









January 25, 2017






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The Commonwealth will make every effort to adhere to the following schedule:

|Activity |Responsibility |Date |

|Deadline to submit questions via email to RA-PDISTOPROCUREMENT@ with the |Bidders |2/3/2017 |

|subject line “IFB 6100041436 Question” | | |

|Please monitor the eMarketplace website for all communications regarding this IFB. |Bidders |Ongoing |

|Bids must be received by the Issuing Office at: |Bidders |2/16/2016 |

|PASupplierPortal website () no later than | |12:00 PM |

|this date. | | |



1. Purpose

This Invitation for Bids ("IFB") provides to those interested in submitting bids for the subject procurement ("Bidders") sufficient information to enable them to prepare and submit bids for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) consideration on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ("Commonwealth") to satisfy a need for Bridge Engineering Software maintenance and support ("Project").

2. Issuing Office

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, ("Issuing Office") has issued this IFB on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (“Commonwealth”). The sole point of contact in the Commonwealth for this IFB is Jamie Zarr (RA-PDISTOPROCUREMENT@), 400 North St., 8th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17120, the Issuing Officer for this IFB. Please refer all inquiries to the Issuing Officer.

The Issuing Officer is the sole point of contact concerning this IFB. Any violation of this condition may be cause for the Issuing Office to reject the offending Bidder’s bid. If the Issuing Office later discovers that the Bidder has engaged in any violations of this condition, the Issuing Office may reject the offending Bidder’s bid or rescind its contract award. A Bidder must not distribute any part of its bid beyond the Issuing Office. Any Bidder who shares information contained in its bid with other Commonwealth personnel and/or competing Bidder personnel may be cause for the Issuing Office to reject the offending Bidder’s bid.

3. Method of Award

An award will be made to the lowest cost responsive and responsible Bidder ("Contractor") that meets the requirements described in Part II.

The Contract resulting from this IFB will not be an exclusive contract. The Commonwealth will not cancel existing contracts and reserves the right to enter into new contracts which are similar in scope.

4. Bid Submission

Bids must be submitted electronically via the PASupplierPortal website on or before the due date specified in the Calendar of Events. Any bid submitted to the Issuing Office in hardcopy format will be rejected. The following documentation must be completed and returned with a Bidder’s bid:

• Appendix B, Cost Matrix.

Failure to submit the documentation listed above will result in the bid being rejected. The submission of any documentation other than what is listed above may result in the bid being rejected.

5. Bidder Eligibility

To be eligible to submit a bid, a Bidder must meet the requirements described in Part II, Specifications.

6. Term

The Contract resulting from this IFB will commence on the effective date, as defined in Appendix A, IT Contract Terms and Conditions and will expire after two (2) years. The Contracting Office may renew the Contract, at the Commonwealth’s sole discretion, for up to three (3) additional years, in single-year or multiple-year increments, by written notification provided to the Contractor.

7. Terms and Conditions

The requirements and terms and conditions of Appendix A, IT Contract Terms and Conditions shall govern any Contract or Purchase Order resulting from this IFB. The terms under which the resulting Contract shall be governed are not negotiable.

8. Pre-bid Conference

There will be no pre-bid conference for this IFB. If there are any questions, please forward them to the Issuing Officer in accordance with Section I-9.

9. Questions and Answers

If a Bidder has any questions regarding this IFB, the Bidder must submit the questions via email (with the subject line "IFB 6100041436 Question") to the email address specified in the Calendar of Events. If the Bidder has questions, they must be submitted via email no later than the date and time specified in the Calendar of Events. The Bidder shall not attempt to contact the Issuing Officer by any other means. The Issuing Officer will post the answers to the eMarketplace website. A Bidder who submits a question after the deadline date for receipt of questions indicated on the Calendar of Events assumes the risk that its bid will not be responsive or competitive because the Commonwealth is not able to respond before the bid receipt date or in sufficient time for the Bidder to prepare a responsive or competitive bid. When submitted after the deadline date for receipt of questions indicated on the Calendar of Events, the Issuing Officer may respond to questions of an administrative nature by directing the questioning Bidder to specific provisions in the IFB. To the extent that the Issuing Office decides to respond to a non-administrative question after the deadline date for receipt of questions indicated on the Calendar of Events, the answer will be provided to all Bidders through an addendum.

All questions and responses as posted on the eMarketplace website are considered as an addendum to, and part of, this IFB. Each Bidder shall be responsible to monitor the eMarketplace website for new or revised IFB information. The Issuing Office shall not be bound by any verbal information nor shall it be bound by any written information that is not either contained within the IFB or formally issued as an addendum by the Issuing Office. The Issuing Office does not consider questions to be a protest of the specifications or of the solicitation.

10. Addenda to IFB

If the Issuing Office deems it necessary to revise any part of this IFB before the due date, the Issuing Office will post an addendum to the eMarketplace website. Answers to the questions asked during the questions and answer period will also be posted to the eMarketplace website as an addendum to the IFB.

11. Electronic Version of IFB

This IFB is being made available by electronic means. The Bidder acknowledges and accepts full responsibility to ensure that no changes are made to the IFB. In the event of a conflict between a version of the IFB in the Bidder's possession and the Issuing Office's version of the IFB, the Issuing Office's version shall govern.

12. Response Date

A Bidder’s electronic bid must be submitted via the PASupplierPortal website on or before the due date specified in the Calendar of Events. Any bid submitted to the Issuing Office in hardcopy format will be rejected.

13. Incurring Costs

The Issuing Office is not liable for any costs the Bidder incurs in preparation and submission of its bid, in participating in the IFB process or in anticipation of award of a contract and/or purchase order.

14. Restriction of Contact

From the issue date of this IFB until the Issuing Office selects a bid for award, the Issuing Officer is the sole point of contact concerning this IFB. Any violation of this condition may be cause for the Issuing Office to reject the offending bidders bid. If the Issuing Office later discovers that the bidder has engaged in any violations of this condition, the Issuing Office may reject the offending bidders bid or rescind its contract award. Bidders must agree not to distribute any part of their bids beyond the Issuing Office. Any bidder who shares information contained in its bid with other Commonwealth personnel and/or competing bidder personnel may be disqualified.

15. Confidential Information

The Commonwealth is not requesting, and does not require, confidential proprietary information or trade secrets to be included as part of bids for this IFB. Accordingly, Bidders should not label bid submissions as confidential or proprietary or trade secret protected. Bid submissions, including submissions presented within 10 days of award, that display such labeling will be rejected.

16. Account Management

The Contractor must provide a dedicated Account Manager who will be the main point of contact for all requests, and will be responsible for the coordination of all orders and the resolution of any issues. The Issuing Office will consider the Account Manager to be the sole point of contact with regard to Contractual and Purchase Order matters.

17. Prime Contractor Responsibilities

The Contractor assumes responsibility for all services offered, regardless whether the services are produced by the Contractor or by a subcontractor.

18. Resources

The Contractor must provide all services, supplies, facilities, and other support necessary to complete the identified work for the Project.

19. Discussions for Clarification

Bidders may be required to make an oral or written clarification of their bid to the Issuing Office to ensure thorough mutual understanding and bidder responsiveness to the solicitation requirements. The Issuing Office will initiate requests for clarification. Clarifications may occur at any stage of the process, prior to awarding the lowest cost responsive and responsible Bidder.

20. Information Technology Policies (ITP)

This IFB is subject to the Information Technology Policies (“ITP”) issued by the Office of Administration, Office for Information Technology (“OA-OIT”). ITP’s may be found at

All bids must be submitted on the basis that all ITPs are applicable to this procurement. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to read and be familiar with the ITPs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Bidder believes that any ITP is not applicable to this procurement, it must list all such ITPs in its bid, and explain why it believes the ITP is not applicable. The Issuing Office may, in its sole discretion, accept or reject any request that an ITP not be considered to be applicable to the procurement. The Bidder’s failure to list an ITP will result in its waiving its right to do so later, unless the Issuing Office, in its sole discretion, determines that it would be in the best interest of the Commonwealth to waive the pertinent ITP.

21. Protest Procedures

A. Who May File the Protest:

Any Bidder or prospective Bidder who is aggrieved in connection with the IFB or award of the contract solicitation or award of a contract may file a protest. Protests relating to cancellation of invitations for bids and protests relating to the rejection of all bids are not permitted. A Bidder is a person that submits a bid in response to the IFB. A prospective Bidder is a person that has not submitted a bid in response to the IFB.

B. Time for Filing:

1. If a protest is submitted by a prospective Bidder, the protest must be filed before bid opening time or proposal receipt date.

2. If a protest is filed by a Bidder, the protest must be filed within seven days after the protesting Bidder knew or should have known of the facts giving rise to the protest except that in no event may a protect be filed later than seven (7) days after the date the contract or purchase order was awarded. Date of filing is the date of receipt of protest.

3. Untimely filed protests must be disregarded.

C. Form of Protest:

1. A protest must be in writing and filed with the agency head (or designee) of the purchasing agency.

2. A protest must state all grounds upon which the protesting party asserts that the solicitation or award was improper. Issues not raised by the protesting party in the protest are deemed waived and may not be raised on appeal.

3. The protesting party may submit with the protest any documents or information deemed relevant.

D. Notice of Protest:

If award has been made, the agency head (or designee) must notify the successful Bidder or contractor of the protest. If the protest is received before award and substantial issues are raised by the protest, all Bidders who appear to have a substantial and reasonable prospect of winning the award must be notified and may file their agreement/disagreement with the purchasing agency within three (3) days after receipt of notice of the protest.

E. Stay of Procurement:

The head of the purchasing agency (or designee) must immediately decide, upon receipt of the protest, whether or not the solicitation or award must be stayed, or if the protest is timely received after the award, whether the performance of the contract should be suspended. The Issuing Office must not proceed further with the IFB or with the award of the contract, and must suspend performance under the contract if awarded, unless the agency head of the purchasing agency makes a written determination that the protest is clearly without merit or that award of the contract/purchase order without delay is necessary to protect the substantial interests of the Commonwealth.

F. Procedures:

1. Contracting Officer Response:

Within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of a protest, the contracting officer may submit a written response to the head of the purchasing agency (or designee). The response may include any documents or information that the contracting officer deems relevant to the protest.

2. Protesting Party Reply:

Within ten (10) days of the date of the contracting officer response, the protesting party may file a written reply.

3. Review:

The head of the purchasing agency (or designee) must:

a. Review the protest and any response or reply.

b. Request and review any additional documents or information he deems necessary to render a decision.

c. Give the protesting party and the contracting officer reasonable opportunity to review and address any additional documents or information requested by the agency head.

d. In his sole discretion, conduct a hearing.

e. Within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the protest, issue a written determination stating the reasons for the decision.

f. If additional time is required to investigate the protest, inform the protesting party of the additional time needed to render a determination and obtain the protesting party's consent.

4. "Clearly Without Merit" Determinations:

If the head of the purchasing agency (or designee) determines, upon receipt, that the protest is clearly without merit and does not stay the procurement, the head of the purchasing agency (or designee) must immediately issue the decision as required by Section 8. Decisions.

G. Settlement:

The Issuing Office has the authority to settle and resolve bid protests.

H. Decision:

The head of the purchasing agency (or designee) must promptly, but in no event later than sixty (60) days from the filing of the protest, issue a written decision. The decision must:

1. State the reasons for the decision.

2. If the protest is denied, inform the protesting party of its right to file an appeal in Commonwealth Court within fifteen (15) days of the mailing date of the decision.

3. If it is determined that the solicitation or award was contrary to law, enter an appropriate order.

The agency head (or designee) must send a copy of the decision to the protesting party and any other person determined by the agency head (or designee) to be affected by the decision.

22. Bidding Reference Material

Registration Guide

Bidding Guide

Attaching Documents

Electronic Bidding Portal



1. Nature and Scope of the Project

The resulting contract will address the needed support, maintenance and modifications to PennDOT’s Bridge Engineering Software due to the ever-changing technical design criteria and standards (AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications and PennDOT’s design manuals, specifications and design standards).

The contract covers, but is not limited to the following applications: ABLRFD (LRFD Abutment and Retaining Wall Analysis and Design), BPLRFD (LRFD Bearing Pad Design and Analysis), BXLRFD (LRFD Box Culvert Design and Rating), ENGASST (Engineering Assistant), ENGMGR (Engineering Dataset Manager), FBLRFD (LRFD Floorbeam Analysis and Rating), PSLRFD (LRFD Prestressed Concrete Girder Design and Rating), SIGNLRFD (LRFD Sign Structure Analysis), SPLRFD (LRFD Steel Girder Splice Design and Analysis), STLRFD (LRFD Steel Girder Design and Rating) and TRLRFD (LRFD Truss Analysis and Rating). Additional work may be assigned, if needed, for other applications in PennDOT’s Bridge Engineering Software library.

Software Background:

PennDOT has developed and maintained Engineering Software for bridge and highway design since the late 1960’s. PennDOT began licensing the software to outside agencies and private consultants in 1987. With the advent of CADD, many of the highway applications were no longer needed. Subsequently, the focus turned to bridge design and analysis software. In 1993, a Bureau of Design directive to implement the AASHTO LRFD Specifications and metric units required a rewrite of much of PennDOT’s bridge design software. Until that time, most of the software development and maintenance was done in-house. Due to the workload with existing Load Factor Design (LFD) software, most of the new development work was done by consultants. This essentially doubled PennDOT’s Engineering Software library. Currently, there are over 6000 software licenses for the 24 applications. The Bureau of Business Solutions and Services’ (BBSS) current Engineering Software Section staff cannot handle the ongoing development and maintenance needs of all the applications.


1. The selected Bidder shall provide facilities, computers, software, software licenses, telephones and any other office equipment necessary to perform the required tasks.

2. The selected Bidder is required to use software versions that are compatible with the software versions that PennDOT is using. All work must be saved in a format that is easily accessible by PennDOT without conversion. Currently PennDOT uses the following versions of software, but may upgrade software versions at their discretion. PennDOT will notify the selected Bidder at least 90 days in advance of any software changes.

• Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013.

• Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 (Microsoft .Net Framework v4.5).

• Microsoft Visual Basic 2012.

• Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, 2015 Release | Version 2015.017.20050.

• InstallShield 2015 Professional Edition.

A. Staff Requirements:

1. Contract Manager:

The selected Bidder’s Contract Manager shall be responsible for the administration of and all work performed under the resulting contract (as described in Section IV-5 TASKS), and shall be the primary point of contact between the selected Bidder and PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section Manager. The Contract Manager shall meet the following requirements.

• 10 years project management experience.

• 5 years experience managing IT projects.

2. Technical Contract Manager:

The selected Bidder’s Technical Contract Manager shall be responsible for all of the selected Bidder’s engineering recommendations and decisions on this contract. The Technical Contract Manager shall meet the following requirements:

• 10 years Bridge Design Engineer experience.

• Five (5) years PennDOT Bridge Design experience.

• Registered Professional Engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

3. Support Services Personnel:

Each individual to be used for the support services task (as described in Section IV-5 TASKS), shall meet the following requirements:

• Two (2) years Bridge Design experience.

• Registered Professional Engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or supervised by a registered Professional Engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

4. Software Development Testing and Verification Personnel:

Each individual to be used for the Software Development Testing and Verification task (as described in Section IV-5 TASKS), shall meet the following requirements:

• Five (5) years Bridge Design Engineer experience.

• Registered Professional Engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or supervised by a registered Professional Engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

5. Software Development and Maintenance Personnel:

Each individual to be used for Computer software development and maintenance personnel shall meet the following requirements:

• Five (5) years experience in Software development and maintenance.

• Although preferable that all computer software support and development personnel be experienced bridge design engineers, at a minimum, all computer software support and development personnel working on this contract shall be directed by and overseen by experienced bridge design engineers who are registered Professional Engineers licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and who have bridge design experience on PennDOT bridge design projects.

The selected Bidder’s computer software development and maintenance team as a whole shall meet the following requirements:

• Familiar with Fortran, Visual Basic, XML, and HTML.

• Familiar with the following software:

o Intel Visual Fortran Professional Edition.

o Microsoft Visual Studio.

o Microsoft Visual Basic.

o Adobe Acrobat Professional.

o InstallShield Professional.

o Microsoft Internet Information Services 8.

o Lyris List Manager Software.

The selected Bidder’s personnel may serve in multiple roles as long as they meet all the requirements specified for each role.

The Bidder’s bid must include a completed Appendix C, Personnel Qualifications Form, for all personnel proposed to be used on this contract.

No personnel can be added to work on this contract without the written approval of PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section Manager.


The tasks below represent the work that will be required under this contract and as such are being used to evaluate bid responses. Any additional work performed will be at the rates submitted as part of Appendix B, Cost Matrix.

There are two (2) fixed-schedule tasks described below related to knowledge transfer: transition/implementation (at the start of the contract) and turnover (at the end of the contract). In addition, there are three (3) major tasks identified for this contract: project management; support services; and software development and maintenance services. For each major task, work will be prioritized, scheduled and assigned by PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section Manager in coordination with PennDOT’s Bridge Design and Technology Division (Bridge Division). The selected Bidder should not anticipate a uniform distribution of work throughout the contract period.

For the major tasks identified for this contract, meetings, such as Release Planning Meetings and the Review and Status Meetings, may be required. Most meetings will be held in the Harrisburg, PA area. The selected Bidder’s travel costs to attend these required meetings are to be included as part of the Travel & Subsistence line item cost of the Appendix B, Cost Matrix.

The selected Bidder shall accomplish the objectives through the following tasks.

A. Transition/Implementation Task

1. Kick Off meeting: Upon being given a Notice to Proceed, the selected Bidder shall attend a full one-day contract kick-off meeting to be held in Harrisburg. Members of the selected Bidder's team and PennDOT representatives will discuss in detail the requirements of the contract, and the selected Bidder shall provide a proposed plan of action and bring up any issues or items that require clarification or guidance.

2. Transition: Develop and implement a 30-day knowledge transition work plan to assume service and maintenance activities currently being handled by the incumbent contractor. The key objectives to this task are:

a. Successfully coordinate with PennDOT or incumbent contractor to obtain knowledge transfer and smooth transition of responsibilities.

b. Transition work material such as software, system documentation and development support tools.

c. Transition websites and list server data and services.

d. Transition knowledge related to managing application lifecycles.

e. Accomplish transition within 30 days of receipt of an executed Purchase Order).

f. Manage an orderly transition without disruption of service to users or clients.

g. Update the detailed transition work plan to reflect adjustments made during the transition task.

3. Final Transition Report: At the end of the transition task, the selected Bidder must prepare a report that documents the completion of the transition activities and provides the status of each high-level task and activity that took place during the transition period.

Transition/Implementation Task Reporting:

1. Proposed plan of action

2. Transition work plan

3. Updated work plan (with deliverables and performance standards)

4. Final Transition Report

B. Project Management Task

The selected Bidder must provide Contract Management to ensure a quality product in a timely manner. Close coordination and an understanding of PennDOT's needs are essential throughout the contract.

The selected Bidder’s Contract Manager for this agreement shall supervise and oversee the progress of this contract to meet PennDOT’s objective and to maintain the project budget and schedule. The Contract Manager is responsible for the specific items listed below:

1. Perform scoping assessments using a measurement system to determine the scale of maintenance needs for an application and that will be used throughout this contract for planning, estimating, executing and monitoring maintenance related activities.

2. Coordination of the resources assigned to work on this project.

3. Coordination of the production and submission of final deliverables.

4. Scheduling and attending various review meetings with PennDOT.

5. General coordination with PennDOT and the Engineering Software Section Manager.

Along with updated work schedules, the selected Bidder must submit the costs and man-hours expended during that month. Monthly status reports, which cover all activities and summary of contract progress, must be prepared and submitted to PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section Manager. Monthly reports must be submitted within ten (10) calendar days of the month’s end.

Project Management Task Reporting:

1. Application and scope assessment report.

2. Monthly Reports.

a) Work Schedules

b) Costs and man-hours expended

c) Status Reports

The Bidder’s bid should estimate 400 hours for Project Management per year. The hours provided are estimates based on historical data used for evaluation purposes only. The estimates provided are not a guarantee of hours of service to be provided or payment under the resulting contract.

C. Support Services

Provide supplemental support services for the production versions of PennDOT’s Engineering Software. Support services typically fall into one of the following categories:

1. User Support.

2. Documentation and Investigation of Reported Issues.

3. PennDOT Engineering Software Support Website Maintenance.

4. PennDOT Engineering Software List Server Maintenance.

A description of the Support Service categories follows:

1. User Support

Provide direct support to the users, compatibility issues, and any other similar services requested by PennDOT's Engineering Software Section Manager.

Direct User Support

When workload does not permit timely response to user questions or problems, PennDOT's Engineering Software Section staff may require the selected Bidder to provide user support by interpreting results or answering other questions with regard to the software. All support and results must be documented by the selected Bidder and provided to PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section Manager.

Compatibility Issues

PennDOT’s Engineering Software is dependent on third party software and operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word, Visio, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Intel Visual Fortran, InstallShield, Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Visual Basic. When new versions of any third party software become available, the possibility exists that PennDOT’s Engineering Software may need to be modified to accommodate updates in the software. When a product is upgraded, a compatibility study will be conducted to determine the impact on PennDOT’s Engineering Software. The new software will be installed on the selected Bidder’s test PC(s) along with the current versions of the software. The software will be tested using the verification examples and a comparison of results will be made between the test system and the current software. The results will be documented by the selected Bidder and provided to PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section Manager. A determination will be made in consultation with PennDOT's Engineering Software Manager of whether an Emergency Release and subsequent verification of the software is required.

2. Documentation and Investigation of Reported Issues

When a user identifies a program issue, the user typically e-mails or calls PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section staff, or sends a Revision Request form provided with the software. PennDOT's Engineering Software Section staff reviews the reported issue, and either investigates the issue to determine the appropriate response to the user, or sends it to the selected Bidder for investigation.

The selected Bidder must log the issue as a problem report. A complete list of all problem reports must be kept by the selected Bidder, and must be made available to PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section staff upon request. The problem reports must include the date the problem was logged, a description of the problem, the type of problem, a copy of all documentation submitted with the reported issue, the proposed resolution of the problem, the estimated effort required to resolve the problem, the steps taken to resolve the problem, and the date the issue was resolved. Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2015 is currently used for reporting and recording issues and problems for applications covered by the current maintenance contract. It is accessed using Team Explorer in Microsoft Visual Studio ( _workitems). The selected vendor is required to host and maintain a website for reporting and recording issues and problems. Any change in issue management software from TFS would require a change to PennDOT’s standard software change management tool. PennDOT’s standard software change management tool is IBM Rational ClearQuest.

When the investigation reveals that there is either an error in an application or a lack of sufficient documentation, the selected Bidder must make recommendations to PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section Manager as to engineering, documentation, and programmatic changes necessary to resolve the problem report. An estimate of the effort required to modify the application or documentation to address the report must also be provided.

Upon completion of the investigation of each problem report, the Engineering Software Section Manager in consultation with the Bridge Division Technical Lead will determine whether the problem report represents a critical issue and requires an Emergency Release to correct the problem or if an e-Notification will suffice to notify the users of the issue until it can be corrected in a Scheduled Release.

Engineering Software e-Notifications are meant to provide program update information and notify users of various program issues. The selected Bidder may be required to provide a draft of the e-Notification. The e-Notification must include the problem statement, the problem workaround if applicable and available, and the problem resolution. The e-Notification will not be issued until approved by the Engineering Software Section Manager in consultation with the Bridge Division Technical Lead. See the List Server Maintenance category for more information on the release/distribution of e-Notifications.

3. PennDOT Engineering Software Support Website Maintenance

A public website () exists for the dissemination of information related to PennDOT Engineering Software. The website also includes a link to a subscription mailing list server. Access to this website is through the Engineering Software link on the PennDOT website home page under “Project and Programs > Bridges > Plans and Specificatiions > PennDOT LRFD and Engineering Programs”. The selected Bidder must continue hosting and maintenance of this public website including updates due to software releases and e-Notifications. All changes to the website must be mocked up using a test website that can be accessed by PennDOT's Engineering Software Section personnel for review. Upon approval from PennDOT's Engineering Software Section Manager, the changes to the website will be made public.

A License Administrator website is also maintained to assign license keys and setup installation package download links for the distribution of software to licensed users. The selected Bidder must continue hosting and maintenance of this website.

Currently, Microsoft Internet Information Services 8 running on Windows Server 2012 is being used for web services.

4. PennDOT Engineering Software List Server Maintenance

The PennDOT Engineering Software list server is available to those that subscribe on the PennDOT Engineering Software Support website which is located at . The selected Bidder must continue to host and maintain the list server for the creation and distribution of new e-Notifications. Currently, Lyris List Manager Software running on Windows Server 2012 is being used.

Engineering Software e-Notifications provide program update information, and notify users of various program issues. Engineering Software e-Notifications are either recommended by the selected Bidder as part of the Support Services Documentation and Investigation of Reported Issues category, or as required by PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section Manager. The e-Notification must include the problem statement, the problem workaround if applicable and available, and the problem resolution. The e-Notification will not be issued until approved by PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section Manager in consultation with the Bridge Division Technical Lead.

The Bidder’s bid should estimate 400 hours of Support Services per year. The hours provided are estimates based on historical data used for evaluation purposes only. The estimates provided are not a guarantee of hours of service to be provided or payment under the resulting contract.

D. Software Development and Maintenance Services

Provide software development and maintenance services for PennDOT’s Bridge Engineering Software. This task includes software enhancements, maintenance and “bug” fixes based on user revision requests and design specification changes.

The Engineering programs are FORTRAN console applications. Engineering Assistant/Dataset Manager is a Visual Basic (.NET) interface that provides a Windows-based environment in which users can prepare input, view output and run the Engineering programs. An estimate of the executable size, the number of routines and the number of lines of code are provided below to show the relative complexity of the applications.

|Application |Size |No. of Routines |Lines of Code |

| |(MB) | | |

|ABLRFD - LRFD Abutment and Retaining Wall Analysis and Design |4.53 |905 |95,608 |

|BPLRFD - LRFD Bearing Pad Design and Analysis |1.62 |356 |23,827 |

|BXLRFD - LRFD Box Culvert Design and Rating |5.34 |1437 |99,631 |

|EngAsst/EngMgr - Engineering Assistant/Dataset Manager |0.37 |- |20,712 |

|FBLRFD - LRFD Floorbeam Analysis and Rating |5.33 |698 |83,530 |

|PSLRFD - LRFD Prestressed Concrete Girder Design and Rating |7.45 |796 |112,603 |

|SIGNLRFD - LRFD Sign Structure Analysis |2.60 |480 |39,624 |

|SPLRFD - LRFD Steel Girder Splice Design and Analysis |2.66 |464 |40,003 |

|STLRFD - LRFD Steel Girder Design and Rating |7.44 |759 |111,822 |

|TRLRFD - LRFD Truss Analysis and Rating |3.94 |495 |61,454 |

|Totals |41.28 |6390 |688,814 |

Releases are scheduled on an annual, biennial or “as needed” basis. Currently, ABLRFD, PSLRFD and STLRFD are scheduled for annual releases. BXLRFD, BPLRFD, FBLRFD and SPLRFD are scheduled for biennial releases. EngAsst, EngMgr, TRLRFD and SIGNLRFD are released on an “as needed” basis.

Release schedules are prepared yearly by the Engineering Software Section Manager and the Bridge Division Software Coordinator. Releases typically consist of 400 to 500 hours of development work. There are typically five (5) to seven (7) releases per year.

The software development and maintenance services typically fall into one of the following categories:

1. Scheduled Release Planning Meetings.

2. Scheduled Release Development.

3. Emergency Release Development.

4. Software Development Testing and Verification.

5. Installation Package Creation and Testing.

6. Software Release Deliverables.

7. Software Release Support.

A description of the Software Development and Maintenance Service categories follows:

1. Scheduled Release Planning Meeting.

Releases are scheduled yearly at the beginning of a 12-month development cycle (date to be determined based contract execution date). The Bridge Division Technical Lead for each application prioritizes the open revisions requests for each application and selects revisions for the next release. The Engineering Software Section Manager and the Bridge Division Software Coordinator prepare a proposed schedule and budget based the selected requests. The selected Bidder will have the opportunity to review the proposed schedule, budget and selected revisions, and suggest adjustments based on resource availability before the schedule is finalized.

During the planning period, the selected Bidder may be required to attend planning meetings with PennDOT’s Software Section Manager and Bridge Division personnel. It is anticipated that most meetings will take place at the Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA. Within three working days after each meeting, the selected Bidder must prepare meeting minutes, including a follow-up items list for both the selected Bidder and PennDOT, and distribute them to all attendees and any other person identified by PennDOT.

2. Scheduled Release Development

After completion of the Release Schedule and Budget, development work can begin. The Contract Manager is responsible for directing development work on the selected revision requests according to the schedule. The categories and descriptions of the work that may be required to resolve the revision requests are summarized below.

Software Code Revisions

Changes made to the application code to address revision requests.

Documentation Revisions

Changes made to User Manuals, System Manuals and Engineering Assistant configuration files. User Manual changes will be made to the Microsoft Word documents and published as Adobe .pdf files for the release documents.

Version Control of Software and Documentation

The selected Bidder is required to use version control software to manage software revisions for this project. Microsoft Team Foundation Server is currently used for version control of all Engineering applications covered by the current Maintenance Contract. Any change in version control software from Microsoft Team Foundation Server would require a change to PennDOT’s standard version control software IBM Rational ClearCase.

Review and Status Meetings

During development of scheduled releases, there may occasionally be a need for meetings with key PennDOT representatives to discuss and review the release development issues. It is anticipated that most meetings will take place at the Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA. Within three working days after any meeting, the selected Bidder must prepare minutes of these meetings, including a follow-up items list for both the selected Bidder and PennDOT, and distribute them to all attendees and any other person identified by PennDOT.

3. Emergency Release Development

An Emergency Release is an unscheduled release to address specific problem reports deemed critical to the continued use of the current version of the application by the Engineering Software Section Manager and the Bridge Division Technical Lead. Emergency Releases are typically provided to users as free downloadable patch from PennDOT’s Engineering Software Support website. The selected Bidder shall make software code revisions and documentation revisions to address the critical issue(s). Additional changes for scheduled revision requests may be included in the Emergency Release at the discretion of the Bridge Division Technical Lead.

4. Software Development Testing and Verification

Before any release, software development testing and verification must be completed by the selected Bidder as described below. A Revision Resolution Report describing the problem, the investigation, the resolution, and the verification must be provided for each revision request.

Scheduled Release:

• Hand Verification. The hand verification will be done for calculations directly affected by the revision(s). This can include the use of spreadsheets and/or MathCAD.

• Electronic Verification. A set of verification examples will be maintained for each application to test all program functionality. These examples will be run with the test version and electronic comparisons will be performed to previous version results. When differences occur, they will be checked to see if the variables are related to a known change.

• Verify EngAsst Configuration Changes. Any changes to the application’s EngAsst configuration files due to documentation or input changes must be verified in EngAsst to ensure correct functionality.

• System Test Fixes. A System Test Version of the new release program will be tested by the selected Bidder’s personnel as a part of the software development process and the verification processes described above. Once System Testing and resolutions have been completed, a User Acceptance Test Version will be prepared for delivery to PennDOT.

• User Acceptance Fixes. A User Acceptance Test Version of the application will be delivered to PennDOT for testing. User Acceptance testing will be performed by Bridge Division personnel. Testers will also provide comments on the revised User Manual and EngAsst configuration changes. Any issues found by the testers will be documented, reviewed by Engineering Software Section personnel, and sent to the selected Bidder at the completion of User Acceptance Testing. The selected Bidder shall address and modify the application as required. The resolution of each report will be documented and submitted to PennDOT’s Engineering Software Section Manager for acceptance. Once the User Acceptance Testing and resolutions have been completed, a new delivery will be sent to PennDOT for Final Acceptance Testing of the software.

• Final Acceptance Fixes. A Final Acceptance Version of the application will be delivered to PennDOT for final approval. Final Acceptance Testing will be performed by Bridge Division personnel. Any remaining issues will be addressed by the selected Bidder. Once the Final Acceptance Testing resolutions have been completed and Bridge Division’s final approval is received, a final production delivery will be sent to PennDOT for implementation.

Emergency Release

Emergency Releases are typically provided for a single critical revision request. Therefore, the verification process described above may be abbreviated based on the complexity of the issue at the discretion of the Engineering Software Section Manager.

5. Installation Package Creation and Testing

The selected Bidder shall prepare and test an InstallShield installation package that will be distributed to licensed user of the application. For Emergency Releases in addition to the standard installation package, an “Update” installation package, which authenticates the user’s license number and version before installing the update, must be provided. The “Update” installation will be posted on the PennDOT Engineering Software Support website as a free download.

6. Software Release Deliverables

A Scheduled or Emergency release of an application will be considered successfully completed upon approval of the software by PennDOT’s Bridge Division. At such time, the selected Bidder shall provide the required release deliverables listed below.

Deliverables for any release version include the following:

a. Installation package - Electronic copy of the InstallShield installation package and setup files. The installation package will sent to licensed users.

b. Source Code – Electronic copy of the complete delivery package including:

i) Application executable files.

ii) Application Source Code including all MS Visual Studio solution files and project files.

iii) All documentation, including the User Manual MS Word and pdf files, Visio figures and System Manual.

iv) Engineering Assistant configuration files.

v) All Revision Resolution Reports, verification examples, hand verifications, and electronic verification files.

vi) InstallShield setup files.

vii) All InstallShield project files.

7. Software Release Support

Upon verification of the release deliverables by the BBSS Engineering Software Section staff, a new version of the application will be released to all PennDOT Districts and to all licensees. The selected Bidder shall support the release by posting release information on the PennDOT Engineering Software Support website, posting the new installation package on the License Administrator website and issuing a release notice to subscribers of the e-Notification List server.

The Bidder’s bid should estimate six (6) scheduled releases with 500 hours of development work per release and one (1) Emergency release with 100 hours of development work per year. Program release costs can be estimated to be 70 hours per release. The hours provided are estimates based on historical data used for evaluation purposes only. The estimates provided are not a guarantee of hours of service to be provided or payment under the resulting contract.

E. Turnover

The selected Bidder shall begin turnover services when PennDOT initiates steps to rebid all or parts of the tasks included in this contract. The selected Bidder shall first develop a turnover plan and follow the steps described in the plan at the predefined triggers during the turnover process.

1. Turnover Plan

The turnover plan must identify the critical tasks that need to occur to provide a smooth and orderly turnover of functions between PennDOT or outgoing contractor as required and the incoming contractor and/or PennDOT staff with minimal disruption to business operations. This turnover plan must be submitted no later than 12 months from the planned Notice-to-Proceed for the Contractor. The work activities associated with this task include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. Activities necessary to turn over the application functions in an orderly manner.

b. Specialized technical transition of applications.

c. Resources required, including those from PennDOT, the selected Bidder and any new contractor.

d. Turnover objectives and work plan activities on a Gantt chart, including activity time frames and responsibilities.

2. Service Turnover

Thirty (30) days prior to expiration of this contract, the selected Bidder is responsible for the delivery of the following:

a. Services to ensure a smooth and orderly transition of functions, programs, responsibilities and services to PennDOT or to another entity specified by the Commonwealth.

b. Turning over the following documents/information:

i) All source code.

ii) Website code and files.

iii) Final user and system documentation.

iv) All assets and artifact in neatly organized, easily navigable and normalized taxonomy.

v) References and operational instructions to technology assets.

vi) General procedures for updating and maintaining applications.

vii) Any information that is currently in use to support application processing.

3. Service Review and Final Turnover Report

At the end of the turnover task transition period, the selected Bidder must prepare a report that documents the completion of the turnover activities and provides the status of each high-level task and activity that took place during the full services period.

Turnover Task Reporting:

a. Turnover plan.

b. Weekly Turnover Progress Reports.

c. Final Turnover Report.


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