Brandon Dean

Brandon Dean

Eric Woolley

Tiffany Parrish

Marissa Poulter


Google AdWords- Getting Started


1. Go to and click on the advertising programs link underneath the search engine.

2. Choose Google ad words for advertisers on the page that comes up. Do not choose “AdSense.”

3. On the subsequent page, go through the “Learn about AdWords section” to familiarize yourself with AdWords. In that section you will be taught about key word ideas, general info, how to edit and adjust your budget, and how to choose proper settings, and how to pay for your AdWords campaign.

4. After completing the “Learn about AdWords” section, click on the sign up now button.

5. On the next page you will be given two options. Choose the standard edition and review the demo if needed.

6. Click continue and choose the language and region appropriate for your campaign. (Options are given for adding or removing regions, make sure you know where you want your ad to appear and choose the necessary areas.)

7. Create the ad, this includes Headline, description line 1 and 2, the display URL, and the actual destination URL.

8. After completing your ad, press the continue button. This will take you to the “choose key words” section.

9. Type in relevant key words or phrases. Google has a service to find related keywords, but you can also search for related keywords through . will show you how many time that word has been searched for in a given month. Other services in developing keywords are also available.

10. Click continue, the next page will take you through payment options. On this page you will choose currency type, how much your daily budget will be, and the maximum cost per click. Several other tools are available to estimate the traffic that your keywords will draw. (i.e. AdWords Glossary)

11. Click continue and review your selections. Also remember, that there are many help resources available. Video learning models can help you to understand difficult concepts. You can also sign up for tips and ideas to be emailed to your personal account.

12. Finish the survey information and enter your email address and password.


While on the Campaign Management tab you can control and change your campaign settings by clicking on the edit settings button. At this page you can rename your campaign, change your running date, change your budget options, change your target audience, and control where your ads are displayed. Under budget options, Google offers assistance in determining your daily budget and the cost per clicks you may want to assume. There are two options available in controlling your bidding options per click: 1) Default manual bidding or 2) Budget Optimizer. The positive aspects of the Budget Optimizer is that you do not need to regularly check your clicks bids to make sure they have not been made inactive due to an increase in bid amount. The negative aspect is you do not have control over how many or which keywords are made inactive. When using the Default manual bidding you have individual control over each keyword and in determining your optimal bidding amount. With the default bidding you have to regularly manage your account in order to not gain inactivity to your keywords from a high bidding click rate.

There are three tabs under the campaign managements labeled Summary, Keywords, and Ad variations where you can control which information is being displayed about your ad campaign. The Summary will allow you to see current bids, clicks, impressions, and click-through-rates of all of your keywords. The Keyword tab will allow to see this information based on each individual keyword so you can control the bidding rate and add or change your current keyword list. The Ad Variations page will allow you to view this information pertaining to each ad variation that you have created. The variations can be a small change, or a large change of rearranging the complete display that will be shown to consumers.

Under the Reports you must create a report in order to display any of your current information. Once created you have the option of what program you want to use to open the report and also the option to open or save to your computer. You can also view any past reports created on this page. When creating the report you can choose which information you want displayed; either your keywords, ad variations, URL variations, campaign performance, ad group, or account performance. You can control the time period and data range for the report, add or remove individual columns, filter your results, and control the templates and determine to have reports sent regularly to your e-mail.

The Analytics tab will give your information and tips on how to improve your marketing return on investment. It will help you to attract more of the traffic you are targeting, and help you turn more visitors in to customers to increase your conversion rate. The Analytics will teach you which online marketing initiatives are cost effective and see how your visitors are actually interacting with your site. It allows you to make informed site design improvements, drive targeted traffic, and increase your conversions and profits.

The My Account tab allows you to manage your expenses. You can change the displayed dates for your current charges and see each gathered fee. This is also called your billing summary.



Romel Gregerson

Peter Kirschman

Michelle Noack

Benjamin Schriever

AdWords System

1. Determine your advertising goals

a. Do you want to make sales online?

b. Do you want to get leads from your online contacts?

2. Make a list of targeted keywords and search phrases

a. Brainstorm; come up with the terms that your customers will type in to find your goods and services.

b. Use the Search Suggestion Tool to lengthen your list of search terms

c. Add modifying words to your list that are relevant to your product or service (cheap, discount, etc.)

d. Check the popularity of each search term

e. Prepare a spreadsheet to list each term and its popularity number under a “monthly impressions” column.

3. Create an advertisement which will entice consumers to visit your site

a. All listings can be text only

b. Title line of 25 characters. Use your most popular search phrase (or a derivation of it) in the title. Try several different approaches and find the words and phrases that generate the most clicks. If you are offering a compelling value proposition, listing a price will increase clicks.

c. Product or service description with 2 lines of up to 35 characters each. This is your sales pitch. Convince your potential customer that if they click on your link they will get all of the benefits described in your message.

Give as much relevant information as possible: it will encourage qualified prospects to continue to clickthrough and it will discourage random clicks by unqualified prospects that are not firmly in your target demographic.

Make sure that your description differentiates your offering from your competition. Do you offer special products or services, a wider selection, better credit terms, hard to find inventory? These are trigger points that can lead to higher clickthroughs.

d. URL is limited to 35 characters.

e. Landing page can be different from your URL. When your prospect clicks on your ad you want him to “land” on your website at the place that is most relevant to his search. Link the prospect to the page that contains the exact information, product, or service that they were searching for.

Evaluate every keyword and search phrase to identify the best landing page. Use your spreadsheet to keep track of where you want each search phrase linked. Go to your site, find the correct page, then cut and paste the proper URL into your spreadsheet.

4. How to set up a Google AdWords account

a. Go to

b. Click the “Sign up now” button on the top right of the page

c. Select “Standard Edition” and click Continue

d. Select the language(s) your target market speaks

e. Select the geographic region you want to reach (countries and territories, regions and cities, or custom).

f. Click Continue

g. Choose your geographic region:

1. If you chose Countries and Territories on the previous page, choose the countries and territories you want to target

2. If you chose Regions and Cities on the previous page, choose the country and then choose the areas you want to target

3. If you chose custom, you can choose a region within so many miles of a physical address. This works well if your company only does business with local customers.

h. Click Continue

After this point you should refer to the keywords, etc. that you have come up with previously. If you have not already done this, refer to the sections above

i. Fill in your headline, two description lines, display URL, and destination URL (a.k.a. landing page). This is a critical part of the process. If you have not already, refer to the previous sections to develop these.

j. Click Continue

k. Fill in the keywords you have developed previously.

l. Click Continue

m. Choose your currency, daily budget, and your maximum cost per click (CPC)

n. Click Continue

o. Review your selections. Make sure everything on this page is correct.

p. Click Continue

q. Set up your Google account

r. Click Continue

5. Your ads will usually appear a few minutes after Google has received your payment.

It may take an hour or two for you to start seeing results in your campaign summary.

6. Getting your ad targeted by using built-in Google tools.

a. Use the ‘Phrase Match’ tool to limit your ad to searches that include your phrases in order.

b. To refine your ad even more use the ‘Exact Match’ feature by placing parentheses around your search term. This can help increase clickthrough rates f poorly performing ads.

c. The use “Negative Keywords’ excludes your ad from displaying along side the search results of any keywords you choose. Simply place a minus sign in front of your search term.

7. Creative strategies for successful bidding

a. A $5.00 minimum deposit is required to set up any AdWords account.

b. The ‘Always be #31, Not Matter What it Takes’ Strategy. It is not always important to be the top listing. The top listing will be the most expensive spot.

c. The ‘Never Bid More than the Minimum Bid’ Strategy. People use this strategy to keep their costs lower. AdWords bids can range from 5 cents to $50. Some top bids may be only as high as the minimum bid but may be less popular terms that don’t generate a lot of clicks.

d. The ‘Position Yourself Next to a Weaker Competitor’ Strategy. This strategy is to position your listing as high as possible, while examining the competitor’s listings and offers. Then you position yourself next to a competitor whose price is much higher than yours for the same item, or whose offer is not as competitive as yours.

e. The ‘Steady State’ Strategy. You calculate the amount that you are willing to pay for each qualified customer that lands on your site, and always bid exactly that amount.

8. Tracking and results. Continuous testing and refinement should be employed for all important keywords.

a. Google will report on what your AdWords advertising is doing. You will be able to see the number of clicks that your keywords and search phrases generate and what your active bid was at the moment that each click was generated.

b. It may be that a very small number of search terms will generate the most cost and clicks. The click reports will help you optimize your ads.

c. You can use ‘cookies’ or other online tracking methods. You will be able to create unique tracking URLs for each keyword or search phrase.

9. Maintain an ROI (return on investment) report. This will help you to manage and optimize your advertising dollars. See chart below which is from an article at:


• Site: The cost per click site that generated the clicks for this reporting period for this keyword.

• Keyword: The keyword or search phrase that generated the click and cost data.

• Total Cost: The total dollar cost for all clicks associated with this keyword over the reporting period.

• Estimated Impressions: An estimate of how many times the ad listing was actually viewed whether it was clicked on or not -- this data is available from your AdWords reporting.

• Clicks: The total number of times the ad listing was clicked during the reporting period.

• Average Cost Per Click: The average cost per click during the reporting period.

• Clickthrough Percent: The number of clicks divided by the number of estimated impressions for the reporting period.

• Sales: The total number of sales generated by this keyword during the reporting period.

• Cost Per Sale: The total cost divided by sales for the reporting period.

10. Manage your campaigns by sales. Shoot for the highest volume of sales for the lowest possible cost per sale. Using your ROI report will help you to be successful.

Creating a Google AdWords Campaign:

Step1: Go to and click on the link Advertising Programs or simply type in this address

Step 2: Click on Google AdWords

Step 3: Click on Sign Up Now or you might want to go through the brief tutorial at the bottom of the page called “Lean About AdWords.”


Step 4: Choose either Starter addition or Standard addition then press continue

o Starter Edition

Advertise a single product or service with simplified options. Recommended for those who are new to Internet advertising.

o Standard Edition

Use full range of AdWords features and functionality: advanced bidding options, multiple campaigns, conversion tracking, and more. Recommended for experienced Internet advertisers and medium- or large-sized businesses.

o For this tutorial we will use the standard addition

Step 5: Choose you language and which countries or Territories you would like to have your campaign advertised. Note if you are a locally owed business it is recommended to use Regions and Cities, rather than, Countries and Territories.

Step 6: Create the ad:


Step 7: Creating Key words. Key words are important and it is important that you have the right key works. See the following reference materal:

Step 8: Set Pricing


Step 9: Review your advertisement proceed to sign up. Your account will then be active.


Reference help and other links:

Get Key word ideas:

Google AdWords Learning Center

Google AdWords Demos and Guides


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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