MYOB BusinessBasics Tutorial


Getting Started Tutorial



Welcome! This tutorial will give you a quick introduction to MYOB BusinessBasics, and help you understand a few accounting concepts along the way.

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Working through this tutorial We encourage you to set aside some time to complete this tutorial. You don't need to complete all the exercises in one go. However, keep in mind that most exercises in this tutorial build on the ones before them, and therefore must be completed sequentially. For example, you need to complete Exercise 1 (Receive Money) before completing Exercise 3 (Reconcile your bank account). You can stop the tutorial at any time and return to it later. The changes you make to the company file will be saved automatically.

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Printing this tutorial While this tutorial has been designed to be viewed on screen, you can also print it. You should be able to fit two tutorial pages on an A4 page (portrait orientation) if your printer has this feature.

Viewing this tutorial This tutorial is designed to be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. When using Acrobat Reader, you can click the navigation buttons at the bottom of every page to move through the tutorial. Use the Forward button to move to the next page, the Back button to move to the previous


The Company File

The first step to using MYOB BusinessBasics is to create a company file, give it a name and save it on your computer.

Your company file contains all the information that you enter in MYOB BusinessBasics. While some information is stored in other folders on your hard drive (for example, customised reports are saved in the Custom sub-folder on your hard drive), the actual records and transactions are stored in your company file.

The tutorial company file

For the purpose of this tutorial, we have already created a company file. This file is called tutorial.dat.

Open the tutorial file To open the tutorial company file, start MYOB BusinessBasics and click Open in the Welcome window. Open the folder that contains the tutorial company file and double-click the file. A data verification message appears. Click Yes to check the file for errors, and then click OK. When the verification procedure is complete, click OK.

Protecting your company file

As your company file contains your important accounting information, it is vital that you protect it accordingly. Use the tools in MYOB BusinessBasics to ensure your company file is protected and that it is running at peak performance.

Back up your company file Use the Backup command to regularly make copies of your company file to a CD, zip disk or floppy disks. If your company file gets corrupted or is stolen, you will then have a recent copy of your file to continue from.

Check your company file for errors You should routinely check your company file for data corruption. Depending on your preference setting, you will be prompted to run the Verify Company File command each time you open your company file and also before backing up data.

Optimise your company file Use the Optimisation Assistant to keep your company file running at peak performance.

Navigating your MYOB software

Using MYOB BusinessBasics is easy, but you should be familiar with the icons and keyboard commands used in MYOB BusinessBasics that can help you complete tasks quickly.

The command centre The command centre is the central location for MYOB functions, such as sales, banking and accounts.

The icons at the top of the window represent the various command centres in MYOB BusinessBasics. You can move from one command centre to another by clicking these icons. The Sales command centre is shown here.

Notice when you click an icon, the functions of that particular command centre appear in the flowchart below the icons.

From the command centre you can quickly access the reports and transactions you require.

Navigating your MYOB software -- 4


The Lists menu As you set up MYOB BusinessBasics, you will be entering details in many lists, for example, the Cards List, the Accounts List and the Jobs List.

These lists are all located in the Lists menu, accessible from the main menu bar at the top of the MYOB BusinessBasics window.

A white zoom arrow indicates that you can make changes to the detail of the transaction or record.

A grey zoom arrow indicates that either it is not possible to edit the details, or you do not allow editing of transactions once recorded. (You can change this preference in the Security view of the Preferences window.)

Search icons These allow you to open a search list window that contains records you've previously entered in MYOB BusinessBasics, such as customers or shipping methods. You can then select a record from the search list.

zoom arrow

search icon

Zoom arrows These are displayed next to various fields throughout your MYOB software, and allow you to see more detail about a transaction or record.


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