PowerPCB Training Manual, Your First Design
PowerPCB Tutorial I - Session 1
Description Page
Information Required For PCB Layout Checklist 1.2
Pads Software Decal List Defaults 1.3
Pads Software Netlist Defaults 1.4
Pads Software Reference Designator Rename List 1.5
Industry Standard Reference Designators 1.6
Standard Naming Convention 1.7
PowerPCB Layering Scheme 1.9
PowerPCB System Setup 1.10
Information Required for PCB Layout Checklist
( Constraint Drawing
Board outline illustrating the location of all fixed component coordinates.
IE: Mounting Holes, Connectors, Switches, Potentiometers, etc.
Note: The CAD origin, (X=0, Y=0) should be in the lower left corner of the board.
( Netlist
PADS format netlist including a decal list of all the library landpatterns. The header at the top of the netlist should be: !PADS-POWERPCB-V4.0-MILS!
( Data Sheets
Physical description data sheets, from the component manufacturer, of all the component decals that are not in your Libraries. Only mechanical data is required, IE: pin spacing, lead size or drill size, pin numbers & silkscreen shape dimensions.
( Connector Pin Assignments
Identify where is pin 1, pin 2, pin 3 the last Pin etc.?
( Schematic
Need schematic to debug the netlist if “one pin nets” occur or if only one pin of a two pin part is in the netlist. Schematic is also used to place components.
( Part Placement
Pencil sketch of suggested component placement layout of major components.
( Trace Routing Rules
Clock, ECL or High Speed trace instructions including net names and trace widths. What needs to be hand routed and what can be autorouted.
( Power Planes
Power and Ground Plane instructions including bypass capacitor fanout, BGA & QFP fanout. If there are multiple nets on the same layer, need split plane information.
( Silkscreen Legend
Silkscreen text identification requirements including copyright, board name, part number, revision level, connector ID’s, reference designator rotations and polarity markings.
( Manufacturing Information
Special fabrication notes, layer construction and panel information. Special assembly notes and drawings that illustrate special assembly information.
NOTE: To prevent a designer from editing engineering decal lists, obey the following:
1. Reference Designator Names have a 15 character limit.
2. Decal Names have a 40 character limit.
3. Illegal characters for decal names are * < > ? : . , Avoid \ / because Unix systems do not accept these characters.
4. Lower case characters are allowed but pads will convert them to upper case.
5. Decal list must be in PADS format. TANGO format Decal List is not acceptable.
6. Decal list header should be: !PADS-POWERPCB-V4.0-MILS!
7. Netlist footer should be: *END*
U1 SO14
U2 PLCC-52
U4 DIP16
C1 CC1206
9. File name suffix default is .ASC in PowerPCB, but .net is acceptable.
10. If a decal is not in the library put “SEE DATA SHEET” in place of the decal name. Be sure to put the reference designator on the component data sheet, especially if there is more than one Library part to build.
11. If a new decal has alphabetical pin numbers, be sure that the data sheet clearly defines the pin numbering assignments. Example: Transistors with Base, Emitter and Collector.
12. If the Decal List & the Netlist are in the same ASCII file, break them into 2 files. Always ASCII IN the Decal List first, and trouble shoot and fix the errors. Then ASCII IN the Netlist.
13. BGA row and column count limit was 45 x 45 pins in Version 3.0.
NOTE: To prevent a designer from editing engineering netlists, please obey the following rules:
1. Reference Designator Names have a 15 character limit.
2. Pin Names have a 7 character limit.
3. Netnames have a 57 character limit.
4. Illegal characters are * < > ? : . , Lower case characters are not allowed. Avoid \ / because Unix systems do not accept these characters.
5. Please use the abbreviation rather than the full name IE: use K, not CATHODE. Use A, not ANODE. All new library decals with special alpha pin numbers (IE: NO & NC for switches) must be clearly noted on the data sheet that will be used to create the library decal.
2 & 3 pin devices with alphabetical Pin Names are as follows:
CCW = 3
6. PADS format netlist is preferred.
7. Netlist header should be: !PADS-POWERPCB- V4.0-MILS!
8. Netlist footer should be: *END*
*SIG N00001
U1.1 C1.1 R1.1
*SIG N00002
U1.2 R1.2
U1.7 C1.2 U2.7 C2.2
U1.14 U2.14 C2.1
10. File name suffix must be .ASC if you are using PowerPCB.
1. Engineer should specify at the beginning of the design, if the reference designators are to be renamed.
2. Engineer should specify the direction of the rename.
Examples: Top to Bottom, Right to Left
Left to Right, Top to Bottom
3. Engineer should specify any Reference Designators that are not to be renamed.
4. If the engineer is extremely concerned about the flow of the renaming process, a WAS/IS List should be manually generated by the creation of an ASCII text file.
U12 U1
U5 U2
U1 U3
C9 C1
C6 C2
NOTE: *PADS-ECO* should be located in the 1st line of the ASCII text file.
*RENPART* should be located on the 2nd line.
*END* should be at the end of the file.
A Assembly
AR Amplifier
AT Attenuator; Isolator
B Blower
BR Bridge Rectifier
BT Battery
C Capacitor
CB Circuit Breaker
CN Capacitor Network
CP Coupler
CR Diode or Silicon Rectifier
D Diode; Thyristor; Varacter
DC Directional Coupler
DP Duplexer
DL Delay Line
DS Digital Display; LED Lamp
E Miscellaneous Electrical Part
F Fuse
FB Ferrite
FD Fiducial
FL Filter
G Generator
HW Hardware
HY Circulator
I or ICT In Circuit Test Point
J Jack Connector
JP Configuration Jumper
K Relay
L Coil; Inductor
LS Loud Speaker/Buzzer
M Motor
MG Motor-Generator
MH Mounting Hole
MK Microphone
MP Mechanical Part
P Plug Type Connector
PS Power Supply
Q Transistor
R Resistor
RN Resistor Network
RT Thermistor
S Switch
T Transformer
TB Terminal Block
TC Thermocouple
TP Test Point
U Tuner
U Integrated Circuit
V Electron Tube
VR Voltage Regulator
W Cable Transmission
X Sub-circuit
Y Crystal or Oscillator
Z Ref Des Suppressed
Break Down of the above filename: XXXXX= Job Name : 5 Digits
A = Revision : 1 Digit
TS = Top Silk : (See Suffix)
.PHO = Photoplot : (See Gerber Files)
PADS Database Description
_________A.PCB PADS Database (Binary File)
Netcheck Files Description
_________A1.ECO PADS Format Engineering Changes created by NetCheck Tools (ASCII File)
_________A.RPT Detailed Report illustrating the differences between OrCAD & PADS Netlists
Assembly Data Description
_________A.ASC PADS Format ASCII File of full database created by File/Export/ASCII
_________AXYE.ASC PADS Part Placement Coordinate List created by File/Export/ASCII, English
_________AXYM.ASC PADS Part Placement Coordinate List created by File/Export/ASCII, Metric
README_ASSY.TXT Naming Convention Explanation File for Manufacturer
PADS Reports Description
_________ANET.TXT PADS Netlist created by File/Report/PowerPCB Format Netlist, Includes Part List
_________ANETX.TXT PADS Format Netlist created by File/Report/Netlist w/o pin info, No Part List
_________ABOM.TXT PADS Format Part List created by File/Report/Part List 2
_________ANON.TXT PADS Format Unconnected Pins Report created by File/Report/Unconnected Pins
_________ASTA.TXT PADS Format Statistics report created by File/Report/Statistics
_________A.TST PADS Format Test Point Report created by File/Report/DFT Test Point Audit
_________ CAM356A Format Netlist
Gerber Files Description
_________A.REP PADS Gerber Aperture Report (ASCII File)
_________AL1.PHO PADS Gerber Data for LAYER 1 (Top Side) (ASCII File)
*Note: There is a .PHO file for every layer of the PCB design. IE: L1, L2, L3, L4 = a four layer board.
_________AST.PHO PADS Gerber Data for SILKSCREEN (Top Side) (ASCII File)
_________ASB.PHO PADS Gerber Data for SILKSCREEN (Bottom Side) (ASCII File)
_________AMT.PHO PADS Gerber Data for SOLDER MASK (Top Side) (ASCII File)
_________AMB.PHO PADS Gerber Data for SOLDER MASK (Bottom Side) (ASCII File)
_________APT.PHO PADS Gerber Data for PASTE MASK (Top Side) (ASCII File)
_________APB.PHO PADS Gerber Data for PASTE MASK (Bottom Side) (ASCII File)
_________ADD.PHO PADS Gerber Data for DRILL DRAWING (ASCII File)
README_FAB.TXT Naming Convention explanation file for manufacturer
Drill Data Description
_________ANC.DRL Numeric Control Drill Report in Exlon Format
_________ANC.LST Numeric Control Drill Report in True-Drill Format
_________ANC.REP Numeric Control Drill Size and Quantity Report
PADS CAM File Description
_________A.CAM PADS Format Post Processing File (ASCII File)
Autoroute Files Description
_________A.DO CCT Autorouter Command File (ASCII File)
_________A.STS CCT Autorouter Statistics Report (ASCII File)
_________A.NON CCT Autorouter Unconnected Pins Report
_________A.WIR CCT Autorouter Wires file with Unmitered Traces
_________A.RTE CCT Autorouter Wires file with Mitered Traces
_________A.ATO CCT Autorouter AutoSave File. Backup file saved after every route interation
_________A.DSN CCT Autorouter Temp File created during the translation from PADS to CCT
_________A.DID CCT Autorouter Report on what the router did
_________A.SPI CCT Autorouter temporary translation file
_________A_SP.PCB CCT Autorouter PADS output file name
PADS HPGL File Description
_________ADD.PE1 Pen Plot of Drill Drawing (HPGL = Hewlett Packard Graphic Language)
_________AAT.PE1 Pen Plot of Top Assembly Drawing (HPGL Data)
_________AAB.PE1 Pen Plot of Bottom Assembly Drawing (HPGL Data)
AutoCAD Files Description
_________ADD.DXF Drill Drawing produced by translating a .PE1 file using HP2DXF software
_________AAT.DXF Top Assembly Drawing produced by translating a .PE1 file using HP2DXF
_________AAB.DXF Bottom Assembly Drawing produced by translating a .PE1 file using HP2DXF
DD.DWG Temporary Drill Template to be inserted into an ANSI “B-Size” Format Drawing
AT.DWG Temporary Top Assembly to be inserted into an ANSI “B-Size” Format Drawing
AB.DWG Temporary Bottom Assembly to be inserted into an ANSI “B-Size” Format Dwg.
_________AD1.DWG Drill Drawing Page 1 Contains Fabrication Notes, Lay-up Detail & Drill Chart
_________AD2.DWG Drill Drawing Page 2 Contains the Dimensioned Board Outline and Drill Symbols
_________AAT.DWG Top Assembly Drawing on ANSI “B-Size” Sheet 1 Format
_________AAB.DWG Bottom Assembly Drawing on ANSI “B-Size” Sheet 2 Format
_________AD1.PLT Drill Drawing Page 1 HPGL Data (HPGL = Hewlett Packard Graphic Language)
_________AD2.PLT Drill Drawing Page 2 HPGL Data (D1 & D2 go with the Fabrication Data)
_________AD1.PDF Drill Drawing Page 1 PDF Data (ADOBE Acrobat File)
_________AD2.PDF Drill Drawing Page 2 PDF Data (ADOBE Acrobat File)
1-18 Trace & Plane Layers (Copper Layers)
19 Targets, Gerber Data Title block, .004” Board Outline
20 Component Placement Courtyards (outline)
21 Solder Mask Top
22 Paste Mask Bottom
23 Paste Mask Top
24 Drill Drawing
25 Plane Layer Clearances, Thermal Relief’s, .100” Board
Outline, Common Split Planes & Common Plane Voids
26 Silkscreen Top
27 Assembly Drawing Top
28 Solder Mask Bottom
29 Silkscreen Bottom
30 Assembly Drawing Bottom
1. Insert PCB Standards CD into CD drive.
2. LMB [Select – Start]
3. [pic]
4. LMB [Select – Programs – Windows Explorer]
5. [pic]
6. If there is a ‘+’ to the left of the (C:) drive use the LMB and click it to change it into a ‘-‘.
7. LMB [Select – Highlight – (C:)]
8. [pic]
9. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
10. [pic]
11. [pic]
12. Type – Hp2dxf
13. Enter
14. [pic]
15. LMB [Select – Highlight (C:)]
16. [pic]
17. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
18. [pic]
19. Type – Netcheck Dos
20. Enter
21. [pic]
22. LMB [Select – “+” to the left of padspwr]
23. LMB [Select – Highlight - Cam]
24. [pic]
25. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
26. [pic]
27. Type – CAM Files CAM Plane
28. [pic]
29. Enter
30. LMB [Select – Highlight - Cam]
31. [pic]
32. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
33. [pic]
34. Type - CAM Files Custom Thermal
35. [pic]
36. Enter
37. LMB [Select – Highlight - Cam]
38. [pic]
39. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
40. [pic]
41. Type - CAM Files Split-Mixed Plane
42. [pic]
43. Enter
44. LMB [Select – Highlight - files
45. [pic]
46. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
47. [pic]
48. Type – 2D-Lines
49. [pic]
50. Enter
51. LMB [Select – Highlight - files
52. [pic]
53. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
54. [pic]
55. Type – Specctra Do Files
56. [pic]
57. Enter
58. LMB [Select – Highlight - files
59. [pic]
60. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
61. [pic]
62. Type – Standard Board Outlines
63. [pic]
64. Enter
65. LMB [Select – “+” to the left of Files]
66. LMB [Select – Highlight - Standard Board Outlines
67. [pic]
68. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
69. [pic]
70. Type – Start Files Specifications
71. [pic]
72. Enter
73. LMB [Select – Highlight - files
74. [pic]
75. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
76. [pic]
77. Type – Start Files CAM Plane
78. [pic]
79. Enter
80. LMB [Select – Highlight - files
81. [pic]
82. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
83. [pic]
84. Type – Start Files Custom Thermals
85. [pic]
86. Enter
87. LMB [Select – Highlight - files
88. [pic]
89. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
90. [pic]
91. Type – Start Files Split-Mixed Plane
92. [pic]
93. Enter
94. LMB [Select – Highlight – powerpcb
95. [pic]
96. LMB [Select – File – New – Folder]
97. [pic]
98. Type – Color Configurations
99. [pic]
100. Enter
101. Directory structure should match below.
102. [pic]
103. LMB [Select – Highlight – lib]
104. [pic]
105. LMB [Select – Edit – Select All]
106. [pic]
107. CTRL\LMB [Select (deselect) – usr.il4, usrln4, usr.pd4, usr.pt4]
108. [pic]
109. LMB [Select – File – Delete]
110. [pic]
111. LMB [Select – Yes]
112. [pic]
113. LMB [Select – Highlight – files]
114. [pic]
115. LMB [Select – Tools – Find – File or Folders…]
116. [pic]
117. LMB [Select – Named: Type – Pwrd*]
118. [pic]
119. LMB [Select – Find Now]
120. LMB [Select – Top file – Hold the Shift Key and Select the last file]
121. [pic]
122. Delete
123. LMB [Yes]
124. [pic]
125. LMB [Select – Named: - Type - Prev*]
126. [pic]
127. LMB [Select – Find Now]
128. LMB [Select – Top file – Hold the Shift Key and Select the last file]
129. [pic]
130. Delete
131. LMB [Yes]
132. [pic]
133. LMB [In the Find Dialog Box - Select – File – Close]
134. [pic]
135. From CD or floppy copy following files to appropriate directory:
X:\Netcheck Dos C:\Netcheck Dos
X:\Padspwr\Cam\Cam Files Cam Plane C:\Padspwr\Cam\Cam Files Cam Plane
X:\Padspwr\Cam\Cam Files Custom Thermal C:\Padspwr\Cam\Cam Files Custom Thermal
X:\Padspwr\Cam\Cam Files Split-Mixed Plane C:\Padspwr\Cam\ Cam Files Split-Mixed Plane
X:\Padspwr\Files\2D-Lines C:\Padspwr\Files\2D-Lines
X:\Padspwr\Files\Specctra Do Files C:\Padspwr\Files\Specctra Do Files
X:\Padspwr\Files\Standard Board Outlines C:\Padspwr\Files\Standard Board Outlines
X:\Padspwr\Files\Standard Board Outlines\Specifications C:\Padspwr\Files\Standard Board Outlines\Specifications
X:\Padspwr\Files\Start Files CAM Plane C:\Padspwr\Files\Start Files CAM Plane
X:\Padspwr\Files\Start Files Custom Thermals C:\Padspwr\Files\Start Files Custom Thermals
X:\Padspwr\Files\Start Files Split-Mixed Plane C:\Padspwr\Files\Start Files Split-Mixed Plane
X:\Padspwr\Lib C:\Padspwr\Lib
X:\Padspwr\Ole\Vbscripts C:\Padspwr\Ole\Vbscripts
X:\Padspwr\Powerpcb C:\Padspwr\Powerpcb
X:\Padspwr\Powerpcb\Color Configurations C:\Padspwr\Powerpcb\Color Configurations
136. If copying from a CD all files copied must have “read only” turned off by following the next 9 steps. Otherwise skip to line 81.
137. LMB [MB – Edit – Select All]
138. [pic]
139. LMB [MB – File – Properties]
140. [pic]
141. [pic]
142. LMB [Select – Turn off – Read-only]
143. [pic]
144. LMB [OK]
145. Continue thru every directory that files from the CD were copied by using properties and change read-only to off.
146. LMB [Select – Start]
147. [pic]
148. LMB [Select – Programs – PADS-PowerPCB – PowerPCB]
149. [pic]
150. LMB [MB - File/Open]
151. [pic] or [pic]
152. LMB [Select – Highlight – Start]
153. [pic]
154. LMB [Select – Open]
155. LMB [Select file - CT_Start04A.pcb] (C:\Padspwr\Files\Start Files Custom Thermals\CT_Start04A.pcb)
156. [pic]
157. LMB [Open]
158. LMB [MB - File/Save As]
159. [pic]
160. LMB [In the File Open Dialog Box - Select Button – Up One Level]
161. [pic]
162. Save in: window should show directory – “Files”
163. LMB [Select – File name: window]
164. LMB CD [Highlight CT_Start04A.pcb]
165. Type - Demo.pcb
166. [pic]
167. LMB [Save]
168. LMB [MB –File/Library]
169. [pic]
170. LMN [Select - Lib List…]
171. [pic]
172. LMB [Select – C:\padspwr\lib\preview]
173. LMB [Select – Remove]
174. [pic]
175. Continue LMB [Select – Remove] until all libraries have been removed except for C:\padspwr\lib\usr
176. LMB [Select – Add]
177. [pic]
178. LMB [Select – 2D-Lines]
179. [pic]
180. LMB [Select – Open]
181. [pic]
182. Continue Adding all the new library file by repeating the last three steps
183. LMB [Select – Up or Down] Move the libraries up and down to arrange them in the following order:
184. LMB [Select – OK]
185. [pic]
186. [pic]
187. LMB [Select – Parts] Button
188. [pic]
189. LMB [Select - Library: - SMM]
190. [pic]
191. LMB [Select – Edit]
192. [pic]
193. LMB [Select Tab – General]
194. [pic]
195. LMB [Select Logic Family – Families…]
196. [pic]
197. LMB [Select – Add]
198. Type – FID (Capital Letters)
199. [pic]
200. TAB (Tab Keyboard Key)
201. Type – FD (Capital Letters)
202. [pic]
203. LMB [Select – Add]
204. Type – MTG (Capital Letters)
205. [pic]
206. TAB (Tab Keyboard Key)
207. Type – MH (Capital Letters)
208. [pic]
209. LMB [OK]
210. [pic]
211. Select [OK]
212. [pic]
213. LMB [Select – Close]
214. LMB [MB - File/CAM]
215. [pic]
216. [pic]
217. LMB [Select – Add]
218. LMB [Select Output Device – PEN]
219. [pic]
220. LMB [Select – Device Setup]
221. [pic]
222. LMB [Select – Device: - Scroll to and Select - HP-7585]
223. [pic]
224. LMB [Select – Blue]
225. LMB [Select – Pen Colors # 2]
226. [pic]
227. LMB [Select – Red]
228. LMB [Select – Pen Colors # 3]
229. [pic]
230. LMB [Select – Green]
231. LMB [Select – Pen Colors # 4]
232. [pic]
233. LMB [Select – Cyan]
234. LMB [Select – Pen Colors # 5]
235. [pic]
236. LMB [Select – Magenta]
237. LMB [Select – Pen Colors # 6]
238. [pic]
239. LMB [Select – Yellow]
240. LMB [Select – Pen Colors # 7]
241. [pic]
242. LMB [Select – Brown]
243. LMB [Select – Pen Colors # 8]
244. [pic]
245. LMB [OK]
246. [pic]
247. LMB [Cancel]
248. [pic]
249. LMB [Close]
250. LMB [MB – Tools/Decal Editor]
251. [pic]
252. LMB [MB – Setup/Display Colors…]
253. [pic]
| |Layer Description |Design Items |Labels |Outlines |
|Laye| | | | |
|r # | | | | |
| | | Pads | Traces| Vias | Lines | Text | Copper| Errors| Ref. | Type | | | Top | Bottom|
| | | | | | | | | |Des. | |Attribut|Keepouts| | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |es | | | |
|1 |Top |RBlue |RBlue |Gray |White© |Blue |Blue |White |Gray |Aqua |RBlue |SkBlu |Gray | |
| |Bottom |Red |Red |Gray |Mauve |Red |Mauve |White |Aqua |Aqua |Red |Salmn | |Aqua |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| |1st Ground Plane |DGren |DGren |Gray |DGren |DGren |DGren |White | | |DGren |DGren | | |
| |2nd Ground Plane |Teal |Teal |Gray |Teal |Teal |Teal |White | | |Teal |Teal | | |
| |3rd Ground Plane |Olive |Olive |Gray |Olive |Olive |Olive |White | | |Olive |Olive | | |
| |4th Ground Plane |Green |Green |Gray |Green |Green |Green |White | | |Green |Green | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| |1st Voltage Plane |Purple |Purple |Gray |Purple |Purple |Purple |White | | |Purple |Purple | | |
| | | | | | |wn | | | | | | | | |
| |2nd Voltage Plane |Orang |Orang |Gray |Orang |Orang |Orang |White | | |Orang |Orang | | |
| |3rd Voltage Plane |Brown |Brown |Gray |Brown |Brown |Brown |White | | |Brown |Brown | | |
| |4th Voltage Plane |Pink |Pink |Gray |Pink |Pink |Pink |White | | |Pink |Pink | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| |1st Inner Trace Layer Pair |Mgnta |Mgnta |Gray |Mgnta |Mgnta |Mgnta |White | | |Mgnta |Mgnta | | |
| |Top & Bottom |Cyan |Cyan |Gray |Cyan |Cyan |Cyan |White | | |Cyan |Cyan | | |
| |2nd Inner Trace Layer Pair |BGren |BGren |Gray |BGren |BGren |BGren |White | | |BGren |BGren | | |
| |Top & Bottom |Rust |Rust |Gray |Rust |Rust |Rust |White | | |Rust |Rust | | |
| |3rd Inner Trace Layer Pair |CdBlu |CdBlu |Gray |CdBlu |CdBlu |CdBlu |White | | |CdBlu |CdBlu | | |
| |Top & Bottom |Apple |Apple |Gray |Apple |Apple |Apple |White | | |Apple |Apple | | |
| |4th Inner Trace Layer Pair |Beige |Beige |Gray |Beige |Beige |Beige |White | | |Beige |Beige | | |
| |Top & Bottom |DPink |DPink |Gray |DPink |DPink |DPink |White | | |DPink |DPink | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|19 |Layer_19 | | | |Yellw |Gray | | | | | | | | |
|20 |Layer_20 | | | |Mgnta | | | | | | | |Mgnta |Yellw |
|21 |Solder Mask Top |DBlue | |DBlue |DBlue |DBlue |DBlue | | | |DBlue |DBlue | | |
|22 |Paste Mask Bottom |Mstrd | |Mstrd |Mstrd |Mstrd |Mstrd | | | |Mstrd |Mstrd | | |
|23 |Paste Mask Top |Pwnkl | |Pwnkl |Pwnkl |Pwnkl |Pwnkl | | | |Pwnkl |Pwnkl | | |
|24 |Drill Drawing | | | |Cyan |Cyan |Cyan | | | |Cyan |Cyan |Cyan |Cyan |
|25 |Layer_25 |DGray | |DGray |DGray |DGray |DGray | | | |DGray |DGray | | |
|26 |Silkscreen Top | | | |Gray |Gray |Gray | | | |Gray |Gray | | |
|27 |Assembly Drawing Top |Orang | | |Orang |Orang |Orang | |Orang | |Orang |Orang |Orang | |
|28 |Solder Mask Bottom |SkBlu | |SkBlu |SkBlu |SkBlu |SkBlu | | | |SkBlu |SkBlu e | | |
|29 |Silkscreen Bottom | | | |Aqua |Aqua |Aqua | | | |Aqua |Aqua | | |
|30 |Assembly Drawing Bottom |Turqs | | |Turqs |Turqs |Turqs | |Turqs | |Turqs |Turqs | |Turqs |
|Background |Black | | |
|Selections |White | | |
|Highlight |Yellow | | |
First 16 Color Set Second 16 Color Set
|No. |Abbre |Color Name |No. |Abbre |Color Name |No. |Abbre |Color Name |No. |Abbre |Color Name |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
|1 |Black |Black |9 |Gray |Gray |17 |Mstrd |Mustard |25 |Beige |Beige |
|2 |DBlue |Dark Blue |10 |RBlue |Royal Blue |18 |Turqs |Turquoise |26 |Blue |Blue |
|3 |DGren |Dark Green |11 |BGren |Bright Green |19 |Green |Green |27 |Apple |Apple |
|4 |Teal |Teal |12 |Cyan |Cyan |20 |Aqua |Aqua |28 |Skblu |Sky Blue |
|5 |Brown |Brown |13 |Red |Red |21 |Salmn |Salmon |29 |Mauve |Mauve |
|6 |Purple |Purple |14 |Mgnta |Magenta |22 |CdBlu |Cadet Blue |30 |Pwnkl |Periwinkle |
|7 |Olive |Olive |15 |Yellw |Yellow |23 |Rust |Rust |31 |Orang |Orange |
|8 |DGray |Dark Gray |16 |White |White |24 |DPink |Dark Pink |32 |Pink |Pink |
254. [pic]
255. LMB [OK]
256. LMB [MB – File/Exit Decal Editor]
257. [pic]
258. [pic]
259. LMB [NO]
260. LMB [MB – File/Exit]
261. [pic]
262. Note: If you do not like using Notepad as a text editor you can change it to WordPad by calling out write.exe when installing PowerPCB. The executable Program name for WordPad is write.exe, this is the name it had in Windows 3.11. The main reason to change from Notepad to Wordpad is because Notepad does not have a replace feature. The second and probably easiest way to change this editor from Notepad to WordPad is to follow the next few steps.
263. LMB [Select – Start]
264. [pic]
265. LMB [Select – Programs – Windows Explorer]
266. [pic]
267. [pic]
268. LMB [Select – The file folder to the left of padspwr]
269. [pic]
270. LMB [Use the scroll bar in the right window to find the file name – powerpcb.ini]
271. [pic]
272. LMB DC [Select – Double click powerpcb.ini]
273. LMB [Select – Highlight the word – notepad.exe about eleven lines down]
274. [pic]
275. Type – write.exe
276. [pic]
277. LMB [Select – File\Save]
278. [pic]
279. LMB [Select – File\Exit]
280. [pic]
281. LMB [Select – File\Exit in all your programs and reboot the computer]
In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.
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