World History II SOL Review - DENA MONTINI

World History II SOL Review

1. Label each of the following on the map 1 or 2.

▪ England

▪ France

▪ Spain

▪ Italy

▪ Ottoman Empire

▪ Persia

2. Label each of the following on the map 3

▪ China

▪ Mughal India

▪ Songhai Empire

▪ Incan Empire

▪ Mayan Empire

▪ Aztec Empire

3. The Renaissance was a “rebirth” of which 2 ancient cultures?

4. Name 3 reasons why the Renaissance began in Italy.

5. Name 3 artistic accomplishments of Michelangelo.

6. Name 3 artistic accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci.

7. What is humanism?

8. Name two accomplishments of humanist, Desiderius Erasmus.

9. Name one accomplishment of Spanish Renaissance writer, Miguel de Cervantes.

10. Name 3 accomplishments of English Renaissance writer William Shakespeare.

11. Label the 5 Religions BOTH as they were in 1500 (in red ink) & as they exist present day (in black ink.)

• Judaism

• Christianity

• Islam

• Buddhism

• Hinduism

12. Of the 5 religions, which are monotheistic?

13. Of the 5 religions, which believe in reincarnation?

14. Of the 5 religions, which believes in a caste system?

Trade Patterns linking Europe with Asia & Africa

15. The silk roads connected which two geographical areas?

16. Label the following Maps

a. Silk roads Asia to the Mediterranean Basin

b. Maritime routes across the Mediterranean

c. Trans-Saharan routes across North Africa

d. Northern European links with the Black Sea

e. Western European sea and river trade

f. South China Sea trade routes


17. Which technological advancements did China introduce around 1500 AD?

18. Which technological advancements did India and the Middle East make in 1500 AD?

Religious Reformation

19. Name 3 abuses of conducted by the Catholic Church.

20. Name 3 men who were Protestant Reformers.

21. Name 3 views held by Martin Luther.

22. Name 3 views held by John Calvin.

23. Why did Henry VIII break with the Catholic Church?

24. Name one conflict in Germany which resulted from disputes between Catholics and Protestants.

25. During the Protestant Reformation, which country organized a “national church”?

26. What is the proper name for French Huguenots?

27. Which agreement granted religious freedom for Huguenots? Who issued this agreement?

28. Name 3 ways that Catholics tried to lure back believers in the Catholic Counter-Reformation.

29. What is secularism?

30. Who invented the printing press?

31. How did the printing press change religion?


32. Describe 3 items explorers were looking to cash in on in the new world.

33. What did European explorers learn from the Muslims?

34. Which political figure heavily funded navigational education by creating a school in Portugal?

35. Name famous explorers from each of the following countries

▪ Portugal (1 explorer)

▪ Spain (4 explorers)

▪ England (1 explorer)

▪ France (1 explorer)

36. Label the routes of DaGama, Columbus, Cortez, Pizarro, Drake, and Cartier on the map below

Magellan is done for you

37. How did European Explorers spread the Christian faith to indigenous people?

38. What 3 Central and South American cultures disappeared after the European explorers arrived?

39. The rigid class system and slavery was both based on ____________ color.

40. Give a brief explanation why Mexican people speak Spanish and why Brazilian people speak Portuguese.

41. What was the main purpose of the trading posts set up on the coast of Africa?

42. Small groups of merchants set up colonies in these 3 Asian places.

43. Name 3 groups of people who set up trading companies in East Asia.

44. What was the name of the mass exchange of European and North American foods called?

45. Name 4 foods or animals native to the Americas.

46. Name 4 foods or animals native to Europe.

47. The shortage of labor needed to grow cash crops increased the use of _________in the Americas.

48. The ______________ _________________ in the Caribbean and Americas destroyed local economies and environments.

49. What linked Europe, Africa, and the Americas trading slaves, sugar, and rum?

The Ottoman Empire

50. Label the Ottoman Empire on map 1.

51. What was the original name of the capital of the Ottoman Empire?

52. What was the name changed to?

53. What was the primary religion practiced in the Ottoman Empire

The Mughal Empire

54. Label the Mughal Empire on the map


55. What religion was spread into India by Mughal rulers?

56. Name one architectural treasure of the Mughal Dynasty.

China and Japan

57. Name 2 Chinese goods that were in high demand from the British.

58. Land or territory that is set aside for foreign trade in China was known as an ____________.

59. In Japan, the emperor was often powerless, while the ______________,or military leader, ruled with authority

60. What is isolationism?

61. Why did Japan adopt a policy of isolationism?


62. What two commodities were exported from Africa?

63. What new food products were imported to Africa?

Mercantilism and Commercial Revolution

64. Mercantilism—An economic practice adopted by European colonial powers in an effort to become __________________________. Based on the theory that colonies existed for the benefit of the ____________________________.

65. According to the theory of mercantilism, why would a “mother country” form a colony?

66. New economic systems emerged which created a need for new ________________ and ___________________ systems.

Scientific Revolution

67. The heliocentric theory directly disputed the Bible’s story of _________________.

68. Fill in the pioneer responsible for each

•_________________________________: Developed heliocentric theory

•_________________________________: Discovered planetary motion

•_________________________________: Used telescope to support heliocentric theory

•_________________________________: Discovered Laws of Gravity

• _________________________________: Discovered circulation of the blood

69. The Scientific Revolution emphasized ______________ and _____________ instead of religion.


70. Name 2 characteristics of Absolute Monarchs

71. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate Absolute Monarch.

• ___________________________________—France, Palace of Versailles as a symbol of royal power

• ___________________________________—Russia, westernization of Russia

Development of Rights for Englishmen and English Civil War

72. Who was the 1st English King to be executed?

73. Who was named Lord Protector of England after the king’s execution?

74. Name the dominant political parties that vie for power in 17th century England.

75. After taking our England in what was known as the ________________ _________________ (blood-less take over of England) William and Mary were required to sign the ________________ ____________ ___ __________________ in 1689.

76. From the reign of Henry VIII to William and Mary, the power of the monarchs ______________ while the power of Parliament _____________________.

The Enlightenment

77. Enlightenment thinkers believed that human progress was possible through scientific _________________ and ___________________.

78. In regards to religion, most Enlightenment thinkers promoted ____________________.

Enlightenment thinkers and their ideas

79. ___________________________ wrote Leviathan—The state must have central authority to manage behavior.

80. ___________________________ wrote Two Treatises on Government—People are sovereign; monarchs are not chosen by God.

81. ___________________________wrote The Spirit of Laws—The best form of government includes a separation of powers.

82. ___________________________wrote The Social Contract—Government is a contract between rulers and the people.

83. ___________________________said—Religious toleration should triumph over religious fanaticism; separation of church and state

The Enlightenment influenced the French Revolution & the American Revolution

84. What worldly events prompted French people to make a stand against and unfair monarch?

85. Name 2 significant events that happened during the French Revolution.

86. The French revolution led to the end of the ___________________ under Louis XVI and the beginning of an Empire under __________________ ____________________.

87. The French Revolution sparked the desire for independence in ______________________, _____________________, and______________________ colonies.

88. Name 2 Enlightenment composers.

89. Eugene Delacroix was an Enlightenment painter who painted scenes from the _____________ ______________________.

Latin American Revolutions

90. Colonial governments in Latin America were based on _______________________________.

91. What religion influenced Latin America?

92. Name 2 cities that were the seats of colonial governments.

93. Label the diagram of colonial social classes:


94. Father Miguel Hidalgo led the independence movement in _____________________________.

95. _________________________ led the independence movement in South America.

96. Toussaint L’Ouverture led the movement to gain Haitian independence from _______________.

97. Which nations gained their independence?

98. What was the Monroe Doctrine?

Napoleon Bonaparte

99. What legacy did the French Revolution leave for World History?




100. The Napoleonic Code was based on principles from which previous chapter?

101. Which European countries were never conquered by Napoleon’s French Empire?

102. What are the benefits of Nationalism?

103. What are the negatives of Nationalism?

104. What conference attempted to restore the balance of power in Europe by redrawing Europe to 1793 boundaries?

105. Who led the Congress of Vienna?

The Unification of Italy and Germany


106. Why did it take Italy so long to unify?

107. What did Count Cavour do for Italy?

108. What did Giuseppe Garibaldi do for Italy?

109. Why was the Pope against the unification of Italy?


110. Why type of political philosophy did Otto Von Bismarck use in Prussia?

111. How did Bismarck unify Germany?

112. Bismarck was the Chancellor of Germany—who was the Kaiser?

Industrial Revolution

113. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

114. Which three industries were central to the Industrial Revolution?

115. ______________________________ invented the cotton gin.

116. James Watt invented the ______________________________.

117. Henry Bessemer invented the _____________________________________.

118. ________________________________ developed the smallpox vaccine.

119. ________________________________ discovered bacteria.

120. Name 2 ways that the Industrial Revolution affected industrialized countries.

121. ___________________ industry was replaced with ___________________.

122. What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on slavery?

123. How did the Industrial Revolution affect women and children?

124. What is a labor union?

125. Adam Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations and believed in ______________________.

126. _____________________ wrote the Communist Manifesto and believed in socialism.


127. Name the 3 forms of imperialism.

128. Name 2 events that happened regarding imperialism in Asia.

129. How did colonized people respond to imperialism?

World War I

130. Causes of WW1:

a. ______________________________

b. ______________________________

c. ______________________________

d. ______________________________

e. ______________________________

f. ______________________________

131. Why does the war begin in 1914?

132. _______________________ was the leader of the United States during WWI.

133. _______________________ was the leader of Germany during WWI.

134. Which empires cease to exist after the end of WWI?

135. Treaty of Versailles:

a. B_________________________

b. R_________________________

c. A_________________________

d. T_________________________

136. Name 2 reasons why the Russian Revolution happened in 1917.

137. The __________________________ was supposed to prevent future wars.

138. What is the name of the system set up to administer former German colonies in the Middle East?

The Great Depression

139. Name 2 reasons why the Great Depression begins in 1929.

140. What impact does the Great Depression have?

141. The Great Depression contributes to the rise of the ___________________ in Germany.

Interwar Period

142. Fill in the chart:

|Leader(s) |Country: |Form of Government: |

|Joseph Stalin | | |

| |Germany | |

| | |Fascism |

|Hirohito, Tojo | | |

World War II

143. Causes of WW2:

a. __________________________

b. __________________________

c. __________________________

d. __________________________

e. __________________________

144. Why does the war begin in 1939?

145. When does the United States join the war?

146. When does the war end?

147. What is the turning point of the war?

148. Fill in the following chart:

|Leader: |Country/Position: |

|Franklin D. Roosevelt | |

|Harry Truman | |

|Dwight D. Eisenhower | |

|Douglas MacArthur | |

|George Marshall | |

|Winston Churchill | |

|Joseph Stalin | |

|Adolf Hitler | |

|Hideki Tojo | |

|Hirohito | |

149. What happened to Germany after WW2?

150. What happened to Japan after WW2?

151. Name 2 other outcomes of WW2.

The Holocaust & other Genocides

152. Define genocide.

153. Educated artists and technicians were targeted by Pol Pot in ______________________.

154. The Tutsi minority was targeted by the Hutus in ______________________.

The Cold War

155. The Cold War was a competition between ____________ & ________________.

156. The Cold War begin at the ____________________________ in 1945.

157. Which president introduced the policy of containment?

158. What happened in Cuba in 1962?

159. What event signaled the end of the Cold War?

160. China was led by:

a. _________________________, Nationalist

b. _________________________, Communist—won in 1949

161. Which nation fights for its independence from France, has a civil war about communism and eventually becomes communist in 1975?

162. Give a short description of each:

a. Margaret Thatcher

b. Indira Gandhi

c. Deng Xiaoping

d. Mikhail Gorbachev

Demand for Self-Rule in India and Africa

163. What is the name of the Indian independence leader, known for his nonviolent tactics?

164. Why are India and Pakistan divided?

165. Which nations in Africa gain their independence?

166. What is the name for the practice of legalized segregation in South Africa?

The Mandate System

167. When was the mandate system established?

168. Which nations were French mandates?

169. Which nations were British mandates?

Middle Eastern Leaders

170. The leader of Egypt was ____________________________.

171. The leader of Israel was ____________________________.

Developed and Developing Countries

172. Name 2 places that suffered from ethnic/religious conflict in the 20th century.

173. Name 2 social challenges that face developing nations.

174. The more economic freedom a nation has, the ______________ political freedom they have.

Economic Interdependence

175. Define each:


b. WTO

c. IMF

d. UN

176. Why has the world become more connected economically?

Impact of Terrorism

177. What is the most famous example of terrorism in recent years?

178. Who was the leader responsible for this?

179. Name 2 other examples of terrorism.

180. Name 2 ways governments have responded to terrorist threats.


Map 1

Map 2

Map 3

Map 4





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