IBN Pricing Sheet

Instant Enroll Broker User Guide


Getting Started

|[pic] Your IBN Administrator will set your Brokerage up with a Broker |[pic] |

|Administrator. This person(s) will have the ability to then add and remove | |

|other Broker Users as well as designate other Broker Administrators. | |

When any user is added, the system automatically assigns a user ID with the default password as “password”. When first logging in, they will be required to enter the user ID assigned to them and this initial password.

|[pic] After a user first logs in or their password has been reset, they will|[pic]. |

|have the opportunity to assign a new password. This section also requires | |

|personal identifiers such as “In What City Were You Born?” to aid the user | |

|if they forget their login information. | |

|[pic] After changing their password, the user is asked to log in again using |[pic] |

|their new credentials. | |

Managing Brokers

|[pic] The Broker Manager displays all Brokers, Administrator status (“Y” or |[pic] |

|“N”), and the number of Employees corresponding to each Broker. | |

Broker Administrators have the ability to add and remove other Broker Users as well as designate other Broker Administrators. A Broker Administrator can reset a Broker’s password, edit existing Broker information, and view the number of Employers that correspond to each Broker.

[pic] To add a new Broker, click on the “Add Broker” button on the screen.

[pic] To edit any Broker, click on the Broker’s First Name as displayed.

[pic] To view Broker’s employers, click on the Broker’s number of employers as displayed, or simply go to the Employer Manager.

|[pic] Adding a Broker is simple. The only required information is first and |[pic]. |

|last name. Broker Administrators can assign or revoke Broker Administrator | |

|rights by selecting “yes” or “no” within the appropriate field. | |

| | |

|When a Broker has been added, the system will automatically assign a User ID| |

|for the Broker, which is immediately visible on the Broker Manager screen. | |

| | |

| | |

|When an existing Broker is changed to “Inactive”, this information is also | |

|readily viewable on the Broker Manager screen. | |

Managing Employers

|[pic] Active Brokers who successfully log in will be brought to the Employer |[pic] |

|Manager. A Broker Administrator will be able to view all Employers under all | |

|Brokers. A standard Broker User will view display information for only their | |

|own Employer groups. | |

Brokers have the ability to reset an Employer’s password, edit existing Employer information, and view the number of Employees that correspond to each Employer as well as the number of Employee applications that have been completed.

[pic] To add a new Employer, click on the “Add Employer” button on the screen.

[pic] To edit any Employer, click on the Employer Name as displayed.

[pic] To view a specific Employer’s employees, click on the corresponding “Add/Edit” link as displayed.

[pic] To batch print Employer applications, click the corresponding “Application Status” link as displayed.

|[pic] Adding Employer information is easy. Employer Name, Contact first and last names, and |[pic] [pic] |

|Effective Date is required. Broker Administrators will find a drop-down list of Brokers to | |

|assign to the Employer. The list contains all Broker names, while Broker Users will find | |

|their own names already displayed. | |

| | |

|A list of Types of Coverage and Carriers are available for the Broker to assign to the | |

|Employer and their Employees. | |

| | |

|Brokers have the ability to allow a particular group to print their own forms once the | |

|application process has been completed. This is useful for face-to-face visits for wet | |

|signatures. To disable this feature, choose “no” in the “Allow Employees to Print Apps” | |

|drop-down. If nothing is selected, this is defaulted as allowed. | |

| | |

|When an Employer has been added, the system automatically assigns a User ID for the Employer.| |

Managing Employees

|[pic] Active Employers who successfully log in will be brought to the Employee|[pic] |

|Manager. A Broker can access this screen by clicking on the corresponding | |

|“Add/Edit” link as displayed in the Employer Manager. | |

Only Brokers have the ability to reset an Employee’s password. However, both Brokers and Employers have the ability to edit existing Employee information, and add and remove employees.

[pic] To add a new Employee, click on the “Add Employee” button on the screen.

[pic] To edit any Employee, simply click on the corresponding “Edit” link as displayed.

[pic] To view or print a specific Employee’s application, click on the corresponding “Print” link as displayed.

|[pic] Adding Employee information is straightforward. There are very few |[pic] |

|required fields; however, the Employee will be required to fill in more | |

|fields. | |

| | |

|When an Employee has been added, the system will automatically assign a User | |

|ID for the Employee, immediately visible on the Employee Manager screen. | |

| | |

|Multiple Employees can easily be added by the “Census Upload Feature”. | |

Census Upload

|[pic] Instead of adding Employees one by one, a user can add multiple |[pic] |

|Employees from a spreadsheet. | |

To ensure the proper information is inserted in the appropriate fields, Instant Enroll provides an example spreadsheet to be used as a template for the information and format needed. The user clicks the “Example” link, which is then saved for future use.

[pic] There are several fields that can be included, but only First Name and Last Name are required. Should the spreadsheet be edited (such as new employees added), the same spreadsheet can be uploaded without duplicating any records in the system.


[pic] To add multiple Employees, click on the “Browse” button and select the spreadsheet with the Employee information. Click on the “Upload” button to add the information from the spreadsheet to the Employee Manager. The Employees are added all at once and displayed immediately in the Employee Manager.

|[pic] If you would like to create a spreadsheet of Employees already in the |[pic] |

|system, click on the “Export Census” link. | |

| | |

When you export a census, it will bring up a spreadsheet of the employees in the system. Save your spreadsheet to update your existing census, make multiple changes at once, create your own reports, etc.

Employee Application

|[pic] Active Employees who successfully log in will be brought to the |[pic] |

|Application Agreement. | |

| | |

|This screen includes liability information, directions, and a download link to| |

|Adobe Acrobat Reader (to read and print PDF documents) if Employee wishes to | |

|print their documents. | |

|[pic] The Employee then continues to the Employee Information screen. |[pic] |

| | |

|This screen inquires about information such as martial status, dependents, | |

|date of hire and more. Throughout the application process, only fields in | |

|yellow are required fields. | |

|[pic] The Benefit Selection screen will allow the Employee to choose which |[pic] |

|type of coverage the Broker has previously assigned to the Employer. | |

| | |

|This screen will display choices of spouse or dependents depending on what the| |

|Employee has indicated in their Employee Information. | |

Employee Application

|[pic] The Enrollment Status screen is displayed only if the Employee has |[pic] |

|elected to waive certain coverage offered to them in the previous screen. | |

| | |

|The Employee chooses the reason(s) for waiving the corresponding coverage(s). | |

|[pic] If the Employee has indicated a spouse or dependent(s) in their Employee|[pic] |

|Information, the system will require additional details in the Additional | |

|Information screen. | |

|[pic] Some carriers may require additional applicant information. The system |[pic] |

|will only display these additional questions in the Carrier Application | |

|Questions screen if the specific carrier has been assigned to the particular | |

|group. | |

|[pic] The Application Review screen will give the Employee a summary of their |[pic] |

|application. | |

| | |

|If changes are necessary, “edit” links are provided in the sections where the | |

|Employee can be directed to revise information. | |

Employee Application

|[pic] Upon completing the application process, each employee is required to |[pic] |

|review, print and sign each application as instructed. | |

|[pic] The Printable PDF Documents include all information provided by the |[pic] |

|Employee in the application process. | |

| | |

|Each application document is complete and legible, including an “Overflow | |

|Page” for additional information, which limited space on some forms does not | |

|allow - such as additional dependents, health conditions, and other | |

|information. | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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