College Fair Questions

Before you head off to the fair:Dress in appropriate clothing. First impressions do count!Consider changing your email address or setting up an email address specifically for college applications. You will be asked to fill out inquiry cards by the colleges which will add your information to the school’s mailing list and let the school know that you are interested in them. Since this information will follow you through the application process (should you choose to apply), it is important that the email address is appropriate. A good suggestion is to pick something with a combination of your first name or initial and last name or initial.Consider making self-stick labels that contain your legal name, mailing address, email address, year of graduation, and intended area of study. This will speed up the process of filling out inquiry cards, allowing you more time to talk to the college representative. Plan ahead! Look over the list of colleges and universities that are participating in the fair and make a list of which schools you definitely want to visit at the fair. Bring a small notebook and pen to jot down information about schools you want to remember.At the Fair:When you approach a representative, introduce yourself.Ask questions! (See below for a sample list of questions.)Get the contact information of the representative at the fair if you are very interested in attending their school. Follow up with them after the fair with an email.Speak up. College fairs can be loud and you want the representative to be able to hear you. College Fair Questions - Suggested questions to ask college representatives - GENERAL ??What kinds of students is your college looking for? ??What is your college known for? ??What are the main things students at your college really like about your school? ??What is the area surrounding the campus like? Is it rural, urban or suburban???How do I schedule a campus visit???When is your school’s open house???May I observe a class? May I come for an overnight visit, or shadow a current student in a possible major I am interested in?ADMISSIONS ??What qualities should high school students have to get accepted to your college? (ex. GPA, SAT/ACT scores, class rank, etc.?)??Does your college consider student qualifications beyond grades and SAT/ACT scores? ??What is the admission policy of your school (application deadline and fee, rolling admissions, early admissions, etc.)? Do you offer Early Decision or Early Action applications? ??Does your school give college credit for Advanced Placement (AP) examinations? If so, what AP score is needed in order to give credit???Do any of the outside activities (ex. job, internships, community service) count in the admissions decision?ACADEMIC ??What are the most popular majors? ??Can freshmen declare majors? Can I choose “Undeclared” if I don’t know yet what I want to do???What support is provided to students to help them decide on a major? ??What is the ratio of student-to-faculty in freshmen courses???Are there places or programs to receive tutoring assistance if needed?FINANCIAL AID ??What is the cost of attendance? ??What percentage of students receive financial aid? ??What types of financial aid are available? ??Does your college offer both need-based and merit-based scholarships? ??Does your college offer athletic scholarships; if so, what are the criteria?HOUSING ??What type of housing is available? ??How many students live on campus in residence halls? How many students typically live together in a room?? Do freshmen have to live on campus, and are they allowed to have a car on campus???Is housing guaranteed for students all 4 years? ??Do the residence halls provide internet access?CAMPUS/SOCIAL ??What organizations and activities are available for students? ??What support programs are available to students? ? What intercollegiate sports do you offer? What division is your school? What kind of intramural and club sports are available???Are the sports facilities available for all students to use? ???What do students do off campus? What do students do on weekends? QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION ??How accessible and helpful are professors outside the classroom? ??Do professors or graduate teaching assistants teach the freshman level courses? INTERNSHIPS/JOBS/STUDY ABROAD ??What career services are offered by your college? ??Does the college help students find internships and jobs? ??Does your college offer a study abroad program?SPECIAL INTEREST ??Other questions specific to your interestsNotesRecord answers to questions provided by admission representatives and your impressions of each college. Rate each college based on how well the college suits your needs.? 1 = This college does NOT have what I’m looking for.? 10 = This college meets my needs in almost every way. I need to apply to this schoolName of College/UniversityImpressions and CommentsRating (10 is best)Circle one:1 2 3 4 5 67 8 910Circle one:1 2 3 4 5 67 8 910Circle one:1 2 3 4 5 67 8 910Name of College/UniversityImpressions and CommentsRating (10 is best)Circle one:1 2 3 4 5 67 8 910Circle one:1 2 3 4 5 67 8 910Circle one:1 2 3 4 5 67 8 910Name of College/UniversityImpressions and CommentsRating (10 is best)Circle one:1 2 3 4 5 67 8 910Circle one:1 2 3 4 5 67 8 910Circle one:1 2 3 4 5 67 8 910 ................

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