FY2019 Massachusetts Guidelines for Effective Distance ...

Massachusetts Guidelines forDistance Learning in Adult Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary EducationAdult and Community Learning Services75 Pleasant StreetMalden, MA 02148doe.mass.edu/aclsFY 2019-FY 2020Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc492019708 \h 3Distance Education – Model Overview PAGEREF _Toc492019709 \h 3Distance Learning Programs – Role and Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc492019710 \h 4Enrollment PAGEREF _Toc492019711 \h 4Intake and Screening PAGEREF _Toc492019712 \h 4A.Student Eligibility PAGEREF _Toc492019713 \h 4B.Program Responsibilities: PAGEREF _Toc492019714 \h 4Orientation PAGEREF _Toc492019715 \h 5Communication PAGEREF _Toc492019716 \h 5Hub Supported DL Model PAGEREF _Toc492019717 \h 5Data Entry and Reporting PAGEREF _Toc492019718 \h 5Staffing PAGEREF _Toc492019719 \h 6Distance Learning ABE and ESOL Hubs: Role and Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc492019720 \h 6Overview of the HUB PAGEREF _Toc492019721 \h 6Hub Services PAGEREF _Toc492019722 \h 7Hub Staffing PAGEREF _Toc492019723 \h 7Data Entry PAGEREF _Toc492019724 \h 8Distance Learning Curricula PAGEREF _Toc492019725 \h 8ABE curricula PAGEREF _Toc492019726 \h 8ESOL curricula PAGEREF _Toc492019727 \h 8Curriculum Approval Process PAGEREF _Toc492019728 \h 8Student Contact Hours PAGEREF _Toc492019729 \h 9Proxy Seat Time PAGEREF _Toc492019730 \h 9Direct Seat Time PAGEREF _Toc492019731 \h 9Appendix A– Sample Distance Learning Student Contract PAGEREF _Toc492019732 \h 10Appendix B – Resource and Reference Materials PAGEREF _Toc492019733 \h 11Appendix C – Sample Memorandum of Agreement PAGEREF _Toc492019736 \h 12Appendix D – Application for New Distance Learning Curriculum Approval PAGEREF _Toc492019737 \h 13IntroductionAdult and Community Learning Services (ACLS) recognizes that there is a strong need to connect adult education instruction to those not currently being served by traditional face-to-face AE programs. These potential students may find opportunities through distance learning to increase their English language, literacy and numeracy skills. The primary purposes for integrating distance learning into AE instructional program are to:Provide educational services to individuals who cannot attend traditional face-to-face classes due to conflicting work schedule or other circumstancesIncrease access to services for students on a waiting list or other referral sources,Provide additional intensity and/or differentiated instruction for students already enrolled in AE face-to-face programs.Distance Education – Model OverviewACLS-funded programs may choose between two distance learning program delivery options: Hub supported and Program supported distance learning. The two program delivery options are distinguished by who provides the instruction. Within each of these options, students may choose one of two different enrollment pathways, depending on their circumstances. Students can choose either to receive all their educational services through online Distance Learning (direct enrollment) or to receive Distance Learning services as a supplement to their face-to-face instruction in an AE program (dual enrollment).Hub Supported Distance Learning (HSDL) instruction is provided to students across the Commonwealth by a centralized entity called the Hub. The Hub is the online instruction provider. ACLS will fund up to two DL Hubs. One Hub provides ABE (ASE and Pre-ASE) instruction and the other Hub provides ESOL instruction, or one Hub offers both ABE and ESOL instruction. The HSDL option is intended for students not affiliated with any AE program and who either desire the direct enrollment pathway or students enrolled in and AE program who would like the dual enrollment pathway but whose program does not offer Distance Learning instruction. Programs choosing this option should complete a memorandum of agreement with the designated Hub to ensure distance learning services between the Hub and program.Program Supported Distance Learning refers to online instructional opportunities that are provided by individual AE programs for students enrolled in that program or on the waiting list. There are two models:Blended Learning is the instructional delivery model that incorporates online activities with face-to-face classroom instruction. Classroom and distance learning instruction are coordinated and integrated. The course is designed as a combination of classroom and online instruction and all students enrolled participate in both. Independent Distance Learning refers to online instruction whose content and instructors are independent of those of the face-to-face components of the program. Enrolled students and those on the waitlist may choose the direct-enrollment pathway. For students enrolled in the classroom instruction, this is an opportunity to increase their learning by supplementing with online instruction, thus adding additional hours of learning.Distance Learning Programs – Role and ResponsibilityEach distance learning program model has specific responsibilities in the following categories: enrollment, intake, screening, orientation, communication, data entry, reporting and staffing. Some of the requirements are the same for all ACLS supported distance education models and other requirements are DL model specific (unless specifically stated the following information is for all DL program models).EnrollmentPrograms are approved to serve a set number of students as proposed by the DL model or stated in their program design. Eligible students may be enrolled in traditional face-to-face classes at the learning center or recruited from the waiting list or other referral sources and receive all instruction directly online. The program is responsible for completing a minimum of 12 contact hours with a student prior to enrolling him/her in the distance learning curriculum. The 12 contact hours may be a combination of intake, screening and orientation.Hub Supported DL ModelA minimum of 10 students are referred and actively enrolled at the Hub by the adult education program. Program Supported DL ModelBlended Learning - A minimum of one ESOL or ABE class is must be offered as a combination of classroom and online instruction and is offered throughout the year. The cohort of students must be concurrently enrolled in a face-to-face class and in the DL curriculum and the curriculum for that class must integrate both classroom and online instruction.Independent Distance Learning- A minimum of 20 students are served and maintained throughout the year.Intake and ScreeningStudent EligibilityAE StudentsStudents must be 16 years of age or older, not enrolled in a secondary school.Dually enrolled students must have a scaled score of at least 400 (GLE 6) in reading literacy as determined by the Massachusetts Adult Proficiency Test (MAPT). Directly enrolled DL students must have a scaled score of at least 500 (GLE 9) in reading literacy as determined by the MAPT.ESOL StudentsStudents must be 16 years of age or older, not enrolled in a secondary school.All DL ESOL students must have a scaled score of at least 393 (SPL 2) as determined by the BEST Plus 2.0 test or a scaled score of at least 397/393 (SPL 2) as determined by the TABE CLAS-E Writing/Reading respectively.Program Responsibilities:Conducting outreach, recruitment, intake, and enrollment for all DL studentsConducting pre- and post-testing for DL students in accordance with ACLS Assessment Policy and Procedures at Obtaining necessary release of information forms for all DL studentsIntegrating DL prescreening into the adult learning center’s established intake process. Other resources include materials that may be obtained through the ABE and ESOL Hubs (contact the Hub Coordinators for more information). OrientationThe program offers its Introduction to Distance Learning orientation which is informed by the Hub in a Hub supported DL model... This orientation introduces cohorts of distance learning students to the distance education model used by the program. The orientation is a multi-step process that orients the DL student to the curriculum and supplemental materials, and ensures that essential technology skills are in place. The orientation should also integrate social networking tools necessary to participate in a virtual community of learners, and address independent study skills essential for persistence and success in online learning. Orientation hours for distance learners can be a combination of face-to-face interactions, contact through telephone, video, teleconference or online communication. Intake, screening and orientation take approximately 12 contact hours. Students must commit by signing a student contract to participate, on average, five hours per week or more in DL curriculum and/or supplemental munication Hub Supported DL Model The CALC follows a communication protocol established by the Hub to share information in order to best support DL students receiving instruction from the Hub. The communication is also important so the CALC’s DL coach can follow up on student enrollment and verify student participation in the distance learning program at the munication Protocol between the ABE Hub & CALCs can be found at Protocol between the ESOL Hub and CALCs can be found on the LEAD Staff Weebly site: are encouraged to provide DL students with ongoing and regularly scheduled face-to-face interaction for instructional support. Support may include, but is not limited to, individual tutoring, small group drop-in sessions (ESOL or HiSET subject areas), and conversation groups for ESOL students, and other opportunities for group learning as needed.Data Entry and ReportingAll distance learning student data is collected in the ACLS Web-based data management and accountability system called SMARTT. All programs must enter student participation data in a timely manner and in accordance with ACLS policies and procedures.The following are data entry responsibilities for all distance learning programs:Record all DL Orientation hours in the DL curriculum screen.? If more time is spent on orientation topics in subsequent sessions, additional hours (over 12) must be entered as supplemental F2F.Enter all F2F supplemental and at a distance supplemental attendance for students enrolled in DL instruction.Review DL reports on a regular basis to monitor attendance and student progress in order to effectively support students and inform instructional strategiesHub Supported DL ModelThe program places/refers all the DL students to the DL Hub from the student’s record. ?The Hub provides all DL instruction. The Hub staff record all student time in the DL curriculum as attendance under distance learning.Program Supported DL ModelBlended and Independent – The program enrolls students and provides DL instruction. The program staff records student time in the DL curriculum as attendance under distance learning. Staffing Programs must identify staff that provides the administrative and instructional responsibilities for the distance education model for which the program was approved to operate. Programs are encouraged to combine part-time DL positions with classroom teaching so that adding DL time will create full time (FT) or close to FT positions in the program, provided staff is trained and effective in distance learning instruction. Distance education staff is encouraged to participate in professional development opportunities for DL instruction through online forums, list-servs, webinars, and other venues on a regular basis.ACLS recommends DL programs support staff participation in the following activities for professional development and networking opportunities:At least two teachers complete Introduction to Teaching Adult Basic Education Students Online* within the first year of participation in distance education;All distance learning instructional and coaching staff attend the DL Kick-off in the first year of the grant;Director and/or DL coach attend the annual DL Summit;Program and staff development resources are used to support the integration of distance learning.All teachers have access to training in the approved curriculum product(s) to support the integration of distance learning;The DL coach is trained in the approved distance learning curriculum product(s) used by the Hub;A staff person is trained in Pathways of Persistence and Providing Effective Screening*. *These trainings are provided through the System for Adult Basic Education Support (SABES).Distance Learning ABE and ESOL Hubs: Role and Responsibility Overview of the HUBThe responsibilities of the Hub are primarily to provide distance learning instruction, collaborate with the learning centers to identify screening and orientation protocols, provide communication protocols to ensure communication between the Hub staff and the program, and support learning centers in developing content for the orientation called Introduction to Distance Learning. The Hub must identify a minimum of 14 Community Adult Learning Centers that will provide Hub Supported Distance Learning instruction and obtain Memorandum of Agreements. The Hub must serve and maintain an enrollment of 100 active students monthly.The Hub must provide instruction for 52 weeks per year, preferably through semester courses or structural/thematic units. DL instruction provided at the Hub should reflect a balance of short courses, group and individual instruction, and synchronous/asynchronous instruction. Individualized courses of study with time-defined boundaries may be developed based on students’ needs.Hub ServicesProvide instruction and academic support for students enrolled at the Hub.Record student participation data into the ACLS web-based data management and accountability system for students enrolled at the Hub according to proxy seat time and direct time reporting rm programs when students are ready for post-testing so the program can schedule the post-testing with their students in accordance with ACLS assessment policies.Provide instructional materials, access to curriculum, and supplemental materials to all students.Establish and support a sense of community among learners through social networking platforms.Provide content for the orientation to be provided by the programInform programs when students are ready for post-testingThe Instructional Hub provides content for the orientation Introduction to Distance Learning that is delivered by hub supported distance learning programs. The goal of the orientation is to introduce and familiarize students with the distance learning model. The components of the orientation (12 hours) should include:Introduction to distance learning as both a supplement to classroom instruction and as an independent mode of learning (approximately 2 hours)Hub approved curriculumHub/student communication systemsParticipation expectationsIntroduction of Hub teacher and staffIntroduction and review of independent learning skills, time management, and communication skills (approximately 2 hours)Training in the curriculum software and instruction in the curriculum product, including how to participate in and complete modules, for assistance communicate with the instructor (approximately 3 hours)Introduction to computer skills necessary to work in the curriculum product, navigate the Internet, use social networking platforms, and communicate via email (approximately 4 hours)Any other systems used and implemented by the Hub (approximately 1 hours)Hub StaffingIt is recommended that the Hub employ three to four part-time DL teachers, who provide online instruction to referred students.Programs are encouraged to combine part-time DL positions with classroom teaching so that adding DL time will create full time (FT) or close to FT positions in the program, provided staff is trained and effective in distance learning instruction. All DL staff should participate in staff and professional development activities that are relevant to the needs of the program, community, and students served. Required professional activities for DL Hub program staff:Attend the annual DL conferences (i.e. Kickoff/ Summit)Participate in the online course Introduction to Teaching Adult Basic Education Students OnlineIn the second and subsequent years of the grant, participate in the online course Pathways of Persistence and Providing Effective ScreeningObtain training in the approved distance learning curriculum products (ABE or ESOL) used by the HubParticipate in regularly scheduled conference calls and webinars with the State DL Coordinator. Data EntryThe Hub accepts students’ placements/referrals from DL program in the ACLS web-based data management and accountability system called SMARTT.? The Hub does not enter new student intakes; all students are placed and referred to the Hub by the participating program. The Hub enrolls DL students in the appropriate DL curriculum.The Hub enters DL student attendance based on the current curriculum proxy seat time model (mastery or clock time model) for the curriculum used by the Hub. Distance Learning CurriculaHub and Independent funded distance education programs must use a distance learning curriculum approved by the state. Students who are directly enrolled must be enrolled in a core curriculum product, see below a list of currently approved curricula for distance learning: ABE curriculaKET Fast Forward Odyssey WareESOL curriculaUSA LearnsRosetta Stone Burlington EnglishStudents who are dually enrolled can be enrolled in supplemental curricula products these include:Khan AcademyCareer Ready 101Reading Horizons Curriculum Approval ProcessPrograms new to DL are encouraged to start with a single curriculum product in their first year. Additional curricula may be recommended for ACLS approval by completing the application in Appendix C and emailing it to wyvonne.stevens-carter@doe.mass.edu.The ACLS Distance Learning Team will review all applications and notify programs when and if, new curricula are approved.Student Contact HoursStudent contact hours explain how programs capture distance learning attendance. Student contact hours are composed of either the time spent on distance learning activities, proxy seat time, which denotes the attendance of a student using the online curriculum. Or actual hours spent with an instructor via technology or face-to-face, direct seat time, which captures instruction outside of the curriculum product. Massachusetts state approved curriculum captures contact hours using the following methods and curricula.Proxy Seat TimeClock Time Model – assigns contact hours based on time a learner is engaged in a curriculum program that tracks actual time on taskCore Curriculum – KET Fast Forward, Odyssey Ware, Rosetta Stone and Burlington EnglishSupplemental Curriculum – Khan Academy, Career Ready 101 and Reading HorizonsLearner Mastery Model – assigns a fixed number of contact hours for unit or lesson mastery based on passing a unit or lesson test (Learners work with the curriculum and materials and when they feel they have mastered material, take test.)Core Curriculum – USA LearnsDirect Seat TimeSupplemental F2F - assigns contact hours based on time a learner is engaged in a face-to face learning activityInstruction such as tutoring, workshops, mentoring, and conversation classes or programming in the sites computer labSupplemental at a distance - assigns contact hours based on time a learner is engaged in a learning activity with an instructor at-a-distanceSynchronous online instructor-led discussion, tutoring or webinarsTelephone conference calls (teacher keeps a log that shows time and instructional topics discussed over the phone)Live broadcast to remote location (facilitator/teacher keeps a log)Online approved supplemental curriculum products (i.e. Khan academy, CR101 and Reading Horizons)Appendix A– Sample Distance Learning Student Contract(Last Name)(First Name) (Middle Initial)The (program name) is a supportive community that encourages and assists students in pursuing educational, career, and higher education goals.All individuals enrolling in distance learning will participate and complete DL Orientation. Individuals must agree to adhere to the following terms in order to participate in the distance learning program. All students must complete all work in a timely and appropriate manner. A minimum of five hours of studying per week is required.Adhere to the learning center policies for computer usage.Maintain appointments with the instructor.Maintain weekly contact with the instructor by phone, email, or in person.Notify staff if you will be late for, or unable to keep plete all assessments including all pre- and post-tests.Return (if in possession of) all loaned software at the completion of the program and/or at the request of the learning center.Check off if you agree to the following optional term: FORMCHECKBOX I agree to the use of photographs, videos, and quotations of me/or my child or ward (if under 18), in accounts or promotions of Distance Learning.In signing this contract, you agree to accept the terms outlined above. _______________________________________________________Student’s SignatureDate_______________________________________________________Parent/Legal Guardian Signature (if student is under 18)DateAppendix B – Resource and Reference MaterialsIDEAL Consortium: following link will connect you to the Ideal Consortium web site and the IDEAL Distance Education and Blended Learning Handbook, Fifth Edition by Jenifer Vanek, Destiny Simpson, Jerome Johnston and Leslie I. Petty, Ideal Consortium a project of the EdTech Center at World Education. This document contains a number of resources to assist you in developing your plans for recruiting and teaching adults at a distance. EveryoneOn - adultedEveryoneOn is a national nonprofit organization whose work focuses on increasing access to free and low-cost Internet service and free digital literacy courses. Through EveryoneOn, adult educators can purchase low-cost Internet access that enables them to use Wi-Fi hotspots for their classrooms.LINCS - lincs.LINCS offers archived webinars, community of practices and online courses for adult education practitioners.DIGITAL - resources-by-term/81This comprehensive site offers practical tools for educators, such as tutorials on health issues, copyright basics, how to take an online course, Internet safety precautions, basic computer skills, and professional presentation on social media. “How to Use Cell Phones as Learning Tools” short article offers some useful pointers on making the most of Smartphone.Integrating Digital Literacy into English Language Instruction: Companion Learning Resource: resource has examples of strategies, tools, and lesson ideas that support developing digital literacy skills in ESOL instruction.Open Educational Resources (OER): Resource Roundupopen-educational-resources-guideAn educator's guide to open educational resources for information about online repositories, curriculum-sharing websites, sources for lesson plans and activities, and open alternatives to textbooks.USDLA – United States Distance Learning Association: United States Distance Learning Association was the first nonprofit Distance Learning association in the United States to support Distance Learning research.Appendix C – Sample Memorandum of AgreementThis Memorandum of Agreement is entered into between _______________________________, as Distance Learning Hub applicant and ____________________________, as the Community Adult Learning Center applicant regarding collaboration for FY___, with the expectation that services will be renewed annually while programs continue to be funded for Distance Learning by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.The_____________________________________ (HUB) agrees to the following:Provide instruction and academic support for students enrolled at the Hub.Record student participation data into the ACLS web-based data management and accountability system for students enrolled at the Hub according to proxy seat time and direct time reporting rm programs when students are ready for post-testing so the program can schedule the post-testing with their students in accordance with ACLS assessment policies.Provide instructional materials, access to curriculum, and supplemental materials to all students.Establish and support a sense of community among learners through social networking platforms.Provide content for the orientation to be provided by the rm CALC when students are ready for post-testing.The _______________________________________________ (CALC) agrees to the following:Enroll a minimum of 10 students to be served and maintained throughout the year.Conduct outreach, recruitment, intake, and enrollment for all DL students.Conduct pre- and post-testing for DL students in accordance with ACLS Assessment Policy and Procedures at . Obtain necessary release of information forms for all DL students.Integrate DL prescreening into the adult learning center’s established intake process. Follow a communication protocol established by the HUB to share information in order to best support DL students receiving instruction from the HUB.Conduct orientation for DL students.____________________________________________________________________Signature of HUB RepresentativeDate____________________________________________________________________Signature of CALC RepresentativeDateAppendix D – Application for New Distance Learning Curriculum ApprovalMassachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Adult and Community Learning Services Application for New Distance Learning Curriculum ApprovalPlease submit this form to Wyvonne Stevens-Carter at wyvonne.stevens-carter@doe.mass.eduThe Distance Learning Team will then review the application and make recommendations for approval.Name of Adult Education Program: Date submitted:Name of Director:Name of Coordinator (or name of staff member who will oversee curriculum):Email address of Director:Email address of Coordinator:Telephone of Director:Telephone of Coordinator:New Curriculum for ApprovalPublisher:Curriculum Basic Information – Curriculum ModelCurriculum Product name:Contact name:Address:Telephone:Email address:Web site:Clock Time Model – (online or stand-alone software programs that track time that student is engaged with the curriculum and which log out students after a pre-determined period of inactivity)Teacher Verification Model – (multi-media instruction from a variety of sources, fixed contact hours where the teacher determines if the assignment was completed)Learner Mastery Model –(mastery of instructional content which is connected to the assignment of proxy hours, assigns a fixed number of hours based on the learner passing a test on the content of each lesson)Adapted from “NRS Implementation Guidelines February 2016” Number of Proxy Contact Hour CreditsClock time model:How will time be tracked?How will time be recorded?Teacher verification model:Who will make the determination?How many proxy hours should be awarded and how? Learner mastery model:What needs to be mastered?At what level of achievement?How many proxy hours should be awarded?NRS LevelsThis curriculum covers the NRS Levels (Check all that apply)ABE/ASEESL____Beginning Literacy ABE____Beginning Literacy ESL____Beginning ABE____Low Beginning ESL____Low Intermediate ABE____High Beginning ESL____High Intermediate ABE____Low Intermediate ESL____Low ASE____High Intermediate ESL____High ASE____Advanced ESLAudience/ContentWhat audience does the curriculum serve?What instructional content does the curriculum deliver?Curriculum Components(Check all that apply)______ Online/Website ______ Stand-alone softwareOther___________________________ Workbooks______ Videos/DVDsOther_____________________Curriculum CoverageBriefly explain how comprehensive the product is in its coverage of the material.CostApproximate cost per student $Approximate cost per program $Is there a local or state license involved for this curriculum?State licenseYes No Local licenseYes No Licensing costPeriod covered by licenseOther information about cost or pricing:Impact/effectiveness with adult students: Research/EvidencePlease provide evidence such as links or supporting material from the publisher or from other users that indicate the program is research-based or how the program was developed and what research was used when creating the applications.Is this curriculum on other states’ lists of approved programs? If so, which ones?Content Standards SupportDescribe how the curriculum supports the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult EducationEase and UsabilityDescribe the ease of use for the learner and how instructors can follow the student and provide feedback and assistance.Professional Development/TrainingIs training provided with the curriculum? If yes, who will provide the training? Briefly describe training for the curriculum and ongoing professional development for staff.For Official Use Only (do not complete below)Curriculum Application Status Approved FORMCHECKBOX Denied FORMCHECKBOX Core Curriculum FORMCHECKBOX Supplemental Curriculum FORMCHECKBOX State Funded FORMCHECKBOX Program Funded FORMCHECKBOX SignatureDate:Printed Name/Title ................

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