Carlin Park & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes





July 9, 2019

Call to Order and Roll Call:

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Ellen Meshefski at 7:04 p.m.

Board Members Present: Chairperson Ellen Meshefski Vice Chairman Jody Hensley

Member Terrell Cole

Member Brent Jacobson Member Andrea Andrews

Member Denise Taylor

Absent: Member Joe Lott

Member Jon Gift Jr.

Member Tracie Cosens Public Present: Tracy Cole

Staff Present: Heather Trujillo, Assistant City Clerk

Councilpersons: Pam Griswold-present

Cameron Kinney-Absent

1. Comments by the General Public - Pursuant to NRS 241.020(2C), this time is devoted to comments by the Public and discussion regarding those comments. No action may be taken upon a matter raised at this time until the matter has been included on a successive agenda and identified as an action item. (Non-Action Item)

Chairperson Ellen Meshefski opened the floor for public comment. There was none.

2. Review and possible discussion of the 2019 4th of July event. Public comment will be taken prior to any Action Being Taken by the board: (Non Action Item)

This was item number 3 but it was moved to item number 2 by Chairperson Ellen Meshefski.

There were 67 walkers in the Poker Walk. Our profit was $268.00.

We had 41 entries in the parade. All the old fashioned games worked well. We required one adult and one child. It made the games involve more people.

Great 4th, lots of help.

This was a non-action item.

3. Discussion and possible approval of all matters related to the 2019 Sho ‘N’ Shine Event. Public Comment will be taken prior to any Action Being Taken by the Board: (For Possible Action)

This item was moved from number 2 to number 3 by Chairperson Ellen Meshefski.

Discussion was held on getting all sponsors in by July 25th. All events are in the planning stage. A department head meeting will be scheduled.

Member Denise Taylor motioned to table this item.

Vice Chairperson Jody Hensley seconds the motion. Motion passes 6-0. Motion carries.

4. Discussion and possible approval of the minutes for June 11, 2019. Public Comment will be taken prior to any Action Being Taken by the Board: (For Possible Action)

Member Brent Jacobson motions to approve the minutes for June 11, 2019.

Member Terrell Cole seconds the motion. Motion passes 6-0. Motion carries.

5. Members Reports. (Non-Action Item)

Member Terrell Cole stated the 4th of July was great.

Member Brent Jacobson thanked everyone for all the help.

Chairperson Ellen Meshefski outlined all the upcoming events for the rest of the summer.

6. Comments by the General Public: Pursuant to NRS 241.020(2C) this time is devoted to comments by the general public and discussion to those comments. No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item until the matter has been included on a successive agenda and identified as an action item. (Non-Action Item)

Chairperson Meshefski opened the floor for public comment.

There were none.

7. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Member Brent Jacobson moved to adjourn the meeting.

Member Terrell Cole seconded the motion. Motion passed 6-0. Motion carries.



Ellen Meshefski, Chairperson



Heather Trujillo, Assistant City Clerk


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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