Dr. Carol C. Mukhopadhyay FALL 2010

The Course Reader articles referred to in the Syllabus [Assigned Readings] are available in either Hard Copy [from Maple Press or Reserves] or can be accessed On-Line in the Anth 140 Library at:

[use lower case for the web-link]


The Hard Copy of the Course Reader has a Table of Contents [see below] which lists each of the articles in the Course Reader, with an Article Number [e.g. R-1], followed by the author’s name and title of the work [e.g. Shostak, M. Nisa…]. The Syllabus includes only the Course Reader number [e.g. R-1] so you will have to look at the Table of Contents to find the specific assigned article whether you are using the Hard Copy or the Web-Based Data base.


Once you go to the link for the On-line anth 140 Library, you will find a huge data base of articles. These Library articles are organized primarily by the Author’s Name. So you will need to know the Author of the assigned article in order to access the article. To find the authors in the On-Line Library, go to the Table of Contents [below] and you’ll see a list of the authors/readings for each Course Reader Item.

There are a few exceptions which are noted in the Table of Contents below. Some Course Reader items, such as R-10, The Politics of Reproduction, consist of several articles or readings. So you will have to look for each individual article separately in the database. Some CR items have only titles. So look for the title. There are a few typos in the database for author or title. I have noted those in the Table of Contents……and will try to get them corrected in the Data Base. There are 2 articles not yet uploaded to the data base…but should be there in time for you to read them. If not, I will provide you with copies.

Once you have the author’s name [or title or equivalent] for any assigned reading, go to the

on-line data base, find the Author Name, click on it, and enter the password safesex [lower case letters only]. The article will then appear and you can read it on-line or download it to your own computer or printer IF you have Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader can be downloaded free if you don’t have it. If you need help doing this [or any other problems with the course website] , go to the Help Desk in Clark! That’s what they are there for!

Again, the Password to access each article is [lower case]: safesex



R-1. Shostak, M. ,Nisa: Life and Words of a !Kung Woman. (selections) 1-37B

R-2. Gray & Wolfe. An Anthropological Look at Human Sexuality 38-60

Look Under: Masters and Johnson, An Anthropological Look…

R-3. Small, Meredith. What’s Love Got to Do with It. 61-64

R-4. Blackwood, E. Breaking the Mirror. 65-77

R-5. Freeman, David. The Aggressive Egg. 78-81

R-6. Rowland, Robyn. Decoding Reprospeak. . 82-85

R-7. Ansley, David. Sperm Tales. 86-88

R-8. Williams, Patricia J. Uncommon Ground 88A

AND. Davis, A. Racism, Birth Control, and Reproductive Rights. 89-98

R-9. Population Issues [See list of articles below] 99-100B

R-10. The Politics of Reproduction [various articles; see list below] 109-114B & 185-187

R-11. Mukhopadhyay, “If Race Doesn’t Exist, what are we Seeing…”,

From Mukhopadhyay, Henze & Moses, How Real is Race? 101-108

R-12. Fried, M. Beyond Abortion: Transforming the Pro-Choice Movement 115-117

R-13. More Politics of Sexuality: power, coercion [see list below] 123-126

R-14. Caputi and Russell: “Femicide”:& A day in the Life 119-122

R-15: deleted…may add later

R-16. McMillen. An Anthropologist’s Disturbing Picture of Gang Rape on Campus 127

R-17. Hornblower: The Skin Trade , Serrill, Defiling the Children, May, Task Force 128-134B

R-18. After “9-11”:Gender, Sex, Militarism, Violence Readings [see list below] 135-139F

R-19. Shimazaki, T. A Closer Look at Sexuality Education and Japanese Youth 140-143

R-20. Sex Education in the United States [various articles] 144-145

R-21. Quanfeng, Shan. [Look under author name, Shan] Late-Night Talk Show 146-147

R-22. Kimmel, M. Clarence, William, Iron Mike, Tailhook, Senator ....and Us.... 148-150H [12pp]

R-23. Schultz, J. Getting Off on Feminism 151-153F

R-24. Lorber, J. Believing is Seeing: Biology as Ideology 154-164

R-25. Francoeur, R.T. Sexuality and Spirituality: The Relevance of Eastern Traditions 165-170

R-26. Friedman, J. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Sexuality Education 171-177

R-27. Sex IN Politics [various articles & tidbits] See List below 178-179E

R-28. Representations of Female Sexuality—and Responses [various] See List below 180-184

R-29. More “After 9-11: Sex, Gender, Masculinity, Militarism, etc. See List below 188-201

TIDBITS, USEFUL INFORMATION, ETC. (distributed throughout the Course Reader); (but also see list below)

Contents of Course Reader Articles with Multiple Items: by Author-Title in Anth 140 On-Line Library.

R9: Population Issues

• Uhl, How did we get so darn crowded? A Back-to-basics review on creating a crowd. P. 99-100b [4 pp]

R10: The Politics of Reproduction [various articles]

• Aizenman, Nicaragua’s Total Ban on Abortion Spurs Critics, 2006, p. 109-111

• Alonso Zaldivar, Ex-surgeon general tells House panel he was muzzled, p. 111a-b

• Anonymous [Actually, part of article by Bryant below] , Fertility Rate, Family Policies, p. 112C

• Anonymous, 55 Year Old Mom Gives Birth to Triplets [p. 187]

• Anonymous, Indonesia Says Cadets Must be Virgins, p. 37B

• Anonymous, More women are having fewer children, if at all, p. 118

• Anonymous, USF Reproves 3 who handed condoms out, 1992. p. 86

• Bryant, European Nations Offer Incentives to have kids, p. 112A-C

• Edwards, How Med Students Put Abortion Back, 185C-D [2 pp]

• Guttmacher Institute, Facts About the Unmet Need for Contraception in Developing Countries [see “Unmet Need For Contraception..], p. 113A-B, 114A-B,

• Guttmacher Institute, Facts on Induced Abortion Worldwide [see under “Induced Abortion Worldwide”], p. 114a-b

• Kort, Michelle. A Man Who Trusted Women [George Tiller] p. 179C-D. Not currently in OL Library; will make available.

• Otterman, Paternity Trial shocks Egyptians. p. 197-199

• Quindlen, Remembrance of Things Past, p.111E

• Rohter, Free Access to Morning After pill, p. 111C, D

• Stewart, Shields, Hwang, The War on Words [editorial in Contraception magazine, 2003], 2 pp., p. 186-7

• Zeman, Woman Pregnant with 18th Child, [Arkansas family has 17 children] p. 111B

R13: More Politics of Sexuality: power, coercion [R15 in 2008 CR]

• Anonymous [actually, Gallardo], First Chileans File for Divorce [actual title is Strongly Catholic Chile…] p.201 S

• Anonymous, Sex Assaults, p. 125D.

• Feminist Daily, Congress Hears Testimony on Sexual Assault, p.125D

• Herbert, Punished for Being Female, NY Times, 2006, p. 123

• Houppert, KBR’s Rape Problem, p. 125A-C

• Kristof, Raped, Kidnapped and Silenced, NY Times, 2000, p. 200,

• Malkin, Mexican Court Says Sex Attack By a Husband is Still Rape [look under Sex Attack by Husband is Rape], p. 126

• Smith, Citadel women report sexual assaults, p. 124,

R17: Hornblower: The Skin Trade; 128-132

Anonymous, [Ahmed, A.] Sex Trade Lures Bangla Jobless], p. 153F

May, Task Force Shuts 20 Massage Parlors, p. 134A

Serrill. Defiling the Children , p. 133-134 [not currently On-Line; will make available]

R18: After “9-11”: Gender, Sex, Militarism, Violence Readings

• Anonymous, Army Widens Probe, p. 135

• Anonymous, More Sex Assaults Reported by Military [short column], p. 139E

• Caiazza [look for Caizza on Web Lib], Gender Matters in Understanding Sept 11, p. 136-139 b [6 pp]

• Kahn [look under Rahn] , Real Men Can Get Killed, The Alice Kahn Column, p. 139F

• Lutz, Catherine and J. Elliston, Domestic Terror, p. 139c-139E, 3 pp. The Nation

R20: Sex Education in the United States [various articles] p. 144-145

• Mohan, Pavithra, Balloons? Or Colored Concoms? India Currents, 7/2005, p. 144 [1 p]

• Sherman, M. More funds to teach abstinence but not safe sex practices p. 145 [1 pp]

R27: Sex IN Politics [various articles and tidbits]

• Anonymous, Scandalized Senator Expected back soon, p. 37B

• Jackson, A Conventional Affair, p. 178-9 [2 pp]

• Liptak, Same-Sex Marriage and Racial Justice Find Common Ground, p. 179A-B

• Martinez, A. Mayor not Unlike Other Men in Power, LAT Times, 7-16-07, 179E

• Pressley, Sue Anne. Scramble to Madam, p. 179c-d, Deleted from 2009 CR

R28: Representations of Female Sexuality—and some Responses [various articles]

• Banerjee, Dancing the Night Away 184a-b [2pp]

• Collins, A Virginal Goth Girl, 184C-d [2 pp]

• Cowell, Blair Calls Veils a Mark of Division, 184E-f-g

• Goodman, Ellen, Whatever the dress, it’s choice that counts. P. 196

• Hartley, Uncovering the Hijab, Fall 2008, Access Magazine, SJSU. 184H [4 pps]

• Simon, Hooked, Ms. Magazine [ads, Kilbourne], 180-3 [4 pp]

• Weiss, Traditional Living Takes a Modern Spin, 184G

R29: More “After 9-11”: Sex, Gender, Masculinity, Militarism, etc.

• Jacobs, Violence is America’s background music, p. 189 [1 p]

• Kolhatkar, Sonali [look for Kalhatkar] Afghan Women: Enduring American “Freedom”, 193-195 [3pp]

• Pollitt, Katha, ‘Democracy’ Is Hell, p. 202

• Pollitt, Katha, Sex and the Stepford Wife, p. 188

• Steinem, Supremacy Crimes Ms. Aug/Sept. 1999, 190-192


Anonymous, Ivy Advice, p. 37

Chastity Belt from Musee de Cluny, 37b

Currently Not Available in On-Line 140 Library

• Kort, Michelle. A Man Who Trusted Women [George Tiller] p. 179C-D. Ms. Mag, summer 2009.

• Serrill. Defiling the Children , p. 133-134 [not currently On-Line; will make available]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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