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5302332-184068Name:Period: Name:Period: The Path to Nazi GenocideRead the following questions. As you watch, answer as best you can. How many young German men died in WWI?1/3 of men aged 19-22right18405100What did the Treaty of Versailles forbid Germany to do?Stopped Germany from having a militaryWhat happened to the currency and economy of Germany after WWI?It fell apart and became uselessDescribe the riots inspired by politics in Germany in the early 1930’s.Violent and chaotic—resulted in death sometimesWhy was Adolf Hitler imprisoned? How did this affect his popularity? He was jailed for treason, and it only made him more popular.What did Hitler’s newspaper offer people?Simple solutions to complicated problemsWhat position did Hitler claim before he took over completely?Chancellor Who did the Nazi’s blame for the fire of the parliament building? How did this help them seize power?Communists. This helped them take over “for the good of all” and made the communists the enemies and extremists rather than the Nazisright1651000Who were the first people sent to concentration camps?People in other political parties (who contested the Nazis)Why did Germans support the Nazi party even after all this?The Nazi party carefully doctored anything the German people saw or heardWhat did the Nazi party teach about race?The Aryan race (blonde hair and blue eyes) is purest and “most superior” How were racist ideas spread?Propaganda What was the goal of Nazi propaganda?To win the support of German citizensWhat country did Nazi Germany take over first?Austria What happened during Krystal Nacht (the night of broken glass)?Jewish storefronts and other Jewish buildings were destroyed under the direction of the Nazi party (although it was staged to look as if average people simply rose up and destroyed them)What happened to those deemed unfit to work at the concentration camps?They were immediately killed ................

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