Nutrition Bingo - Learners for Life


A Nutrition Positive game: For grades K-5 (or up!)

For individual students or 5 teams

Developed by Megan Sander, Nutrition Student March, 2010

Instructions for Nutrition Bingo

1. This game may be played by individual students or in 5 teams of students. There are 5 different BINGO cards and 2 copies of each card are provided. Please feel free to make more copies (from the CD or laminated cards)

2. a) If played individually, hand out the 5 types of Bingo cards randomly to your classroom (the cards are numbered at the top).

b) If played as a team, separate the classroom into 5 teams, and give each one Bingo card.

3. Each card contains 4 columns (the four food groups) with four foods pictured under each.

4. You will read off clues from your clue sheet for a particular food, without revealing what the food is. You may use your best judgement as to how many clues can be read (it is suggested that upper grade levels could be given less clues, whereas lower grade levels could be read all the clues, and for kindergarten/grade 1, the food itself would be named).

5. If the student/team of students feels that they have a food which matches the clues, they will mark it. Anything can be used to mark the squares, from scraps of paper, to pennies, to beans.

6. You will continue reading clues until someone gets a BINGO (a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally of marked foods).

7. This student/team of students will then have to explain what foods they marked off and why (it is likely some foods will be marked incorrectly).


1 cup of me equals one serving in the food guide. I am a great source of calcium and vitamin D. If you do not like me plain, you can make a smoothie or a milkshake. I come from an animal that "moos." (Answer = Milk)

I can be bought dried or in a can. If I am dried, you need to soak me before you can cook with me.

I come in many varieties including kidney, lima, black, great northern. I can be sprouted. I am a meat alternative. (Answer = Beans)

I grow on a plant in a pod. I should be bright green and firm. I am often eaten with carrots. (Answer = Peas)

I have a tangy flavour, and am great on salads. I grow very fast in the garden, and am a root vegetable. I am a bright red ball and have a leafy top. (Answer = Radishes)

Before I am heated, I am called a kernel. When I am being cooked, I make a popping sound. I am made from corn. I am a healthy snack as long as you don't add too much butter or salt to me. (Answer = Popcorn)

I have less fat than beef or pork and am white when cooked. When you are sick, you may eat my soup. I come from an animal that has feathers. (Answer = Chicken)

I can be bought fresh so I am soft, or dried so I am hard. If I am bought dried I last much longer.

I am cooked in hot, boiling water. I come in many different varieties, and shapes including spaghetti, fusilli, penne,

linguine and macaroni. I taste good with tomato sauce and cheese. (Answer = Pasta)

I am made from milk and need to be aged before you eat me. I can be mild, medium, or old. I am a very popular type of yellow cheese. (Answer = Cheddar Cheese)

I am long and slender. I can be grown fresh in your garden in the summer. I am also known as a string bean. There is a story about Jack and my Stalk. (Answer = Green Beans)

I grow in a pretty and very tall flower. I am a healthy snack and a great source of protein. You have to shell me to eat me. (Answer = Sunflower Seeds)

I am a type of bread that is baked in small portions. I come in varieties like blueberry, bran, and carrot. I am a healthier version of a cupcake. I am usually baked in paper cups. (Answer = Muffin)

I am considered a fruit but normally used as a vegetable. I am planted in the ground and grow on a vine. I start out green but turn red when I am ripe. I can be chopped, pureed, diced, or eaten whole. (Answer = Tomatoes)

I am usually enjoyed by those who have allergies to dairy products. I can also be eaten by vegans- people who do not eat any animal products. I am fortified with many vitamins and minerals. I am made from soy beans. (Answer = Soy Milk)

I grow in your garden in `heads.' When I am fresh, I should be crispy, not soggy. I am usually eaten in sandwiches or as a salad. (Answer = Lettuce)

I am eaten hot for breakfast. I taste good with milk and brown sugar. You can buy me in instant packages or cook me from scratch. I am made from oats. (Answer = Oatmeal)

I can be a great source of protein but also can be high in fat. I come in many varieties including ham, bacon, sausages, chops, and tenderloin. I am the meat that comes from pigs. (Answer = Pork)

I grow on a plant and have seeds which should not be eaten. I can be many different colours ? red, green, yellow, orange. I have the same name as a common seasoning. (Answer = Peppers)

I come in many flavours and am made by adding bacteria to milk. I can be part of a healthy breakfast or a great snack. I am a great source of calcium. I am a kind of a milk pudding. (Answer = Yogurt)

I am high in protein and fibre and only ? cup of me equals 1 food guide serving. I can be bought unshelled or shelled, salted or unsalted. There are many varieties of me including peanuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts. (Answer = Nuts)

I am unleavened, which means I am made without yeast. I am a type of flat bread used in Mexican cooking. I work well to wrap food in. (Answer = Tortilla)

I can be white, brown, or wild. I am a great source of carbohydrates. I can be eaten hot or cold. I am a popular Chinese food which is often eaten with chopsticks. (Answer = Rice)

I have a green rind and am red or yellow inside. I may have black seeds but there are now seedless varieties of me available. I contain a lot of water and am popular to eat in the summertime. I am a type of melon. (Answer = Watermelon)

I grow underground and have a leafy green top. I am starchy and should not be eaten raw. I can be boiled, fried, baked, or mashed. I have many varieties- red, russet, baking. (Answer = Potatoes)

Vegetarians can eat me instead of meat. I am a great source of protein and can be soft or firm. I can be eaten as a main course or as a dessert. I come from soy beans. (Answer = Tofu)

I contain curds and am a type of cheese. I am low in fat and high in carbohydrates and protein. I sound like a type of house. (Answer = Cottage Cheese)

I grow on big stalks that can be taller than you are! You often eat me boiled, on the cob. I consist of many small yellow or white niblets. (Answer = Corn)


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