2020 - Milken Institute School of Public Health

1796415-22860000Kathleen M. RochePERSONAL DATAWork address: Department of Prevention & Community HealthMilken Institute School of Public Health The George Washington University950 New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 300Washington, DC 20052(202) 994-3858 kroche@gwu.eduEDUCATION AND TRAINING1988Bachelor of Arts, Major: Art History, Emory University.1993Master of Social Work, The University of Georgia School of Social Work. 1999Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Maternal and Child Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE07/12 – presentGeorge Washington University, Washington, DCAssociate Professor, Department of Prevention & Community Health07/10 – 07/12Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA Associate Professor, Department of Sociology07/07 – 06/10Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD Assistant Professor, Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive HealthJohns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MDDirector of Research, Johns Hopkins Leadership in Adolescent Health Training Program (Maternal & Child Health Bureau) 04/03 – 06/07 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD Assistant Scientist, Department of Population and Family Health Sciences04/99 – 03/03 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD Research Associate, Department of Population and Family Health Sciences10/98 – 03/99 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MDResearch Analyst, Center for Adolescent Health Promotion and Disease Prevention HONORS AND AWARDSHonors 19992001200420142018201820182019Honorary Society – Delta Omega, The Public Health Honorary Society, Alpha ChapterChild Health Leader – University of Rochester (Rochester, NY; October 2001, Chicago, IL). One of 50 early career academics selected for program linking researchers with representatives from government, child advocacy, and national foundations to encourage an interdisciplinary approach to shaping the research and policy agenda for children’s health and well being (Director: M. Weitzman).“Cutting the Edge of Research in Adolescent Sexuality: Considering Normative Development PART II Conference” (April 29 – May 2, 2004, San Francisco, CA). One of 20 researchers invited to participate in a mini-conference sponsored by the Center for Research on Gender and Sexuality at San Francisco State University (Director: Deborah Tolman). This network of researchers is focused on building intellectual and practical bridges among researchers whose diverse work does or should incorporate the study of adolescent sexuality.Invited Speaker - Wednesday Noon Seminar Series, February 5. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Structural Equation Modeling & Theory Testing: An Overview and Application to the Study of Culture and Parenting for Latino Immigrant Families.Invited Speaker - The Urban Institute. “Immigration Impacts on U.S. Latino Parents.” October 2, 2018.Invited Speaker – Clinical Translational Science Institute. Children’s National (CTSI-CN) Science Café 360: “From Policy to Psychology-How Immigration Actions and News Affect the Health and Mental Well-being of Latino Families.” October 17, 2018.Invited Speaker - Unidos US. “You are not in your country. Speak English.” October 24, 2018.Invited Speaker - Metropolitan Washington Workshop on Immigration and Race (MWWIR). “Impacts of Immigration Actions and News on the Psychological Distress of US Latino Parents Raising Adolescents." February 15, 2019.AwardsThe Donald A. Cornely Scholarship Award - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Maternal and Child Health, 1996 – 1997Doctoral Training Fellowship, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Maternal and Child Health, 1994 – 1998GRANTS AWARDED OR PENDINGCurrent CurrentJuly 2020 submissionR & R in processPendingR & R in processNational Institutes of Health (NICHD) Linking Community and Family Characteristics to Adolescent Adjustment (R01) ? Principal Investigator ? 09/01/2017 - 08/31/2022 ? Total: $2,687,934 (directs: $2,037,529) National Institutes of Health (NICHD) Clinical and Translational Science Institute at Children’s National ? Co-Investigator? 07/01/2016 - 06/30/2021 ? Total: $22,021,067 National Institutes of Health (NICHD) Environmental Adversity, Stress Processes, and Latinx Health from Adolescence to Young Adulthood (R01)? Principal Investigator ? 07/01/2020 - 06/30/2025 ? Total: $2,700,000 (directs: $2,100,000)National Institutes of Health (NICHD) A culturally informed model linking physiological stress regulation and socioemotional health in Latinx children (R01 – Lee, O.)? Sub-contract Principal Investigator ? 04/01/2020 - 03/31/2025 ? Total: $165,169 (directs: $103,554)National Institutes of Health (NICHD) Young Latina mothers’ life course, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), family stress process, and child development (R01 – Suvey, C.)? Sub-contract Principal Investigator ? 07/01/2020 - 06/30/2025 ? Total: $165,386 (directs: $103,554)National Institutes of Health (NICHD) Mental Health Disparities in Latinx Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents (R21 – Huebner, D.) ? Co-Investigator ? 09/01/2017 - 08/31/2022 ? Total: $438,625 (directs: $275,000)GRANTS CONCLUDEDCompletedCross-Disciplinary Research Program, The George Washington University. The US Immigrant Political Climate and US Latino Families: A Mixed Methods Study ? Sub-contract Principal Investigator ? 07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018 ? Total: $35,756CompletedCompletedCompletedCompletedCompletedCompletedCompletedRQ883706, Office of the State Superindendent of Education Evaluation of the D.C. Healthy Schools Act of 2010? Co-Investigator ? 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016 ? Total: $81,402 Springboard Grants Program, Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University. Acculturation-Related Parenting Risks for Latino Adolescent Substance Use? Principal Investigator ? 07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015 ? Total: $50,000Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesPrevention at Home: A Model for Novel use of Mobile Technologies and Integrated Care Systems to Improve HIV Prevention and Care While Lowering Cost? Co-Investigator ? 09/01/2014 - 12/31/2015 ? Total: $23,808,617Prince Georges County Public Schools Prince Georges County School Health Needs Assessment? Co-Investigator? 06/01/2014 - 08/31/2014 ? Total: $24,999American Public Health Association Managing Chronic Stress in Urban Minority Youth ? Co-Investigator? 06/01/2014 - 09/30/2014 ? Total: $25,000Maternal and Child Health BureauAcculturation and youth's longitudinal adjustment in Mexican-American families? Principal Investigator? 02/01/2010 - 01/31/2012 ? Total: $100,00Georgia State University Research Initiation GrantThe Latino Youth and Family Study? Principal Investigator? 07/01/2011 - 06/31/2012 ? Total: $10,000CompletedCompletedCompletedCompletedCompletedCompletedCompletedMaternal and Child Health Bureau Cultural and contextual variability in parenting impacts on adolescent adjustment? Co-investigator? 02/01/2009 - 01/31/2012 ? Total: $810,000Maternal and Child Health Bureau How parenting modifies neighborhood risks related to low-income children’s health? Co-investigator? 01/01/2007 - 12/31/2007 ? Total: $100,000Office of Population AffairsParental influences on adolescent sexual risk? Co-investigator? 04/01/2005 - 03/31/2007 ? Total: $357,584Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Faculty Development AwardThe experience of parenting within a Central American immigrant community? Principal investigator? 12/01/2005 - 12/31/2006 ? Total: $20,000Maternal and Child Health Bureau Neighborhood and Family Effects on Adolescent Health Behaviors? Co-investigator? 08/30/98 – 07/31/02? Total: $443,670Johns Hopkins Center for Adolescent Health Development Award Johns Neighborhood characteristics and social capital: Influences on the association between parenting and fighting and delinquency among adolescent males? Principal investigator? 1997 - 1998? Total: $10,000Johns Hopkins University Center for Injury Research and PolicyDoctoral Dissertation Grant? Principal investigator? 1997 – 1998? Total: $10,000PUBLICATIONSPeer Review Publications (*graduate student co-author)*Bennett, M., Roche, K. M., Huebner, D. & Lambert, S. F. School discrimination and changes in Latinx adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.Calzada, E. J., Roche, K. M., White, R. B. M., Partovi, R. & Little, T. D. (in press). Latinx parenting and adolescent externalizing behavior: Modifying impacts of an adverse immigration environment. Journal of Latinx Psychology.Roche, K. M., White, R. B. M., Rivera, M. I., Safa, M. D., Newman, D., & Falusi, O. L. (in press). Recent immigration actions and news and the adjustment of U.S. Latino/a adolescents. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.Roche, K. M., White, R. B. M., Lambert, S. F., Calzada, E. J., Schulenberg, J., Kuperminc, G. P., & Little, T. D. (2020). Family member detention or deportation and US Latino/a adolescents’ later suicidal ideation, alcohol use, and externalizing behavior. JAMA Pediatrics.*Douglass, A. G., Roche, K. M., Lavin, K., Perry, D. & Ghazarian, S. R. (2020). Longitudinal parenting pathways linking Early Head Start and kindergarten readiness. Early Child Development and Care. *Donnelly, K., Kafashzadeh, D., Goyal, M. K., Badolato, G. M., Patel, S. J., Bhansali, P., Roche, K. M. & Cohen, J. S. (2020). Barriers to firearms injury research. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. , K. M., Vaquera, E., DelBasso, C., Kuperminc, G., Cordon, M., & Rivera, M. I. (2020). Worry, behavior change, and daily adversity: How U.S. Latino/a parents experience contemporary immigration actions and news. Journal of Family Issues. doi: 10.1177/0192513X19898512Roche, K. M., Lambert, S. F., White, R. B. M., Calzada, E. J., Little, T. D. Kuperminc, G. P., & Schulenberg, J. (2019). Autonomy-related parenting processes and adolescent adjustment in Latinx immigrant families. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 1161 – 1174. doi: 10.1007/s10964-019-01010-5 Huebner, D. M., Roche, K. M. & Rith, K. A. (2019). Effects of family demographics and the passage of time on parents’ difficulty with their lesbian, gay or bisexual youth’s sexual orientation. Youth & Society. doi: d10.1007/s10508-019-1430-9Roche, K. M., Little, T. D., Ghazarian, S. R., Lambert, S. F., Calzada, E. J. & Schulenberg, J. (2019). Parenting processes and adolescent adjustment in immigrant Latino families: The use of residual centering to address the multicollinearity problem. Journal of Latino/a Psychology, 7, 6 – 21. doi: 10.1037/lat0000105. Roche, K. M., Vaquera, E., White, R. B. M., & Rivera, M. I. (2018). Impacts of immigration actions and news and the psychological distress of U.S. Latino parents raising adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 62, 525 – 531. Nair, R., Roche, K. M. & White, R. B. M. (2018). Acculturation gap distress among Latino youth: Prospective links to family processes and youth depressive symptoms, alcohol use, and academic performance. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 47, 105-120. *Meyer, K., Roche, K. M. (2017). Sport-for-development gender equality impacts from basketball program: Shifts in attitudes and stereotyping in Senegalese youth and coaches. Journal of Sport for Development, 5, 49 – 57. Roche, K. M., Calzada, E. J., Ghazarian, S. R., Little, T. D., Lambert, S. F. & Schulenberg, J. (2017). Longitudinal pathways to educational attainment for youth in Mexican and Central American immigrant families. Journal of Latino/a Psychology, 5, 12 – 26. Bingenheimer, J. B., Roche, K. M., & Blake, S. (2017). Family adult awareness of adolescents’ premarital romantic and sexual relationships in Ghana. Youth & Society, 49, 341-368.Roche, K. M., Bingenheimer, J. B. & Ghazarian, S. R. (2016). The dynamic interdependence between family support and depressive symptoms among adolescents in Ghana. International Journal of Public Health. 61, 487 - 494.Little, T. D., Roche, K. M., Chow, S., Schenck, A. P. & Byam, L. (2016). National Institutes of Health Pathways to Prevention Workshop: Advancing research to prevent youth suicide. Annals of Internal Medicine, 165, 795-799.Lambert, S. F., Roche, K. M., Saleem, F. T. & Henry, J. S. (2015). Mother-adolescent relationship quality as a moderator of associations between racial socialization and adolescent psychological adjustment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 85, 409 - 420.Roche, K. M., Lambert, S. F., Ghazarian, S. R. & Little, T. D. (2015). Latino youth’s language brokering across contexts: Associations with parenting and parent-child relationships in a new immigrant destination area. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44, 77 – 89. Roche, K. M., Caughy, M. O., Schuster, M. A., Bogart, L. M., Dittus, P. J. & Franzini, L. (2014). Cultural orientations, parental beliefs and practices, and Latino youth’s autonomy and independence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43, 1389 – 1403. Roche, K. M., Ghazarian, S. R., Fernandez-Esquer, M. E. (2012). Unpacking acculturation: Cultural orientations and educational attainment among Mexican-origin youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41, 920 – 931.Murray, K. W., Bair-Merritt, M., Roche, K. M. & Cheng, T. (2012). The impact of intimate partner violence on mothers’ parenting practices for low-income adolescents. Journal of Family Violence, 27, 573 – 583.Roche, K. M. & Ghazarian, S. R. (2012). The value of family routines for the academic success of vulnerable adolescents. Journal of Family Issues, 33, 874 – 897. Roche, K. M., Ghazarian, S. R., Little, T, & Leventhal, T. (2010). Understanding links between punitive discipline and adolescent adjustment: The relevance of context and reciprocal associations. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21, 448 – 460. Ghazarian, S. R. & Roche, K. M. (2010). Social support and low-income, urban mothers: Longitudinal associations with adolescent delinquency. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 39, 1097 – 1109.Roche, K. M. & Leventhal, T. (2009). Beyond neighborhood poverty: Family management, neighborhood disorder, and adolescents' early sexual onset. Journal of Family Psychology, 23, 819 – 827.*Ries A. V., Voorhees C. C., Roche K. M., Gittelsohn J., Yan A. F., & Astone N. M. (2009).?A quantitative examination of park characteristics related to park use and physical activity among urban youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45, S64-S70.Mmari, K., Roche, K. M., *Sudhinaraset, M., & Blum, R. W. (2009). When a parent goes off to war:?Understanding impacts on adolescents and their families. Youth & Society, 40, 455 - 475.*Ries, A.V., Gittelsohn, J., Voorhees, C.C., Roche, K. M., Clifton, K.J., & Astone, N. M. (2008). The environment and urban adolescents’ use of recreational facilities for physical activity: A qualitative study. American Journal of Health Promotion 23, 43-50.Roche, K. M., Ahmed, S., & Blum, R. W. (2008). The enduring consequences of parenting for risk behaviors from adolescence into early adulthood. Social Science and Medicine, 66, 2023 - 2034.*Ries, A.V., Voorhees, C. C., Gittelsohn, J., Roche, K. M. & Astone, N. M. (2008). Adolescents' perceptions of environmental influences on physical activity. American Journal of Health Behavior, 32, 26 - 39.Trent, M., Clum, G., & Roche, K. M. (2007). Sexual victimization and reproductive health outcomes in urban youth. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 7, 313 - 316.Roche, K. M., Ensminger, M. E., & Cherlin, A. J. (2007). Variations in parenting and adolescent outcomes among African American and Latino families living in low-income, urban areas. Journal of Family Issues, 28, 882 - 909.Roche, K. M., Astone, N. M., & Bishai, D. (2007). Caring for young adolescents during out-of-school hours: Impact on problem behaviors among youth in low-income, urban areas. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 28, 471 - 488. Roche, K. M., Ensminger, M. E., Ialongo, N., Poduska, J., & Kellam, S. (2006). Early entries into adult roles: Associations with aggressive behavior from adolescence into young adulthood. Youth & Society, 38, 236 - 261.Roche, K. M., Mekos, D., Alexander, C. S., Astone, N. M., Bandeen-Roche, K., & Ensminger, M. E. (2005). Parenting influences on early sex initiation among adolescents: How neighborhood matters. Journal of Family Issues, 26, 32 - 54.Roche, K. M., Ellen, J., & Astone, N. M. (2005). Effects of out-of-school care on early sex initiation in low-income, central city neighborhoods. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 159, 68 - 73.Roche, K. M., Ensminger, M. E., Chilcoat, H. & Storr, C. (2003). Establishing independence in low-income urban areas: The relationship to adolescent aggressive behavior. Journal of Marriage and Family 65 (3), 668 - 680.Roche K. M., Webster, D., Alexander, C. S., & Ensminger, M. E. (2003). Neighborhood variations in the salience of family support to boys’ fighting. Adolescent and Family Health 3 (2), 55 - 64.Gittelsohn, J., Roche, K. M., Alexander, C. S., & Tassler, P. (2001). The social context of smoking among African American and White adolescents in Baltimore City. Ethnicity and Health 6, 211-225.Non-peer reviewed reportsBiehl, M., Acosta Price, O., Roche, K. M., Spielberg, F. & Bhattacharajee, A. (2014). “Improving School Health and Wellness in Prince George’s County Public Schools, Maryland: A Needs Assessment.”Blum, R., Roche, K. M., & Blum, L. M. (2004). “School connectedness: Effective strategies and promising approaches.” Georgia Kids Count Fact Book, 1993. Georgians for Children: Atlanta, GA.Georgia Kids Count Fact Book, 1992. Georgians for Children: Atlanta, GA.SCHOLARLY PRESENTATIONS - INVITED2020“How Contemporary Immigrant Adversities Matter for Latinx Adolescent Adjustment.” Georgia Owens Institute for Behavioral Research, the Youth Development Institute, and the Stress, Trauma, Adversity, & Resilience (STAR) workgroup, The University of Georgia. April 22, 2020, Athens, GA. POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-192020“Raising Children Under Threat.” Council on Contemporary Families, The University of Texas at Austin, February 7, 2020, Austin, TX.2019“Growing up Latinx in an Era of Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric and Action.” Steve Hicks School of Social Work Speaker Series, The University of Texas at Austin, November 19, 2019, Austin, TX.2019“The Context of Health Equity within Today’s Immigration Environment: A Focus on Latinx Families.” Health Equity Seminar Series, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Children’s Hospital and George Washington University, December 13, 2019, Washington, DC.2014 Wednesday Noon Seminar Series, February 5. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Structural Equation Modeling & Theory Testing: An Overview and Application to the Study of Culture and Parenting for Latino Immigrant Families.SCHOLARLY PRESENTATIONS Roche, K. M., White, R. B. M., Lambert, S. F., Calzada, E. J., Schulenberg, J., Kuperminc, G. P., & Little, T. D. (2020). Link Between Family Member Deportation and Detention and Latino/a Adolescents’ Later Adjustment. Paper to be presented at the 2020 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research on Child Development. Session Title: The effects of immigration climate and policy changes on Latinx youth and families. May 4-6, San Juan, Puerto Rico. POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19*Walsdorf, A. A., Roche, K. M., Caughy, M. O., & Rivera, M. I. (2020). Parents’ Perceptions of the Influence of Immigration Actions and Documentation Status on Latinx Adolescents. Paper to be presented at the 2020 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research on Child Development. Session Title: The effects of immigration climate and policy changes on Latinx youth and families. May 4-6, San Juan, Puerto Rico. POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19Roche, K. M. & White, R. B. M., Rivera, M. I., Safa, M. D., Newman, D., & Falusi, O. L. (2020). Immigration Actions and News and the Adjustment of U.S. Latino/a Adolescents from Diverse Family Immigrant Statuses.?Paper to be presented at the 2020 Biennial Meeting for Society for Research on Adolescence. Session Title: How the Contemporary U.S. Immigration Environment may Matter for Latino/a Adolescents’ Adjustment. March 29-31, San Diego, CA. CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19*Walsdorf, A. A., Roche, K. M., & Jordan, L. (2020). “Our future isn't stable for any of us:" How Latinx Adolescents in 2019 Perceive their Futures in the United States. Paper to be presented at the 2020 Biennial Meeting for Society for Research on Adolescence. Session Title: How the Contemporary U.S. Immigration Environment may Matter for Latino/a Adolescents’ Adjustment. March 29-31, San Diego, CA. CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19Lambert, S. F., Roche, K. M. & Schulenberg, J. (2020). The roles of peer discrimination and peer support in internalizing and externalizing pathways to substance use. Paper to be presented at the 2020 Biennial Meeting for Society for Research on Adolescence. Session Title: Latino/a Adolescent Drug Use: New Epidemiological, Etiological, and Prevention Findings. March 29-31, San Diego, CA. CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19Zhao, C., White, R.B.M., Roche, K. M., Vega, C., Pasco, M., Melendez Guevara, A. M. (2020). “Family Assistance Behaviors as a Mechanism by which Cultural Values Promote Prosocial Tendencies in U.S. Latino Families.” Paper to be presented at the 2020 Biennial Meeting for Society for Research on Adolescence.?Session Title: Injury Prevention. March 29 – 31, San Diego, CA. CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19Falusi, O. O., Newman, D., & Roche, K. M. (2020). Associations Between Parental Residency Status and Latinx Adolescents' Mental Health in Today's US Immigration Environment. Poster to be presented at Children’s National Research, Education and Innovation Week, April 20, Washington, DC.*Donnelly, K., Kafashzadeh, D., Goyal, M., Badolato, G., Patel, S., Bhansali, P., Roche, K. M. & Cohen, J. S. (2020). Barriers to firearms injury research. Paper to be presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2020 Meeting, May 2-5, Philadelphia, PA.*Miller, J. A., Kuperminc, G. P., & Roche, K. M. (2019). The Impact of Anti-Immigrant Policies on the Emotional Health of Latinx Immigrant Families. Poster presentation. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Community Research and Action, June 26, Chicago, IL.Roche, K. M., Vaquera, E., White, R. B. M., & Rivera, M. I. (2019). U.S. Latino/a Parents' Responses to Recent Immigration Changes: A Mixed Methods Study. Session Chair and Paper 2014 presented in the Session: The Pervasiveness of Stress and Adversity in the Lives of Today's U.S. Latino/a Adolescents, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, March 20-24, Baltimore, MD.*Arce, M. A., Kuperminc, G. P. & Roche, K. M. (2018). An Examination of Sources of Resilience among Latinx Immigrants in the Context of Anti-Immigrant Policies and Practices. Thematic table presentation for the session, Individuals in Context: What Helps Latinx Community Members Thrive across the U.S.? International Conference on Community Psychology, October 3 – 5, Santiago, Chile.?? Roche, K. M., Vaquera, E., White, R. B. M., & Rivera, M. I. (2018). Impacts of Anti-immigrant Actions and News on the Psychological Distress of US Latino Parents Raising Adolescents. Paper to be presented in the Session on Latino/a Youth and Legal Liminality, Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 11 – 14, Philadelphia, PA.Roche, K. M., Lambert, S. F., Little, T. D., Calzada, E. J., & Schulenberg, J. & White, R. M. B. Latent Profile Analysis of Parental Monitoring and Parent-Child Conflict in Latino Immigrant Families: Impacts on Adolescent Adjustment. Poster presentation April 13, 2018 at the Biennial Meeting, Society for Research on Adolescence. Nair, R. N., Roche, K. M., White, R. B. M. (2017). Acculturative Family Distancing Among Latino Youth: Examining Prospective Links to Family Processes, Depression and Achievement. Poster presentation in the Race, Ethnicity, Culture and Context section, Biennial Meeting, Society for Research on Child Development, April 7.*Martinez, D.J., Turner, M.M., Roche, K.M., & Horn, K.A. (2017). What May Be Associated with Young Adult E-Cigarette Use? Examination of Key Correlates. Poster Presentation in the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Section, Student Award Candidate. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 5-8.Roche, K. M., Ghazarian, S. R., Little, T. D., Lambert, S. F., Calzada, E. J., & Schulenberg, J. (2016). Residual-centered Latent Variables to Address the Multicollinearity Problem in Parenting Research. Session Chair & Paper presented at 2016 Biennial Meeting for Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD, Session Title: “Applying Innovative Analytic Methods to Advance Knowledge About Parenting Impacts on Adolescent Adjustment.” March 31 – April 2.Ghazarian, S. R., Roche, K. M., Caughy, M. O. & Franzini, L. (2014).?Cultural Value Differences Among Mexican-American Youth and Parents: Associations With Parent-Youth Conflict and Youth Depression. ?Paper presentation for the 2014?Society for Research on Child Development Special Topic Meeting: New Conceptualizations in the Study of Parenting-At-Risk. ?San Diego, CA, Session Title: "Parenting in the Context of Socioeconomic Disadvantage in Mexican American Families Across Developmental Periods”?November 13 - 15.?Roche, K.M. Session Chair for Specifying Neighborhood Conditions that Matter for Adolescent Mental Health and Well-being. Paper Symposium at the 2014 Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX. March 20 – 22. Roche, K. M., Caughy, M. O., Schuster, M., Bogart, L.M., Wallander, J., Windle, M. & Franzini, L. (2014). Latino Cultural Orientations and Early Adolescent Adjustment: Pathways to Parental Behavioral Control in Middle Adolescence. Poster presentation at the 2014 Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX. March 20 – 22.Roche, K. M., Lambert, S. F., Ghazarian, S. R. (2014). Language Brokering and Parental Behavioral Control among Latino Youth in a New Immigrant Destination Area. Paper presented at the 2014 Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX. March 20 – 22.Roche, K. M., Caughy, M. O., Schuster, M., Bogart, L.M., Davies, S., Dittus, P. J., & Franzini, L. (2012). Cultural Orientations and Latino/a Adolescent Autonomy Development. Chair of session and presenter of paper for the 2012 Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Session Title: “Understanding Parenting and Adolescent Adjustment in Latino/a Families: How Cultural Orientation Matters” March 8 – 10.Ghazarian, S. R., Roche, K. M., Caughy, M. O., & Franzini, L. (2012). Measurement invariance for parental autonomy granting constructs among African American, White, and Hispanic families. Poster session at the 2011 SRCD Themed Meeting: Developmental Methodology. Tampa, Florida. February 9 - 11.Roche, K. M., Caughy, M. O., Schuster, M. A., Bogart, L. M., Davies, S., Dittus, P. J. & Franzini, L. (2011). Cultural Orientations in Latino Families and Maternal Views on Adolescent Autonomy. Paper presented at 73rd Annual Conference on Family Relations. Orlando, FL, Session Title: “The Role of Parental Acculturation in the Development of Immigrant Children” November 15 – 19. Roche, K. M. & Ghazarian, S. R. (2010). Acculturation and Mexican-Origin Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms. Paper presented at 72nd Annual Conference of the National Conference on Family Relations. Minneapolis, MN, Session Title: “Contexts and Pathways to Well-being: Family Relationships of Latino Youth” November 3 – 6.Ghazarian, S. R. & Roche, K. M. (2010). Social Network Support and Engaged Parenting in Low-income Urban Neighborhoods: Longitudinal Associations with Youth Delinquency. Session Chair & Paper presented at 2010 Biennial Meeting for Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, PA, Session Title: “Protective Factors that Matter for the Emotional and Behavioral Well-being of Adolescents Faced with Neighborhood Challenges” March 11 – 13.Roche, K. M. & Ghazarian, S. R. (2009). Family routines and adolescent success in the face of urban poverty. Chair and Paper presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations. San Francisco, CA, Session Title: “Diversity among Vulnerable Youth: A Look at Positive Outcomes,” November 11 - 14.Roche, K. M., Ghazarian, S. R., Leventhal, T., & Little, T. (2008). Reciprocity in parenting and adolescent adjustment within poor urban neighborhoods. Poster presented at the 70th Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations. Little Rock, AR, November 5 – 8.*Martinez, C. & Roche, K. M. (2008). Acculturation and marijuana use: Structural influence of friendship networks on Mexican American youth. Paper presented at 136th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Session Title: “Immigration, Stress and Substance Use Among Latinos.” San Diego, CA, October 25 – 29.Roche, K.M. & Leventhal, T. (2008). Parenting in the face of neighborhood risk: Impacts on adolescent problem behavior. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting. Session Title: “How and When Neighborhoods Matter: Toward an Understanding of Adolescent Problem Behavior.” Chicago, IL, March 6 – 9.*Ries, A.V., Gittelsohn, J., Voorhees, C.C., Roche, K., Clifton, K.J., & Astone, N. (2008) “Environmental factors impacting African American adolescents’ use of recreational facilities: A qualitative study.”? Paper presented at the Robert Wood Johnson Active Living Research Conference.? Washington, DC. ?April 9-12, 2008.Roche, K.M. & Leventhal, T. (2007). Parenting and early adolescent sex: Why neighborhood risk matters. Session Co-Chair and paper at the 69th National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Session Title: “Vulnerable Families: Parenting Adolescents and Neighborhood Risk.” Pittsburgh, PA, November 7 - 10. Roche, K. M., Ahmed, S. & Blum, R.W. (2006). Parenting’s enduring consequences from early adolescence into young adulthood. Paper presentation at the 68th National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Session Title: “Parents and Adolescents,” Research & Theory Section, Minneapolis, MN, November 8 – 11. Roche, K. M., Ensminger, M. E., & Cherlin, A. J. (2006). Parenting and adolescent outcomes among low-income, urban racial/ethnic minority families. Session Chair & paper presentation at the 2006 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Francisco, CA, Session Title: “Variations in Parenting Across Race, Ethnicity and Culture.” March 23 – 26.*Ries, A.V., Voorhees, C. C., Alexander, C., Gittelsohn, J. & Roche, K. M. (2006). “Environmental influences on the use of recreation centers and parks for physical activity among African American adolescents,”?Paper presentation at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Active Living Research Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, February 16 – 18.Roche, K. M., Ensminger, M. E., & Cherlin, A. J. (2005). Neighborhood variations in parenting influences on African American youth. Paper presented at the 67th National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Session Title: “Parenting,” Ethnic Minorities & Family Research & Theory Sections, Phoenix, AZ, November 16 – 20.Roche, K. M., Mekos, D., Alexander, C. S., & Astone, N. M. (2005). “The simultaneous influences of neighborhoods and parenting on young adolescents’ initiation of sex.” Paper presented at the 2005 Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting. Symposium title: “The Intersection of Neighborhood and Family Influences: Implications for Youth from Four Longitudinal Studies,” Atlanta, GA, April 7 - 10.Roche, K. M., Astone, N. M., & Bishai, D. (2004). “Out-of-school care in poor urban areas: Effects on adolescent behavior.” Paper presented at the 66th National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Session Title: “Transitions in the Lives of Low-Income Families,” Family Policy Section, Orlando, FL, November 17 – 20.Trent, M., Clum, G., Poduska, J., Kellam, S., & Roche, K. M. (2005). “Effect of sexual victimization on reproductive health outcomes in young adults from segregated urban communities.” Paper presented at the 2005 Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 30 – April 2.Roche, K. M., Jones, A. S., Alexander, C. S., & Sugland, B. (2002). “When families differ from their neighbors: Influences on adolescent heavy alcohol use.” Poster presented at the 9th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA, April 11-14.Alexander, C. S., Roche, K. M., Bandeen-Roche, K., & Ensminger, M. E. (2002). “Gender differences in neighborhood and family predictors of early sexual intercourse.” Poster presented at the 9th Bienniel Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA, April 11-14.Roche, K. M., Webster, D., Alexander, C. S., & Ensminger, M. E. (1999). “Neighborhood effects on the association between parenting and adolescent fighting.” Paper presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Regular Session on Sociology of Children and Youth, Chicago, IL, August 6-10.Roche, K. M. & Alexander, C. S. (1998). “Family and neighborhood social processes: Influences on adolescent violence.” Paper presented at the 126th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Session title: “Assessing Adolescent Health Issues,” Washington, D.C., November 15-18.UNIVERSITY SERVICEThe George Washington University The George Washington UniversityAdvisory to the Office of the Vice President of Research2016-17Senate Research Committee2016-presentMilken Institute School of Public HealthResearch Committee 2013-16Conflict of Interest Committee2015-presentDepartment of Prevention & Community Health Research Committee 2013-17 Awards Committee2015-17 Faculty Search Committee 2014-15; 2017-18; 2018-19Doctoral Advisory Committee2017 – presentCenter AffiliationAssociate, Center on Health and Healthcare in Schools 2013 – presentGeorgia State University Department of SociologyChair, Faculty Search Committee2011 – 2012 Faculty Search Committee2010 – 2011 SOCIOPATH – Department newsletter2011 – 2012Outreach Committee2011 – 2012Center AffiliationGSU Partnership on Urban Health Research2010 – 2012Emory University Center on Injury Control2010 – 2012 The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public HealthCommittee on Equity, Diversity, and Civility2006 – 2009 Student Diversity Advisory Board2009 – 2010Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health Family and Health Working Group 2006 – 2009 Admissions Committee 2009 - 2010Doctoral Committee 2009 – 2010Awards Committee2007 – 2008 Chair, Working Group on Families and Health2006 - 2007 Director, Masters in Health Science Program2005 – 2007 Committee on Academic Standards2006 - 2007 Child Health and Development Track2000 - 2010 Center AffiliationPopulation Center 2004 - 2010Center for Adolescent Health 1998 – 2006Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence2001 – 2006PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIESSociety for Research on AdolescenceSociety for Research on Child DevelopmentEDITORIAL SERVICEGrant Reviews10/2018Regular Member - NIH Psychosocial Development, Risk and Prevention (PDRP) Study Section (July 2018 - June 2022)03/2020Ad hoc – NIMHD, Special Emphasis Panel, Rockville, MD.10/2018 Ad hoc – NIH PDRP Study Section, Washington, DC06/2018 Ad hoc – NIH PDRP Study Section, Chicago, IL06/2017 Ad hoc – NIH Special Emphasis Review Panel, teleconference10/2017 Ad hoc – NIH PDRP Study Section, Washington, DC06/2017 Ad hoc – NIH PDRP Study Section, Orlando, FL02/2017 Ad hoc – NIH PDRP Study Section, Washington, DCPeer Review Journals2020Guest Editor – International Journal of Intercultural Relations2015 – presentEditorial Board - Applied Developmental Science2015 – present Editorial Board Adolescent Research Review2013 – 2018Editorial Board Journal of Family Psychology 2013 – presentEditorial Board Journal of Youth & Adolescence 2011 – present Editorial Board Journal of Family Theory and Review2010 – presentEditorial Board Journal of Research on Adolescence2007 – presentEditorial Board Journal of Marriage and Family PeriodicJournal of the American Medical Association, American Journal of Public Health Association, Child Development, Demography, Journal of Latinx Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Family Relations, Social Forces, Social Science and Medicine, Youth & Society, Journal of Early Adolescence, Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency PROFESSIONAL SERVICE2014 – 2017Publications Committee, Society for Research on Adolescence2011 – 2014 Social Policy Awards Committee, Society for Research on Adolescence2008 – 2010Rueben Hill Awards Committee, National Council on Family RelationsEXTERNAL ACTIVITIES2016NIH Workshop Panel, “Pathways to Prevention” workshop advancing research to prevent suicide in youth; Office of Disease Prevention in the Office of the Director, the National Institute on Mental Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health at the National Institutes of Health, March 29 – 31, 2016.2014-2016Center for Trauma and the Community: Family Trauma Research Group. Research collaborative based in the Department of Psychiatry at the Georgetown University Medical School aimed at using a family approach to addressing child and family trauma. Action Langley Park, a non-profit organization focused on improving the well-being of primarily Central American immigrants living in Langley Park, Maryland. 2005 – 2007 Baltimore City Data Collaborative, a collaborative aimed at developing neighborhood-level indicators useful for the evaluation of campaign to improve the health and safety of children in Baltimore City. TEACHING The George Washington UniversityMentoring Junior Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows2018-2019Olanrewaju “Lanre” Falusi, MD, Associate Professor, Children’s National Health System; Lead Mentor, Clinical and Translational Science Institute-Children’s National Pilot Grant.2018 – 2019 Daniel Newman, MD. Division of General and Community Medicine, Children's National Health System; Clinical and Translational Science Institute-Children’s National Pilot Grant.AdviseesMPH CandidateYearKarin Bleeg2012Jessica Bress 2012Margaret Dudley2012Vanessa Frontiero2012Bo Ra Joo2012Devon MacKenzie2012Ashley Oberndorfer2012Kyonna Moore2012-14Sarah Oravecz2012-13Kristen Wehling2012-14Allison Power 2013-2015Katherine Meyer 2013-presentCarley Thompson 2012-14Darien Mather2014-2015Brittany Monks2014-2015John Fallon2014-2015Eileen Doty2013-14Brittany Perrotte2014-presentKendal Harris Garcia 2013-2015Shahina Akter2013- 2015Veronique Hionis 2014- 2015Katherine Meyer 2014- presentMassomeh Nicoravan2014- 2015Samantha Griffin2014- 2015Alexis Hall2014-2015Semira Kassahun2014- 2015Roushanac Partovi2014-presentLauren Niles2014-2015Laura Liles2014-2015Denerica Curry2014-2015Alexi McHugh2015Kiran Edelstein2015-2017Kathleen Murphy2015–2017Celeste Gee2015-2017Valerie Echeveste2015-presentAshley John2015-presentShawn Orenstein 2016-2018 Zareena Kahn2017-presentJaclyn Leiser2017-presentHannah Rothman2018-presentAmanda Kimball2017-presentRanjana Kodwani2016-presentMegan Lucas2017-presentJaclyn Leiser2017-presentRosita Epidat2018-presentAmie Idriss2018-presentAnushree Rai2018-present Tosca Le2018-present Micaela Manley 2018-present DrPh CandidateYearAmy Gedal Douglass2012-2015Morgane Bennett2018-presentAdvisor for Culminating Experience, MPH Amanda Kimball, “Barriers and Solutions to Foster Care for Teens”Clara Adjani-Aldrin “Cultural norms and Latino/a Adolescent Risk Behavior” 2019.Zareena Khan “Development of a Workshop Program for the GUok? Mental Health Campaign” 2019. Katie Donnelly “Assessing Barriers to Firearms-Injury Research in Medical Professionals” 2019.Hannah Rothman “Composite discrimination predicting school aspirations and expectations” 2019.Jessica Scudder “Assessing the Relationship between Perceived School Discrimination and Substance Use Among Latinx Adolescents in the Southeastern U.S.” 2019Marisa Cordon “Gender differences in how immigration changes are affecting US Latino parents” 2018Camilo Alfonso “A cross-sectional study on depression and risk factors for depression among at-risk Latino youth” 2018Rachel Picard “Policies and procedures for obstetric emergencies” 2018Katie Meyer “Sports for Development Gender Equality Impacts from Basketball Program: Shifts in Attitudes and Stereotyping in Senegalese Youth and Coaches” 2016Roushanac Partovi “Immigrant Parent Stress and Latino Adolescent Depressive Symptoms” 2016Carley Thompson “Parenting Factors and Reproductive Health among Adolescent Girls in Ghana” 2014Kyonna Moore “Maternal Mental Health Disorders and Neonatal Birth Outcomes” 2014Aly Brennan, “The Role of the Father in Early Childhood Mental Health” 2014Kristen Wheling, “Parental Engagement and Sexual Risk Taking Among Low-Income and Urban Adolescents: A Secondary Analysis of the Three City Study” 2014Devon MacKenzie “Promoting Postpartum Family Planning at the Health Facility Level: Assessment of Jhpiego/MCHIP Country Achievements in Postpartum IUD (PPIUD) 2013 Service Delivery and Secondary Analysis of Factors Associated with PPIUD Satisfaction and Removal in India”Karin Bleeg “The characteristics of women seeking funding from the DC Abortion Fund” 2013Preliminary Oral Dissertation DefenseAgha Xaher Gul?MD, MPH, DrPH Candidate 2017. Thesis: “Application of the Integrated Behavior Model to Explain Uptake of Modern Planning Methods Among Married Women of Reproductive Age in Rural Areas of Punjab, Pakistan: The IRADA Project”Amy Gedal Douglass, Department of Prevention & Community Health, DrPh Candidate 2014Thesis: “Promoting Positive Child Outcomes through Parents: Direct and Indirect Effects of the Early Head Start Program”Morgane Bennett, Department of Prevention & Community Health, DrPh Candidate 2019Thesis: “Immigrant-Specific Stressors and the Buffering Effect of Parental Support: Examining Latinx Adolescent Adjustment in a New Immigrant Destination.”Final Oral Dissertation DefenseJessica Henry, Department of Psychology, PhD Candidate 2014. Thesis: “Parental racial socialization and adolescent well-being”Diane Martinez, Department of Prevention & Community Health, DrPH Candidate, 2016. Thesis: “An Examination of Internal and External Factors Associated with Young Adult Electronic Cigarette Use and Potential Moderation by User Types”Amy Gedal Douglass, Department of Prevention & Community Health, DrPh Candidate, 2015. Thesis: “Promoting Positive Child Outcomes through Parents: Direct and Indirect Effects of the Early Head Start Program”Ana Maria del Rio Gonzales, Department of Psychology, PhD Candidate 2015. Thesis: “Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Rural Youth in Colombia: An Application of the Integrative Model with Emphasis on Social Norms”Lyzaida Rivera, Department of Psychology, PhD Candidate 2016. Thesis: “Defining the Paternal Role and Understanding the Effects of Paternal Role Consensus and Maternal Gatekeeping on Father Involvement in Non-cohabiting African American and Hispanic Adolescent Parents”Kate Leiberman, Department of Psychology, PhD Candidate 2018. Thesis: “Preventing Perinatal Depression in African American Adolescents”Classroom InstructionPractical Data Analysis - MPH@GW (12 section)2014-present Fall2015-present Spring IISocial & Behavioral Science Research Methods(48)2019, Fall(24)2019, Spring(22)2018, Spring(14)2016, Spring(10)2015, SpringCulminating Experience Part I & II - MPH@GW (10 section)2016, Summer/Fall(10 section) 2015, Spring I/Spring II(10 section)2015-16, Fall/SpringChild Development & Public Health (9)2014, Fall(19)2012, Fall(20)2013, Fall Social & Behavioral Approaches to Public Health(33)2013, Spring(85)2013, SummerSocial Ecology of Child & Adolescent Health(10)2014, SpringGuest LecturesIntroduction to Maternal and Child Health: “Adolescent Development” 2013 – 2015“Social Contexts of Adolescent Health”2017Promotion of Mental Health: “Adolescent Mental Health” 2013 - 2014Adolescent Health: “Social Ecology of Adolescent Health”2013 - 2014Doctoral Research Methods III: “Missing Data: Introduction & Overview2013Doctoral Seminar - Foundations“Social & Behavioral Determinants of Health”2014, 2016Georgia State UniversityMaster’s Thesis Proposal DefenseClaudia A. Delbasso, Clinical-Community Psychology PhD Candidate 2019. “Experiences of Uncertainty Among Latinx Immigrant Parents in the U.S.”Master’s Thesis Final DefenseClaudia A. Delbasso, Clinical-Community Psychology PhD Candidate 2019. “Experiences of Uncertainty Among Latinx Immigrant Parents in the U.S.”Preliminary Oral Dissertation DefenseJessica Thomason, Community Psychology PhD Candidate 2011“A mixed-methods approach to evaluating the delivery of sexuality education in a youth development context”Kelsey Schwartz, MA Sociology Candidate 2011“Parent-teen sex communication and acculturation among Latino Families” Final Oral Dissertation DefenseJessica Thomason, Community Psychology PhD Candidate 2013“An evaluation of the delivery of sexuality education in a youth development context”Kelsey Schwartz, MA Sociology Candidate 2011“Parent-teen sex communication and acculturation among Latino Families” Classroom InstructionSocial Research Methods, Sociology(25)2011, Spring & Fall(25)2012, SpringJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthMentoring Junior Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows2008-2010Sharon Ghazarian, PhD. Senior Director, Health Informatics Core, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, St. Petersburg, Florida. Faculty Mentor, Postdoctoral Fellowship.2009-2011 Shalon Irving, PhD Department of Sociology, Purdue University, Purdue, Illinois. Faculty Mentor, Postdoctoral Fellowship.2007-2010 Trainees of the Leadership in Adolescent Health (LEAH) Training Program, Director of Research, Maternal& Child Health Bureau LEAH Trainee Program AdviseesMPH/MHS candidateTiffany Riser2009Frances Hsieh2008Jessica R. Carda2008 - 09Jessica Donaldson2006 - 07Kristen Smith2006 - 08PhD candidateCraig Martinez 2004 –09Neetu John2009Katherine Vassos2006Advisor for Capstone Project, MPH Frances Hseih, “Enhancing HPV vaccination for adolescents in the US,” 2010Finbar Foley, “Maternal Stress Impacts on BMI among Low-Income Children,” 2009Tara Loyd, “An Unprecedented Loss of Parents: The impact of HIV/AIDS on vulnerable children, families, and communities in rural Lesotho,” 2008Kristen Smith, “Buffalo Public School District Wellness Policy Proposal,” 2008Jessica Carda, “Prevention of Teen Dating Violence Victimization: Bridging the Gap between Research and Policy,” 2009Preliminary Oral DefenseNanlesta Pilgrim, PhD Candidate 2009 “The Effects of Family Environment on Sexual Vulnerability & HIV Sexual Risk Behavior on Ugandan Females, ages 15-19”Katherine Vassos, PhD Candidate 2008“Understanding Young Women’s Sexual Relationships and Perceived Risk of HIV in Northern Namibia”Renata Hilson, PhD Candidate 2008“Neighborhood hazards and depression and anxiety symptoms among older adults in Baltimore City”Beth Marshall, DrPh Candidate 2008“Turning the Corner Achievement Program evaluation proposal”Keri L. Jowers, PhD Candidate 2008 “Examining familial risk for the development of aggressive behavior during childhood”Craig Martinez, PhD Candidate 2007 “Acculturation, gender and friend networks: Alcohol use among Mexican American youth”Lydia Isaac, PhD Candidate 2007“What is the effect of the social and physical environment on racial and socioeconomic disparities in cardiovascular disease risk?”Amy Vastine Reis, PhD Candidate 2005“Environmental influences on physical activity among urban African American youth”Jessica Miller Rath, PhD Candidate 2004“What does parental academic involvement have to do with adolescent health?”Richelle deMayo, PhD Candidate 2004“Adolescent health literacy assessment”Gwendolyn Bergen, PhD Candidate 2004“How do zero tolerance laws act to lower adolescent driving after drinking?”JoAnn Binko, PhD Candidate 2003“Behavior change during adolescence: Toward a new understanding of adolescent girls”Anita Chandra, DrPh Candidate 2003 "Exploring factors that influence adolescent mental health service use: The youth perspective"Neil Maniar, PhD Candidate 2002 “Determinants of weapon use among high school students in the U.S.”Final Oral Defense Sophia Y. Lo, PhD Candidate 2010Thesis: “Neighborhood environment, residential mobility, and health: A longitudinal examination of individual and neighborhood factors”Sarah Renee Lindstrom Johnson, PhD Candidate 2009Thesis: “Using concept mapping to structure students’ views of the school environment’s contribution to school violence: Providing suggestions for school environment intervention” Lydia A. Isaac, PhD Candidate 2009Thesis: “The neighborhood physical environment and cardiovascular disease risk factors: Implications for policy”Craig Martinez, DrPh Candidate 2009Thesis: “Acculturation, gender and friend networks: Alcohol use among Mexican American youth”Andrea Leigh Stone, PhD Candidate 2005Thesis: “Parental functioning and adolescent marijuana involvement”Elizabeth Costendater, PhD Candidate 2002"The dynamics of injection drug users' social networks in Baltimore"Classroom InstructionSocial Ecology of Adolescent Health (5-21)2000 – 10 Child Health and Development Doctoral Seminar (4)2008 – 10 Growth and Development III: Adolescence (24)2004Introduction to Maternal and Child Health (35)2003PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE PORTFOLIO2020Invited Panel Member – Migration Policy Institute, April 2020.2019Invited Speaker - Metropolitan Washington Workshop on Immigration and Race (MWWIR). “Impacts of Immigration Actions and News on the Psychological Distress of US Latino Parents Raising Adolescents." February 15, 2019.2018Invited Speaker - The Urban Institute. “Immigration Impacts on U.S. Latino Parents.” October 2, 2018.2018Invited Speaker – Clinical Translational Science Institute. Children’s National (CTSI-CN) Science Café 360: “From Policy to Psychology-How Immigration Actions and News Affect the Health and Mental Well-being of Latino Families.” October 17, 2018.2018Invited Speaker - Unidos US. “You are not in your country. Speak English.” October 24, 2018. ................

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