farming. These businesses have already built a pattern for a dialogue between academic and university science, as well as industry unions of manufacturers.Today it is important to ensure transfer of scientific achievements into industrial practice. As a rule, an institute finishes its project with a laboratory prototype. It is not capable of setting industrial manufacture, and it is not its duty. This problem cannot be solved separately from businesses. Here is one more peculiarity: investment programmes of large companies are normally long-term oriented. Scientific research programmes are also planned for a long period. It is important to find the right coordination mechanism that would bring some practical results in several years. The scientific organizations of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of the Russian Federation are actively creating comprehensive programmes and research plans intended to unite all related scientific groups and resources for the purpose of solving large scientific tasks.In the future, comprehensive research plans may be developed into comprehensive science and technology programmes to be used as the key tool of the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development.Such interaction gives start to a better management mechanism for the whole production cycle, from the idea to its implementation. In this mechanism, the state is in charge of financing the fundamental research the businesses would never invest. At the same time, the businesses come to realize that science can bring some really important results.What are the mechanisms of recognizing big challenges and correcting priorities of scientific and technological development in Russia? How should cooperation and joint activity of science and real sector be organized? How can we ensure implementation of new products and technologies on the market? Who acts as a customer for science? How can we ensure the demand for scientific research? What are the peculiarities of transit to digital, intellectual, resource effective energy industry of the 21st century? What are the most successful practices of increasing international competitiveness of education and scientific institutions on various stages of the Strategy implementation? What are the prospects of comprehensive programmes and scientific research plans as a tool for implementation of the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development? What are the main tools of strategic planning in the spheres of scientific and science-technical policy? What are the administrative barriers faced by scientific organizations engaged in research, development and innovations?Moderated by:Vladimir Knyaginin, Vice President of the Centre for Strategic ResearchInvited:Eugeny Kovnir, General Director, Digital Economy, ANCOMikhail Kotyukov, Head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of the Russian FederationDmitry Peskov, Director of Young Professionals Branch of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects, ANCOAlexander Povalko, General Director, Chairman of the Board, RBK JSCKonstantin Polunin, Partner and Managing Director, BCG Moscow OfficeAlexander Sergeev, President, Russian Academy of SciencesAlexei Texler, First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian FederationGrigory Trubnikov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian FederationAndrei Fursenko, Assistant to the President of the Russian FederationAlexander Khlunov, General Director, Russian Scientific FoundationRectors of the leading Russian and Siberian universities (Saint Petersburg, Tomsk Oblast, Novosibirsk Oblast, Krasnoyarsk Region etc.)10:30–11:00COFFEE BREAK11:00-13:00Plenary Meeting HallPlenary meetingRUSSIA 2018-2024: IMPLEMENTING THE POTENTIALAmong global competitive advantages of Russian economy, there are: rich resources, nature and environment, human capital and territorial (geopolitical and geo-economic) location. At the same time, the mechanism of converting capital into high economic growth rate is not efficient enough.How can we commercialize the competitive advantages of Russia in the new industrial revolution, against the background of changing technological patterns of the global economy? What institutional measures are needed, how to create an advantageous environment? What is the role of Russian and foreign, sovereign and private investors in the process? What is the role of international development institutions?13:00-14:00LUNCH14:00-15:30Conference Hall 1Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian FederationMinistry of Labour of the Russian FederationMinistry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationNational Research University “Higher School of Economics”Round tableDEVELOPING REGIONAL HR POTENTIALThe issues of providing supportive environment for the development of human capital in the regions, remote from the economic centres of the country, are especially significant for territorial development. Migration of talented school and college graduates, low accessibility of education, poor communication with employers, low functional literacy of the adult population and low involvement into continuous education turn out to be serious barriers, holding back the development of the entities of the Russian Federation.These challenges were responded with the reforms intended to support the human capital in the regions. The core university programme, “Higher Education Institutions as Innovation Centres” priority ptoject, regional standard for HR facilitation of industrial growth, chain of Quantorium technoparks etc. are bright examples of these measures.However, to overcome the said barriers, the governmental policy for regional development needs to come up with some special measures. These solutions can be only developed in the dialogue between the federal and regional authorities, representatives of the real sector and education facilities. This round table suggests to discuss the possible unified infrastructure for the human capital in the region.What does the regional human capital infrastructure consist of? How can we motivate it to develop?How can various bodies contribute to the common task of human capital development?Can continuous education serve as a source for economic and social development of the region?Importance of student career guidance.What are the mechanisms of revealing and retaining talents and leaders in the region?Public-private partnership in the sphere of socioeconomic issues of certain territories and the federation as a whole.Moderated by:Eduard Galazhinsky, Rector, National Research Tomsk State UniversityInvited:Nikita Anisimov, Acting Rector of the Far East Federal University Alexander Auzan, Dean of Economy Department, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityNataliya Beketova, HR Director of UC RUSALAlexander Brechalov, Head of the Republic of UdmurtiaLeonid Vakhnin, Deputy Director of the State Policy Department for the Public and Municipal Service, Corruption Control of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian FederationMaria Glukhova, Vice President, Managing Director of the Directorate of Economic Policy and Competitiveness, Russian Union of Industrialists and EntrepreneursOlga Golodets, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Sergei Nedoroslev, Chairman of the Board of Directors, LLC Kaskol Managing CompanyMarina Rakova, General Director, QuantoriumAlexander Rudik, Member of the General Council Presidium, All-Russia Business Association “Delovaya Rossiya”Daniil Sandler, Prorector for Economy and Strategic Development, Ural Federal University Pavel Sergomanov, Director, Centre for Education Leadership, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”Oleg Fomichev, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Isak Frumin, Academic Advisor, Institute of Education, National Research University “Higher School of Economics” Governors of the entities of the Russian Federation14:00-15:30Conference Hall 2Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaRound table"One Window" for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. Entrepreneur Service ModelThe problem of uniting all supporting services and facilities for small and medium-sized businesses into a single platform remains acute at the represent time. There are around 700 infrastructural facilities providing a wide range of services to entrepreneurs. It is challenging for a beginner to find a service with certain parameters, to select the most reliable and efficient supplier, to figure out the procedure of getting governmental support. Developing a service model for small and medium-sized businesses, it is necessary to ensure the accessibility of the services for all entrepreneurs on the basis of the well-known “one window” principle.How is the service model implemented in various regions? How do the multipurpose centres and service centres develop in the regions? What services are sought for the most?Moderated by:Maxim Parshin, Director of the Department for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and Competition of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationInvited:Nikolai Bogdanov, Prospective Projects Director, JSC Business EnvironmentAlexander Kalinin, President, All-Russian Social Organization OPORA RussiaNatalya Larionova, State Secretary, Deputy General Director, JSC Small and Medium-Sized Businesses CorporationAndrei Repnikov, Director of the Directorate for Communication with Government Entities, RBS Audit and Consulting Group, JSCAndrei Sharov, Head of the Small Business Development Department, Sberbank of Russia, OJSC14:00-15:30Conference Hall 3Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian FederationMinistry of Economic Development of RussiaMinistry of Construction of the Russian FederationThe Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVORound table Digital Economy in the Regions: How to Switch?The need to switch for digital economy, announced at the summit level, requires a consistent large-scale plan with consideration of the peculiarities of the given socioeconomic context. The economy of the country as a whole may be digital to the same extent as regional economies. However, in their daily life the regions face a great number of unsolved infrastructural and social problems, as well as shortage of investments into strategic development. On the other hand, growing GDP rate reduces the gap between the GDP per capita of rich countries and that of Russia, creating the risk of getting into the “market middle trap”, as a result of which the volume of resources for solving current problem and responding to long-term challenges keeps decreasing. It is necessary to learn how to overcome the “current problems – digital future” opposition, creating quick-impact technologic solutions in the developed socioeconomic context to bring the regional economy up to the new competition level.What benefits can the digital shift bring to the national and regional economies? How can we learn finding our niches on the global market? How can digital technologies be directed to solve the current problems? How to create a regional “digital core group” with the knowledge and competence required for getting up to a new technological and economic level?Moderated by:Andrei Sharonov, President of the Moscow Management School SKOLKOVOInvited:Vasily Belov, Senior Vice President for Innovations, Skolkovo FoundationBoris Glazkov, Vice President of PJSC Rostelecom Vladimir Knyaginin, Vice President of the Centre for Strategic ResearchEugeny Kovnir, General Director of ANCO Digital Economy Vladimir Korovkin, Head of the Innovations and Digital Technologies Research Division, the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVOEugeny Kuznetsov, Chief Representative, Singularity UniversitySergei Morozov, Governor of Ulyanovsk OblastNikolai Nikolaev, Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma for Natural Resources, Property and Land RelationsAndrei Travnikov, Acting Governor of Novosibirsk OblastDmitry Yalov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Leningrad Oblast – Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity Mastercard Company, PJSC Sberbank, Siberian Federal University, CEOs of the major enterprises of Krasnoyarsk Region14:00-15:30Conference Hall 4Ministry of Transport of RussiaFSBI “Scientific Centre of Complex Transport Problems” of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation”Round tableTransport Strategy of the Russian Federation: New Approaches to Infrastructure DevelopmentThe current edition of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation was approved in the year 2014. The document determined the development of one of the basic economic industries until the year 2030. At the same time, the Federal Law No. 172-FZ “On Strategic Planning” of 28.06.2014 was enacted to established new basis for strategic planning in the country.In the recent years, the significant changes in the economy and international politics, as well as the necessity to adjust the Transport Strategy to the provisions of the said Federal Law have caused some corrections in the Strategy, implying new approaches to the transport infrastructure development. The new edition of the Transport Strategy will be soon submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation.What are the changes in the approach to strategic planning of the transport facilities development, with regard to the new approaches to the spatial organization of Russian economy?What are the priorities and purposes to be set for the transport industry?How can transport respond to the current and future challenges till the year 2035?How soon will transport become a really “digital” sphere of economy?Moderated by:Svetlana Vorontsova, General Director, LLC Transport IntegrationOleg Evseev, Director, FSBI “Scientific Centre of Complex Transport Problems” of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation”Invited:Eugeny Ditrikh, the First Deputy of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation / Alan Lushnikov, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian FederationVadim Donchenko, Academic Advisor, Science and Research Institute for Automotive Transport, OJSCYulia Zvorykina, Director, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Vnesheconombank Research and Expertise InstituteElena Myasoedova, General Director, Strategy and Transport Complex Management Improvement Centre, ANCOTatiana Pantina, Provost, FSBEI HE Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland ShippingMaxim Sokolov, Minister of Transport of the Russian FederationYuri Spassky, General Director, FSUE ZaschitaInfoTransAlexander Fridlyand, Director, Research Centre for Economic Monitoring, Analysis and Forecasting, FSUE State Scientific Research Institute of Civil Aviation14:00-15:30Conference Hall 5Vnesheconombank State CorporationRound tableAttracting Investments to the Regions: Working Models of the Regional Development Institutions The economy of such major countries as Russia, China, Brazil and others is the totality of its regional economies.The success of each is determined by the efficient and well-coordinated work of the regional authorities and their development institutions, coordination between them and communication with national development institutions.Within the framework of such cooperation, national development institutions may help the regional authorities and businesses solve the quality problem of the development projects.The round table presents international experience in regional development, discusses federal government decisions for the improvement of investment climate and stimulation of investment into the regions, analyses best practices of Russian development institutions and demonstrates new approaches and solutions.The purpose of the round table is to help the regional authorities find the correct model of interacting with the development institutions to attract more investments into the regions and implement their projects in a more efficient way.Moderated by:Andrei Levchenko, television presenter, RBK channelInvited:Sergei Belyakov, Chairman of the Board, National Association of Investment and Development Agencies Vladimir Dmitriev, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationVladimir Efimov, Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of MoscowMr. Zheng Zhijie, President, China Development BankAlexei Ivanchenko Deputy Chairman, Vnesheconombank State CorporationMr. Paulo Rabello de Castro, President, Brazilian Development BankAndrei Kizimov, Director of the Tax Department, PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelAlexei Komissarov, Prorector, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian FederationRustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of TatarstanMaxim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian FederationSvetlana Chupsheva, General Director, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects, ANCO14:00-15:30Conference Hall 6 Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaAnalytical Centre of the Government of the Russian FederationRound tableRegional Strategies: ACTUALIZING the PrioritiesSelection and actualization of the priority lines of socioeconomic development are the most acute issue of strategic planning in the regions.Our experience proves that the majority of regional strategies is not implemented within the established terms.Federal priorities, economic crises, budget limitations often turn the regional strategy into a purely official document, not used for daily management decision-making.It leads to the loss of connection between strategic and budget planning: state programmes do not achieve of the strategic indicators any more, but are just used for distribution of funds between the industries.Along with that, according to the new socioeconomic development strategy of Russia, it is essential to adjust the work of regional authorities in accordance with the strategic priorities.Regional development strategies need to find a new format and serve as a basis for the implementation of economic potential of each territory.The discussion encompasses the following questions:Can a region formulate development priorities on its own, following the instructions of the federal centre and the budget limitations?How can the resources for the achievement of such strategic objectives be found?How can the strategy be turned into a real management document, and how can it be efficiently used?Moderated by:Mikhail Pryadilnikov, Deputy Head of the Analytical Centre of the Government of the Russian FederationInvited:Anton Alikhanov, Governor of Kaliningrad OblastDmitry Artyukhov, Deputy Governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous DistrictOleg Asmus, General Director, Strategic Research Centre of Ulyanovsk OblastAlexander Brechalov, Head of the Republic of UdmurtiaIgor Galas, Deputy Governor of Krasnodar RegionVictor Ikonnikov, Deputy Governor of Arkhangelsk Oblast for Strategic Planning and Investment PolicyGleb Nikitin, Acting Governor of Nizhny Novgorod OblastSergei Novikov, Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of BashkortostanAlexander Tsybulsky, Acting Governor of Nenets Autonomous DistrictSavva Shipov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian FederationDmitry Yalov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Leningrad Oblast – Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity14:00-15:30Conference Hall 7Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaCentre for Strategic Research Fund Round tableUrban Agglomerations and Major Cities of Siberia: Reset ProblemIn the Soviet time, Siberian cities have gone through a great transformation. Soviet industrialization changed their economic structure, spatial arrangement, social structure, Siberian cities are in constant competition with the rapidly developing cities of China and other South-East Asian countries.Siberia has great opportunities to accelerate the social and economic development of the cities, to improve the living standards of the population; but they are associated with a number of challenges. Sustainable development is held back by the Soviet industrialization results, that have changed the economic structure, spatial arrangement and social structure of the cities, as well as the competition with Chinese and other Asian cities. International experience shows that large cities and agglomerations become significant growth areas that ensure economic integrity of the territories, comprehensive development of the infrastructure and create supportive environment for the population. Establishment and support of such areas may serve as a new driver for the socioeconomic development of the region. What are the key challenges for the development of Siberian cities and agglomerations? What is the possible model for support and development of urban agglomerations until the year 2035? What support tools and measures are the most efficient? Moderated by:Natalya Trunova, Head of the Spatial Development Division, Centre for Strategic Research FundInvited:Oleg Belozerov, General Director, Chairman of the Board, OJSC Russian Railways Dmitry Berdnikov, Mayor of Irkutsk CityEduard Galazhinsky, Rector, National Research Tomsk State UniversitySergei Levchenko, Governor of Irkutsk OblastAndrei Maximov, Chairman of the Commission on Territorial Development and Local Self-Government, Civic Chamber of the Russian FederationVladimir Obyedkov, General Director of PJSC Siberia AirlinesMaxim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian FederationAndrei Travnikov, Acting Governor of Novosibirsk OblastAlexander Uss, Acting Governor of Krasnoyarsk RegionWan Menghuei, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural DevelopmentAndrei Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation14:00-15:30Conference Hall 8Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian FederationExpert Council of the Government of the Russian Federation Round table"Green Mining" in the East of Russia with Environmentally Friendly Energy (Hydropower, wind energy)The use of excess energy produced by isolated power stations of Siberia and the Far East for crypto currency mining, supplying power to data centres and other energy intensive tasks of the IT industry.The potential of using “clean” electricity (renewable energy sources, first of all, hydropower energy and wind energy) for the solution of energy-intensive tasks, economic efficiency of such logistic solutions.Other ideas for the efficient use of natural resources.Moderated by:Rashid Ismailov, Head of the Working group for Ecology, Expert Council of the Government of the Russian FederationInvited:Alexei Alyoshin, Head of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear SurveillanceSergei Donskoy, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian FederationOleg Zhirkov, Director of the Energy Department, PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelSergei Ivanov, Special Presidential Envoy for Environment Protection, Ecology and TransportAlexei Likhachev, General Director, Rosatom State CorporationOleg Safonov, Head of the Federal Agency for TourismArtem Sidorov, Head of the Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management ServiceAlexander Khloponin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian FederationSergei Chestnoy, Advisor of the General Director, UK RUSAL, Member of the Climate Partnership of Russia Nikolai Shulginov, Chairman of the Board, General Director, PJSC RusHydro14:00-15:30Conference Hall 9Agency for Technological DevelopmentRound tableCutting Edge Technologies: Best Implementation PracticesNew technologies are entering our life phenomenally fast. The implementation of cutting edge technological solutions decreases the expenditures, increases efficiency of enterprises and improves the product quality. What new ideas are there on the market? How can Russian industry change with the implementation of such technologies? How much time does it take to shift to a new technological pattern? Our speakers will try to answer these and many other questions in the form of a discussion. (attendants to be confirmed)14:00-15:30Conference Hall 10Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationClusters and Technoparks AssociationPanel discussionINVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF INDUSTRIAL CLUSTERS AND TECHNOPARKS: COOPERATION OPPORTUNITIESAlong with technological modernization and implementation of digital technologies, one of the essential factors for the increase of efficiency and productivity of Russian enterprises is the transition to new forms of industry arrangement, corresponding to the current challenges and allowing radical decrease of indirect costs by rejecting the traditional approach, including the concentration of the whole value chain on each enterprise.Traditional arrangement of production, centralization of processes, high indirect costs and long period of new product launch decrease the flexibility and competitiveness of high-tech enterprises in the modern conditions. Moreover, such approach requires considerable investment into excessive production capacities not connected to the critical industrial transformations instead of finding cooperation partners working on the “open contract production service” model in order to decrease the final product manufacturing costs. As a tool of regional industrial policy, industrial clusters and technoparks concentrate efforts on the “extended” production and technological chains and attract target investors into the regions.How do industrial clusters and technoparks influence the implementation of regional investment and industrial policy? What investment opportunities for business do industrial clusters and technoparks offer? What need for localization of high-tech products and technologies do industrial clusters have? What are the advantages of working on the model of “open contract production service” for enterprises?Moderated by:Andrei Shpilenko, Director, Clusters and Technoparks AssociationInvited:Alexei Besprozvannykh, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationAlexei Vasilchenko, Managing Director for Aviation, Basic Element CompanyFyodor Dudin, General Director, LLC GenborgLeonid Kostroma, Director, Municipal Investment Management Agency, MoscowDenis Kravchenko, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and EntrepreneurshipVladimir Nikonov, General Director, Novosibirsk Akademgorodok Technopark, JSCDmitry Presnov, First Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of MoscowMikhail Sutyaginsky, Chairman of Delovaya Rossiya Committee for Chemical Industry, Biotechnologies and New Materials, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Titan Group of Companies, JSCAlexander Tyunin, General Director, UMATEX Group14:00-15:30Conference Hall 11Ministry of Energy of RussiaPanel discussionGROWING COMPETITION IN ENERGY INDUSTRY AS A FACTOR OF INCREASING MARKET EFFICIENCYCompetition in the infrastructural branches of economy is one of the main prerequisites for an efficient market environment.In electric industry, a great step in this direction was made through the reform of the Unified Energy System of the Russian Federation, OJSC, that separated its competitive and naturally monopoly activities.However, the competitive relations development in this industry is still limited both by technological obstacles, such as isolated energy distribution systems and weak intersystem communications, and by the selected regulation model. For instance, on electric energy retail market the consumers have restricted opportunities of making influence on such significant parameters and conditions of energy supplies as prices and supplier selection, and the decrease in prices on the wholesale market does not always cause decrease of the price for the final consumer. These factors create the need for better mechanisms of wholesale and retail markets functioning in order to increase the current competitiveness level.This way, there are the following issues that need to be discussed:What are the main, streamline ways of further market model improvement from the point of view of perfecting the competitive environment?What are the ways to reduce the market access barriers for the final consumer of electric energy?What can be done to decrease the market concentration and to eliminate the restrictions that prevent competitive pricing?What are the main prospective technological prerequisites for increasing competition in electric power industry, as well as within the framework of SmartGrid, Internet Energy technologies and others?Moderated by:Maxim Bystrov, Chairman of the Board, Association Market Council NCOInvited:Igor Artemyev, Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of RussiaBoris Ayuev, Chairman of the Board, Siberian Branch of the Unified Energy System of Russia, OJSC Oleg Barkin, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Association Market Council, NCOSergei Belyaev, Director, Scientific and Research Institute for the Development of Competition and Property Relation, FSBEI HE Plekhanov Russian University of EconomicsVasily Kiselev, Director, Association “Energy Consumers Society”Vitaly Korolev, Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of RussiaPavel Livinsky, General Director, Rosseti PJSCNatalia Nevmerzhitskaya, Chairman of the Board, Association “Non-Commercial Partnership of Guaranteed Suppliers and Energy Wholesale Companies”Alexander Novak, Minister of Energy of the Russian FederationMaxim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian FederationAlexander Pavlyuchenko, General Director, Karana LLCAlexandra Panina, Chairman of the Supervising Council, Association “Council of Energy Producers and Strategic Investors into Electric Energy”Yuri Saakyan, General Director, Chairman of the Academic Board, Institute of Natural Monopoly Problems15:30-16:00COFFEE BREAK16:00-17:30Conference Hall 1Ministry of Health of RussiaNational Research University “Higher School of Economics”Round tableFuture of Health SERVICE and Health SERVICE of the Future: What Can Russia Offer?The rapidly ageing population, growth of chronic diseases, urbanization cause an additional load on the medical infrastructure and require to increase the efficiency of public health services. The middle class growth, knowledge globalization, technological revolution raise the expected quality of medical assistance.Health service is turning into a rapidly growing branch of economy. The annual compound growth rate constitutes 5.6%, while the global health service market earnings are expected to reach 2.69 trillion USD by the year 2025.We witness redistribution of roles and specialization of regions in certain areas of medicine; it enhances the global competition for qualified medical personnel.Predictably enough, the IT sector of health service is expected to grow faster than others, on the average by 16.1% per annum until the year 2025.With the current organization system, Russian health service needs to increase its resources dramatically to survive in the new geopolitical conditions and to retain its potential.Health service needs new approaches based on the latest achievements of communication technologies and large data corpuses, uniting the elements of forecasting, prevention and automation, making healthcare more efficient and accessible.Where can we find resources to face the modern challenges?How and to what extent does the health service industry need to transform in order to comply with the new requirements by the year 2024?What is the role of new technologies in the existing market paradigm transformation? What new business models are expected to appear due to the forthcoming changes in the industry?What are the main growth areas of health service?What can be a real export product in Russian health service system?How can the local specificity of Krasnoyarsk Region influence the development of Russian health service system?Moderated by:Larisa Popovich, Director, Public Health Economy Institute, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”Invited:Vasily Burov, Editor of Strategy-2035, Centre for Strategic Research FundZakhar Golant, Chairman of the Board, Non-Commercial Partnership “Union of Pharmaceutic and Biiomedical Clusters of Russia”Vladimir Gurdus, General Director, RMI PartnersIgor Kagramanyan, First Deputy Chairman of the Social Policy Committee, the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian FederationGerman Klimenko, Chairman of the Executive Board, Institute of the Internet Development, ANCOYuri Krestinsky, Head of the Centre of Economy and Management in the Sphere of Health, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVOMark Kurtser, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mother and Child Group of CompaniesYulia Mikheeva, Director of Social Development Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationAlexei Repik, President, All-Russia Business Association “Delovaya Rossiya” Veronika Skvortsova, Minister of Health of the Russian FederationPavel Chistyakov, Vice President, Centre of Infrastructure EconomyVadim Yanin, Minister of Health of Krasnoyarsk Region16:00-17:30Conference Hall 2Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaOPORA RussiaRound tableSMALL BUSINESSES AND EXPORTSiberia has a long external border, which adds relevance to all export issues. At the present time, only 0.5% of small and medium-sized businesses are engaged in export, while in Germany this value exceeds 30%, and in Japan it reaches 70%. For economic growth it is necessary to increase export as a competitive benchmark. OPORA Russia, together with Russian Export Centre JSC and Promsvyazbank PJSC, carries out a quarterly RSBI Export research to analyse the situation of the exporter entrepreneurs. The research studies the export share in small and medium-sized businesses and evaluates the infrastructure and development prospects in this area, along with the conditions for export business in Russia and abroad, analyses export regulation issues.How can the export share of small and medium-sized businesses be increased and is it necessary? How do small businesses evaluate their export potential and what problems do they see in the area?Moderated by: Andrei Shubin, Executive Director, All-Russia Social Organization OPORA RussiaInvited:Dmitry Ananyev, Chairman of the Board, PJSC PromsvyazbankAlexander Kalinin, President, All-Russian Social Organization OPORA RussiaEugeny Nikiforov, General Director, Soyuz Group of CompaniesMaxim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian FederationPetr Fradkov, General Director of Russian Export Centre, JSCExporter entrepreneurs (small and medium-sized businesses) from various entities of the Russian Federation 16:00-17:30Conference Hall 3Ministry of Finance of the Russian FederationBank of RussiaMcKinseyRound tableDigital Russia: Opportunities for the Financial SectorToday the environment for digital transformation of the financial branch is very supportive. Adoption of new innovative technological solutions by the financial-technological sector companies opens new opportunities for the banks. In a peaceful macroeconomic situation Russian banking system has a good chance to become one of the world’s leaders due to its ambitious and strong market leaders, regulating bodies able to respond to the modern tendencies of technology and finance, and the population ready for using modern models of financial service.What are the main benefits of digital transformation for the traditional stakeholders? What are the main success factors for the development of financial technology companies? How should the financial sector specialists be trained to satisfy the requirements of the “digitalization age”?Moderated by:Alexander Aptekman, Partner, McKinsey CompanyInvited:Anatoly Aksakov, President, Association of Regional Banks of RussiaYuri Andresov, Chairman of the Board, Home Credit BankVladimir Kolmakov, Acting Rector of FSEAI HPE Siberian Federal UniversityEugeny Timko, Member of the Board, LiveTexOleg Fomichev, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian FederationAlexei Chubar, Head of the Digital Transformation Directorate, PJSC VTB Bank Xenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Chairman, Central Bank of the Russian Federation16:00-17:30Conference Hall 4Ministry of Transport of RussiaRound tableEUROPE, ASIA: TRANSIT VIA RUSSIA Implementation of the transport potential of the Russian Federation for reliable transport communication between the Asian and Pacific countries and the countries of Eastern and Western Europe is a priority task the government treats with special care.The transit of cargo with the transport potential of the Russian Federation does not only reduce time and money expenses of the consignors from China, Korea, Japan and other countries of the Pacific Region, but also creates a supportive environment for the development of new communications and ensures transition of the Asian and Pacific countries to a new model of geoeconomy.Cargo transit development matches the idea of connecting the Silk Road economic zone to the Eurasian Economic Union, initiated by the leaders of Russia and China.The basis for the Euro-Asian transportation branch, or the “East-West”, is the Trans-Siberian railway, the longest railway track in the world, uniting Asia and Europe. Crossing the territory of Russia by land, the railway ensures direct access of Russian and transit cargo to the Far East ports, building communication with the APR and European countries. It is a great opportunity for Russia to implement its transit potential, especially considering the fact that the Trans-Siberian route is much shorter of the similar maritime one. Within the framework of the Trans-Siberian Railway improvement, there are lots of events intended to increase the capacity of the railway transport infrastructure for cargo and passenger trains. The most important campaign for increasing the competitive advantages of the Trans-Siberian is an efficient tariff policy. High-quality service is provided to attract more cargo to the Trans-Siberian on the basis of coordination of all participants of the Trans-Siberian shipping at the international level.In the past few years, the number of regular transit container trains from China to Europe is intensively growing. The number of consignor and consignees taking the Trans-Siberian as a real alternative to sea and air shipping is increasing.For transit shipping development a project of creating a high-speed cargo and passenger railway corridor “Eurasia”, China – EU Countries via Russia and Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Project) is being considered. The total length of the corridor will count 10?000 km and it will serve as the implementation of the New Silk Road project and the key element of the One Zone – One Road Strategy.The purpose of the Project is development of a high-speed cargo and passenger railway corridor for the transportation of cargo and passengers between China, the Russian Federation and the European Union.The implementation of this high-tech Project is expected to stimulate the development of Russian machinery engineering, development of the corridor countries, assist the GDP growth and increase the incomes of the regional and federal budgets, increase the living standards and improve the life quality, business activity, attract investments to the real sector of economy, create mechanisms of attracting long-term financing into the railway infrastructure.Cargo transit arrangement.Eurasia Project.Development of the railway infrastructure of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway, port infrastructure. Moderated by:Ermolay Solzhenitsyn, Senior Partner, McKinsey Company Invited:Kanat Alpysbaev, Chairman of the Board, President, JSC NC KTZPetr Baskakov, General Director, OJSC TranscontainerAndrei Belyaninov, Chairman of the Board, Eurasian Development BankAlexei Grom, President, JSC UTLCMikhail Dmitriev, President, “New Economic Growth”Dai Dongchang, Deputy Minister of Transport of the People’s Republic of China Alan Lushnikov, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian FederationAlexander Misharin, First Deputy General Director, OJSC Russian Railways Yuri Saakyan, General Director, ANCO Institute of Natural Monopolies ResearchMaxim Sokolov, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation16:00-17:30Conference Hall 5Vnesheconombank State CorporationChamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationDelovaya RossiyaPanel discussionDevelopment Infrastructure: Supporting Major Investment Projects The financial market and investment projects market of Russia have a high level of uncertainty and unpredictability; it undoubtedly influences the volume of investments into the equity capital and the modern Russian economy growth rate. In the current situation it is important to select and analyse the projects to be financed from the point of view of feasibility and efficiency, as well as substantiate the selection of the organizational and economic mechanism for the individual financing of each project.Russian financial market players lack the so-called target milestones for the development of project financing as a whole or making up a clear programme of well-coordinated and structured actions of the state and private businesses, real sector companies and the banking system. To set the task of project financing development, one has to clearly define the target and quantitative indicators to be achieved by a certain planned moment; moreover, a programme of measures to be taken by the state authorities, administrative bodies and business structures has to be compiled to assist the achievement of the planned target indicators.The use of innovations in the infrastructure.Application of the best practices of the world companies and the expert community for the implementation of infrastructural projects.What is an infrastructural mortgage? Does the public and private partnership legislation need some correction?Moderated by:Pavel Seleznev, Chairman of the Board, Public-Private Partnership Development CentreInvited:Vladislav Barmichev, Director of the Department of Investment Policy and Public-Private Partnership Development of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationAlexei Vasilchenko, Managing Director for Aviation, Basic Element CompanyElena Bezdenezhnykh, Vice President of PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelGennady Verkhovykh, Senior Vice President, Head of the Central Infrastructure Directorate, OJSC Russian RailwaysDmitry Glazunov, Partner, Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasyev and Partners Lawyer BureauVladimir Dmitriev, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationDmitry Kurdyukov, First Deputy Chairman, Vnesheconombank State Corporation Alexander Nosov, Member of the Board, Russian MotorwaysIgor Snegurov, General Director, VIS Group of Construction CompaniesAlexei Chichkanov, Executive Vice President, Gazprombank JSC16:00-17:30Conference Hall 6Centre for Strategic Research FundRound tableNew Formats for Regional Innovative-Technological and Scientific Policies Russian portofolio of instruments used for the creation and support of territorial innovative, technological and research ecosystems is gradually expanding. There appear core regions of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development, technological valleys, National Technological Initiative regions, special innovative territories, nano-centres and other entities foreseen by the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation. To choose an instrument that matches a certain RF entity the most, and to evaluate the real need for resources, the regions need to determine the optimal formats of running regional innovative-technological and scientific policies.What formats of regional innovative, technological and scientific policies are the most efficient in the international practice?What is Russian potential of forming innovative, technological and research ecosystems?How can we evaluate, which innovative technological development instruments suit this or that region the most?What instruments and support measures are the most efficient?Moderated by:Artem Shadrin, Director of the Strategic Development and Innovations Department of the Ministry of Economic development of the Russian FederationInvited:Eduard Galazhinsky, Rector, National Research Tomsk State UniversitySergei Zhvachkin, Governor of Tomsk OblastAlexei Kachay, Deputy General Director for Strategy, Fund for Infrastructure and Educational ProgrammesVladimir Knyaginin, Vice President, Centre for Strategic Research FundVladimir Kolmakov, Acting Rector, FSEAI HPE Siberian Federal UnversityIgor Kustarin, Director of the Development of Regions Division, Agency of Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects, ANCOEugeny Kutsenko, Head of the Claster Policy Department, Institute of Statistic Research and Knowledge Economy, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”Karen Malkhasyan, Deputy Chief of the Region Operations Management, Rosatom Group of CompaniesIgor Marchev, Head of the Krasnoyarsk Technological Valley Project, UC RUSALSergei Matveev, Director of the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian FederationVladimir Popov, Deputy Governor of Kaluga OblastPavel Rudnik, Director of the Strategy and Programme Centre, Institute of Statistic Research and Knowledge Economy, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”Alexander Sobolev, Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian FederationAnatoly Sobolev, Deputy Governor of Novosibirsk OblastMikhail Fedoruk, Rector, Novosibirsk State University16:00-17:30Conference Hall 7All-Russian Social Organization “Association of Russian LawyersRound tableRussian Jurisdiction as Investment Attraction Factor In the past years, a great work on the improvement of Russian legal system has been done. It included a large-scale Civic Code reform, changes in the economic dispute settlement system. At the moment, control and supervision system is under reformation. Russian legal system was supplemented with modern legal regulations for the most complex investment projects. Representations and warranties, escrow-accounts, shareholders’ agreements already exist in Russian legal reality. The speed and efficiency of economic dispute consideration are determined by the changes in the state court organization system, along with the reformation of tertiary court formation principle and expansion of its authorities, etc. All these changes are being widely discussed in the legal community.What are the new opportunities for businesses in Russian jurisdiction?How successful are the measures taken for the reduction of administrative pressure on businesses?What steps is it required to take and what foreign experience needs to be considered for the improvement of the legal environment of Russia?Moderated by:Vladimir Gruzdev, Chairman of the Board, All-Russian Social Organization “Association of Russian Lawyers”Invited:Dmitry Afanasyev, Chairman of the Partners’ Committee, Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasyev and Partners Law BureauVictor Blazheev, Rector, O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSLU) Andrei Nazarov, Chairman of Bashkortostan Division, All-Russian Social Organization “Organization of Russian Lawyers”Vladimir Pligin, Member of Presidium, All-Russian Social Organization “Organization of Russian Lawyers”Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights 16:00-17:30Conference Hall 8Expert Council of the Government of the Russian FederationRound tableEnvironmental Responsibility of State Companies. Best Green Practices and CasesPublicly owned companies are the key actors of the economic activities of Russian economy. It determines the high level of their environmental responsibility, including environmental transparency.The best green practices, environmental tools and solutions, successful volunteer tools and environmental responsibility mechanisms used by the major state companies need to be applied in all branches of economy.Along with that, due to the growing regulation load on the state companies in the sphere of environmental safety, the system of stimulation measures for the publicly owned companies to introduce environmentally sustainable development practices and volunteer to use environmental responsibility mechanisms, needs some improvement.Moderated by:Vladimir Grachev, President, V.A. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Environmental FundRashid Ismailov, Head of the Working group for Environment, Expert Council of the Government of the Russian FederationInvited: Sergei Ilyin, Deputy Director of the Department for Design, Technical Policy and Innovative Technology, Avtodor state companyAlexander Ishkov, Deputy Head of the Department for Transportation, Underground Storage and Use of Gas, Head of Energy Saving and Environment Directorate, PJSC Gazprom Oleg Nikolenko, Head of Production Safety Department, PJSC Gazprom NeftPetr Potapov, HSE Department Director, OJSC Russian RailwaysVladimir Sofyin, Director of Technological Development and Innovations Department, PJSC RossetiBoris Tarasov, General Director, Project Office for Arctic Development “PORA”16:00-17:30Conference Hall 9Ministry of Construction of the Russian FederationInterregional Social Organization EKARound tableGARBAGE: THE BURNED PROFITFor many regions, garbage is a threat, both social and environmental. However, Russian discussion often sleepwalks to the “how to get rid of it” problem instead of “how to use and benefit”. The subject of discussion: garbage as a source of profit. What prevents us from creating added value, what opportunities does Russia have now, what can be done with the accumulated wastes.Moderated by:Tatyana Chestina, Head of the Interregional Social Organization EKAInvited:Svetlana Bigesse, General Director, RemondisOxana Demchenko, Director of the Urban Environment Department of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian FederationAlex Dmitriev, Coordinator of “Zero Wastes in Industry” Division, Environment Department of San Francisco, CaliforniaDina Epifanova, Head of the Environment Department for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Middle Asia, Tetra PakAlexei Kiselev, Toxic Programme Coordinator, Greenpeace RussiaRoman Kuprin, Deputy Director of the Metallurgy and Materials Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationEugeny Lobanov, Director, Head of the Programme for Chemical Substances and Wastes, Centre of Environmental Solutions, BelarusAlexei Makrushin, General Director, Housing and Urban Environment AssociationLyubov Melanevskaya, Executive Director of RusPEK Non-Commercial AssociationRashid Nureev, Director for Corporate Communications, SIBURNatalya Sokolova, Head of the State Environmental Surveillance Directorate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Resources Enzo Favoino, Scientific Coordinator, International Network Zero Waste EuropeAndrei Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation Violetta Shabalina, Utilization Department Specialist, LLC Megapolisresurs16:00-17:30Conference Hall 10Centre for Development of Foreign Trade and International Economic RelationsRound tableInternational Development of Russian Businesses through Interaction with Trade Development Organizations Evaluating resources and potential of a company for international economic activity.International experience of Russian companies. Localization of foreign production in the regions of Russia.Experts’ recommendations for the development of foreign trade strategy of a company.Financial tools for the development of international business activity.Internet tools for the foreign trade development.Geographic priorities for the foreign trade activity or Russian businesses.Moderated by:Maxim Chereshnev, Chairman of the Board, Council for the Development of Foreign Trade and International Economic Relations Invited:Dinesh Agarval, Founder and CEO, IndianmartNurzhan Altaev, Deputy Chairman, Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ali Aragchi, International Affairs Manager, Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IDRO)Hocine Boubtina, General Secretary, The National Agency for the Promotion of foreign trade (ALGEX – Algeria)Johny Wan, Director for Development, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) Renu Verma, Director, All-Indian Association of Industries (AIAI)Ben de Vos, Vice President International Operations, Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK)John Gardiner, Partner, B2BrazilIrmgard Glasmacher, Managing Director for Accenture Strategy in the Middle East, Africa, Russia and Turkey Arancha González, Executive Director of the International Trade CentreAlexei Gospodarev, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationYuri Zakharinsky, Acting Deputy Chairman of the Government of Krasnoyarsk RegionRalph Lai, Commissioner of the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance CorporationLaura Li Ji, Director of the International Department of Shanghai Subcouncil, China Council for the Promotion of International TradeKundapur Vaman Kamath, President, New Development Bank of BRICS countriesBaatarzhav Lhagvazhav, President, Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry Veronika Nikishina, Minister in charge of Trade of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Zakhar Smushkin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, IlimMatthias Schepp, Chair of Board of the Russian-German Chamber of CommercePal Erik Sjatil, Managing Partner of McKinsey's offices in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EEMA), McKinsey Company 16:00-17:30Conference Hall 11Ministry of Energy of RussiaPanel discussionDIGITALIZATION: MODERN CHALLENGES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY INDUSTRYThe digitalization problems of Russian economy have long passed from the discussion stage to implementation. The plans for the four main branches of the programme “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” have been approved. For several years representatives of Russian energy industry have been discussing the tasks and ways of digital transformation of their area Pilot projects for the trial of new approaches and cutting edge digital technologies have been launched and implemented. However, the discussion on the appearance of new digital electric energy industry, the cost of digitalization and the consequences of such transformation is still in progress.At this panel discussion we shall raise the underlying questions of the current changes. What way should Russian energy industry select to become the leader in digital transformation?What technologies should be used, the current or future ones?Should the changes bear evolutionary or revolutionary character?What effects should we expect and when?What price of digitalization may be considered to be adequate?What is the role of businesses and the state in the digitalization process?Moderated by:(to be announced)Invited:Boris Ayuev, Chairman of the Board, Siberian Branch of the Unified Energy System of Russia, OJSCAndrei Butko, General Director, Rusatom “Automated Control Systems” JSCKirill Dmitriev, General Director, Russian Fund of Direct InvestmentsEugeny Kovnir, General Director, Digital Economy ANCOPavel Livinsky, General Director, Rosseti PJSCAlexander Novak, Minister of Energy of the Russian FederationEugeny Osochenko, Head of the Project Office “General Transformation of the Industry”, Rosatom Group of CompaniesKonstantin Parshin, Vice President, Executive Director, Information Technologies Cluster, Skolkovo FundNikolai Shulginov, Chairman of the Board, General Director, PJSC RusHydro17:30-18:00COFFEE BREAK18:00-19:30Conference Hall 1Ministry of Finance of the Russian FederationRound tableInvestment and Technological Development of Russia. Current AgendaIn the current macroeconomic conditions, such as increasing uncertainty of the world economic development, influence of geopolitical factors and developing global international production chains, the task to create and ensure long-term, stable and predictable business conditions for entrepreneurs and to implement investment projects becomes an essential factor for developing real economy sector of the Russian Federation, attracting private investments, ensuring GDP growth and increasing the living standards in the country.This task needs to be solved with the help of modern financing tools, public and private partnership, using Special investment contracts to the maximum. (attendants to be confirmed) 18:00-19:30Conference Hall 2Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaPanel discussionSMALL BUSINESSES KNOWLEDGE AND SERVICE PLATFORMThanks for the joint project of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and Delovaya Sreda JSC, the best education products for the leading business schools’ entrepreneurs are available online at the Small Businesses Knowledge and Service Platform since 2018. This resource is the first step to the development of a new business ecosystem. The role of electronic resources for entrepreneur training in the processes of developing competence in business spheres.How should the platform develop? Future support for entrepreneurs; digitalization of services or businesses. Can this online platform become a service, providing all support and assistance to businesses, besides education?Moderated by:Maxim Parshin, Director of the Department for Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and Competition of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationInvited:Andrei Vanin, Director, Delovaya Sreda, JSCValentina Kirillina, Director, Communication Management Institute, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”Eduard Omarov, Vice President, All-Russian Social Organization OPORA RussiaAnna Pilyugina, Head of the Centre for Governmental Regulation of Innovative and Entrepreneur Activity, FSBEI HE N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University (national research university)Yuri Rubin, Rector, Moscow University for Industry and Finance “Synergy”18:00-19:30Conference Hall 3Ministry of Health of RussiaMcKinseyRound tableDigital Russia: Health OpportunitiesDigital medicine development is one of the key trends of the Digital Economy programme. Among further steps in actualization of this programme is the implementation of digital technologies both in healthcare and the management of entire health service system. Today, some serious preparation work, including preparation of legal framework, development of digital healthcare infrastructure, technologies and platform is being done. What positive effects of digital medicine have already been achieved? How are the qualified employees trained for providing new level services? What steps need to be made for Russian leaders of digital healthcare system to emerge?Moderated by:Stepan Solzhenitsyn, Senior Partner, McKinsey Company Invited:Alexander Abdin, Managing Partner, Euromed Yuri Andreychuk, General Director, HelixVasily Brovko, Head of the Digital Economy Competence Centre, RosTechSergei Morozov, Director of SBIH “Scientific and Practical Centre for Medical Radiology”, Health Department of the City of MoscowNikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian FederationMikhail Oseevsky, General Director, RostelecomDmitry Petrukhin, Founder of DocDocVeronika Skvortsova, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation18:00-19:30Conference Hall 4National Research University “Higher School of Economics”Round tableTransport Mobility Infrastructure of the FutureIn the sphere of transport, technological progress always sets new requirements for the infrastructure, and the transportation system of Russia needs to be responsive to such changes in the framework of the current catching-up development model. Russia and its transport are in search for the search for priorities: natural gas vehicle fuel implementation programme is in progress, and at the same time the market of electromobiles and electric vehicles is rapidly developing.Would should the vector of development of Russia as a whole and the energy-excessive Siberian Federal District in particular? What technologies are being implemented in the world, in Russian industry and infrastructure? What should we do now for the transport system to adopt driverless vehicles technology and infrastructure or new energy carriers with less expenditure in the future?Moderated by:Pavel Zyuzin, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Transport Economy and Transport Policy, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”Invited:Alexei Bakulin, General Director, LLC Volgabas Group of CompaniesAnatoly Denischits, Deputy General Director for Capital Construction, Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo, LLC Ziyavudin Magomedov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Summa Group Dmitry Peskov, Director of Young Professionals Branch of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects, ANCOMaxim Sokolov, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Vladimir Sofyin, Director of Technological Development and Innovations Department, PJSC RossetiDmitry Tvardovsky, Strategic Department Director, Avtodor Group of CompaniesKonstantin Trofimenko, Director of the Metropolis Transport Problems Research Centre, Institute of Transport Economy and Transport Policy, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”Pavel Chistyakov, Vice President, Centre of Infrastructure EconomyRosnano (to be confirmed)Yandex (to be confirmed)Members of the National Business Initiatives working groups: AutoNet, AeroNet, MariNet18:00-19:30Conference Hall 5Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationRound tableInvestment Process under the Industrial Debt Overload: Adjusting Econonic Agents to New Reality The external financing limits set the problem of inappropriate financial conditions of borrowing enterprises with low profitability rate. Solution of the problem requires development of new long-term cooperation-oriented models of financing.What new steps should be made to activate the internal private sector?What are the capacities of the state as a source and stimulator of investment?How can market mechanisms be efficiently applied for the use of domestic funds?(attendants to be confirmed)18:00-19:30Conference Hall 6Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaRound tableInnovative Clusters as Drivers of Regional DevelopmentThe federal innovations support measures are focused, first of all, on the ones who are able to drive the technological and innovative development of Russian economy. Particularly, support is provided to the innovative territorial clusters of the most successful regions, attention is paid to the Russian high-tech leader companies entering the world market, innovative small and medium-sized businesses are assisted, and innovative, scientific and educational infrastructure is developed.An efficient and progressive plan for innovative development can be only derived from a joint discussion and cooperation between the authorities, business communities and scientific organizations.Moderated by:Pavel Rudnik, Director, Centre for Strategies and Programmes of the Institute of Statistic Research and Economy of Knowledge, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”Invited:Andrei Antonov, Deputy Governor of Tomsk Oblast for EconomyArtem Zdunov, Minister of Economy of the Republic of TatarstanIgor Marchev, Head of the Krasnoyarsk Technological Valley Project, UC RUSALAlexadner Sedov, Deputy Chairman of the Government, Minister of Industry, Science and New Technologies of the Republic of MordoviaArtem Shadrin, Director of the Strategic Development and Innovations Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationAlexei Schedrov, Head of the Innovative and Industrial Policy Directorate of Lipetsk Oblast18:00-19:30Conference Hall 7OPORA RussiaRound tableOvercoming Logistic Barriers for Business Development in SiberiaEntrepreneurs of Siberian Federal District regularly face the shortage of transport and logistic infrastructure for their business. This factor is not only the reason for the rise in commodity prices in the region, but also the cause for reduction in competitive capacity of the entrepreneurs and investment attractiveness of the region. It also complicates the border inspection and implementation of the export potential. The said problems may be solved through the improvement of Siberian logistic infrastructure.How to reduce the passenger and cargo transportation costs in the region?How to increase attractiveness of public-private partnership in this area?How to optimize the work of border control points?What are the logistic priorities of small and medium-sized businesses? Moderated by:Alexander Kalinin, President, All-Russian Social Organization OPORA RussiaInvited:Oleg Belozerov, General Director, Chairman of the Board, OJSC Russian Railways Eugeny Dietrich, the First Deputy of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian FederationMikhail Zhuchkov, Head of the Logistic Department, PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelDenis Ilatovsky, Logistics Director, SUEK JSCAndrei Isaev, Deputy General Director, Federal Cargo Company JSCSergei Kelbakh, Chairman of the Board, Russian Highways State CompanyRoman Starovoyt, Head of the Federal Road AgencyRepresentatives of small and medium-sized businesses of Siberian Federal District18:00-19:30Conference Hall 8Expert Council of the Government of the Russian FederationRound table"Green State Procurement" as a Key Element of Green Economy Development In accordance with the “Basic State Politics for Environmental Development of the Russian Federation for the Period Until 2030”, one of the priority tasks is the “development of economic regulation and market tools for environment protection and environmental safety”. The main mechanism of solving this task is “(eteris paribus) to provide priority to the supply orders, works and services ordered for the state and municipal needs, if they satisfy the established environmental standards”.Though the current national legislation includes the conditions for the satisfaction of environmental characteristics, criteria and requirements in the “green procurement” practice, there is no mechanism for the efficient implementation of this mechanism yet. Moderated by:Rashid Ismailov, Head of the Working group for Environment, Expert Council of the Government of the Russian FederationInvited:Olga Anchishkina, Head of the “Contract System” Project, Centre for Strategic Research FundTatiana Demidova, Director of the Budget Policy Department in the sphere of the Contract System of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian FederationAnton Kulbachevsky, Head of the Nature Use and Environment Department of the City of MoscowSergei Fakhretdinov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ruskomposit Group of CompaniesEkaterina Khmeleva, Director of the “Environment Protection Regulation” Programme, World Wildlife Fund18:00-19:30Conference Hall 9Russian Export CentreRound tableBest Development Practices in Export Support System of the Regions Russia has set an ambitious objective to increase the volume of export. In Russia it is impossible without comprehensive work on the regional level and without taking the regional specificity into account. To response to the challenge, it is necessary to carry out systematic changes in many regions, but the key question is: how to arrange an export support system on the regional level? The export support system provides a number of basic and supplementary tools, that may help to write lots of success stories of exporter companies, provide that they are properly used. Without solving this task, it is impossible to get on the modern state track in economic development.How to build an efficient export support system in the regions? What tools need to be used? How to decrease the number of barriers for the companies willing to enter the international market? How to increase the number of regional success stories?Moderated by:Igor Shlyonsky, Managing Director for Priority Project Coordination, Russian Export Centre, JSCInvited:Sergei Vereschagin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region – Minister of Economic Development and Investment Policy of Krasnoyarsk RegionRasim Galyamov, Minister of Economy of Omsk OblastRuslan Gattarov, Deputy Governor of Chelyabinsk OblastVasily Kozlov, Minister of International and Foreign Economic Affairs of Sverdlovsk OblastOlga Molchanova, Acting Deputy Chairman of the Government of Novosibirsk Oblast – Minister of Economic Development of Novosibirsk OblastEntities of Siberian and Ural Federal Districts, representatives of the regional companies with “success stories” 18:00-19:30Conference Hall 10All-Russian Social Organization “Association of Russian Lawyers Round tableDeveloping Unified Standards and Legal Solutions for Economic Partnership. Contractual and Institutional Mechanisms of Business Partnership The importance of the rule of law for beneficial international business cooperation, including the banking sphere, is the subject of professional discussion at this session. The experts will discuss the issues of creating the legal framework for better coordination of the macroeconomic policy, development of new efficient interaction forms in the present circumstances. It is suggested to pay special attention to the questions of developing the existing and creating new institutional mechanisms for economic cooperation, external reserve pools and a special payment system.Moderated by:Elena Borisenko, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board, Gazprombank, JSCInvited:Elena Avakyan, Advisor, Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasyev and Partners Law BureauBoris Boltyansky, Editor in Chief, Pravo.ruAndrei Gorlenko, General Director, Modern Arbitration Institute, ANCOAlexander Molotnikov, Associate Professor, Department of Business Law, Law Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityNatalya Tretyak, Member of the Board, All-Russian Social Organization “Association of Russian Lawyers18:00-19:30Conference Hall 11Russian Public Relations Association Analytic sessionInsights of the Future: Barriers and Motives Substantiation: just like in other countries, in Russia, there are a lot of state, institutional, regional and municipal development programmes. Every one of them has a purpose to put a certain idea of the future into practice. But not all the programmes can be implemented in the way they were intended to be.In communication practice, there is an insight term. It is used to refer to unobvious, or pretty discreet, but significant barriers that prevent people from making a move the communication managers are hoping for; or, on the opposite, this word can mean the underlying motives that could drive a person to make some necessary move.What insights can we find for our future-oriented programmes? What barriers are there for different population groups, and what kind of future to they refer to? What rolls the development programmes back? What could serve as a driver?Moderated by: Stanislav Naumov, President, Russian Public Relations Association Invited:Alexei Zharich, Head of the Information Policy Department, Social Projects Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Laschevsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors, AGT Communication GroupMargarita Nagoga, Head of the Public Relations and Mass Media Communications Department, Pension Fund of the Russian FederationElena Sanarova, Director for Public Relations, Rosnano JSCValery Fedorov, General Director, All-Russian Public Opinion Research CentreAlexei Firsov, Founder of the Platform Research CentreAntonina Tsitsulina, President, Association of Children’s Goods IndustryAlexander Chernov, Senior Vice President for Foreign Communications and Advertisement, Skolkovo FundVladislav Shulaev, Co-Chairman of the Committee for Branding and Territory Development, Russian Association for Public RelationsApril 14, 201810:00-11:30Conference Hall 1EYRound tableAge of Robots. What is the Role of Human in the New Reality? By various estimates, by the year 2030 robotization may affect up to the half of all jobs. It will lead to the rapid growth of productivity, but it will strike the people who will lose their jobs.How can an employee retain his competitive capacity on the labour market, where more and more work is done by robots? How does it change the personnel training system?How can the social security system adjust to the situation?Will the change the specificity of work and requirements to the managers in the age of robots?Moderated by:Joe Watt, Managing Partner of EY in the CIS countriesInvited:Rustam Barnokhodzhaev, Director of Corporate Accounts, Unity CompanyTomasz Bochenek, President, Microsoft Russia Kirill Varlamov, Director, Internet Initiatives Development Fund Sergei Vorobyev, President and Senior Partner, Ward Howell Olga Voroshilova, Partner, CornerStoneJoe Gemma, President, International Federation of Robotics German Gref, President, Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank Russia, PJSCYulia Zabazarnykh, Partner, Contact AgencyDmitry Kapishnikov, General Director, KUKA Robotics RUS Natalya Kurantova, Director for Corporate Accounts, Kelly ServicesLeonid Levin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Information Policy, Information Technologies and CommunicationsDenis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationVitaly Nedelsky, President, Russian Association of Robotics (RAR)Alexander Povalko, General Director, Chairman of the Board, RBK JSCTill Reuter, Chairman of the Management Board, KUKA AGShinichi Tanzawa, President, General Director, Fanuc Europe Corporate Maxim Topilin, Minister of Labour and Social Security o the Russian FederationSawa Toshihiro, President, Robotics Society of Japan Mikhail Chernomordikov, Director of Strategic Technologies Department, Microsoft Russia Alexander Shulgin, Head of Familia Group of Companies David Yang, Founder, Chairman of the Board of ABBYY 10:00-11:30Conference Hall 2Ministry of Economic Development of RussiaG.V. Plekhanov Russian University of EconomicsForesight sessionSocial Entrepreneurship as the Priority of Regional DevelopmentForesight session agenda:Problems and prospects of developing social entrepreneurship as the priority of development of Russian regions.Social entrepreneurship as an efficient employment model for the disabled people, orphanage leavers, prison leavers, women, people in a difficult life situation. Modern mechanisms of state support and improvement of public-private partnership tools in the social sphere.Social entrepreneur training programmes and business acceleration programmes for social entrepreneurship projects in the entities of the Russian Federation.Experience of implementing modern mechanisms of regional development, solution of the most acute territorial problems, partnership between authorities of different levels and commercial structures, social and non-commercial organizations.Promising and replicable regional practices of efficient social entrepreneurship.Conditions the state, businesses and society need to create for the development of the private sector in the social sphere of Russia.Opportunities and conditions of social entrepreneurship in the entities of the Russian Federation in the framework of regional target programmes.Moderated by: Nadezhda Surova, Director of the Institute of Administration and Socio-Economic Design, FSBEI HE G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of EconomicsInvited:Sergei Golubev, President, Social Investments FundSergei Grigoryev, President, Fund of Socioeconomic Support of the Regions “SUEK – to the Regions”Rustam Zakiev, Director of Communication and Social Projects Department, UC RUSALNataliya Zvereva, President, Our Future FundNatalya Kremneva, Deputy Director of Social Projects Division, Agency of Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects, ANCOMaryana Lisovaya, Director for Regional Social Programmes, Fund of Social and Economic Support of the Regions “SUEK to the Regions”Nikolai Nikolaev, Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma for Natural Resources, Property and Land RelationsPavel Seleznev, Chairman of the Board, The Association “Public-Private Partnership Development Centre”Igor Sukhotin, Head of Charity Programmes Directorate, Social Policy Department, PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelVyacheslav Timchenko, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Federation Committee on Economic PolicyArtem Shadrin, Director of Strategic Development and Innovations Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationEugenia Shokhina, Director, Social Projects Support Fund10:00-11:30Conference Hall 3Vnesheconombank State CorporationDiscussion panelBlockchain in the Digital WorldToday, in the time of revolutionary changes, we witness the emergence of new financial tools and brand-new business models, created on the basis of modern achievements of science and technology. “Disruptive” technologies today determine the appearance of the future society and turn to be the underlying condition for the development of all main spheres of human activity.Blockchain technology is a new chapter of information and network society, making an influence on economy, trade and public sector. For the state authorities, blockchain technology is an opportunity to decrease the level of corruption and abuse, prevent mistakes caused by the “human factor”, cut the costs of document turnover. Universal implementation of blockchain technologies will facilitate the creation of trustful economy and change the principles of communication in the society.What are the first results of the efforts made by the Blockchain Working Group in the sphere of state and corporate management? What factors influence the development of blockchain industry in Russia? How should the state authorities of the Russian Federation cooperate with the development institutions for the benefit of our future economy?Moderated by:Vladimir Demin, Advisor of the Chairman, Vnesheconombank State CorporationInvited:Alexei Blagirev, representative of R3 Concortium in RussiaElena Boyko, Director of the Department of Information Technologies and Communications of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Rustam Davletbaev, Head of the Blockchain Competence Centre at the University of Innopolis Alexei Kozyrev, Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Comomunications of the Russian FederationAndrei Nikitin, Governor of Novgorod OblastElina Sidorenko, Head of the Interdepartmental work group for the assessment of cryptocurrency turnover risks of the State Duma of the Russian FederationParviz Tukhtasunov, Advisor of the Director, Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography10:00-11:30Conference Hall 4Ministry of Sports of the Russian FederationBrainstormUniversiade in Krasnoyarsk: Using Legacy The material legacy of the Universiade comprises 22 sports venues of the international level. However, the maintenance of the venues requires around 1 billion roubles per year. The time of “simple” solutions, when the sports infrastructure maintenance was financed by the state budget, is over.How can the sports legacy of the Universiade be made accessible for the population, how can the operation of the venues be economically efficient and breaking even?Moderated by:Victor Tomenko, Acting First Deputy of the Governor, Chairman of the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region Invited:Sergei Alexeev, Acting Minister of Sports of Krasnoyarsk RegionVadims Andreevs, Head of Operation Directorate, Sport-In FSUEElena Bezdenezhnykh, Vice President of PJSC MMC Norilsk NickelMaxim Bilitsky, Head of International Sports Management School MIRBISVasily Golubev, Governor of Rostov OblastVladimir Kolmakov, Acting Rector of FSOAI HPE Siberian Federal UniversityBulat Litvinov, General Director, Kazan ArenaPavel Novikov, Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian FederationKonstantin Sokolov, Director of Regional Development Department of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian FederationRoman Sotnikov, General Director, Platinum Arena LLCMaxim Urazov, General Director, Executive Directorate of the 29th World Winter Universiade 2019, ANCO10:00-11:30Conference Hall 5Ministry of Finance of the Russian FederationMinistry of Economic Development of RussiaWorld Wildlife FundRound table"Green" INVESTMENT: ENERGY OF POLITICAL DISCUSSION OR ECONOMIC GROWTH?The transition to the “green economy” observed in the world today is impossible without an efficient “green” finance mechanism. This is not only about increasing the traditional finance sources of the “greed” investments”, but the opportunity of finding new sources of finance. The development of national mechanisms intended to achieve global goals is impossible without involving all interested parties into the process.The purpose of this discussion is to analyse the problems that hold back the “green” investment financing mechanism as an element of national sustainable development financing strategy.Moderated by: Lyudmila Kabir, Senior Research Fellow, International Finance Centre, FSBI Financial Research InstituteInvited:Mikhail Babenko, Director of the Green Economy Programme, World Wildlife FundKirill Bogomolov, Lead Consultant of International Development Assistance Division, International Financial Relations Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian FederationVsevolod Gavrilov, Director of Directorate for Projects in the Sphere of Energy Saving and Nature Use, PJSC SberbankDenis Grigoryev, Head of the Financial Markets Development Department, Central Bank of the Russian FederationVadim Dormidontov, Vice President, JSC GazprombankGeorgy Kekelidze, Chairman of the Board, Non-Commercial Partnership for Renewable Energy Development EUROSOLAR Russian SectionOleg Mukhamedshin, Director for Strategy, UC RUSAL10:00-11:30Conference Hall 6Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationStrategy Partners GroupRound tableIndustrial Revolution IV and Roles of Regions Industrial revolution IV fundamentally transforms modern industry due to the new technological achievements, including digitalization and robotization, artificial intelligence and Internet, new materials and biotechnologies. Thanks to these changes, the industry of developed countries becomes the main source of economic blossom and new jobs again. The leading developed and developing countries are running their own initiatives intended for the development of future industry, and leading foreign regions play an active role in the process.What opportunities does the industrial revolution open for Russia and Russian regions? What are the key lessons we can withdraw from international experience? How should we form the industrial policy at the national and regional levels under the conditions of large-scale technological changes and transformation of the industry branch models? How can companies accelerate the innovative development, increase their productivity and competitive capacity at the global markets?Moderated by:Alexei Prazdnichnykh, Partner, Head of Practice “State and Non-Commercial Sector”, Strategy Partners GroupInvited:Roberto dos Reis Alvarez, Executive Director of the Global Federation of Competitiveness CouncilsIgor Bogachev, General Director, Zyfra LLCAlexander Idrisov, President, Strategy Partners GroupAnastasia Kalinina, Head of Eurasia, World Economic Forum Vasily Osmakov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationRoman Petrutsa, General Director, Industry Development FundVladimir Tuzov, Strategy Director, SUEK JSCMary Hallward-Driemeier, Senior Economic Adviser, Global BankMaxim Shereykin, General Director, Agency for Technological Development Andrei Sholokhov, General Director, RTS Russia and CIS10:00-11:30Conference Hall 7Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationChamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationGovernment of Krasnoyarsk RegionRussian Export Centre JSCCentral Siberian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryRound tableDevelopment and Promotion of Export Potential of Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Region) The non-resource export requires consistent work on forming the potential. Today there are some methods for financial and non-financial support of non-resource export. The priorities of the industry branch and the regions have been determined. The subtasks intended to open new markets, expand the range of commodities, diversify the export of commodities and services have been formulated. Among the priority export countries there are: the PRC, EAEU, CIS, Middle East, North Africa, South and South East Asia, Latin America.Traditionally, the industry branches with export potential are: aircraft engineering, railway machinery engineering, automotive industry, power engineering, defence industry, agroindustrial complex and agricultural machine engineering, nuclear industry.But each region has a unique opportunity to participate in international division of labour. It is important to form approaches to the systematic application of export potential development tools and the promotion of it to the domestic and international markets.How can the non-resource export potential of Siberian regions be increased and actualized?How can the infrastructural administrative barriers oppressing the non-resource and non-energy expert be eliminated?How can export support tools efficiency be increased? (insurance and crediting system, participation in exhibitions, fairs etc.) How can the rights of Russian manufacturers be protected at the entrance to the international markets?Is it necessary to keep a system of education and advanced training of exporters?What role do Russian foreign representatives play in the access to foreign markets?What role do chambers of commerce and industry play in the actualization of export potential?Moderated by:Sergei Katyrin, President of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian FederationManagement representative of Russian Export Centre, JSC(to be confirmed)Invited:Roman Andryushin, Director for Sales in Russia and CIS countries, UC RUSALAlexei Gruzdev, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian FederationAlexander Gramatunov, General Director, Business Development Agency and Microcredit Company, JSCSergei Zhvachkin, Governor of Tomsk OblastGeorgy Kalamanov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian FederationAlexander Karpov, General Director, KLM and Co, CJSCAlexander Levitsky, General Director, Achinsk Bread Station No. 17, CJSCLeonid Kiselev, General Director, LLC LPZ SegalAlexei Repik, President, All-Russia Business Association “Delovaya Rossiya” Alexander Stotsky, Programme Coordinator, Project Office of Arctic Development “PORA”Alexander Uss, Acting Governor of Krasnoyarsk RegionRafael Shageev, President, Union “Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry”Maxim Shereykin, General Director, Agency for Technological Development, ANCOInvited for discussion:Anatoly Tsykalov, Minister of Industry, Energy and Trade of Krasnoyarsk RegionArkady Eskin, President, Tomsk Chamber of Industry and Trade10:00-11:30Conference Hall 8Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian FederationWorld Wildlife FundRound tableInformation Transparency as Basis for Reducing Negative Effect The environment quality cannot be controlled without reliable information on the environmental situation and sources of risks. When businesses withhold information or provide untruthful data, a lot of energy is spent on solving conflicts instead of finding optimal solutions; instead of uniting efforts of businesses, state and the civil society, confrontation begins. The environmental ratings of the oil, gas and mineral mining sectors demonstrated that the transparency of information is the basis for an efficient dialogue between the three parties and search for the best solutions.Moderated by:Eugeny Schwartz, Director of WWF Russia Environmental PoliciesInvited:Irina Bakhtina, Vice President for Sustainable Development of Businesses and Corporate Relations, UnileverMikhail Kozlov, Head of Directorate for Forest Protection, Federal Agency for Forestry AffairsAlexander Kolotov, Chairman of the Social Chamber of Environment, Civil Assembly of Krasnoyarsk RegionVladimir Koptev-Dvornikov, Co-Chairman, Environmental Chamber of RussiaChris Mawer, Vice President for HSE, British Petroleum RussiaInna Sidorova, Deputy Director of the Department for Industrial, Labour Safety and Environment, PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Tuzov, Director for Strategy, SUEK JSCBj?rn Kavalkov Halvarsson, Counsellor, Head of Economic and Trade Department, Embassy of Sweden in the Russian FederationVladimir Chasovitin, Acting Minister of Environment and Rational Nature Use of Krasnoyarsk Region10:00-11:30Conference Hall 9Siberian Generating CompanyBrainstormNew Heating Market Model in Action: Perfect Conditions, Opportunities, ResultsJuly 31, 2017, the Federal Law No.279 FZ “On Introduction of Amendments into the Federal Laz “On Heating Supply” and Other Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation for the Improvement of the Heating Supply Relations System” which was the beginning of the heating reform. At the present moment, the bylaw designing is at the final stage, and in the nearest future the cities that have applied for being included into the tariff zone, will start their operation on the new market model.The new mechanism is a reliable and efficient tool for solving the accumulated heating problems, as well as a new opportunity for development and creation of a high-quality heating system of the future.How can this tool be used in the most efficient way? In what cities the model will be of the greatest demand? How can transition to the new model be made efficient for a municipal heating system? How can the maximum investment yield be achieved, how to prevent the excess tariff growth? What is the potential of the new model in different infrastructures: how flexible is it? How can be used to solve problems of the worn-out systems, how can the development of normally operating systems be maximized?Moderated by:Grigory Revzin, Partner, Strelka CBInvited:Igor Vdovin, Chairman of the Committee for Investment Policy, Development Institutions and Export Support, Russian Union of Industrialists and EntrepreneursVictor Zubarev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian FederationEkaterina Kosogova, Director for Tariffs, Siberian Generating Company LLCVyacheslav Kravchenko, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian FederationYuri Lapshin, Acting Deputy Chairman of the Government of Krasnoyarsk Region Victor Mescheryakov, Head of the Altai Krai Directorate for Industry and Energy Petr Pimashkov, Deputy of the Federal Assembly State Duma of the Russian Federation Andrei Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation10:00-11:30Conference Hall 10Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian FederationExpert Council of the Government of the Russian Federation Panel discussionSiberia as the Centre of Russian Eco Tourism: Is It Possible?Presentation of the priority project “Wild Nature of Russia: Preserve and See”: implementation progress and procedure.Current situation of eco tourism in Siberia and the Far East, potential of the eco tourism in the region.Natural and historical places of interest, extreme tourism, educational and eco tourism, rural tourism.Specially protected natural areas as attraction points for local and foreign tourists.Problems of eco tourism development; balance between the growing tourism popularity and protection of the environment.Problem of investments into the tourism infrastructure.Moderated by:Rashid Ismailov, Head of the Working group for Environment, Expert Council of the Government of the Russian FederationInvited:Rafilya Bakirova, Chairman of the Board, Association of Nature Reserves and National Parks’ Directors of the Russian FederationEkaterina Golovina, Editor in Chief, Zapovednaya Rossiya websiteIgor Davydov, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the sphere of Environment Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian FederationNatalya Danilina, Director, Zapovedniki Ecocentre, ANCOMurad Kerimov, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian FederationVadim Petrov, Co-Chairman, Environmental Chamber of RussiaEkaterina Khmeleva, Director of the “Environment Protection Regulation” Programme, World Wildlife FundVladimir Chasovitin, Acting Minister of Environment and Rational Nature Use of Krasnoyarsk RegionVyacheslav Scherbakov, Director of Stolby Nature Reserve10:00-11:30Conference Hall 11Government of Krasnoyarsk RegionRound tableREGIONAL AND MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION: CONFLICTS AND OPPORTUNITIESRussia has accumulated a unique experience of regional and municipal administration. What are the typical regional and municipal positive and negative newsworthy events? By what criteria and on which examples can we evaluate the constructiveness of relations between mayors and governors, large companies and the regional or municipal authorities? Moderated by:Eugeny Minchenko, Political Scientist, President, Minchenko Consulting HoldingInvited:Oleg Vaytman, Director for Relations with Governmental Bodies, UC RUSALMikhail Vinogradov, President, “Petersburg Politics” Public Relations Development FundAbbas Gallyamov, Political ScientistFarit Khusnoyarov, Deputy General Director, Medialogy11:30-12:00COFFEE BREAK12:00-14:00Plenary Meeting HallPlenary meetingSIBERIA 2018-2024: IMPLEMENTING THE POTENTIALRich natural resources, outstanding research institutions, competitive higher education facilities, proximity to the largest and the most dynamic world markets, development of regional integration projects determine the competitive advantages of Siberian macroregion in the framework of “extensive” Eurasian partnership.What are the development scenarios of Siberian macroregion for the next six years? How can we maximize economic returns from the resource, territorial and human capital in Siberia? What institutional and infrastructural conditions are needed? What economic, structural and investment policy is required? ................

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