Annex IV: In-depth interview guide - Dove Medical Press

Supporting informationInformation SheetDire Dawa UniversityCollage of Medicine and Health Science and College of Social science and humanity.Cross sectional study on Assessment of practice and challenges of prevention measures of COVID-19 and its associated factors among Dire Dawa City.Questionnaire Identification Number ____________ My name is __________________________ I am working as data collector for the research conducted by Bezabih Amsalu and his colleagues, who are conducting their research on assessment of practice and challenges of prevention measures of COVID-19 and its associated factors among adult population in Dire Dawa. We would like your honest opinion pertaining to the questions. Purpose:We are hopeful that this research will benefit the community. We will provide each of the units with research results and conclusions for your information.Procedure: In assessment of practice and challenges of prevention measures of COVID-19 and its associated factors among adult population in Dire Dawa City. You are invited to take part in this project. If you are willing to participate in this project, you need to understand and say ‘yes’ on the agreement form. Then after, you will be interviewed by the data collector. All your response and the results obtained will be kept confidential by using coding system whereby no one will have access to your response. Benefits: If you participate in this research project, there may not be direct benefit to you but your participation is likely to help us in assessing of Assessment of practice and challenges of prevention measures of COVID-19 and its associated factors among adult population in Dire Dawa city. Ultimately, this will help us to identify the gap and take the appropriate intervention by the authorized stakeholder. You will not be provided any incentive or payment to take part in this project. Confidentiality:The information collect from this research project will be kept confidential and information about you that will be collected by this study will be stored in a file, without your name, but a code number assigned to it. In addition, it will not be revealed to anyone except the principal investigator and will be kept locked with key.Right to refuse or withdraw: You have full right to refuse from participating in this research. You can choose not to respond to some or all questions if you do not want to give your response. You have also the full right to withdraw from this study at any time you wish, without losing any of your right. Consent FormI undersigning this document, I am giving my consent to participate in the study entitled as “on assessment of practice and challenges of prevention measures of COVID-19 and its associated factors among adult population in Dire Dawa, 2020.” I have been informed that the purpose of this study is will be to assessment of practice and challenges of prevention measures of COVID-19 and its associated factors among adult population in Dire Dawa, 2020. I have understood that participation in this study is entirely voluntarily. I have been told that my answers to the questions will not be given to anyone else and no reports of this study ever identify me in any way. I have also been informed that my participation or non-participation or my refusal to answer questions will have no effect on me. I understood that participation in this study does not involve risks. I understood that Bezabih Amsalu is the contact person if I have questions about the study or about my rights as a study participant. Date of interview (date/month/year):______ Name of the Kebele’s: _____________Code number of the questionnaire: ___________ House number:_______________Interviewer’s name & signature: Name: _________Signature_________Supervisor’s name & signature: Name: _________ Signature___________Annex III:-English versions of the questionnairePart I: Socio-demographic variables:: S. noQuestion/Option Skip001Age?__________(in years)002Sex?1. Female 2. Male 003Marital status?1. Married 2. Single 3.Widowed 4. Separated 5. Divorced 004Religion?1. Orthodox 2. Muslim 3. Protestant4. Catholic 5. Other (specify---------------005Education level? 1. Unable to read and write2. Able to read and write3. Elementary 1-8th grade4. High school 9-12th grade5. Diploma and above 006Occupation? Governmental employedPrivate workerMerchantsStudentOthers (specify)…..007Family size? ________________008Average monthly income of the family------------ in ET. BirrPart II: knowledge to practice COVID-19 prevention methods NoItems AlternativesSkip Yes No 009The main clinical symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue, dry cough, and myalgia. 010Unlike the common cold, stuffy nose, runny nose, and sneezing are less common in persons infected with the COVID-19 virus. 011 Currently there is no effective cure for COVID-19, but early symptomatic and supportive treatment can help most patients recover from the infection. 012Not all persons with COVID-19 will develop to severe cases. Only those who are elderly, have chronic illnesses, and are obese are more likely to be severe cases. 013 Eating or contacting wild animals would result in the infection by the COVID-19 virus. 014Persons with COVID-19 cannot infect the virus to others when a fever is not present.015The COVID-19 virus spreads via respiratory droplets of infected individuals. 016Ordinary residents can wear general medical masks to prevent the infection by the COVID-19 virus. 017It is not necessary for children and young adults to take measures to prevent the infection by the COVID-19 virus. 018To prevent the infection by COVID-19, individuals should avoid going to crowded places such as train stations and avoid taking public transportations. 019Isolation and treatment of people who are infected with the COVID-19 virus are effective ways to reduce the spread of the virus. 020People who have contact with someone infected with the COVID-19 virus should be immediately isolated in a proper place. Part III: Attitude related questions: There are items that ask attitude related COVID 19 Prevention and for each item there are alternative, therefore tick(√ ) the correct answer under the given alternative NoItemsAlternativesYes No021COVID-19 disease is dangerous? 022Hand washing can prevent/reduce the disease transmission? 023That wearing mask will prevent/decrease disease transmission?024Using alcohol/sanitizers decrease disease transmission? 025Stay at home/avoid going to crowded places prevent/reduce disease transmission? 026That keeping social distance will prevent/reduce the transmission? 027COVID-19 will finally be successfully controlled? COVID-19 028Eating wild animal will transmit the disease? 029Ethiopia can win the battle against the COVID-19 virus?Part IV: Practice on prevention methods: There are items that ask COVID 19 Prevention and for each item there are alternative, therefore tick (√) the correct answer under the given alternative. NoItems AlternativeYes No030Did you have practiced COVID19 prevention method/s? 031If yes for Q 030. Do you wash your hand with soap? 032Do you wear face Mask when you are go out of home? 033Do you stay at home if not necessary to go out? 034Would you keep your social distance when you go out? 035Do you avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands 036Do you cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw it 037If Never for Q 033 Why?NB: If the participant do not practices all the prevention methods of COVID19 listed on the question number 030-036.1. It doesn’t prevent COVID-192.Fainacial constraints 3. Negligent/ignorance 4. Inaccessibility PPE 5. No reason6. others specify Part V: personal and behavioral factors: There are items that ask COVID 19 Prevention and for each item there are alternative, therefore tick the correct answer under the given alternative. NoItemsalternative YesNo038Do you smoke Cigarette? 039Do you drink alcohol other than holiday? 040Do you chewing Kchat? 041Do you have history of chronic disease? 042If yes for Q 41 Which one? 1. DM2. Asthma3. Sinus 4. Heart Disease 5.Others specify ___Annex IV: In-depth interview guideHello/How are you____________My name is ----------------------I am a researcher, I am here to do research on the practice of COVID 19 prevention methods among adult people in Dire Dawa City. Now you can have a clear understanding of the study before reaching any decision or consensus. 1. Purpose of the research: We are hopeful that this research will benefit the community. We will provide each of the units with research results and conclusions for your information 2. Procedures to be carried on: If you are an unpaid helper to participate in this study, we can proceed or we can arrange a time based on your schedule.3. Confidentiality of your information: The information collected from this research projectwill be kept confidential and no given to any media. It will be stored in a file, without your name. In addition, it will be not revealed to anyone except the investigator and it will be kept in key and locked system, with a computer password. 4. Termination of the study: Participation in the study is voluntary, and refusal to participateinvolves no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. Thank you In-depth interview guide Start by explaining the ground rules as follows:Before we start I would like to remind you that there is no right or wrong answers inour discussion. We are interested in knowing what you think, so please feel free to befrank and share your point of view. It is very important that we hear your opinion.Code of key informants: ___________________________________Age......... Sex.........Marital Status..........Level of Education...........Occupation……….. How do you express the status of COVID-19 in the administration?In your opinion, do you think that Dire Dawa city administration give much emphasis for the prevention? How? In your opinion, what is your expectation about the responsibility of society and government to prevent COVID-19? What measures have been taking to tackle/ prevent Covid-19 spreadwhat are the most common challenges have been experiencing during implementation of prevention measures Good experience related with the practice of prevention activities in the administration How do you explain about level of community awareness towards prevention measure of COVID-19 in Dire Dawa cityCan you describe your experience how do you respond for COVID 19 prevention? Please explain to me what happened Probes; (when and how often, why) Would you describe the most notable event that you had seen during your working time population to COVID 19 prevention (what, who, when, how...If you have additional information related to COVID-19 prevention you can reflect for me? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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