History of Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) in California


|1974-78 |On Lok Demonstration Project. |

|1975 |AB 1810 (McCarthy) authorized ADHC pilot projects administered by Department of Health Services (DHS). |

|1975-78 |Pilot project phase – 5 pilots (Sacramento, San Francisco, San Diego). |

|1978 |AB 1611 enacted making California the first state to pass legislation to make ADHC a specific licensure category and a Medi-Cal |

| |benefit. It had the following provisions: |

| |Made ADHC a Medi-Cal benefit – Medi-Cal rate set at base rate of $19.07 per day. |

| |Made ADHC a licensing category. |

| |Established advisory ADHC Review Committee at state level. |

| |Limited ADHC to public or private, non-profit community organizations. |

| |Established local involvement in planning and approving services (County ADHC Planning council and Plan). |

| |Sunset clause – January 1, 1983. |

|1982 |AB 2378 (Torres) enacted to continue ADHC as a permanent licensure category and Medi-Cal benefit. |

|1983 |Transition regulations – allowed persons in skilled nursing facilities to attend ADHC to determine if transition to ADHC was |

| |possible. Authorized Medi-Cal payment for 5 transition days, at a reimbursement rate that is 85% of normal daily ADHC rate. |

|1984 |SB 1337 |

| |Authorized 3-year transfer of ADHC program from DHS to California Department of Aging (CDA). |

| |Expanded membership and changed name of ADHC Review Committee to State Long-Term Care Committee |

| |Medi-Cal rate increase (17.5%) |

|1985 |Medi-Cal rate increase (4% increase) |

|1986 |Medi-Cal rate increase to $37.68 (average 16.8%) – rate structure changed to flat daily rate per participant day of attendance. |

|1987 |Medi-Cal rate increase to $39.45 (4.7% increase). |

| |SB 601 enacted to make permanent the transfer of the ADHC program from DHS to CDA. |

| |AB 1590 enacted to expand the membership of the local ADHC Planning Councils. |

| |Veterans Administration begins contracting for ADHC services. |

|1988 |Transfer of ADHC fiscal audit function from DHS to CDA. |

|1989 |Medi-Cal rate increase to $45.85 (16.2% increase). |

| |Adult Day Care Food Program implemented by the Department of Education. |

|1990 |SB 2429 enacted to authorize rural alternative ADHC program. |

|1992 |Implemented rural alternative program and maintenance program provisions of SB 2429 and SB 681. |

| |Consolidated certification renewal survey function in CDA. |

| |Approval of first ADHC satellite site. |

|1993 |Transfer of Medi-Cal claims payment function from CDA to EDS. |

| |Implemented new policy allowing residents of ICF/DD-H facilities to attend ADHC centers. |

| |Implemented dual program provisions of SB 2429 and SB 681, allowing the delivery of other types of adult day services operating |

| |under the ADHC license. |

|1994 |Medi-Cal rate increase to $54.30 (18.4% increase). |

|1995 |SB 1492 enacted to eliminate licensure restrictions and allowed individuals and for-profit entities to be licensed and certified |

| |as ADHC providers. |

| |AB 1882 enacted to allow residents of ICF/DD-H facilities to attend ADHC centers. |

|1997 |Medi-Cal rate increase to $57.43 (5.8% increase). |

|1998 |Medi-Cal rate increase to $61.61 (7.3% increase). |

|1999 |SB 1817 enacted authorizing DHS/CDA to review combined ADHC/ADC programs and updating statutes. |

| |SB 1361 enacted authorizing the use of secured perimeters under specified conditions. |

| |Medi-Cal rate increase to $63.62 (3.3% increase). |

Source: California Department of Aging 08/99


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