CAD1 - resource no.1


Course Number:FD-0290-05Course Duration:45 hours (total)/4 hours per week


- What is Adobe Illustrator and what can it do?!

- How to make a RESUME/ CV with Adobe Illustrator

- How to make Flatdrawings with Adobe Illustrator

- What is Adobe Photoshop and what can it do?!

- How to create a presentation with POWER POINT

First things first….

What is a Mac and what is a PC? What is Software and what is Hardware?

We call the technical parts of a computer the hardware, things like the processor chip, the graphic card, the sound card, hard drive and very important the memory chips…the Software are the programs and the operating system it’s an abstract term it can only exist while there is hardware to run the software, vice versa hardware can only function when there is software to control it.

Apple Macintosh and the PC are two different computer systems that developed simultaneously over the years, in the beginning the compatibility of them was quite low but nowadays with shared file formats you can easily switch between both systems. Mac’s are widely used in the graphic and design industry since all the programs like Photoshop, Illustrator etc. are developed on Macs for Macs and there fore run faster and more stable, later on they are rewritten for PCs. Mac systems have never been affected by viruses or Trojan horses and hardly ever break down. This luxury comes with a high price tag; Apple Macintosh is the only company to produce Macs and therefore holds the monopole for this product. They pay a lot of attention to the looks and design.

Pc’s usually run on a Windows or sometimes Linux system, while Mac has Mac OS.

This operating system is a huge program under which all the other programs run. Windows Vista is the latest version for Mac its OSX Snow leopard.

PC are mostly used for Office applications and Games, a pc is rather cheap and can be customized in a million different ways, especially the desktop ones.

Microsoft creates all its software for PC and usually later on rewrites them for Mac with a great delay. One reason why there is still no MSN messenger for Mac that supports a Webcam…..


Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard illustration program for print, multimedia, and online graphics. Whether you’re a novice or an illustration expert, Adobe Illustrator offers you the tools you need to get professional-quality results.

As opposed to Photoshop Illustrator does not work with Pixels but with Vectors. Vectors are not made out of little dots but out of mathematical calculations. If you zoom into an illustrator file the quality will always stay the same, therefore you can blow it up or make it smaller as much as you like it without any loss.

Adobe Illustrator excels as an art production tool, whether to designer or technical illustrator producing artwork for print publishing, an artist producing multimedia graphics, or a creator of Web pages or online content. The software provides an unmatched level of precision and control over your artwork and the flexibility to produce anything from small designs to large, complex projects. Adobe Illustrator also provides a consistent work environment with other Adobe applications including Adobe PhotoShop(R) and Adobe PageMaker(R).

1. Set up

To start Adobe Illustrator :

Open Adobe Illustrator

The Adobe Illustrator window appears, with a new file opened for you. You can now work with the new file or open a different file or artwork and start working.

Guide and Grid

To help align text and graphic objects on the page, use background grids or create and display alignment outlines called guides.

Grids normally appear as lines or dots behind the artwork, and they do not print. Use grids to lay out objects or elements symmetrically. Selected artwork and tools snap to the grid if Snap to Grid is turned on. Grid spacing, color, and style can be different for each file.

Guides act as alignment tools. They also do not print. You can define any object as a guide to which you want to align artwork. Selected artwork and tools snap to guides when they are within tolerance of the guide. Guide color and style are the same for all files.

2. Tool/paint style

The pen tool can create straight lines and smooth, flowing curves with great precision. For most users, it is the most powerful and flexible drawing tool in Illustrator, as it provides the best control and greatest accuracy for drawing.

A color mode in Illustrator determines the color model used to display and print Illustrator files. Illustrator bases its color modes on established models for describing and reproducing color. Common models include HSB (for hue, saturation, brightness); RGB (for red, green, blue); and CMYK (for cyan, magenta, yellow, black).

Use the Color palette to apply color to an object’s fill and stroke, and also to edit and mix colors —either colors that created or selected from the Swatches palette, from an object, or from a color library.

To edit the fill or stroke color using the Color palette:

1 Select an object using any selection tool.

2 Choose Window > Show Color.

3 select the Fill box or Stroke box in the Color palette or in the toolbox.

4 do one of the following:

• Position the pointer over the color bar (the pointer turns into the eyedropper), and click.

• Choose an RGB, HSB, CMYK, or Grayscale color model from the pop-up menu, and use the sliders to change the color values.

3. Layer

Layers act like individual, clear sheets containing one or more objects (same as in Photoshop) . Where there are no overlapping filled objects, you can see through any layer to the layer below.

You can create and modify objects on any layer without affecting the artwork on any other layer. You can also display, print, lock, and reorder layers as distinct units.

Every Adobe Illustrator file contains at least one layer. Creating multiple layers in artwork provides better control over how artwork is printed, organized, displayed, and edited.

Layers work in various ways, such as duplicating, reordering, merging, flattening …You can even create template layers, which you can use to trace artwork. In addition, you can import layers from PhotoShop.

The following rules affect how objects appear in layers:

• With-in each layer, objects are stacked according to their stacking order.

• Grouped objects are on the same layer; if you group objects from different layers, all objects are placed on the front most layer of the group, directly behind the front most object in the group.

• When you mask objects on different layers, objects on intermediate layers become part of the masked artwork

4. Type

Among the most powerful aspects of Adobe Illustrator are the type features. You can quickly change type size, shape, and scale; you can flow type precisely into virtually any shape of object; and you can flow type horizontally or vertically along differently shaped pathways. The range of type tools in Illustrator make it easy to place type along a path in your artwork, such as along a circle or irregular path that you create. To enhance your designs, you can also paint type with colors and patterns, or transform type into entirely new shapes.

No matter which language version you are using, Adobe Illustrator provides a wide range of multinational language features—from spell-checking and hyphenation support for numerous European languages to advanced typography features for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) text.

Pen tool

The pen tool lets you create straight lines and smooth, flowing curves with great precision. For most users, it is the most powerful and flexible drawing tool in Illustrator, as it provides the best control and greatest accuracy for drawing.


A path is any line or shape that you create using the Adobe Illustrator drawing tools. A single straight line, a rectangle, and the outline of a map are all typical examples of paths.

A path consists of one or more segments. Anchor points, which define where each segment of a path starts and ends, affix the path in place. By moving anchor points, you modify path segments and change the shape of a path.

A path can be either open or closed. A closed path is a path that is continuous and has no beginning or end; a circle is an example of a closed path. An open path has distinct endpoints; a wavy line, for example, is an open path.

The first and last anchor points on an open path are called the endpoints. If you fill an open path, the program draws an imaginary line between the two endpoints and fills the path.

Path editing

You can modify the shape of a path by moving one or more of its segments or by moving the path’s anchor points. To adjust a curved segment, you move the segment between the points anchoring it or you move one or more of its anchor or direction points. You can also adjust a path by converting smooth points to corner points and vice versa.

To adjust a path globally, keeping each point along the path in scale, use the reshape tool. This tool lets you pick points along a path and adjust all of the segments along the path by dragging a single point.

You can also adjust a portion of a path by using the pencil tool, smooth tool, or erase tool.


You can create many objects in Adobe Illustrator by starting with basic shapes. The tools in Illustrator let you easily create rectangles, ellipses, polygons, spirals, and stars.

Shape modification

The Pathfinder commands in the Pathfinder palette combine, isolate, and subdivide objects, and they build new objects formed by the intersections of objects.

To use the Pathfinder palette, you click a button in the palette that corresponds to the action you want to do.

Most Pathfinder commands create compound paths. A compound path is a group of two or more paths that are painted so that overlapping paths can appear transparent. Except where noted, the objects created by all Pathfinder commands are assigned the same paint style as the top object in the current layer’s stack.


The Adobe Illustrator blend tool and the Make Blend command let you create a series of intermediate objects and colors between two or more selected objects. You can blend between two open paths (such as two different lines), between two closed paths (such as a circle and a square), between gradients, or between other blends. Depending on the way you paint the objects you are blending, you can produce airbrush effects such as complex shading, highlighting, and contouring. The Blend filters can also be used to blend colors between filled objects.

You can edit blends that you created by moving, resizing, deleting, or adding objects. After you make editing changes, the artwork is automatically reblended.

Pattern tiles

To create a pattern, you create artwork you want to use as a pattern and then drag the artwork to the Swatches palette or use the Edit > Define Pattern command. You can use paths, compound paths, or text with solid fills (or no fill) for a pattern, or you can design a pattern from scratch with any of the tools in the Adobe Illustrator program. (However, you cannot use patterns, gradients, blends, brushstrokes, gradient meshes, bitmap images, graphs, placed files, or masks in a pattern.) You can customize any pattern by resizing the pattern, moving or transforming it, or coloring its objects.

( And don’t forget to make notes of what you do, so you can look it up at a later point.

2.Your Resume/CV in Illustrator

Your CV is in many cases the first impression that people will get from you. Make sure that it is easy to understand, clear and to the point!

It should contain your address, educational details, the work experience you already have and possibly some career related achievements, such as competitions, awards or other impressive stages of your life.

Always mention the languages you can speak/write and your level of expertise (mother tongue, fluent, experienced, good, beginner) if you have any certificates don’t forget to mention them.

Put your computer knowledge in there too, this programs, etc.

Usually it is advised to mention the latest first and the oldest last , say u start with the study your busy with now ( Raffles) and you go back on the timeline until you reach your high school, no need to go further back, but always mention the dates as well.

Last but not least but a good and professional Picture of yourself onto the same page.

Since we are in the fashion industry, and depending on what position u wish to apply for you can think of some creative ways to present your CV/Resume.

You can print it onto fabric and make a Scarf out of it or you can have it embroidered or you can wear it as a T-shirt etc. It is always advised to stand out of the crowd.


3. Flat drawings in Illustrator


There are 3 different ways of creating flat- or technical drawings of your garments or accessories:

In many fashion houses it is still common to do 100% handmade drawings, using a standard body as your base, others do a technical sketch by hand and than later on scan it and clean it up by redrawing the lines with illustrator paths. The third way is to do your drawing 100% in the computer.

It’s up to you if you want to do a hand sketch first and than redraw it again with the computer or if you want to do it straight away in Illustrator. The latter is recommended as it saves a lot of time with a little bit of practice. You should scan a prefabricated or maybe handmade sketch of a sample body that you can use as your base. It should be symmetric and indicate the bust, hip, etc lines to make the job easier for you, especially a line that divides it into a left and right part are vital.

The usual way to work is to draw only one side of your (symmetric) garment and then use (object(transform( reflect) to make a mirrored copy of that. Even for asymmetric designs this can be useful.

( And don’t forget to make notes of what you do, so you can look it up at a later point.

4. ADOBE PHOTOSHOP Introduction

Photoshop is a program designed for photo retouch and the creation of pixel based artwork…..What are pixels?

Your file in Photoshop consists of little dots….like a TV or like a real photo, these are called pixels. If you want to know how many you have in your file u can go to the settings and check how many dpi (dots per inch) your file has

(A pixel is basically a dot). Averages for internet use are 72 dpi, printers are fine with about 150 dpi but for professional use and better quality I recommend 200 or better 300 dpi. It gives a better image and there for a larger file size.

(In real Photos we talk about the grain usually indicated by the ISO value which tells you how big and how many; the bigger they are the easier they are affected by light)

If you zoom in deep enough you will be able to see the pixels, they look like little mosaic tiles.

Let’s get stated:

Open Photoshop and create a new file or open one that already exists (FILE( OPEN: FILE(NEW)

Or you can scan an image or drawing:

(FILE(IMPORT( specific scanner) and the scan window will appear

1. Place image over the flatbed with center alignment.

2. Select preview to location the image.

3. Set scans area, resolution and other adjustment.

4. Select scan to proceed.

Changing the pixel dimensions of an image:

1. Image( Image Size.

2. Make sure that Resample Image is selected, and choose an interpolation method.

3. To maintain the current proportions of pixel width to pixel height select Constrain Proportions. This option automatically updates the width as you change the height, and vice versa.

4. Under Pixel Dimensions enter values for Width and Height. To enter values as percentages of the current dimensions, choose Percent as the unit of measurement.

The new file size for the image appears at the top of the Image Size dialog box with the old file size in parentheses.

5. Click OK to change the pixel dimensions and resample the image.

For best results in producing a smaller image, resample down and apply the Unship Mask filter. To produce a larger image, rescan the image at a higher resolution.

Color Mode

A color mode in PhotoShop determines the color model used to display and print PhotoShop documents. PhotoShop bases its color modes on established models for describing and reproducing color. Common models include HSB (for hue, saturation, brightness); RGB (for red, green, blue); CMYK (for cyan, magenta, yellow, black); and CIE lab.

PhotoShop also includes modes for specialized color output such as indexed color and duotones.

The transition between converting an image from one mode to another permanently change color values in the image. For example, when you convert an RGB image to CMYK mode, RGB color values outside the CMYK gamut are adjusted to fall within the CMYK gamut. Consequently,

Before converting images, it’s best to do the following:

• Do as much editing as possible in the image’s original mode (usually RGB from most scanners or CMYK from traditional drum scanners or if imported from Adobe Illustrator).

• Save a backup copy before converting. Be sure to save a copy of your image that includes all layers in order to edit the original version of the image after the conversion.

• Flatten the file before converting it. The interaction of colors between layer blending modes will change when the mode changes.

To convert an image to another mode:

Choose (Image( Mode) and the mode you want from the submenu. Modes not available for the active image appear dimmed in the menu.

HOW to save a file?

To save a file in its current format:

Choose (File ( Save).

To save a file in a different file format:

1. Choose (File ( Save As).

2. For Save As (Windows) or Format (Mac OS), choose a format. Unavailable formats are not visible (Windows) or dimmed (Mac OS).

Important: Only the PhotoShop format is available for layered files. In addition, many formats do not support files in certain color modes or files with alpha channels (see about file formats). If you do not see the format you want, flatten the image or use the Save a Copy command. If the format still does not appear, install the format’s plug-in module following the instructions in using plug-in modules.

3. Type a filename, and choose a location for the file.

Click Save.

Now that we have scanned, created a new file or opened up an existing image we can have a look around in Photoshop…

On the left hand side u can see all the different tools provided. Most of the time further variations of each tool are available and u can see them by clicking and holding down on each little icon. By simply placing your mouse over each icon u can read it’s name and get a first idea of what it’s good for.

On the right side of your screen you will find several info boxes, some are visible some are hidden. As usual u have your main menu on the upper edge of the screen, here you can find for example the filter menu, the layer menu, etc.

Have a look around and get familiar with the workspace.

In Photoshop we work with layers, think of them like a stack of transparent sheets. You can change the layers to be transparent or opaque or to mix with each other.

One layer can contain your sketch and another one is a background and another one on top is for the color and yet another one has some little details or text on it.

( And don’t forget to make notes of what you do, so you can look it up at a later point.

5. Welcome to POWER POINT

What is PowerPoint and why do we need it?! PP is a great program that is part of MS Office. Basically it is a tool to create Presentations. It enables you to create slides containing whatever you like (Text, pictures, video, sound, diagrams). All over the world people present their work with PowerPoint, it is easy to use and learn.

Let’s have a look inside, the basics:

On the left side u have your slide overview, in the middle the slide you’re working on. If you want to add a new slide, right click on the left side and select add new ‘slide’.

Have a good look around, you will find familiar icons from word or other programs. Since it’s an office application the functions are the same.

Now a new menu pops up on the right giving you several options for the layout of you new slide, you can either choose a prefabricated layout or you take a blank one if you want to make your own.

Now you can type or drag and drop your pictures into the slides.

That is the basic principle of creating a slide show. PowerPoint also contains some tools to customize your slide show, by right clicking onto your working area of your slide you will see a menu point called ‘slide transitions’, now it shows you a selection of possible transition methods, meaning the way one slide changes into the next. If you right click on a picture or text you will see ‘custom animations’ in the menu which enables you to add effects, play a bit around and see what happens….

( And don’t forget to make notes of what you do, so you can look it up at a later point.



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