Template WIB Agenda

| |Yolo County Workforce Innovation Board |

| |A proud partner of America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM network. |

| |America’s Job Center of California – One-Stop Career Center Locations |

| |West Sacramento Woodland |

| |500-A Jefferson Blvd., Building A 25 N. Cottonwood Street |

| |(916) 375-6200 x4327 (530) 661-2750 x4327 |

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|Board Members |Executive Committee |

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| |June 22, 2016 |

|All Phase Security Inc. | |

| | |

|Buckhorn Steakhouse/ |Committee: Gary Pelfrey, Denice Seals, Maggie Campbell, Don Palm, and Ken Garrett |

|Putah Creek Café | |

| |Present: Gary Pelfrey, Maggie Campbell, Don Palm, and Ken Garrett |

|California Dept. of | |

|Rehabilitation |Absent: Denice Seals |

| | |

|California Employment Development|Staff: Elaine Lytle, Lisa Vincent, Judy Needham, and Cyndi Sechler |

|Department | |

| |Guest: Gloria Earl, Regional Advisor, Employment Development Department |

|City of Woodland Economic | |

|Development | |

| |Public Comment / Announcements – Non-Agenda Items |

|Clark Pacific |WIB members, staff, or the public may address the Workforce Innovation Board Executive Committee on subjects relating to employment and |

| |training in Yolo County. A time limit may be imposed. No action may be taken on non-agenda items. |

|DMG Mori |Gary Pelfrey stated that Maggie Campbell gave a good presentation for the Yolo County Office of Education. |

| |Judy Needham reminded everyone that Health and Human Services Agency will be hosting a Job Fair tomorrow, from 9am-12pm; and stated only |

|La Cooperative Campesina |the employers that are currently hiring will be attending. |

| |Call to Order / Establish Quorum |

|Los Rios Community College |Meeting called to order at 1:03 p.m. with quorum present. |

|District |Agenda Review and Order Approval |

| |Don Palm moved to approve the agenda; Ken Garrett seconded; motion passed. |

|Olam Tomato Processors |Approve Executive Committee Minutes from April 27, 2016 |

| |Maggie Campbell moved to approve the April 27, 2016 minutes; Don Palm seconded; motion passed. |

|Optimum Zendejas Home Loans |Discuss WIB Meeting Wrap Up of May 11, 2016 |

| |Gary Pelfrey reported that we had a good guest speaker, and a lot of good information in the meeting that was shared. |

|PrideStaff |Discuss CWA-Training Institute/California Employers Association-Strength Finders 2.0 Assessment Leading Through Strengths |

| |Lisa Vincent asked the Executive Committee which September dates worked best for them, and then we will put it out to the WIB Members. |

|Sacramento Central Labor Council |Partner Memorandum of Understanding Update |

|(4) |Lisa Vincent reported that we have 12 partners, 9 MOUs that have been completed, and approved by the Yolo County Board of Supervisors. We |

| |are in discussion with one partner, and waiting to hear back from an additional two. The deadline to submit them to the state is June 30, |

|Seminis Vegetable Seeds |2016. |

| |6 |

|The Scoop Frozen Yogurt Shop | |

| |Discuss Conflict of Interest Form |

|West Sacramento Chamber of |Lisa Vincent reported 21 out of 23 members have filed their Conflict of Interest Form. Gary Pelfrey and Maggie Campbell stated they will |

|Commerce |contact and work with the remaining members to get them filed. |

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|Woodland Aviation | |

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|Woodland Adult Education | |

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|Woodland Community College | |

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|Yolo Food Bank | |

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|Yolo Employment Services, Inc. | |

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Executive Committee Minutes

June 22, 2016

1. Discuss WIB Attendance

WIB membership attendance was reviewed and discussed per Section 9 of the Yolo County Bylaws. Gary Pelfrey asked to bring subject back to the August 24th meeting.

2. Receive WIOA Fiscal and Procurement Review Final Monitoring Report for PY 2015-16

Lisa Vincent went over the WIOA Fiscal and Procurement Review Final Monitoring Report.

3. Receive Workforce Services Draft Directive (WSDD) 141/Subsidized Employment and Employee Benefits

This policy provides guidance for determining compliance with the employee benefit provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014 for subsidized work based training and employment programs under the Workforce innovation and Opportunity Act.

4. Receive WSDD 144/Unilateral De-Obligation

This draft directive updates language and references in Directive WIAD04-11 to reflect the changes from the Employment Development Department’s Workforce Investment Division to the Central Office Workforce Services Division and the change from the Workforce Investment Act to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

5. Receive Workforce Services Directive (WSD) 15-25/WIOA Program Income

This policy provides guidance and establishes the procedures for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act program income.

6. Receive WSD 15-26/Subsidized Employment and Employee Benefits

This policy provides guidance for determining compliance with the employee benefit provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014 for subsidized work based training and employment programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act.

7. Receive Workforce Services Information Notice (WSIN) 15-46/Grant Application Opportunity – Pathways to Justice Careers for Youth

On April 7, 2016, the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration announced the availability of $5 million in grant funds for the Pathways to Justice Careers for Youth program.

8. Receive WSIN 15-47/ETPL Performance Standard for WIOA Transition

The California Workforce Development Board has developed statewide performance standards for training programs listed on the California Eligible Training Provider List.

9. Receive WSIN 15-48/Unavailability of CalJOBSSM Web API Service

The Workforce Services Branch is currently working with our vendor, Geographic Solutions Inc., to upgrade the CalJOBS application to comply with new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act performance and reporting requirements that take effect July 1, 2016.

10. Receive WSIN 15-49/AB 2060 Supervised Population Workforce Training Grant 2.0 Awards

This announces the awarding of eight grants under Assembly Bill 2060 Supervised Population Workforce Training Grants 2.0 by the Employment Development Department, in coordination with the California Workforce Development Board and the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency.

11. Receive WSIN 15-50/Workforce Accelerator 3.0 Grants

The Employment Development Department announces, in coordination with the California Workforce Development Board and the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, the awarding of 31 grants under the Workforce Accelerator Fund Grants 3.0 grant solicitation.

12. Receive WSIN 15-51/Program Year 2016-17 Rapid Response Funding

The Employment Development Department announces the Rapid Response and Layoff Aversion funding provided to Local Workforce Development Areas for the period of July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017.

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Executive Committee Minutes

June 22, 2016

13. Receive/Review/Approve Draft WIB Agenda for July 13, 2016

Don Palm moved to approve the WIB Agenda for July 13, 2016, with the following additions:

• WIOA Fiscal and Procurement Review Final Monitoring Report for PY 2015-16

• Informational Notice – WSDD-144/Unilateral De-Obligation

• Informational Notice – WSD 15-26/Subsidized Employment and Employee Benefits

• Informational Notice – 15-51/Program Year 2016-17 Rapid Response Funding

Maggie Campbell seconded; motion passed.

14. CWA/WIA/WIOA – Updates

Lisa Vincent announced the California Workforce Association Meeting of the Minds Conference September 6-8, 2016; and asked if any Executive Members would like to attend.

15. Reports:

a. Criminal Justice/Public Defenders/Employment (WIB Member Committee) – Gary Pelfrey

Gary reported Emily Kochly is the new Social Worker at the Yolo County Public Defender’s Office, and she is new to the program and replacing Amanda.

b. Executive Director – Elaine Lytle

Elaine reported there is a Grant Youth Build – Education and On-the-Job Training in the construction field. Yolo County Office of Education will collect data this year with the expectation to apply for next year’s grant.

c. Ad Hoc Committee Update – Maggie Campbell

Maggie reported we had a great meeting on June 1st; and it was well attended. We will be sending out Bylaws, and we moved the Vice-Chair discussion to the next meeting. We also discussed what soft skill programs are already out there.

16. Other Business That May Come Before the Board

No additional business.

17. Adjourn

Ken Garrett moved to adjourn the meeting; Maggie Campbell seconded; meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

Next Meeting

August 24, 2016

One-Stop Career Center – Clarksburg Room, Woodland One-Stop

1:00-2:30 p.m.

Accommodation: In accordance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance, meeting materials

to be in an alternative format, auxiliary aids, or other person to assist you while attending this meeting, we will provide reasonable accommodation

to allow participation. Contact Cyndi Sechler at 530-661-2750 x4327 at least 3 business days prior to the meeting to facilitate arrangements.

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