Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

Working with Adobe PDF Forms for IRBDownload forms into Adobe Reader 11 or Professional/DC, which are standard now across campus.You must download the form in order to fill it out and use all of the form features. Do not open it in your Web Browser. If you have trouble with this, visit the support page created by UNI Human Resources (since they use PDF fillable forms as well). tips for Adobe Acrobat Reader version 11 (which are similar to DC) from One form box to the nextYou can use the Tab button, or you can click in the box to type in responses.Box SizeThere are no character limits for text in the form boxes, and boxes will scroll with long text. But note that text which is not visible will not print out. Hard copies are no longer needed for IRB review, so scrolling is sufficient for the IRB. But if you need more space in order to print the application for your own purposes, you will have to add an appendix page (and be sure to mark which question the additional text pertains to).Review and Comment - Select View/Comment/Annotations Add Sticky notes – click on the yellow cartoon conversation button the move your cursor to the location where you want to add the comment/note Add Attachments – click on the paperclip, then move your cursor to somewhere in the file and click again. This will open your computer explorer to find the file you want to attach. To Open an AttachmentDouble click on the paper clip wherever you find it in the file.Also, when you add an attachment, a Comment is inserted about it in the Comments List. You can click on that Comment to be taken to where the paper clip is located in the file.Highlighting TextApparently this only works on text outside of the boxes (instructions, headings, etc.)Reply or Delete CommentTo reply, right-click a comment, and choose Reply from the pop-up menu. If you later decide to remove your reply, right-click it, and click Delete.Annotations Panels (from Adobe 11 help page)Annotations panel A. Add Sticky Note ?B. Highlight text?C. Add Text Comment?D. Attach file?E. Record audio?F. Add Stamp tool and menu?G. Insert text at cursor?H. Replace text?I. Strikethrough?J. Underline?K. Add note to text?L. Text Correction Markup? ................

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