Nonfiction suggestions for 10th grade -

Nonfiction suggestions for 10th grade

|Bibliography |

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|Sorted by Title / Author |

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|976.3 ROS |

|Rose, Chris, 1960-. 1 dead in attic : after Katrina. 1st Simon & Schuster trade pbk. ed. New York : Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, |

|2007. |

|A collection of stories that recalls the first year and a half of life in New Orleans after Katrina from those who lived through |

|it. |

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|921 VAL |

|Valladares, Armando. Against all hope : the prison memoirs of Armando Valladares. 1st ed. New York : Knopf ;, 1986. |

|Relates the author's dramatic and harrowing account of 22 years in Castro's prisions for being philosophically opposed to |

|communism. |

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|921 KLE |

|Klein, Gerda Weissmann, 1924-. All but my life. New, expanded ed. New York : Hill and Wang, 1995. |

|The author tells of the three years she endured as a slave laborer of the Nazis during World War II. |

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|636.089 HER |

|Herriot, James. All creatures great and small. Bantam ed. New York : Bantam, 1973, c1972. |

|The first-person account of a young veterinarian starting his career in the Yorkshires. |

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|636.089 HER |

|Herriot, James. All things bright and beautiful. New York : Bantam, 1990, c1974. |

|An English veterinarian reminisces about his life, career, and animal patients in an English village. |

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|940.53 AND |

|And justice for all : an oral history of the Japanese American detention camps. 1st pbk. ed. Seattle : University of Washington |

|Press, 1999. |

|Mary Tsukamoto : Jerome -- Eddie Sakamoto : Manzanar -- William Hosokawa : Heart Mountain -- Yuri Tateishi : Manzanar -- Haruko |

|Niwa : Manzanar -- Donald Nakahata : Topaz -- Helen Nurao : Topaz -- Paul Shinoda : "volunteer" evacuee, Grand Junction, Colorado|

|-- Mitsuye Endo : Topaz -- Minoru Yasui : Minidoka -- Tom Watanabe : Manzanar -- Miyo Senzaki : Rowher -- Mabel Ota : Poston -- |

|Morgan Yamanaka : Tule Lake -- John Kanda : Tule Lake, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, France, Italy -- Violet de Cristoforo : Tule|

|Lake -- Iwato Itow : Bismark, North Dakota -- Emi Somekawa : Tule Lake -- Raymond Katagi : Heart Mountain -- Tom Kawaguchi : |

|Topaz, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, France, Italy -- Harry Ueno : Manzanar -- Fred Fujikawa : Jerome -- Theresa Takayoshi : |

|Minidoka -- Yoshiye Togasaki : Manzanar -- Frank Chuman : Manzanar -- Chiye Tomihiro : Minidoka -- Ben Takeshita : Tule Lake -- |

|Wilson Makabe : 442nd Regimental Combat Team, Italy. Presents the recollections of thirty Japanese Americans who were among the |

|more than 115,000 civilians to be imprisoned in U.S. detention camps during World War II. |

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|921 MCC |

|McCourt, Frank. Angela's ashes : a memoir. New York : Scribner, c1996. |

|The author chronicles his impoverished childhood in Limerick, Ireland, in the 1930s and 1940s, describing his father's alcoholism|

|and talent for storytelling; the challenges and tragedies his mother faced, including the loss of three children; and his early |

|experiences in the Catholic church, and balances painful memories with humor. |

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|796.323 LEE |

|Lee, Spike. Best seat in the house : a basketball memoir. 1st ed. New York : Crown, c1997. |

|A basketball memoir in which filmmaker Spike Lee discusses the influence of basketball on his life, reveals conversations he has |

|had with players like Michael Jordan, as well as disputes he has become involved in from the sidelines, and offers his opinions |

|on sports, movies and the role of African-American athletes in business and culture. |

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|921 WRI |

|Wright, Richard, 1908-1960. Black boy : (American hunger) : a record of childhood and youth. 1st Perennial Classics ed. New York |

|: Perennial Classics, 1998. |

|The autobiography of an African-American writer, recounting his early years and the harrowing experiences he encountered drifting|

|from Natchez to Chicago to Brooklyn. |

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|305.8 GRI |

|Griffin, John Howard, 1920-. Black like me. New York : Penguin, c1976. |

|The author, a white man, recounts his experiences when he darkened his skin and traveled through the South as an African-American|

|man. Includes an epilogue. |

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|808.3 KER |

|Kerr, M. E. Blood on the forehead : what I know about writing. 1st ed. New York : HarperCollinsPublishers, c1998. |

|Using examples from five novels and five short stories, young adult writer M. E. Kerr offers insights into ways writers can get |

|ideas and create successful stories. |

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|978.004 BRO |

|Brown, Dee Alexander. Bury my heart at Wounded Knee : an Indian history of the American West. 30th anniversary ed. New York : |

|Henry Holt, 2001, c1970. |

|Documented account of the systematic plunder of the American Indians during the second half of the nineteenth century. |

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|958.104 AKB |

|Akbar, Said Hyder. Come back to Afghanistan : a California teenager's story. 1st U.S. ed. New York : Bloomsbury ;, 2005. |

|Presents the author's first-hand account and observations of living in Afghanistan when his father is appointed President Hamid |

|Karzai's chief spokesman. |

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|921 LEN |

|Wiener, Jon. Come together : John Lennon in his time. Illini books ed. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1991. |

|Recreates two decades of rock and rebellion, from the formation of the Beatles in 1960 to Lennon's assassination in 1980. |

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|973.3 PAI |

|Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809. Common sense. [2nd ed. reprinted] /. Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1976. |

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|302.3 HIN |

|Hinojosa, Maria. Crews. San Diego, CA : Harcourt Brace, c1995. |

|Presents a sampling of interviews with gang members. Portrays a sometimes shocking and sometimes heartening picture of the young |

|men and women who live on the edge of poverty and violence. |

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|921 ASH |

|Ashe, Arthur. Days of grace : a memoir. 1st Ballantine Books ed. New York : Ballantine Books, 1994. |

|Tennis champion, Arthur Ashe, tells of his life, career, and battles with heart disease and AIDS. |

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|959.704 DEA |

|Dear America : letters home from Vietnam. 1st ed. New York : Norton, c1985. |

|Contains letters and poems written to families and friends by soldiers expressing their homesickness and the horrors of war. |

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|921 GUN |

|Gunther, John, 1901-1970. Death be not proud; : a memoir. [1st ed.]. New York, : Harper, 1949. |

|A father's account of his teenage son's courageous fight for life during the fifteen months he was dying from a brain tumor. |

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|940.54 UCH |

|Uchida, Yoshiko. Desert exile : the uprooting of a Japanese American family. Seattle : University of Washington Press, c1982. |

|A first-person story telling of the U.S. internment of persons of Japanese ancestry during World War II. |

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|364.152 LAR |

|Larson, Erik. The devil in the white city : murder, magic, and madness at the fair that changed America. 1st Vintage Books ed. |

|New York : Vintage Books, 2004, c2003. |

|Evils imminent -- Prologue, aboard the Olympic -- Frozen music -- An awful fight -- In the white city -- Cruelty revealed -- |

|Epilogue, the last crossing. Tells the parallel stories of Daniel Burnham, the main architect of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, |

|and serial killer Henry H. Holmes, discussing the challenges Burnham faced in creating the hugely successful White City, and |

|looking at how Holmes used the opportunities afforded by the fair to lure victims to their deaths. |

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|394.1 SCH |

|Schlosser, Eric. Fast food nation : the dark side of the all-American meal. 1st Harper Perennial ed. New York : Harper Perennial,|

|2005, c2001. |

|Presents an examination of the fast food industry, tracing its history and discussing how it arose in postwar America, as well as|

|the impact it has had on economy, food production, and popular culture. |

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|921 WAL |

|Walls, Jeannette. The glass castle : a memoir. 1st Scribner trade pbk. ed. New York : Scribner, 2006, c2005. |

|The author recalls her life growing up in a dysfunctional family with an alcoholic father and distant mother and describes how |

|she and her siblings had to fend for themselves until they finally found the resources and will to leave home. |

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|599.88 FOS |

|Fossey, Dian. Gorillas in the mist. Boston, Mass. : Houghton Mifflin, 1983. |

|Contains case studies over a period of fifteen years of four gorilla families living in the rain forests of the Virunga mountains|

|of Rwanda. |

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|364.3 BOD |

|Bode, Janet. Hard time : a real life look at juvenile crime and violence. New York, N.Y. : Delacorte Press, 1996. |

|Young people whose lives have been impacted by violence and crime, either as perpetrators or as victims, tell their stories. Also|

|includes comments from concerned adults who work with these teens. |

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|940.54 HER |

|Hersey, John, 1914-. Hiroshima. 1st Vintage Books ed. New York : Vintage Books, 1989, c1985. |

|An account of the dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945, from the viewpoint of the people who lived through it. |

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|943.086 BAR |

|Bartoletti, Susan Campbell. Hitler Youth : growing up in Hitler's shadow. New York : Scholastic, c2005. |

|A photo-illustrated look at the youth organizations Adolf Hitler founded and used to meet his sociopolitical and military ends; |

|includes profiles of individual Hitler Youth members as well as young people who opposed the Nazis, such as Hans and Sophie |

|Scholl. |

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|921 GAN |

|Gantos, Jack. Hole in my life. Farrar, Straus and Giroux pbk. ed. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004, c2002. |

|The author relates how, as a young adult, he became a drug user and smuggler, was arrested, did time in prison, and eventually |

|got out and went to college, all the while hoping to become a writer. |

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|919.8 BLE |

|Bledsoe, Lucy Jane. How to survive in Antarctica. 1st ed. New York : Holiday House, c2006. |

|The author describes her experiences visiting Antarctica and shares information on how to get there, what to bring, what to wear,|

|what to eat, how to build a snow shelter, how to avoid crevasses, how to study Antarctic seals, and other survival strategies. |

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|940.53 BIT |

|Jackson, Livia Bitton. I have lived a thousand years : growing up in the Holocaust. New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young |

|Readers, c1997. |

|A memoir of Elli Friedmann in which she tells about her experiences at Auschwitz concentration camp where she was taken at the |

|age of thirteen in 1944 when the Nazis invaded her native Hungary. |

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|970.004 BEA |

|Beal, Merrill D., 1898-. I will fight no more forever : Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce War. Seattle : University of Washington |

|Press, 1964. |

|Discusses the ethnohistory and military campaigns of the Nez Perce tribe. |

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|364.1 CAP |

|Capote, Truman, 1924-. In cold blood : a true account of a multiple murder and its consequences. Signet ed. New York : New |

|American Library, c1965. |

|Recreates the slaying of the Clutter family of Kansas, and the capture, trial, and execution of their murderers. |

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|921 OPD |

|Opdyke, Irene Gut, 1921-. In my hands : memories of a Holocaust rescuer. 1st ed. New York : A. Knopf :, c1999. |

|Recounts the experiences of the author who, as a young Polish girl, hid and saved Jews during the Holocaust. |

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|921 MCC |

|Krakauer, Jon. Into the wild. 1st Anchor Books ed. New York : Anchor Books, 1997. |

|Tells the story of Chris McCandless, a twenty-four-year-old who walked into the Alaskan wilderness on an idealistic journey and |

|was found dead of starvation four months later. Attempts to discover what led the young man to that point. |

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|796.52 KRA |

|Krakauer, Jon. Into thin air : a personal account of the Mount Everest disaster. New York : Villard, c1997. |

|The author relates his experience of climbing Mount Everest during its deadliest season and examines what it is about the |

|mountain that makes people willingly subject themselves to such risk, hardship, and expense. |

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|921 UCH |

|Uchida, Yoshiko. The invisible thread : [an autobiography]. 1st Beech Tree ed. New York : Beech Tree Paperback, 1995. |

|Children's author, Yoshiko Uchida, describes growing up in Berkeley, California, as a Nisei, second generation Japanese American,|

|and her family's internment in a Nevada concentration camp during World War II. |

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|921 MAT |

|Mathabane, Mark. Kaffir boy : the true story of a Black youth's coming of age in Apartheid South Africa. New York : New American |

|Library, 1987, c1986. |

|Recreates the author's boyhood experiences in South Africa. |

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|910.4 HEY |

|Heyerdahl, Thor. Kon-Tiki : across the Pacific by raft. 35th anniversary ed. Chicago : Rand McNally, 1984. |

|Translation of: Kon-Tiki ekspedisjonen. The classic true adventure of crossing the Pacific by raft. |

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|921 X |

|Myers, Walter Dean, 1937-. Malcolm X : by any means necessary : a biography. New York : Scholastic, c1993. |

|Chronicles the life of controversial militant leader Malcolm X. |

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|921 JAC |

|Jackson, Livia Bitton. My bridges of hope : searching for life and love after Auschwitz. 1st ed. New York : Simon & Schuster |

|Books for Young Readers, c1999. |

|In 1945, after surviving a harrowing year in Auschwitz, fourteen-year-old Elli returns, along with her mother and brother, to the|

|family home, now part of Slovakia, where they try to find a way to rebuild their shattered lives. |

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|921 LOB |

|Lobel, Anita. No pretty pictures : a child of war. 1st ed. New York : Greenwillow Books, c1998. |

|The author, known as an illustrator of children's books, describes her experiences as a Polish Jew during World War II and for |

|years in Sweden afterwards. |

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|920 DAV |

|Davis, Sampson. The pact : three young men make a promise and fulfill a dream. 1st Riverhead trade pbk. ed. New York : Riverhead |

|Books, 2003, c2002. |

|Presents the true story of three African-American kids from the inner city of Newark, New Jersey, who made a pact to support each|

|other as they rose from an environment of poverty, crime, and drugs, and went on to become successful doctors. |

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|921 BAT |

|Fradin, Judith Bloom. The power of one : Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine. New York : Clarion Books, c2004. |

|Presents a biography of Daisy Bates, examining her accomplishments as a civil rights activist, journalist, and organizer, and |

|discussing her role as mentor to the nine African-American students who integrated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, |

|in 1957. |

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|820.9 NAF |

|Nafisi, Azar. Reading Lolita in Tehran : a memoir in books. 1st ed. New York : Random House, c2003. |

|The author presents a memoir of her life in post-revolutionary Iran, focusing on her organization of a group of young women in |

|1997 who met secretly once a week to read and discuss forbidden works of Western literature. |

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|921 OGR |

|O'Grady, Scott. Return with honor. New York : HarperPaperbacks, c1995. |

|Air Force Captain Scott O'Grady tells the story of how he survived after being shot down over Bosnia on June 2, 1995, describing |

|his six day ordeal in hostile territory being hunted by the Bosnian Serbs, his rescue by the U.S. Marines, and his hero's welcome|

|home. |

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|921 GRE |

|Gregory, Julie. Sickened : the memoir of a Munchausen by proxy childhood. New York : Bantam Books, 2003. |

|The author describes her life as the daughter of a woman afflicted with Munchausen by proxy, a form of child abuse in which a |

|parent, most often a mother, invents or induces illness in a child in order to gain attention from medical professionals, tells |

|how she was able to save herself, and discusses her efforts to have another young girl removed from her mother's care. |

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|796.22 DAV |

|Davis, James, 1973-. Skateboarding is not a crime : 50 years of street culture. Buffalo, N.Y. ; : Firefly Books, 2004. |

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|796.323 PAL |

|Palmer, Chris (Chris M.). Streetball : all the ballers, moves, slams, & shine. 1st ed. New York : HarperResource, c2004. |

|Presents a history of street basketball along with biographies of fifteen streetball players and a description of the game's |

|basic moves. |

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|371.82 MOR |

|Mortenson, Greg. Three cups of tea : one man's mission to promote peace--one school at a time. New York : Penguin Books, 2007, |

|c2006. |

|Greg Mortenson recounts the experiences he had while trying to help impoverished villages in Pakistan's Karakoram Himalaya build |

|schools for their children. |

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|808 SAL |

|Salzman, Mark. True notebooks : a writer's year at Juvenile Hall. 1st Vintage Books ed. New York : Vintage Books, 2004, c2003. |

|Somebody -- Just say no -- Gentlemen -- Trip to the museum -- Collision -- Here I am -- Lockdown -- Dream state -- Arcana -- |

|Prisoner or pumpkin -- Feeling special -- Mother's day -- Played -- Day of creation -- Busted -- Happy birthday -- Family life --|

|Two-face -- Send in the clowns -- Buster -- No mercy walls -- Window tappers -- Man I was supposed to be -- Thanks, hate -- |

|Father's day -- Letter -- Dear friend. Mark Salzman chronicles his first years teaching at Central Juvenile Hall, a lockup for |

|Los Angeles's most violent teenage offenders, discussing what his students taught him about life. |

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|921 SCH |

|Albom, Mitch, 1958-. Tuesdays with Morrie : an old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson. New York : Doubleday, c1997. |

|The author, an alumnus of Brandeis University, tells of his meetings with a former professor suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease |

|and of the lessons he learned about life and death from his college mentor. |

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|921 Pau |

|Paulsen, Gary. Winterdance : the fine madness of running the Iditarod. 1st ed. New York : Harcourt Brace, c1994. |

|The author's account of his most ambitious quest: to know a world beyond his knowing, to train for and run the Iditarod. |

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