Objective - University of Michigan


To learn to create and view a variety of types of 3D models using AutoCAD.


This assignment requires you to explore using AutoCAD for 3D drawing, modeling, viewing and rendering. The material will be covered rather quickly, so you are not expected to become proficient at 3D modeling. These topics and more are presented in detail in Architecture 521, CAD Fundamentals II.

1. Create at least three 3D models.

Include at least one of each of the following types of models: wire-frame model, surface model and solid model. Produce a single composition of the models (to produce a single plot). Be sure to label each model type.

Use the LINE command to generate 3D wire-frame models. Use the Surface toolbar for surface models and use the Solid toolbar for solid models. Use the Solids Editing toolbar for the solid set-operation tools (union, intersection, difference).

2. Create and plot at least two different views of the models.

Make sure one of the views is "hidden-line." You must check “Hide objects” in the Plot dialog to produce a hidden-line drawing.

3. Include a paper space border and title block, perhaps the same used in a previous assignment.

4. Generate a rendered image (AutoVision), convert it to a “.gif” or “.jpg” file and include it on your web page.

Be sure to include your URL in your folder. The “Render” command will produce a “.tiff” or “tga” formatted file (often very large) which must be converted to a “.gif” or “jpg” file using “Adobe PhotoShop.” Or “Microsoft Photo Editor.” (“Open,” then “Save As” for “.jpg” or “.gif.”)


Save the files in your IFS “Public/html” directory (which should already exist). This allows their viewing (and grading) through a web browser.

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