Put local web page on Google-revenue maker for ads

Tired of Book Sales-County Commisioner+Tax Dept

takes messages @6 cents per call

Tonight Show Interviews of members at many levels

50/50 must be licensed

Yahoo Group monitored by reia-lists houses-

Texas ‘Hold-Em’ Night money maker for any state

$300 Fun evening($250tax deduct) food chanmpagne

Tool Belt All Day-six 45min vendor programs-qurtly

Vendors have time early/breaks/after meeting

$395 for vendors that just drop info but don’t attend

Rent a Theater with large lobby for vendors (& food)

0-300 (in 60 seconds)Visit other REIAs for new ideas

Vendor Chair handles ads/meeting table/trade show

4 level Packets of vendor membership so vendors can budget ad dollars for their year

Picnic ants are ‘out’ Mini Family Golf is ‘in’

Panel of member experts perfect ‘instant meeting’ when speaker is a no-show

Quarterly National speaker/Local/panel of experts

NaPHP-National Professional Housing Provider Prog

(Grad Sat nite at banquet) CONGRATULATIONS

FREE Orientation pre meeting

Legislative/Experience Surveys on application

Insurance donates cars for Habitat

$95 membership/$995lifetime/1/2 price once a yr-Tol

Members donate older product for Library

Multi Level Membership (students etc lifetime)

Golf Tournament Networking

Speakers donate older product for REIA group

Saturday DEAL or NO DEAL Bus Tour w/lunch, contractor pricing, lendor prequel & actually write contracts in the afternoon

Free Home Tour quarterly

Speed Dating-topic workshops every 25 min

Track all your adv to wee what’s successful $25/mo

Techy Direct Response 800 number-special reports

Newsletter content from business vendors (revenue)

Website sign in will add 30%+

Quarterly access and address (from surveys)

Speaker Bombs-use expert member panel/workshop Mock trial with local judges

Speaker free to member/cost membership for visitors

Overhead with contact info

30 second networking??? Buy/Sell/Trade

Sponsorships for vendors-membership, postcard ads, hospitality, goody bag, event sponsorship, radio

Put notes on Business cards

Book store RE section-insert group business card

Hand out info @ eviction court

Vendor night early every meeting

B I N G O for charities

Vendor TRADE FAIR night w/prizes

Co operate with other local real estate groups

Color ribbons for RE categories

1st meeting ‘free’ business card to hand out

Reduced rates for real estate ads-recruiting tool

Wants and needs on flip side of networking card

Networking card w/steps for the real world

Alangston @

‘Quick Start’

Coupons for meetings in media

Reduce costs with vendors, FSBO magazine, radio

Add security when needed-especial at tavern meetings

Lady Investor ‘FOCUS GROUP’

Dynamics of networking-collect business cards

Breakfast meeting in addition (more personal)

Vendor preferred list w/10%-50% discount

Categorize reasons for expired for board

Orientation table sit down for newbees/visitors

Personal phone calls

Welcome letter to visitors and new members w/benefit list

Humorous 3-day eviction notice to expireds

Survey for expireds

Guest Orientation (800 attendance) w/follow up call

Drive w/prizes for new members (CRUISE)

(NaPHP credit???)Point System for Volunteering

Warehouse w/strip your unit to sell for Landlord/poor


Yea Phoenix Adopt a Home-Educ Lab

Vendors Programs brings in benefits, revenue, members

Invite Mayor for ‘State of the City’

Offer Habitat to finish up their near done houses

Donate a House (tax advantage) teach new investors

Mentor Auction for time with an expert

Community Brew Bike Ride Team for charity

Breakfast meeting monthly for Newbee

$30k call in REIA Radio Show

Newsletters @ Grocery Stores for small fee

Door Prizes for most cards collected

Bar Deal or NO Deal Meeting

Pull out Vendor Section in middle of newsletter

Dinner Meeting w/networking introductions

Networking Meeting 2.5 hours

READ FOR RENT PROGRAM (donate books)


To fight court cases w\briefs



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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