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SPI – Vancouver / ADP Payroll (Imageworks)Functional Specification: Workday to ADP Pay@Work and EZLabor InterfaceVersion 1.9DRAFTRevision HistoryDateVersionDescriptionAuthor4/16/20131.0Initial DraftKim Arnold2/11/20141.1Updated Error Handling and Field requirementsKim Arnold2/18/20141.2Updated Error HandlingKim Arnold2/19/20141.3Updated after receiving input from ADPKim Arnold2/26/20141.4Update and review of Error HandlingKim Arnold2/27/141.5Update Control File Requirements and Error HandlingKaren Dedo3/3/141.6Updated Error Handling with ADP Email addressKim Arnold3/11/141.7Updated based on meeting with ADP and Workday Team on 3/7/14Kim Arnold3/12/141.8Updated Section 4 Error Handling based on meeting with ADP and Workday team on 3/12/14Kim Arnold3/22/141.9Added trailer record layouts, updated file name conventions and Sec 3.2 ADP Process, based on review with ADP and Workday team on 3/20/14.Karen DedoTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc383417160 \h 51.Workday Interface to ADP Pay@Work PAGEREF _Toc383417161 \h 51.1ADP Pay@work Import File Requirements PAGEREF _Toc383417162 \h 51.2Data File Requirements PAGEREF _Toc383417163 \h 61.2.1File Name Conventions PAGEREF _Toc383417164 \h 61.2.2Data Population PAGEREF _Toc383417165 \h 61.2.3Data Record Layout PAGEREF _Toc383417166 \h 61.2.4Trailer Record Layout PAGEREF _Toc383417167 \h 82.Workday Interface to ADP EZLabor PAGEREF _Toc383417168 \h 82.1ADP EZLabor Import File Requirements PAGEREF _Toc383417169 \h 82.2Data Requirements PAGEREF _Toc383417170 \h 82.2.1File Name Conventions PAGEREF _Toc383417171 \h 82.2.2Data Population PAGEREF _Toc383417172 \h 82.2.3Header & Data Record Layout PAGEREF _Toc383417173 \h 82.2.4Trailer Record Layout PAGEREF _Toc383417174 \h 102.2.5File Sort Order PAGEREF _Toc383417175 \h 112.2.6Security Group Changes PAGEREF _Toc383417176 \h 113.Interface & Data Transport Process PAGEREF _Toc383417177 \h 113.1SPI Process PAGEREF _Toc383417178 \h 113.2ADP Process PAGEREF _Toc383417179 \h 114.Error Handling PAGEREF _Toc383417180 \h 124.1Email Contacts PAGEREF _Toc383417181 \h 124.2Error Handling Table PAGEREF _Toc383417182 \h 125.Tables or Valid Field Values PAGEREF _Toc383417183 \h 145.1Pay@Work Employment Province or Residence Province (ADP Mandated) PAGEREF _Toc383417184 \h 145.2EZLabor Paygroup (Sony Specific) PAGEREF _Toc383417185 \h 155.3EZLabor Security Groups and User Groups (Sony Specific) PAGEREF _Toc383417186 \h 155.4Supervisor List PAGEREF _Toc383417187 \h 166.Approval PAGEREF _Toc383417188 \h 16IntroductionSony Pictures Imageworks (SPI) uses Workday to maintain and manage all employee HR related information. In the U.S., Workday provides the Sony payroll systems with new hire information, rates changes, terminations and other payroll related data. SPI Canada uses ADP Pay@Work and ADP’s EZLabor system for payroll processing and time and labor management. Currently, any new hire or changes to employee information is entered into Workday. The SPI Canada Payroll Administrator uses a report from Workday and manually updates the report with the ADP required employee information. That spreadsheet is then sent to ADP and manually entered it into their systemsThis document includes the requirements for automating the Workday to ADP Pay@work and EZLabor interfaces.Workday Interface to ADP Pay@Work SPI Vancouver’s payroll week ends Saturday’s at 12:00 midnight PT. This means that in order for an employee to enter their timecard in EZLabor and have hours included in the next payroll cycle, all new hires must be loaded into the ADP systems before 9:00am PT Fridays. This Interface should run every week on Friday AM just after midnight (12:05:00am) The interface from Workday that will load data into Pay@Work is actually two files, one with New Hires information and the other with Employee Updates/Changes and Terminations. The requirements for both are nearly identical and the requirements in this section apply to both unless specifically noted otherwise.The interfaces to Pay@Work MUST be run BEFORE the interface to EZLabor. Once updated, Pay@work will populate EZLabor with the New or Updated information about the employee. The interface from Workday to EZLabor will contain information about the employee that is unique to and required by EZLabor.ADP Pay@work Import File RequirementsRequired format: Comma Separated Value (.CSV)36785551905Max File size: 5MBMax Row size: 32KBMax Field size: 2048 bytesMax # of fields per row: 256Max # of rows per file: 100,000Last Column must not be blank (empty)Invalid Characters:Text Fields MUST NOT contain commas UNLESS qualified with quotes “ “Data File RequirementsFile Name ConventionsADP company code: R0FU (zero not the letter O)Description of File: New Hires or Emp UpdatesPayroll week-ending date (MM/DD/YYYY).Time Stamp EXAMPLE: R0FU_SPI_New_Hires_06_16_2014_12:05:00.csvData PopulationSAP Company Code: 5283 Current Week New Hire File: New and Re-Hires during the Mon-Thurs of the week the interface is run AND any New/Hires from the Friday prior.Current Week Change File: Employees with changes to Pay@Work data and Status Changes (Term/Inactive) during the Mon-Thurs of the week the interface is run AND any from the Friday prior.Interface files cannot include FUTURE New Hires/rehires, or changes.A complete record for each is requiredIf there are no records for the week, generate a blank file(s) with a control total of 0Data Record LayoutIf data exceeds the length of the ADP field it will need to be truncated during the generation of the interface file.All fields must be populated with data unless specifically noted below.The New Hire file will contain only the Y fields listed in Green belowThe Change Termination file will contain only the Y fields listed in Blue belowADP HeaderADP FormatSampleNew Hire File CHG FileNotes:ADP Company CodeA(4)R0FUYYZero not OLast NameA(20)SmithYYFirst NameA(15)JoeYY?InitialA(2)BYY?Can be blankSoc. Ins. No.A(9)555222777YY no spaces or dashes. Ok to be Blank if emp does not haveBirth DateMM/DD/YYYY4/15/1968YY?Employee IDA(9)00605123YYREQUIRED – Qualifier FieldMust have leading Zero's (zero fill to 8)EZLabor Employee IDA(9)00605123YYSame value as Employee ID Add Employee to EZLA(1)YYYDefault to YEmp Exists in EZLA(1)YYYDefault to YBranch #A(1)blankYY?Required ADP Field. Not currently used by Sony, so this will be blank or NullDepartment #A(6)blankYYRequired ADP Field - Not currently used. This may be used when the GL Interface is implementedNote: Once updated, all Payroll reports will be sorted by this fieldStreetA(24)?YYCityA(24)?YY?ProvinceA(2)BCYY?Postal / Zip CodeLNLNLN?YY?Hire DateMM/DD/YYYY?YYHire date or if a US employee, the date the start in VancouverEI OccupationA(16)?YYJob TitleLanguageA(1)EYYE = English (Default)F = FrenchEmployment ProvinceN(2)03YY03 Default (See Section 5.1 for complete list)One Tax Form FlagYes or NoYESNYOnly needed if the Employment Province is changing. Can default to YESResidence ProvinceN(2)?YYSee Section 5.1 for complete listPayroll StatusA(1)A?YYA=Active I=Inactive, T=TermTermination DateMM/DD/YYYYNYMandatory if Status is T or IWorkday Date = Term DatePay this Pay PeriodYes or NoNYMandatory if Status is T or I. Default to NO Blank if Status is A or unchangedPayroll TypeA(1)?YYS = SalaryH = Hourly E = Exception HourlySee Section 0 for Business LogicRateN(9,4)?YYHourly RateStandard HoursN(9,2)40YYDefault to 40 Salary per payN(9,2)If emp is hourly ok to be blank?YYWeekly Base wage If employee is Hourly= BlankPayment TypeA(1)CYNC = Check DefaultTrailer Record LayoutField NameFormatSampleNotes:ADP Company CodeA(5)#####Value will always be ##### which are invalid characters so the import process will not load to ADP.Control Total9(10)106Record Count for Pay@work New Hires or Emp Update file. Workday Interface to ADP EZLabor ADP EZLabor Import File RequirementsRequired format: Comma Separated Value (.CSV or .TXT)Max File size: Max # of rows per file: Employee ID Must be the first columnText Fields cannot contain commasInvalid Character for Non ID Fields(“) – Double Quote(\) – Back Slash(<) – Less Than(>) -- Greater ThanData RequirementsFile Name ConventionsADP company code ( R0FU),Description of File: EZLaborPayroll week-ending date (MM/DD/YYYY).Time Stamp EXAMPLE: R0FU_SPI_EZLabor_06_16_2014_12:06:00.csvData PopulationSAP Company Code: 5283 Current Week: New/Re-Hires, Employees with changes to EZLabor data and Status Changes (Term/Inactive) during the Mon-Thurs of the week the interface is run AND any from the Friday prior.Interface files cannot include FUTURE New Hires/rehires, or changes.A complete record for each is requiredIf there are no records for the week, generate a blank file with a control total of 0Header & Data Record LayoutA header record is required for the EZLabor file. All names in the header record must be in all CAPITAL S as shown in the format below.For the data record, if data exceeds the length of the ADP field it will need to be truncated during the generation of the interface file.All fields must be populated with data unless specifically noted belowADP Field NameADP FormatSampleNotesEMPLOYEEID2500605123Required, qualifier fieldUSERID25SPI User IDCOMPANYCODE4R0FULASTNAME25FIRSTNAME25PAYROLLID2500605123Same as Employee IDBADGE1500605123Same as Employee IDPAYGROUPID25`See Section REF _Ref353871684 \r \h 0Paygroup must be Active in EZLaborADMINFLAG1T or FCalc Field. F unless employee is on Supervisor List as Admin SUPERVISORID25‘00603654This is the ID of the Timecard Approver. This is based on the Security group the emp is assigned to.SUPERVISORFLAG1T or FCalc Field. F unless employee is on the Supervisor listEMPLOYEESECURITYGROUPID25Digital BillableSee Section REF _Ref353872212 \r \h 0EMPLOYEESECURITYGROUPSTARTDATEMM/DD/YYYYDate employee starts in this security group. Probably hire date – can be an effective date EMPLOYEESECURITYGROUPENDDATEMM/DD/YYYYDefault to 12312099 unless the Emp is changing Security Groups.USERSECURITYGROUPID25Will be blank for most employeesWill pull from Supervisor list See Section 5.4USERSECURITYGROUPSTARTDATEDate employee starts as approver for this security group. Probably hire date – can be an effective date USERSECURITYGROUPENDDATEDefault to 12312099 unless the Emp is changing Security Groups.DATEID1HIREDefault the work HIREEMPLOYEEDATE1MM/DD/YYYYSame date used in Pay@work. Workday date = Hire Date or if US emp, the date they started in Vancouver DATEID2REHIREDefault the word REHIREEMPLOYEEID2?MM/DD/YYYYWorkday date = Most Recent Hire DateDATEID3ACCRUDefault the word ACCRUEMPLOYEEID3MM/DD/YYYYWorkday date = Continuous Service Date Year Only – default month and day to 1/1 (Jan 1st)COCODE5283SAP Company CodeSTATUSA = Active, I=Inactive, T=terminatedTERMINATIONCODEIDTermBlank if Status is A or I, “TERM” if Status is TTERMINATIONDATEMM/DD/YYYYUSERROLEID25Calc Field based on Supervisor ListEMPLOYEE SUPERVISORCLIENTADMINUSERGROUPIDCalc Field based on Supervisor List EMPLSUPVRADMINUSERACCESSFLAG1T or FIf status is A = T (Access Granted)If status is I or T = F (Access Denied) CULTUREEn-CADefault to En-CATRANSFERTOPAYROLL1TDefault to TTIMEZONEPSTDefault to PSTTrailer Record LayoutField NameFormatSampleNotes:ADP Company CodeA(5)#####Value will always be ##### which are invalid characters so the import process will not load to ADP.Control Total9(10)106Record Count for EZ Labor New/Re-Hires and Employees with changes to EZLabor data. File Sort OrderThe EZLabor interface file should be sorted in the following order: Employee Changes listed firstNew HiresTerminations listed lastSecurity Group ChangesIf an employee changes security group, two records are required. The first, would include the current Security Group ID and with an END Date. The second would include the New Security Group ID and with a New Start dateRecord 1: Digital Billable, Start date: 1/01/2007, End Date: 2/14/2014Record 2: Creative Billable, Start Date: 2/15/2015, End Date: 1/1/2099This also applies to the USER Security field.Interface & Data Transport Process SPI ProcessWeekly (FRIDAY morning at 12:05am) generate the following data and control files:Workday to Pay@Work New Hires for the weekWorkday to Pay@Work Employee Changes/TerminationsWorkday to EZLaborDeliver weekly file to ADP’s sFTP site.Send confirmation email of file generation to: YVR_payroll@ and HR_Tech@spe.ADP ProcessRetrieve Weekly files from sFTP siteImport Workday to Pay@Work New Hires file Verify that control total in trailer record matches Pay@work New Hires records receivedImport Workday to Pay@Work Employee Changes/Terminations file Verify that control total in trailer record matches Pay@work Changes records received“Sync” Pay@Work to EZLabor Verify that control total in trailer record matches EZ Labor records receivedImport Workday to EZLabor fileError HandlingEmail ContactsSONY Workday Support Team (WST): HR_Tech@spe.ADP EZLabor Interface Issues: Canada_Halifax_COS_Nationals@ ANDCanada.ManagedTLM@ADP Pay@Work Interface Issues: Canada_Halifax_COS_Nationals@Error Handling Table#ERROR or ISSUEComments/Possible Handling1Errors as result of Import load validations. Examples include but are not limited to:Qualifier field does not matchRequired field is empty or missing Fields referencing a table are invalid (e.g Security Group or Pay Group)Invalid character (e.g. a comma)Supervisor ID is missing or inaccurate If Pay@work interfaceADP Payroll Support Team (Jennifer Collins) will reviewADP will fix data if applicable. If not,ADP will escalate to Sony Workday Support Team (WST)If necessary WST will contact Vancouver Payroll or Vancouver P&O for resolutionIf EZLabor interfaceADP EZLabor support (John Peniston) will reviewADP will fix data if applicable. If not,ADP will escalate to Sony Workday Support Team (WST)If necessary WST will contact Vancouver Payroll or Vancouver P&O for resolutionNote: Resolution may require updating the source system (Workday) in which case only the Records in error or in question will be included in a new interface file. 2Termination ID is Term, but there is no value for Term Date. Or Term Date has a value, but status is ActiveIf Pay@work interfaceADP Payroll Support Team (Jennifer Collins) will reviewADP will fix data if applicable. If not,ADP will escalate to Sony Workday Support Team (WST)If necessary WST will contact Vancouver Payroll or Vancouver P&O for resolutionIf EZLabor interfaceADP EZLabor Support (John Peniston) will reviewADP will fix data if applicable. If not,ADP will escalate to Sony Workday Support Team (WST)If necessary WST will contact Vancouver Payroll or Vancouver P&O for resolutionNote: Resolution may require updating the source system (Workday) in which case only the Records in error or in question will be included in a new interface file.3Control record count included in the file name does not match the number of records received. If Pay@work interfaceADP Payroll Support Team (Jennifer Collins) will reviewADP will fix data if applicable. If not,ADP will escalate to Sony Workday Support Team (WST)If EZLabor interfaceADP EZLabor Support (John Peniston) will reviewADP will fix data if applicable. If not,ADP will escalate to Sony Workday Support Team (WST)4sFTP or other failure results in ADP not receiving a file from SPI. Note: There should be 3 Sony files each week even if there are no changes in which case blank files are sent. If Pay@work interfaceADP Payroll Support Team (Jennifer Collins) will reviewADP will fix data if applicable. If not,ADP will escalate to Sony Workday Support Team (WST)If EZLabor interfaceADP EZLabor Support (John Peniston) will reviewADP will fix data if applicable. If not,ADP will escalate to Sony Workday Support Team (WST)5Employee comes through the interface as a Termination, but the ADP COS team has NOT received the appropriate manual paperwork.Reverse as well: ADP COS has the appropriate manual Termination paperwork, but the employee does not come through as a term in the interface filesADP Payroll Support Team (Jennifer Collins) will need to monitor this and refer back to SPI Vancouver Payroll if there are issues6Non-Required fields are empty, however they are fields that are needed – for example a Social or Job DescriptionADP Payroll Support Team (Jennifer Collins) will need to monitor this and refer back to the Workday Support Team and/or Vancouver payroll depending on the issueTables or Valid Field ValuesThese Tables are valid as of the Go-Live date. Some tables, such as Paygroup, Security Group and Supervisor list will change over time and will require ongoing maintenance. Pay@Work Employment Province or Residence Province (ADP Mandated)Valid CodeProvince04=Alberta03=British Columbia06=Manitoba08=New Brunswick09 =Newfoundland/Labrador00 =Non Resident07 =Nova Scotia11=Northwest Territory13=Nunavut01=Ontario10=Prince Edward Island02=Quebec05=Saskatchewen12=Yukon TerritoryEZLabor Paygroup (Sony Specific)Paygroup NamePayroll TypeSALARY EZL=SSALARY QC EZL=SSALARY PREM EZL=ESALARY PREM TK=ESALARY NON PREM EZL=SSALARY NON PREM TK=SSALARY QC NON PREM TK=SPST SHIFT=EHOURLY FT EZL=HHOURLY FT TK=HHOURLY 4HR EZL=HHOURLY 4HR TK=HHOURLY 6HR EZL=HHOURLY 6HR TK=HEZLabor Security Groups and User Groups (Sony Specific)Security GroupArtist ManagementCreative BillableDev Billable BackDev Billable FrontDev Billable MidDigital BillableFacilitiesFeatr Prod BillableOperationsOperations SrPOPO SrPST BillablePayrollProduction AccountingSys BillableSys Billable SRTrainingSupervisor ListThe Supervisor list will need to contain the following information:Employee NameEmployee IDSecurity Group: (this is the security group the supervisor is allowed to approve timecards for. In EZLabor it’s called the USER Security GroupUser Role: Admin or SupervisorApprovalI approve the SPI Workday to ADP Pay@Work/EZLabor Interface Requirements Document. This document will be used to implement the Workday to ADP Pay@Work/EZLabor Interfaces.__________________________________Maria PalaciosDateDirector, Production Finance, Imageworks ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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